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The FordScorpio site is supported by our members without whom we would be unable to keep it running. It uses large amounts of bandwidth every month and we have to pay for the servers as well out of our own pockets.

By supporting the site you will help us to keep it running and updated and it will continue to be the best free web resource for the Ford Scorpio.

We take PayPal donations and whether it's just a couple of pounds or whether you can make a regular donation, every penny is gratefully received.

If you don't have a PayPal account then you can create one here - they are very useful if you buy anything online and provide buyer and seller protection.
You can choose to 'subscribe' on a regular basis at £5.00 per month
Or you can make a single donation
of your choice

Whatever you decide, we thank you for helping us to continue to run the Site

We would like to thank all of the following people who have helped support the site over the last 12 months.
Those in Red send regular contributions so our special thanks!
Those in GOLD have made exceptional donations
Alan Otter
Alan Robinson
Alastair Beaton
Alex Scott
Amanda Setchell
* Andrew Higgins *
Andy Campbell
Anne Griffin
Arthur Jackson
Arthur Partridge
Barrie Taylor
Benjamin Jones
Brian Hayward
Calum Henderson
Carrie Rogers
Charles Stevenson
Christopher Stake
Colin Adams
Craig Land
Dave Neale
Dave Richards 
David Balcon
David Chapman
David Davies
David Edmunds
David Greenhalgh
David Hester
David Molloy
David Moors
Dave Richards
David Scales
Derek Godden
Donald Haggart
Eric Ramsay
Erick Giuliano
F Rossiter
Frank Haskett
Gary Kell
Gaynor Macleod
Geoff Gunn
Geoff Walsh
Geoffrey Holliday
Gordon Ritchie
Grace Towers
Graham Toye
Grey Olltwit's Software
Guy Watkins
Harry Bloomfield
Irene Hagger
James Hession
James Spurgeon
James Horrocks
Janette Alliston
Jerry Fathers
Jim Purdy
John Davidson
John Dickinson
John Longstaff
John Rutherford
Johnnie Walker
Jonathan Hutter
Katy Howard
Keith Ford
Kevin Keating
Kevin Little
Kim Belsey
* Kirsteen Brown *
Kirstine Jones
Laurens Martens
Lee Roberts
Lewis Birt
Lynne Roberts
M Floutier
M J Fransen
Malcolm Bardsley
Malcolm Skelding
Malcolm Ward
Marie Orman
Mark Philbin
Martijn Fransen
Martin Magorrian
Martyn Harrison
Matthew Clay
Michael Gallery
Michael Gavins
Michael MacLachlan
Michael Smith
Mike Millen
Mike Nunn
Mike Simmonds
Neil Coverdale
Neil Johnston
Neil D Wallace
Niels Bertelsen
Oliver Dawson
Pat Kerins
Paul Jones
Paul Stott
Pekka Jungell
Peter Bigland
Peter Cambridge
Peter Coyle
Peter Gore
Peter Spink
Phil Turner
Philip Buttery
R D A Taylor
Revd MacLachlan
Richard Warner
Robert Charlesworth
Robert Lavens
Robert Proudman
Roger Dyke
Roger Heron
Roger Palin
Ronald Knott
Mrs S Witham
S W Ingamells
Simon Dennin
Steve Love
Stuart Bowlerwell
Stuart Campbell
Tony Colledge
Trevor Page
Vince Eade
Waqar Majid
Yalin Ayzeren

and of course Baz !







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