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(Message started by: Vulcan on Sep 23rd, 2004, 12:20am)

Title: My cat died today.
Post by Vulcan on Sep 23rd, 2004, 12:20am
I'm not talking exhausts... My smokey grey 4 yr old tom, Smudge,  gave up......

It only started sunday evening when he went into a corner of our bedroom and curled up. I thought it might just be a case of the stomach bugs.... Monday morning he was up and around but not really top form.... I thought he was off colour but not too bad.
Monday lunchtime I came home and he was walking about... wouldn't eat or drink but apart from that seemed himself just a bit quiet.
Monday evening he just wanted to lie down... would respond and purr to a touch..... we contacted the vet they said just to keep him warm and hydrated and watch him closely.. we did that.
Yesterday (tuesday) he was up and walking about.. lethargic but moving.. I felt optimistic.

This morning... he was down and couldn't stand on his own... straight to the vet who kept him in... they did all they could but his kidneys stopped working... Potassium build up eventually stopped his heart...

They say that he could have lapped up anti freeze (cats are attracted to the smell) which gives these sort of symptoms but I have no anti freeze anywhere on my property... I know he roamed a bit so I can't say it's impossible that he could have found it elsewhere, I would hope that nobody would deliberately feed him something nasty but he was a trusting cat and would take hand feeds off anyone and eat it... no matter what it was...

Kerry and the girls are devastated... myself I am just trying to be OK for them... Smudge was a big part of our family.....our other cat Sally is now just wandering about a bit lost mewing for her friend...

Lost my pal.... we spent many an evening sitting in front of the telly when all the girls had gone to bed....

I will miss him...


Title: Re: My cat died today.
Post by Paul B on Sep 23rd, 2004, 6:57am
That's really sad. This is the first post I've read this morning - what a way to start!
Hopefully, nobody did anything deliberate as you say. I'd prefer to think he just found something somewhere. :-/
Anyway, I won't go on, but just send my condolences to you and yours. You'll obviously miss him.
All the best George.

Title: Re: My cat died today.
Post by craig on Sep 23rd, 2004, 7:14am
hi george...

all i can really do is agree with paul........
all the very best to your family...

craig.. :'(

Title: Re: My cat died today.
Post by daven on Sep 23rd, 2004, 7:45am
That is sad - sorry George!



Title: Re: My cat died today.
Post by Dave Boulton on Sep 23rd, 2004, 11:48am

Very sorry to hear your sad news. All of us cat-loving scorpio-loving people will be thinking of you and the family.

Dave  :'(

Title: Re: My cat died today.
Post by phuturephantasy on Sep 23rd, 2004, 2:26pm
That is sad  sorry george

ive got tears in my eyes just reading, im such a animal lover i would do anything to save a animal  . Our hearts go out to u and the family

from graeme paula and alice

Title: Re: My cat died today.
Post by Lee on Sep 23rd, 2004, 6:14pm
i know how you feel won't go into details but its not nice hope you all feel better soon

Title: Re: My cat died today.
Post by Vulcan on Sep 24th, 2004, 1:07am
Thanks guys.... it's feeling better a bit but I still keep expecting him to pop his head round the door. Doesn't help that my 7 yr old daughter kept his collar and I keep hearing the bell tinkle.

Pets are a big part of our lives.. we don't realise how big till they go... I now feel guilty about the times I often found him half way down the stairs and he moved just as I get there almost making me fall down the stairs.... the cries of "stupid d**n cat" now make me feel awful.

Still sad .. never forget him..
He always was a good friend and never judged at all.. he was my pal with no conditions.

R.I.P. Smudge.. 22-09-04


Title: Re: My cat died today.
Post by phuturephantasy on Sep 24th, 2004, 4:00pm
Even if u do get another animal u  will never be able to replace the one u have lost , they all have there own ways and food they like

be there many times  :'(


Title: Re: My cat died today.
Post by SaveTheNight on Sep 24th, 2004, 10:22pm
didn't want to read that George mate .. I have two persians in the family and one of my " special mates " is pretty poorly right now I know exactly how it is .. al the very best to you mate ... regards .........STN

Title: Re: My cat died today.
Post by Vulcan on Sep 25th, 2004, 2:37am
I hope your cat gets well... spare no expense, they are worth it.
I spent almost £300 on hospitalisation for Smudge for one day... we told the vet to just do what was necessary and to hell with the cost. sadly no money in the world could have stopped it.... he either found something or someone fed him it..... I only hope it was the former because if I find out that someone did it deliberately...well .. I don't need to go on.

It's about this time (small hours of the morning) when I miss him most, he was usually on the arm of the settee right behind me watching every word I type..... often thought he was proof reading my posts  ;D
Too d a m n quiet without him.......

:'(  :'(

Title: Re: My cat died today.
Post by SaveTheNight on Sep 26th, 2004, 9:14am
thanks George but it doesn't look to promising at the moment mate .. love the pair of them of course but the one thats losing the battle right now is sorta favorite .. he meets me evry day where I park and susses it whatever car i'm in  ..amazing really ..but he has service history which makes it worse .. something happened a few years back which virtually ripped his back leg off < not a car but vet says it was an unusual accident ..maybe a fall .. amazingly they can tell all sorts ..for instance in a car accident the cats claws get shredded where they grip > ..anyway .. somehow he got home and even got through the cat flap !! .. I looked down on my way out one morning and saw the bone sticking about three inches out of his leg ..arghhh .. anyway vet amputated it and i thought that was it really but the vet said he'll compensate with little problem by using his tail almost as a third leg which he did within about a week ! so he carried on and has given another couple of years of pleasure to all the family ..walks odd but runs and jumps like lightning .. *#@^~  amazing !! .. sadly though this latest problem whatever it is is causing total loss of use in his tail and obvious pain somewhere at the rear end ..hmm .. horrible cos hes ok in himself and eating ..but can hardly walk .. so I can't watch that for long in fairness ..anti-inflammatories worked last week when strong but aren't this week when they weakened them so it doesn't look great at all ..for some strange reason they haven't x-rayed yet which fills me with confidence  NOT ! .. or maybe they know something ..hmm  ..anyway sorry to ramble on but I know what you feel and felt mate ..take care .. regards ..STN

Title: Re: My cat died today.
Post by phuturephantasy on Sep 26th, 2004, 11:01am
Sorry to hear about your cat , if u are anything like me u dont like to see any animal in pain.  

I was out driving afew months ago and i saw a wild rabbit in the middle of road i stop the car and got out i knew the rabbit was still alive because its back leg was still moving i picked it up and took it to the side but there was nothing i could do it died on me. I went back to the car there was a line of traffic waiting , Before i could go home i had to go for a drive because i was crying to myself bescause i felt so helpless and it wasnt even a pet just shows what a softer i am.

graeme :'(

Title: Re: My cat died today.
Post by SaveTheNight on Sep 26th, 2004, 12:04pm
yep ..right on the button Graeme .. waiting for the vet to finish emergency ops today .. but when we get there I really have the feeling he ain't coming home .. nightmare really when he seems fine other than pain of trying to move ..even getting stuck into his Tuna but off my hand ..

Title: Re: My cat died today.
Post by phuturephantasy on Sep 26th, 2004, 1:29pm

They always go to the one they love most and follow u around like a shadow and never let u out of sight.

We are going through it with our dog she is 13 and there something wrong at the bottom of her spine makes her uncomtable shes got tablets to ease the pain , but the vet said we could  do a op which would cost £2,000  and its 100% that she would  not pull through because of her age as long as the tablets keeps the pain under control , shes worse on wet and damp days .

When i first got her at 6 weeks old she fitted in the palm of my hand she was so small  my 3 year old girl adores her when she tired the dog lets her fall asleep on her sometimes , animals are just like humans in may ways


Title: Re: My cat died today.
Post by Lee on Sep 26th, 2004, 3:47pm
Stn same thing happen to our cat car accident got home and it was taken too vet lost its leg but vet good  sorted it out, Cat had kittens 12 weeks ago so just goes to show the only bad thing £700 vet bill

Title: Re: My cat died today.
Post by ScorpioWidow on Sep 28th, 2004, 10:37pm
Hi all, i would just like to thank u all on behalf of my family and myself for ur kind words during our loss, i know he was just a 'cat', but he was a major part of lives, he will alway's be

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