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(Message started by: johnv on Feb 24th, 2005, 7:26pm)

Post by johnv on Feb 24th, 2005, 7:26pm
Hi there, yes it me, well I mean who do you think it was, on insurance.
Just making a new point in case you don't know.
When you ask for a quote, there are lots of companies that will give to 10% off. (like a sort of discount) but will not tell you that.
Its to make you think that their quote is good. well it might be good for that year.
But when you come to renew the next year, that 10% no longer applies. so the price goes up.
Of course, if you are one of those that is prepared to change each year, that's might be of use to you.
My insurance company did that to me, the next year it goes up a bit more than you think.
Still I very happy with my company, because I know that they will see me alright, if things go wrong.
And I not a great deal of choice, because I insist in ageed value insurance and having the one and only NCB applied to all my cars. something that only a few will consider.

Post by Badboytunes on Feb 24th, 2005, 9:48pm
Have you got a fetish for all things insurance related? ;D

Post by johnv on Feb 25th, 2005, 12:08pm
Well insurance is not to be treated likely as to look how cleaver I am, I just got a super bargain and only payed this or that amount out.
Sudden, misfortune stikes and you find that the insurance company will not pay out and you stand to lose a lot of money

Post by scorpio_man on Feb 25th, 2005, 12:23pm
hi johnv

i think it might be time to move on from the insurance subject.
on this page (screen), there is 3 posts about insurance from yourself. i'm sure no one on here thinks insurance is a light matter. i just feel that the subject has been fully covered now.

everyone should be able to make up their own minds. if they feel they got a bargain/great cover, then they did.

again, this is only my opinion.

Post by johnv on Feb 25th, 2005, 1:11pm
well the trouble is, that people keep coming up with asking for advise because their insurance company is trying to get out of paying them.
well i already think that this subject as been talked about enought now.
That is untill next week when I get my "Which" Mag. or listen to the radio and hear yet again Norwich Union's name come up again.

Post by Paul B on Feb 25th, 2005, 5:13pm
Got to agree with Andrew there.   I'm getting fed up with all this insurance stuff now.

Once I've paid up and got my cover, I don't want to again until next year. And I don't really like to hear how much cheaper someone else got their cover either.

But go ahead if you feel it needs discussing  :-/

Post by Badboytunes on Feb 25th, 2005, 6:17pm
Well this will shut u all up LOL ( soz Paul) My new car arrives next week and i DONT PAY A PENNY TOWARDS THE INSURANCE!!.   Is that a good deal John

   Cheers Nick

   Soz Bro  ;)

Post by urbanracer on Feb 25th, 2005, 6:18pm
Well I have 2 cars covered with Norwich union and I'm very happy ;D ;D ;D

Post by Badboytunes on Feb 25th, 2005, 6:47pm
Me too Urban racer and the house as well........

Post by Highlander on Feb 25th, 2005, 6:56pm
Good to have the benefit of other peoples experience though.
I've just saved myself £80 on my insurance from reading these posts so definitely a worthwhile if "boring" subject :)

Now anyone know where i can get cheap petrol.......;)

Post by ren on Feb 25th, 2005, 8:31pm
Well this will shut u all up LOL ( soz Paul) My new car arrives next week and i DONT PAY A PENNY TOWARDS THE INSURANCE!!.   Is that a good deal John

   Cheers Nick

u  NOT getting another cossie then   Nick


Post by Badboytunes on Feb 25th, 2005, 9:01pm
Fraid not me old mukka :(. Well not at the mo. Company car perks luring me way for a bit :D. Mind you, it will give me time to shop around a bit and persuade Lynn that  a Scorp is BETTER than her Rover 25. ;D Mind you, its pretty quick.....

Post by johnv on Feb 25th, 2005, 10:39pm
Its me again.
When I listen to the radio, I listen to what I want and turn off the rest.
Its the same, with TV, I watch what I want and turn off the rest.
Well if people are not interested in assurance, don't read. just read those posting you want.
Mind you, you must be interested, because you clinked on this and are reading this now.
I mean that thread on Topic, was in my view the biggest load of twoggle I ever have read. but I don't say anything, if I want to read all this daftness I do, but if I don't I don't clink on it to read.
I think that about covers it. well up to the next rotten story in the nations press or or radio or TV. about you know who.

Post by Highlander on Feb 26th, 2005, 8:55am
I've read that three times and i still cant make head nor tail of it but i'm sure i agree with it ;D

Post by Paul B on Feb 26th, 2005, 9:19am

on 02/25/05 at 22:39:19, johnv wrote:
Mind you, you must be interested, because you clinked on this and are reading this now.

I reckon some keep reading in the hope of catching the argument!  ;)

on 02/25/05 at 22:39:19, johnv wrote:
I think that about covers it. well up to the next rotten story in the nations press or or radio or TV. about you know who.

No  ???

Post by Vulcan on Feb 26th, 2005, 10:30am

on 02/25/05 at 22:39:19, johnv wrote:
don't read. just read those posting you want.
Mind you, you must be interested, because you clinked on this and are reading this now.

As I said before this is a public forum and just the same as the many other forums I visit I read EVERY new posting. When you become a member of a community such as this there is always the possibility (however slight) that someone may ask a question directly to you inside a thread or may ask something that you can help with. Ergo interest in the subject heading has zero to do with why you view a post.
Plus as it is a public forum it isn't right to put in a post addressed to an individual (or group of people) and get miffed if others view it or comment. The Private Messaging system is there for "Private" comments.

That's all I will say now as insurance is a bit of a dry subject and I agree with Paul B and Scorpio Man... insurance is something you want to do once a year and forget plus it's been done to death in here now.

Post by johnv on Feb 26th, 2005, 1:41pm
the reason why this thread as become long is because some people who use the said insurance company are anoyed. that's it in a nut shell.
I wonder why  people, don't complain. to the radio, the "Which" Mag and the newspapers, instead of having a go at me, who is just mentioning what they have been guilty of. as reported.
Myself, I was brought up to well mannered to make aggresive  remarks that have been made to me.

What does it matter how long this thread gets; that topic thread when on and on and on.
I found it just so boring and silly, but did i put on a posting to say. (So you think yourself a expert do you,) and other rude garbage by someone.

Post by johnv on Feb 26th, 2005, 2:04pm
I just taken the trouble to look in at all the posting on insurance over the past month.
There have been many other people bringing questions on insurance on to this thread, besides me.
Like I say, it was getting personal because I was mentioning their insurance company.
But I make posting again any company that treats their customers badly and trys to cheet them out of what they are entitled to. (like that student who at first was going to loose his car as scrap instead of having it repaired, like he was entitled to.
These posting, help him keep strong against the said insurance company and in the end get what he was entitled to.
this is what, i believe this site is for, not in becoming personal, because either you get yourself in a twist, or don't agree or whatever reason.
i don't believe there is a rationing system on this site to how many posting a person can make.

Post by Highlander on Feb 26th, 2005, 8:45pm
Anyone know where i can get a good deal for Insurance?? ;)

Post by johnv on Feb 26th, 2005, 8:52pm
I could look in my test reports over the past two years, which are rated the very best and which are rated the very worst and which offer the best deals etc.
But if I left another posting under insurance, someone is bound to get themselves in a twist.

Post by Highlander on Feb 26th, 2005, 8:54pm

Post by johnv on Feb 26th, 2005, 9:04pm
 :'( ::) I think you are being nauty.
Hey it was you that wanted to know about cheap petrol. Asda, but don't blame me if your engine blows up.
But recent post suggested that petrol is all the same just delivered in different tankers.

Post by johnv on Feb 26th, 2005, 9:10pm
Hey! I just found out , how to do funny faces on this site.
Trouble is this insurance thread is getting longer and longer. all the time.
Still, now I can bombard all the grumpy ones with stour faces now.
God, you just wait till they all roll out the pub drunk. tonight.
Tomorrow this thread will be even longer.

:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

I wonder if that's enought for now.
Still there is always tomorrow.

Post by Badboytunes on Feb 27th, 2005, 12:18am

on 02/26/05 at 21:10:05, johnv wrote:
Still, now I can bombard all the grumpy ones with stour faces now.

:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o


  You mean "sour " faces.......?

;) ;) ;)

Post by johnv on Feb 27th, 2005, 8:19am
You mean "sour " faces

Yes you are right.
But why don't they make computer key boards with bigger keys. I sort of catch my fingers on the key next to the one that I want.
I have to keep my finger nails short for the same reason, catching two keys.
I wonder if anyone on this site, as ever tried those voice things.
It's like a CD-ROM you load to computer and you can then talk with a microphone into you computer and the speech comes out as type on your screen.
I very much fancy one of those, god, cound'nt I do some real long and dozens and dozens of  postings on Insurance.
Still not done to bad at the moment.

Post by Vulcan on Feb 27th, 2005, 12:18pm

on 02/27/05 at 08:19:26, johnv wrote:
I wonder if anyone on this site, as ever tried those voice things.
It's like a CD-ROM you load to computer and you can then talk with a microphone into you computer and the speech comes out as type on your screen.

We have a guy at work who comes to a computer class, he's in a wheelchair and is paraplegic. The only part of his body he can move is his head.
We installed a program called ViaVoice on his laptop and he wears a headset to talk to it.
He can do anything an able bodied person can do and somethings (like typing) he can do faster..
the commands are like..

"new page"
"new sentence"


It's really cool to watch him and I have the greatest respect for him doing all the computer classes one by one and passing.

It's not an expensive program and it's not just aimed at paraplegics, it was originally designed for busy executives to dictate to their PCs but you can also surf the web with it. Say "explorer" and it opens IE, then "favourites" and it opens the favs. You can say "scroll down" and it slowly goes down each one till you say "stop"

It works a treat.

Post by Paul B on Feb 27th, 2005, 12:23pm
I'd be afraid that it still wouldn't understand me.

Does it do c ockney-London-mush accents?  ::)

Post by Highlander on Feb 27th, 2005, 12:27pm
Want to swap??  ;D

Post by Paul B on Feb 27th, 2005, 12:28pm
Och, no!   ;)

Post by johnv on Feb 27th, 2005, 1:52pm
yes vulcan, you got it Via-voice and there isa naturally-speaking as well.
The prices have come crashing down as well.
I used to watch them being demo-ed on QVC the shopping channel.
You can do all text, emails the lot.
You spend about half a hour reading something to teach it to reconzine your voice and wait it even correct you spelling. (just what I need).
and to Paul-B yes it will reconize you voice because the more you used it the more it gets used to your thingyney-london-mush. (mind you I never will).
and you give it commands, like vulcan says. like. stop. new paragraph etc etc.
Just what you want for practising to give your wife, commands. (sorry very nauty of me).

Post by Badboytunes on Feb 27th, 2005, 6:17pm

on 02/27/05 at 12:23:59, Paul B wrote:
Does it do c ockney-London-mush accents?  ::)

Have ya moved then ?  ;D ;D ;D

Post by Paul_Boulden on Feb 27th, 2005, 7:19pm
I sometimes use Naturally Speaking ( by Dragon ), it takes much longer than half an hour to set up ( probably closer to three hours ) and it struggles with any technical phrases, it is supposed to be more user friendly than Via-voice.

Post by Paul B on Feb 27th, 2005, 7:21pm
Well.... as you know Nick, I am actually well spoken or even quite posh-sounding  ::) :-/   But most others say I sound like a Londoney type geezer.

Post by Badboytunes on Feb 27th, 2005, 7:54pm
Ah thats true M8y but remember where im from and Im "consderaberley richerrrrrr that yow"  ;D ;D

Post by Paul B on Feb 27th, 2005, 8:14pm
:D :D :D

Post by Badboytunes on Feb 27th, 2005, 10:37pm

Post by ren on Feb 28th, 2005, 12:17am

Look i can build my posts up this way to. 8) 8)

Post by ren on Feb 28th, 2005, 12:18am

Post by johnv on Feb 28th, 2005, 6:38am
sometimes use Naturally Speaking ( by Dragon ), it takes much longer than half an hour to set up ( probably closer to three hours ) and it struggles with any technical phrases, it is supposed to be more user friendly than Via-voice.
Thnks for that inflo.
On QVC they make it look so easy.
I understand that the more you use it the better it gets.
still food for throught.

Post by Paul_Boulden on Feb 28th, 2005, 10:52am
I have found that Naturally Speaking does improve somewhat with use however it always struggles with technical terminology - it seems to think it knows what you wish to write without reckoning on context.

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