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General >> Give/Need advice to/from others >> car fire
(Message started by: ashley on Aug 27th, 2006, 11:00am)

Title: car fire
Post by ashley on Aug 27th, 2006, 11:00am
Fellow Scorpio owners Be Aware I am a disabled driver, last Sunday whilst a few hundred yards from home my Scorpio developed a smell that was obviously something getting hot.  On turning the ignition off I could hear a whirring noise coming from the back of the car, outside the car it was obvious that the noise was coming from around the area off the petrol filler cap. So thinking it maybe the petrol pump running  I decided to take off the battery leads. On opening the bonnet I noticed a stronger  smell of burning, so I hurried to remove the battery leads. As I did so I could see light smoke coming from the  fuse box. I removed the lid to the fuse box, between the side of the fuse box and the floor of the fuse box I could see a red glow tiny sparks and flames part of the fuse box lid was missing and the fuse box wall bowed out. I quickly removed the leads from the battery. Then telephoned the fire brigade, Going back to the car with the fire extinguisher I noticed the flames etc had gone out but the fuse box was still very hot. After a few minutes the fire brigade arrived and examined the car for fire that may have spread to any other part of the car.
They praised my action in removing the battery lead as it had definitely stopped a major fire and that the car would have gone up in smoke without my actions.
    I telephoned my insurance explaining that I was a disabled driver and was totally housebound without my car.  They told me not to worry the car would be a write off considering its age, they asked me if I wanted to arrange its removal to a scrap yard or would they. I asked them too. they informed me they would provide a car. A couple of hours later an engineer telephoned me from the insurance company to ask some questions about the fire. He asked how much smoke damage there was to the inside of the car I told him non that I could see, he asked me to hold, this I did. When he returned  he said that they would be able to repair the car. He informed me they would send a truck to collect it. This they did and delivered the hire car. Midday Friday I recived a telephone call from the garage saying, the insurance company were refusing to pay for the repair as he could not find any evidence of fire damage. All there was, was damage caused via an electrical fault.
I asked had he removed the fuse box as all the damage would be under there plus that was the seat of the fire he never answered.
   I telephoned the Insurance Company and said, I thought the garage had not looked under the fuse box where the damage was. The insurance insisted it was just an electrical fault so I was not covered. I told him as far as I was concerned there were flames so that was a fire.  After further conversation he admitted if I had let the fire burn and it had damaged the car more they would have paid out. After many phone calls I finally got a representative of the garage to admit they had never looked under the fuse box,  I then telephoned the insurance to explain this to them. He said there was nothing to take out as the fuse box was in the glove compartment. At this I asked did they know there were three fuse boxes in the car and the one in the clove compartment was not the one with the problem. He went silent then said oh I can see that on my diagram. I asked them were they even looking at the correct fuse box, he did not answer. However he said they had had the car running and his decision stood, as it was just a fault. I informed him that I had a verbal statement that the seat of the fire had not been looked at by the garage, it now appears they may not have even examined the correct fuse box I was not happy. He said I should go and get my own report. I said I think they should have it looked at again as it had not been looked at correctly, he then asked me for my care registration  number and sounded as if he would get back to me. However as I did not hear from him I telephoned my broker, they telephoned him and informed me as far as the insurance company was concerned their decision stood.
     I had earlier in the day telephoned my national motoring breakdown service who say they will provide  legal representation with decisions with insurance companies they gave me some preliminary advice.
So I telephoned them again to explain that the car had not been properly inspected. They asked for the insurance company involved, I told them, they then said sorry we can’t get involved as the insurance company and the motoring organisation involved  were owned by the same people.
     So all in all if you have a fire let it burn let it do more damage, don’t believe your motoring organisation
Their legal advice only covers you with certain insurance companies.
As a result I am now after nine years without a claim, (and it would be longer other than my car was stolen  nine years ago.)  I am here housebound with no car no help from my insurance company, no help from my motoring organisation. No means of buying another car.
 So take my advice if you have a fire let it burn

Title: Re: car fire
Post by cossieguy on Aug 27th, 2006, 12:26pm
Who are your insurance company? This sounds like another typical excuse to try and get out of paying, you could complain to the insurance ombudsman, but you'll have to go through the insurance companies complaints proceedure first.

Title: Re: car fire
Post by ashley on Aug 27th, 2006, 4:11pm
Hi Again Norwich Union and the RAC are the motoring organisation that are conected []

Title: Re: car fire
Post by nuttyscorp on Aug 27th, 2006, 4:28pm
sorry to hear you probles with the fire, although the following link is different (but similar) read it all through(this will take an hour), you may find some info that will help you. you are not alone.



Title: Re: car fire
Post by km449 on Aug 27th, 2006, 5:10pm
Really sorry to hear your story.

Time to call in What Car methinks

If you are in dispute with someone they will try to sort it out - you can email them at



Title: Re: car fire
Post by mr._floppy on Aug 27th, 2006, 5:44pm
I'm surprised you're   running around   in   an   ancient   ( but brilliant,  as we all know  )  and  trouble prone  Scorpio.

  Can't  you get  a  disability car ?

  My neighbour, whose  only  disability   is  a  persistent  light  cough,  has just taken  delivery  of  a  spanking new  black   Ford Focus.

Title: Re: car fire
Post by Dazzer0016 on Aug 27th, 2006, 8:38pm
hi can,t offer any advice
but just been reading the post mentioned above about the mazda fire...

can't believe the insurance companys

you pays your money don't claim....then when you have a problem....they dont want to know

Title: Re: car fire
Post by stafford on Aug 27th, 2006, 11:03pm
get some advice from cit advice and try and call their bluff by issue a county ct summons at your local county ct..they will have to come all the way to your court if the wish to defend the action that will mean time and solicitor fees which cld amount to 1000s esp when on the day of the first hearing you suddenly fall sick with some sort of attack and its then adjourned costing them more ring the local paper and get a reporter on your side ring your local tv channel and start the name and shame the company at every opportunity it ll cost them 1000s in lost revenue as ppl avoid them..dont be a victim fight these scumbags all the way without fail..if they do defend it and its looking bad like the judge is going there me for some very nice lit tactics i can share with you.. use the power of the web as takes minutes to set a blog or web site up on this subject ...go for it!!!!!!!!!!

remeber a company called powerhouse the electrical retailer they tried to f*** me once and by the time i had finished with the manager he left town.. seriously he did ..i paid 30 uni students 20 quid each, went to b and q got some stick and white board and camped on his doorstep ..he took about 20 quid all day as customer after customer left the car park... then a film crew from the same uni went in like bloody roger cook asking him all sorts of questions ..i was nearly coughing up blood i was laughing so much!!! WE MUST NOT PUT UP WITH THESE PPL

Title: Re: car fire
Post by ashley on Aug 28th, 2006, 7:46am
Hi all thanks again for your replies and advice and support  all gratefully recived, and to our friend who suggested The Mobility Scheme or should I say scam, PLEASE DON’T START ME OF ON THAT ONE LOL or we may have to start a new forum. Oh and by the way my old Scorpio has been VERY reliable, it has only NEVER failed to start in all the years I have had it and it has not had any major repairs other just normal running costs and servicing.  Once again many thanks, Ash

Title: Re: car fire
Post by Spannerdemon on Aug 28th, 2006, 8:34am
So.....NORWICH UNION screw Disabled Drivers do they!!!

Send this whole thread to EVERY national Newspaper Ashley!! They all have websites.

I would have thought that the fire brigade would have known what they were talking about, especially as the Insurance clown didn't even KNOW that the car has three fuse boxes!!

Typical Insurance Company. Take your money, and then "Run and Hide".

I like Stafford's post. That's exactly the sort of thing I'd do. Put them in the full glare of as much publicity as you can!!  ;)

Title: Re: car fire
Post by km449 on Aug 28th, 2006, 1:45pm
Write direct to their MD/Chairman in Norwich re this. Guy called Patrick Snowball.

I think he'd want to be aware of this

Title: Re: car fire
Post by shaun on Aug 28th, 2006, 9:49pm,,23,00.html

Title: Re: car fire
Post by ashley on Aug 30th, 2006, 12:47pm
Hi Just to let everyone know that NORWICH UNION are arranging a second inspection of my car so we wait and see. ????????????? Ashley.

Title: Re: car fire
Post by stafford on Aug 30th, 2006, 9:48pm
top drawer shaun ..nice stuff mate!!! []

Title: Re: car fire
Post by ashley on Sep 7th, 2006, 7:35am
Hi all just to keep everyone up to date, as I had not recived any contact from Norwich Union re an engineer visiting me to examine the car. I telephoned them again as usual on their premium rated telephone number.
     Only to be told no engineer would be calling around to examine the car as their field engineers did not take parts of to see any cause or results of any damage. I protested as this was the agreement that I had come to with Norwich Union even as late as last Friday when I telephoned and last Wednesday when the telephoned me no mention of any change to this arrangement was mentioned. After a long and argumentative conversation with Norwich Union during which they tried to turn the clock back 3 weeks and say that their original report stood. I said to them that I would contact the national newspapers if something were not sorted out. . They finally gave in and promised they would send an engineer out this then took me back to where I stood 10 days ago. I pointed out that I am disabled and that with not having the car, I was left with no option but to cancel doctors appointments, blood test, etc Further I had had to do this already and that I was housebound without the car.  This made no difference whatsoever, they promised me they would have a date to give me by four PM yesterday when an engineer would visit however four PM came and went without anyone calling me. So that my friends is how it is at this moment time I think to take your advice and call the newspapers.

Title: Re: car fire
Post by km449 on Sep 7th, 2006, 8:37am
Ashley, why not try this too

"What Car? Helpdesk
If you are in a motoring dispute, get in touch with the What Car? Helpdesk"


Title: Re: car fire
Post by ashley on Sep 7th, 2006, 2:58pm
Hi Kieth and thanks I have done as you suggested thanks for the advice . Ashley

Title: Re: car fire
Post by ashley on Sep 17th, 2006, 11:28am
Hi all, Firstly I would like to thank you all for your support, sorry to say the matter still remains unresolved. I have tried to gain some support from the press radio and television nationally and locally  however without success. One person from the press told me, off the record that  Norwich Union Spent large amounts on advertising with the media in general, therefore I would get no support. All I can say is to date they have been correct.
     On Thursday ANOTHER INSPECTOR CAME OUT FROM NORWICH UNION,  He admitted there was damage from the fire he took photos of the fire damaged fuse box and its lid with the clip burnt off and other damage to the fuse box. He then said as I stood with the aid of my crutch. Well I think you have shot yourself in the foot, your speedy action in putting out the fire has meant that there is limited damage so Norwich Union won’t change their minds.  He went on to say they would not pay up and if I had let the fire burn they would have paid without problem.
    I informed the fire brigade who attended that I am being repeatedly told by people involved with Norwich Union, I would have been better of letting the car burn they are up in arms about it. The crew informed me they are informing their headquarters about the matter and confirmed to me and are willing to put it in writing that if I had not taken the action I did the fire would have spread, not only within the car but also to the caravan, standing feet from it,  in turn the gas bottle could have exploded involving the other cars buildings and our home.
    So my friends it is now 4 weeks ago that I had the fire for the last three weeks and  more I have been housebound as you all know without the car I can’t go anywhere. I have missed check ups and clinics at my doctors also treatment.
   So that’s it, I wrote to the managing director of Norwich Union there was not even an acknowledgment of my letter. I have tried the press and other media they don’t want to know.
  My only hope is the Financial Services Ombudsman they have sent them a preliminary letter and that’s it.
So As Norwich Union People say I would have been better off letting the fire do more damage. Thanks Again  any suggestions always welcome Ashley

Title: Re: car fire
Post by TiberiuS on Sep 17th, 2006, 2:05pm
Hell, that makes my blood boil >:(

If you'd let the fire go as they said, you would've lost everything, nobody from the insurance company would have wanted to know. With regard to advertising, I know from personal experience what you say is true (a friend of mine who worked at our local newspaper); if they tread on toes so to speak, advertising gets withdrawn overnight and the paper risks going broke.

I hope when you DO get this sorted you'll be changing insurance provider, I hope you get the chance to wipe the floor with these b@st@rds, not only claiming for the damage to your car and transport costs but also for the stress they've put you through. Don't give up, it's your car and your policy and Norwich Union are there for you, the customer although some of them may like to think otherwise...

Mabye the ombudsman can still help, making a nuisance of yourself with recorded letters can do wonders :).

Best of luck, regards, Bruce.

Title: Re: car fire
Post by kimi on Sep 17th, 2006, 3:49pm
Hello Ashley ,
    I to am very sorry to hear your tale of woe, I to am disabled and can understand how frustrated you must feel. Have you considered talking to a solisitor ? they will come to see you at home, mine does, and it's free (depending on your finanical situation). Usually if/when  they win your case they claim their fees from the insurance company. Most will talk to you for free over the telephone to advise if they can help. What have you got to lose......LET YOUR FINGER DO THE WALKING as they used to say.....Kimi....

Title: Re: car fire
Post by cossieguy on Sep 17th, 2006, 6:56pm
Ashley, don't give up mate, these things have a habit of rolling on and on, but in the end you are morally right and if as said by the fire brigade your actions saved damage to your property and others you would have almost have been negligent if you hadn't taken action. Imagine you saw your property being nicked and didn't take any action at all, bet the insurance company would then say it was your fault! Try Watchdog on the BBC they're independent and wont buckle to advertising pressure. We're both rooting for you,
Guy & Geraldine.

Title: Re: car fire
Post by km449 on Sep 17th, 2006, 7:03pm
Ashley, you can contact watchdog via



Title: Re: car fire
Post by Geoff_W on Sep 17th, 2006, 9:23pm
Folks you may have noticed the link to the Mazda site that Russ put up.

They mounted a campaign out across the motor clubs and websites that drew over 300 replies and over 31,000 views.

If you read the link you will see the way that this gained momentum from a "You are not covered to an OK lets settle this - almost 6 weeks to get it sorted"

Now Ashley needs to try and get the media involved but there is a view that those that depend upon AD revenue may be twitchy. The BBC have nothing to loose so Watchdog is a good choice.

We may be able to help out on here also.  Can I ask that those of you who are members of other clubs and sites post this link to those clubs and ask for people to pass it on and that those who are already insured with Norwich Union check in with their brokers because if you are insured comprehensive or even 3rd party fire and theft you would expect that your insurance would cover the damage done in an accidental fire.

I am due for renewal later in the year and been tempted to get them to "quote me happy" but actually whats the point of paying top wack when you get treated like Ashley is being.  

Geoff   >:(

Title: Re: car fire
Post by Geoff_W on Sep 17th, 2006, 9:25pm
Dave, is there any chance of seeing if it may be possible to make this sticky until things look like they are getting resolved?

Title: Re: car fire
Post by Baz on Sep 17th, 2006, 11:06pm

If the car is still insured, put it back together again and start it up and stand well back and let it burn out. That might be the only way to get some form of payment from them.

I have waited since March to get Norwich Union to pay out on a break in to one of my vans when the thieves nicked £5,000 worth of test equipment (for which I pay a handsome premium for the things to be insured) and only finally got the OK on Friday last week.... 7 months later

My advice to everyone is to ditch Norwich union and find some one else. Even if it is a bit more expensive


Title: Re: car fire
Post by Geoff_W on Sep 17th, 2006, 11:33pm
Any chance of somebody posting the link to Unleashed and GSO?

Title: car fire
Post by Bat-Two-One on Sep 17th, 2006, 11:42pm
I have found that all car insurance companies will try and fob you of with an excuse not to pay out. They all hope you will accept their answer and just go away. The more noise you make the more they start to listen. I have sent all the relavent imfo to my brother. He works in the bigest add agency in europe. This story will go global............Paul

Title: Re: car fire
Post by bizzay1 on Sep 18th, 2006, 4:36am

on 09/17/06 at 23:33:18, Geoff_W wrote:
Any chance of somebody posting the link to Unleashed and GSO?

Just posted a link on both Geoff

Title: Re: car fire
Post by km449 on Sep 18th, 2006, 6:20am

Complete this too - its the consumer protection programme on Radio 4 each lunch time , You and Yours.



Title: Re: car fire
Post by Rod on Sep 18th, 2006, 10:02am
Hi Ashley

Sorry to hear about your problems.

I’ve just settled with Norwich after a four month battle.  It took this long because I was stupid enough to listen to their telephoned promises and I did not understand their systems and procedures.

I eventually twigged that everyone I was speaking to (mainly living in India) only had limited authority and they gave me so much aggravation that it became clear that they hoped that I would simply give up and go away.

You need to ask for their complaints department.  The first five times I made this request, they left me on hold until I rang off in disgust.  So persistence is required. This eventually gave me other people with a UK land line number – but don’t feel you are getting anywhere at this stage because they are also in India and have good listeners who appear very sympathetic – and have a bit more authority to make slightly higher offers than the first people you spoke with.  But keep going.  Tell the complaints department that you are not happy with the way your complaint is being handled.  They will then put you on to the Chief Executive’s department.  Even the Chief Executive’s department has a pyramid of authority and if you cannot accept the first person’s offer to settle, ask for a manager.

If I had known about this pyramid system at the start, I could have foreshortened my battle with them by many weeks.

By pushing in this way, I finally ended up speaking to a very nice guy based in the Norwich office at Exeter.  He gave me £1,800 for my N plate 12v Scorpio plus £1,000 for being messed about for four months.  I think this was a fair settlement.

Incidentally, I spoke with the so called engineer, whose opinion appears to be ‘tablets of stone’ as far as Norwich are concerned and spent a delightful half hour listening to him telling me that he had inspected my car and he was highly qualified and “Ford never made a three litre V6 12 valve.”  Is that so Sherlock !!!

Some other things to remember – in every conversation never lose the opportunity of telling them about your mobility problem; tell them that your car has been maintained regardless of cost; tell them that you belong to a Scorpio Owners Club and that you take the car to car shows/meets.

I hope that this helps.



Title: Re: car fire
Post by Big_Green_Tank on Sep 18th, 2006, 10:27am
Sorry to about your nightmare.
"Quote me Happy" is their slogan. It should be "Make me Sad when I try to Claim"

Good luck and persevere

Title: Re: car fire
Post by km449 on Sep 18th, 2006, 11:36am

Send an email marked for the personal attention of Patrick Snowball, Chief Exec at Aviva (who own NU) asking him to read this thread. The email to use is


Title: Re: car fire
Post by Neil W on Sep 18th, 2006, 12:12pm
I have just caught up with this thread, Ashley, and I think Norwich Union are being mean and dispicable, especially as they are aware of your disability.

I cannot add anything useful to the various ideas for taking your campaign forward. However, my house contents are insured with Norwich Union. I will move to another insurer when the renewal comes up (unfortunately not until early next year) and at that time will write and tell them why I am going elsewhere.

Perhaps other Scorpio owners reading this, with any kind of policy or savings account with Norwich Union, might do the same in support and solidarity with you, if they can.

Best wishes,

Neil W.

Title: Re: car fire
Post by Simmo on Sep 18th, 2006, 2:17pm
Having looked at the policy conditions on the web site it does specifically exclude electrical failures which may be what they are 'clinging' to. HOWEVER... it does say elsewhere that 'the policyholder has a duty to prevent damage to the vehicle'. If preventing a fire from taking hold and thus burning out a car does not fall within that category it is difficult to see what does.

Title: Re: car fire
Post by Mikesmount on Sep 18th, 2006, 11:30pm
This is truly disgusting.

I would never consider the Norwich Union myself,  since they screwed me mightily with my endowment policy.  What's more, I think their cringe-making adverts suck ...

And as for that shudderingly inept slogan, less said the better!

Mind you, Axa are no better.  None of the blighters are much good.  They will wriggle out of any claim if they can find a reason.

Title: Re: car fire
Post by Geoff_W on Sep 20th, 2006, 12:03am
Well folks at this point this is listed on GSO, Mazda and Mondeo, has anybody else been able to list it?

Noticed number of views over last couple of days as follows.
18/9 26 posts and 585 views
19/9 34 posts and 1016 views

I guess the main points seem to be:
1. That Ashley did his best to limit the insurers loss and they appear to be penalising him for that.
2. As a member of a motoring organisation that offer to help with legal issues as members benefit are not prepared to advise as they are part of the same group as the insurer
3. That it seems that the insurance companies engineer may have inspected the wrong fuse box and did not seem to be aware that the Scorp has three
4. That faulty wiring appears to be an excuse to refuse a fire damage claim and we do know that some Scorps seem to be susceptible to loom breakdown (apparently as well as some Mondeos of the same vintage)

Title: Re: car fire
Post by km449 on Sep 20th, 2006, 7:08am
Hi, I've just posted a link to this thread at the Ford Explorer forum site


Title: Re: car fire
Post by ashley on Sep 20th, 2006, 7:37am
Hi Geoff and all you could ad to your list the many broken promises like the car was a write off, it would be repaired the engineer that did not turn up, the lack of a proper inspection by the engineer that did turn up EVENTUALLY.  Not one word in writing the advice or comment that I should have let the car burn, THE lies about inspections and last but not least TOTAL DISREGARD FOR THE FACT THAT I AM DISABLED AND WITHOUT MY CAR I AM HOUSEBOUND. Many thanks Ashley

Title: Re: car fire
Post by Geoff_W on Sep 20th, 2006, 8:01am
Well you are right anybody who reads through this link will see a catalogue of actions or the lack of them that makes the blood boil.

Ashley, you wrote to their Chief Exec, have you had any form of reply to that yet?


Title: Re: car fire
Post by ashley on Sep 20th, 2006, 8:21am
Hi Geoff and To this date I have not had one word of explination in writing from Norwich Union, or Patrick Snowball, as advised on this thread By Keith,  Today I posted a link to this thread to Patrick Snowball also pointing out I had sent him a letter earlier. So we will see if that gets through. Thanks to you and all. Ashley

Title: Re: car fire
Post by Geoff_W on Sep 20th, 2006, 12:58pm
Ashley, I really would like to think this is a NU fumble rather than a considered way of handling customers, you never know they may find a practical and sensible way forward, if not I guess you need to invoke the grievence procedure and or get in touch with the Insurance Ombudsman.

It seems crazy to think that you are having to go through this hassle despite trying to do do the best for yourself and for your insurer.

Hopefully somebody at NU will read this thread and see the concern their actions are causing and again at this point over 1100 views of this thread from motorists each of whom are real or potential customers for their products or services.


t's on the Ford Transit forum and the SEAT car club forum Geoff.
I'll be checking my Insurance co. asap!!


Title: Re: car fire
Post by ashley on Sep 20th, 2006, 1:31pm
HI Geoff and all ,even at this time I would like to think that this is some sort of glitch at Norwich Union, however I don’t think so.  I have involved the Financial Services Ombudsman and a letter fro Norwich Union around 10 days ago confirmed the FSO, had been in touch with them, all it contained was a statement from them saying the Financial Ombudsman had contacted them and they were going to look into the matter.
   That’s the first and last I have heard from them, despite a letter to the chairman / chief executive and an email to the same person. Still nothing, not even an acknowledgement that I had contacted him.  Listening to other peoples comments on here It seems as if its not a one off I can only hope this situation is resolved soon as sitting in the house without any means of transport is beginning to get me down.
   On a brighter note Radio 4s” You and Yours” has appointed a reporter to see if they can do anything, so once again many thanks to you and all who have read and acted on my behalf its good to know that people do care. I am always open to any more suggestions. Thanks again to all. Ashley

Title: Re: car fire
Post by TiberiuS on Sep 20th, 2006, 6:31pm
Ashley, it may be a bit late in the day but mabye Citizens' Advice could provide some support, we've been to them in the past and they've been really good.

I hope you get justice, news of the Radio 4 reporter sounds quite hopeful. I certainly won't be insuring with Norwich Union in the future and neither will anyone I know...

Best regards, Bruce.

Title: Re: car fire
Post by km449 on Sep 21st, 2006, 7:06am
The thread on the Explorer site linking to here has already had 27 views and already cost NU 1 prospective client.

Have also encouraged members to add the link to other motor forums they might belong to.

Will keep you informed of the spread.


Title: Re: car fire
Post by ashley on Sep 22nd, 2006, 2:20pm
Hi All Great News My insurance broker SWINTON (who have also been fighting my corner) telephened me a couple of minutes ago to say NORWICH UNION are going to settle my claim as a total loss.
    I would like to take this opportunity to thank one and all for helping and advising me on this matter, I am in no doubt without the help of you all and this site I would not have won them over. I cant express my gratitude enough to every one concerned. Please be kind enough to place a message on the other sites you all have mentioned Standing Together David Has Beaten Goliath Again.!!!!! The Victory is yours.  Ashley

Title: Re: car fire
Post by cossieguy on Sep 22nd, 2006, 2:47pm
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Brilliant news mate, well done for sticking to your guns. It is just a shame that you had to go through all that grief. A big shout out to all those that helped Ashley with advice etc. Your all diamonds, there's still  power in numbers and it proves what a godsend forums like ours can be when it seems there's nowhere to turn for help/advice and good old fashioned comradeship.

PS Have posted the good news on Mondeo forum.

Title: Re: car fire
Post by Simmo on Sep 22nd, 2006, 3:08pm
Well done Ashley, good to see you got a result  ;) :D

Title: Re: car fire
Post by Geoff_W on Sep 22nd, 2006, 3:21pm
Nice One Ashley!!!   ;D

Really glad that common sense prevailed, will pass it forward to Mazda and GSO and hopefully the other folk YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE  8) can also pass on the good news.

With nearly 1400 reads on here over a 100 on Mazda and 150 on GSO plus the links on other motorist sites hopefully the exposure may have also helped with Norwich Unions rethink.

Does this mean that your going to be joining the ranks of the Ex-Scorpio users club and falling in to Baw Fingers clutches?  ;)

Any way take care!


Title: Re: car fire
Post by Rod on Sep 22nd, 2006, 3:58pm
Excellent news Ashley - I'm very pleased for you.

So persistence is the name of the game if you want a sensible result.  Otherwise the Insurers will treat you very poorly - as Norwich did me.  But as soon as they settled for my car, I mentioned the hassle they had given me and they made me a very fair compensation payment.  You might like to discuss your own problems caused by all this (lack of mobility, phone calls, etc) again with Swinton.  You will not get anything if you don't ask.



Title: Re: car fire
Post by km449 on Sep 24th, 2006, 7:34pm

Delighted to hear the news!

Make sure you get in touch with any magazines and shows you contacted.

It may encourage them to post your tale of David defeating Goliath, and act as a support to others who may be going through similar things to you.

All the best

Keith (The ex scorpio now white Explorer man)


Title: Re: car fire
Post by ashley on Sep 25th, 2006, 7:53am
Hi all once again and thanks to all, many have asked on and off the forum will I remain a Scorpio man ??????????? The answer is !!!!! . Sadly it looks unlikely as we can’t find any for sale at the price the insurance have given or even if we add a few hundred pounds to the money, all we have found either have high mileage or they have some fault. However the hunt goes on, who knows we may find a one yet. Ashley

Title: Re: car fire
Post by TiberiuS on Sep 25th, 2006, 12:36pm
Best of luck Ashley :)

If you keep looking, you may well find a good car in your price range, the value of Scorpios has fallen plummeted in the last year so you may have some luck.

Regards, Bruce :).

Title: Re: car fire
Post by ashley on Oct 10th, 2006, 10:12pm
HI all here is the end of the story or does it just continue ?????, today I replaced my Old faithful Scorpio with ???????????????????????????????? a 2.3 Ultima, with 75000 miles. So not off the the EX SCORPIO OWNERS SECTION JUST  YET, LOL . Many thanks to all, thanks once again to the support of everyone and the site. Ashley

Title: Re: car fire
Post by cossieguy on Oct 11th, 2006, 7:10am
Good to see you're keeping the faith, hope you have a bit more luck this time.

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