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Welcome to our Ford Scorpio website
This web site exists to assist owners and potential owners in looking after their Ford Scorpio. It caters purely for the 1995 and later Ford
Scorpio in all it's variants but not the earlier Ford Granada Scorpio. Throughout mainland Europe Ford referred to the vehicle that we in the UK know
as the Ford Granada as the Scorpio just to confuse everyone.
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friendly Email Mailing List for technical help and advice about the Ford Scorpio - click here
If you need genuine, new Ford Scorpio parts by Mail Order, try FordPartsUK by
clicking here.
We always need funds to keep this web site running so please
consider helping us with a small donation if you find the site helpful.
New Owner?
Read our Newbie Guide page for a quick startup!
| Buying a Scorpio?
Don't part with any money until you have read this Buyer's Guide.
Ford introduced the 'new' Scorpio on 1st October 1994 and it's perhaps an understatement that it didn't go down too well. The Press had a field day with its unusual front end styling and
in the Saloon version at least, its bustle rear end. However Ford had always been leading the way in styling back to the launch of the Ford Sierra that came
in for similar criticism, but went on to become a classic design and accepted by almost everyone. Things actually came full circle as Quentin Willson from the
BBC's Top Gear suggested that the Scorpio was his most recommended second hand Executive car purchase - and who are we to argue?
Today the Scorpio makes an ideal choice as a second-hand vehicle - fully loaded and engineered to last they are available at half the cost of a comparable BMW
or Mercedes - and a lot more exciting. |
Targeted directly at the Executive market (£20k-£30k) Ford wanted to take on the fleet of BMW, Audi and
Mercedes vehicles parked in the Management parking spaces of European companies. In this respect they failed miserably but that is our gain because what they
created was one of the all time great Ford cars that everyone loved to hate. Find someone who actually sat in one or drove one and you will find a
convert. Remember that even if you don't like the way they look - you can't see it from the driving seat!
Whether you want the slower but more economical 2.0 or the great all-rounder 2.3 there is a model to suit you and your pocket. If you really want to experience
the car then we cannot recommend the 2.9 24V highly enough - powered by Cosworth, driven by You.
It's Raining Again!
Make sure the battery shelf
drain holes are
clear, one on each side in the bulkhead through into the engine bay - especially
if you park beneath trees.
Does your Scorpio have it's battery cover?
If not then you risk serious and expensive damage by water puddling around the fusebox and shorting out the electrics. Visit your Ford Main Dealer today and
order one - approx £8+vat

How many cars can keep this up for 200 miles? (in Germany of course)
One lucky Ford Scorpio Cosworth owner has had his car signed by the legendary Mike Costin - co-founder of Cosworth!
Search the Ford Scorpio Site for keywords
You must read our DISCLAIMER
before you proceed Most of the thanks for this web
site have to go to Eric R and Pete C who have contributed a wealth of support and information, including allowing the original site to be torn apart and grafted on to this one. We will
be eternally grateful for their support as they continue to contribute to the site, the forums and the mailing list at Scorpio Confidential. Note:
Many illustrations and diagrams used on this web site are the copyright of Ford
Motor Company and are reproduced here with their kind permission. Please respect
their copyright and do not reproduce without their express permission.