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General >> Off Topic Subjects >> Scorpios in middle lane
(Message started by: colinw on Dec 2nd, 2004, 11:19pm)

Title: Scorpios in middle lane
Post by colinw on Dec 2nd, 2004, 11:19pm
on a trip up to stafford today from somerset ,i got behind 6 different scorpios 4 saloons 2 est  and every one of them was hogging the middle lane in fact i passed 3 on inside and im sure they did not even notice ,and i followed one for 3miles in my sprinter fairly close behind him and im sure he did not even no i was
there ,question time then is it likely they were list members ,and if they are will they take notice and use lanes correctly and lastly to the  cossie driver if you are reading this  why were you only doing 60mph with a bloomin great artic up your **** flashing his lights and you refusing to pull over ,apologies to you if it was because you didnt see him through all that c**p on the rear shelf
right rant over but honestly the only scorps i saw were driven terribly  ,

Title: Re: Scorpios in middle lane
Post by Baz on Dec 3rd, 2004, 12:59am

I understand your sentiments but there are a few major flaws in your observations.

1. Artics are governed by law and tachographs to a maximum speed of 60 mph anyway so why couldn't he just be content to sit behind the Scorpio.

2. Sitting in the middle lane, hogging it, doing 60mph is not yet an offence (although it should be) but passing someone on the inside is!

3. Following someone close behind in a van doing 60mph would likely get you a conviction for driving without due care or even a CD10 as you would have not stopped had he braked suddenly

4. And as for the comment on the only scorps you saw were being driven terribly, I refer you to my points above. You obviously didn't see mine because that would have been passed you before you even noticed it!

Rant over and I await your equally quick-witted retort!!!!


Title: Re: Scorpios in middle lane
Post by Fitzy on Dec 3rd, 2004, 1:10am
If you refer to the Highway code, when driving along a motorway or three lane dual carriageway, unless you are overtaking you must be in the nearside lane only, the middle lane and outside lane are for "overtaking only" and not for cruising along if the nearside lane is clear.  Also if you hog the middle lane when the inside lane is clear and do not move over, then when a lorry approaches from behind you are actually commiting an offence of obstruction and you can be nicked for undue care and attention, i know someone who was done for this and he got three points on he's licence for hogging the middle lane when nearside was clear and not letting lorries overtake him in the middle lane which they are legally allowed to do.

Fitzy   ;) ;D ;)

Title: Re: Scorpios in middle lane
Post by Dave on Dec 3rd, 2004, 1:55am

Title: Re: Scorpios in middle lane
Post by colinw on Dec 3rd, 2004, 9:11am
I understand your points ,and whilst i undestand me overtaking is equally as dangerous ,this is bought on by sheer frustration when the you are driving  van fully loaded and the W*****R in front does not get out of the way and you can not pull out around him without testing the brakes of the beemers etc using the outside lane ,this one guy effectively made the M5 a dual carriagway through his contempt for other road  users ,if i was in my cossie i would have been able with no prob to pull out and get round him .in a van with a 50-70 acceleration of time of around   2 days i could not
,as for the artic driver when i went past in outside lane i was doing around 65 so the lorry being governed to say 57  was wound up and being held up along with a cuople of others ,and personally i think this type of driving is a more serious offence than driving at over 70 ,and should be stamped out ,and finally my cossie only needs one lane the outside one so it goes back to my original why werent the others being driven correctly and only doing 60 ,perhaps there MAFS are dirty!!!

Title: Re: Scorpios in middle lane
Post by Baz on Dec 3rd, 2004, 9:18am

best bet and one I have always practised on motorways, if you are getting frustrated, pull over at the next services, have a fag and a cup of tea and chill out. Lifes too short mate!!


Title: Re: Scorpios in middle lane
Post by JohnJ on Dec 3rd, 2004, 9:40am
Take the push bike! ;D

But only short jorneys, otherwise take the train. at least you cant pass the carrige in front of you, unless you get derailed which has happened to! :o

Right best advise stay at home.


Title: Re: Scorpios in middle lane
Post by phuturephantasy on Dec 3rd, 2004, 8:14pm
Ditch the van and get a bike - I personally would have to recommend a Hayabusa, you'll find the original 3 lane motorway suddenly becomes a 6 lane highway to Fun, Fun, Fun !

er until Mr Plod spots you that is..

Title: Re: Scorpios in middle lane
Post by ron_c on Dec 3rd, 2004, 9:18pm
There have been some interesting points made on this one, but as so often happens in Question Time on TV, the main points have been missed in the melee of personal interest and bias. Fitzy, as usual, made sense, but the main point is that there is a 70MPH limit and it is now general practice to ignore this, along with all other traffic laws, unless there is a good chance of getting caught. However, if a group of people start cheating the system with impunity, pretty soon everyone is at it and,
behold, we have no system and everyone is at each other's throats.

Does this sound familiar?

I drive more miles than most and try to stick to the limits and follow the Highway code. ( remember that?)

I do however exceed 70 to find a bit of space if some idiot or, more frequently, a group of idiots is driving inconsiderately. (Anyone suggest a group name for idiots?) I also hog the middle lane for short periods if law breaking excessive speeders make it impossible for me to travel at a steady legal limit speed without constantly braking and accellerating to avoid excessively slow and fast traffic. Also, I drive slowly around and between speed bumps because I assume that thay were placed there for that very reason and, just because I cannot see what that may be at the time, it doesn't mean that it is not justified.

Just as an example of what can happen, I recently drove on the M1 south from Leeds at evening rush hour and the road was packed. However, everyone was driving correctly and sticking to the limit, even when there was clear road. The result was a relaxing and safe drive in very good time. Why this was so I cannot comment beyond wondering if, at last, we have gone full circlle and drivers are realising at last that civilisation works.

Blimey, did I write all that? Please stop getting me worked up. I'm too old for all this.


PS Just one more thought. If the intelligent but frustrated 99% of drivers stopped ignoring the law out of frustration, maybe the authorities coud find time to tackle the real pr@ts.

Title: Re: Scorpios in middle lane
Post by mr._floppy on Dec 4th, 2004, 1:03am
I'm a bit  perplexed  , what's frustrating about having to slow down  for traffic conditions ?  do people seriously expect to  travel  hundreds of miles  on 90mph  cruise control  ?  until   some poor sod doing 65 mph  has the unmitigated  temerity to  slow   these  tossers down to  70 mph ?  

My advice  - if it makes you angry, then  for god sake seek  some  therapy or get a job  you like  or take up basketweaving  . The   open  road   should  be  available   to  all,   not  just  petrolheads  and  borderline  psychotic   Jeremy Clarkson  f***wits.

Title: Re: Scorpios in middle lane
Post by admin on Dec 4th, 2004, 12:34pm
My tuppence worth.

Speed is addictive and so the argument that getting there 5 minutes early has little effect on speeders, because they are not driving fast to get there quicker but are driving fast for the enjoyment of driving fast.

I'd be interested to know whether fast car owners who attend regular track days become better road drivers. I took my AMG around a circuit one weekend and I certainly drove back according to the highway code and had much more respect for my car.

Secondly, on the issue of lane hogging, I once heard that you were 5000 times more likely to have an accident on a motorway when lane changing than when sticking to your lane. The highway code does say return to the left lane when it's clear but I certainly don't do so if I am going to be overtaking again in 300 yards. But then I don't drive the center lane at 60.

Generally driving standards are better in the UK than in the US but there is far more aggression in the UK, In the US  people expect bad driving and just let them get on with it. It's weird to watch a spotscar weave in an out of traffic on the freeway and no-one tries to out-accelerate them or block them in.


Title: Re: Scorpios in middle lane
Post by Baz on Dec 5th, 2004, 1:25pm
They just get alongside at the next lights and blast them with the UZI they are legally entitled to have in the there's a thought!!

Title: Re: Scorpios in middle lane
Post by Lee on Dec 5th, 2004, 4:00pm
was this a topic about scorpios in the middle lane or who can write the longest reply , i think every body should take a driving test before going on a motorway and that's all i'm going to say , plus i get bored writing long relpys

Title: Re: Scorpios in middle lane
Post by Dave on Dec 5th, 2004, 7:47pm
Agreed.. I took my Pass Plus in July 2002 before using any motorways and it made me feel much more confident. As a certificate it's lousy but does its job when you're out there. It's all common sense though... hmm.

My vertigo is so bad tonight. Seeing a doctor tomorrow. Urggggg

Title: Re: Scorpios in middle lane
Post by mr._floppy on Dec 5th, 2004, 11:42pm
Well I hope he's more professional than my Doc , I went in to see him the other day and I asked him what he could give me for wind , and he gave me a kite!

Title: Re: Scorpios in middle lane
Post by Paul B on Dec 6th, 2004, 7:05am
And I went to see my doc the other day too.

I jumped in and told him, "I feel like a snooker ball."

He said, "Get to the end of the cue like the rest!"

I feel a whole bunch of posts coming on now!  :)

Title: Re: Scorpios in middle lane
Post by SaveTheNight on Dec 6th, 2004, 7:41am
" keep thinking I'm a dog Doc ? "

Doc .." well get up on the couch and I'll take a look "

"sorry .. I can't Doc .. I'm not allowed " !!!

Title: Re: Scorpios in middle lane
Post by SaveTheNight on Dec 6th, 2004, 7:44am
Doc .." did those pills help with the split personality ? "

" yes thanks Doc ..I'm fine now ... but I wasn't happy you sending me five separate bills !! "

Title: Re: Scorpios in middle lane
Post by JohnJ on Dec 6th, 2004, 8:43am

on 12/04/04 at 12:34:45, admin wrote:
My tuppence worth.

Secondly, on the issue of lane hogging, I once heard that you were 5000 times more likely to have an accident on a motorway when lane changing than when sticking to your lane. The highway code does say return to the left lane when it's clear but I certainly don't do so if I am going to be overtaking again in 300 yards. But then I don't drive the center lane at 60.


You dont pull pack in to the left lane. not olny do you know that the next car to overtake is only 300yards infront but you also have it in your mind that there are 7 cars all going to floor it when you do pull in and you will be sitting there with the indicator on for ages tring in vain to get back out on to the fast lane and get away from 60mph, no matter what speed your doing there is always some git behind you swerving from left to right on the same lane, which incidently is not going to make me pull over or speed up,
  Also why is it that when you have passed 2 or 3 cars and decide your going to get back on the slow lane that the car behind you has already started speeding up very aggresivlely, right up behind you with his/her indicator on before you get passed the last car!

The roads are full of mad people, everytime the wife and I go out on it we get into an argument about something, its not a nice way to spend the day.

Theres my rant

Title: Re: Scorpios in middle lane
Post by wumpster on Dec 6th, 2004, 3:08pm
>:(you go on about scorps in the middle lane when 99%of all van drivers are total  f**king Idiots thinking they have to get the speedo to go back to 0 or nothing and the amount of them that cut you up dive across 3 lanes to get off at the next junction and do not have indicators fitted and think siting up someones rear so you can just get a fag paper in and a mobile phone stuck to there ear is a little rich i think .I cover 80,000 miles a year and can say the standard of van drivers in general is bloody crap there is but a small number that you can call professional drivers >:(I was between birmingham and manchester on the day in question in a scorp with PHplates on was i one :-/

Title: Re: Scorpios in middle lane
Post by ron_c on Dec 6th, 2004, 7:52pm
I said my piece  on this earlier and It has been interesting to read all of the rants and I can relate to every one of them . I should just like to add two more comments.

Steve made a point about speeding which I can relate to as one of many who enjoys driving at a speed which requires a little more than moderate concentration. However, the majority of the roads are used for getting around with the emphasis on safety and efficiency, pleasure being reserved for a satisfactory conclusion to the journey. I find that, as an alternative to speed, It requires a lot of concentration to outhink the other drivers. e.g. I find that I can tell when someone is going to pull out or cut me up serveral seconds before it happens and probably way before the other idiot knows about it himself (or herself). A great way of doing this is to drive on the cruise control and tell yourself that you have no brakes and plan for minimum use of anything but minor speed changes and positioning. It can be very satisfying as I think Fitzy mentioned in a posting on a different subject. I actually use my ability to out think the other drivers as an indication of when I need a break.

Long one that! Sorry. Next one much less.

I think we, as a nation, have a major problem in that there is no visible public or authoritarian support or advice for good driving habits. How is anyone to know that only pr@ts drive with fog lights on etc. Perhaps, if the government spent more parliamentry time on debating road safety which could save  thousands of lives a year and billions of Health Service money instead of fox hunting which just annoys a few people, we might see a few improvements. Or perhaps not. When you see the mess thay make of other things we should leave things as thay are.

That's it. Done. I'm going back into wait and watch mode.


Title: Re: Scorpios in middle lane
Post by waders on Dec 6th, 2004, 8:27pm
Ron ;)

I do the same cruse thing on motorways 8),

I try only to use taps on the + or - buttons ::)

I often find I'm reacting to things ahead, way befor the drivers infront do ???

Some drivers seem to go for it, untill someone is directly in there way and then react only to that immeadiate situation losing the benifit of preavious thought :-/

8) ;D 8) ;D 8)


Title: Re: Scorpios in middle lane
Post by colinw on Dec 6th, 2004, 10:45pm
im not sure if you were one or not and i have no wish to make this personal  ,but surely if you drive 80k a year and are not a F****** idiot then you would have known if you were holding up anybody with a clear lane to to the inside of you  ,i drove around 60k last year in a mixture of either the van or the scorpio ,and i have to admit i probably  drive the van better than i do the car ,because A -it doesnt stop as well B-it does not accelerate as well ,C- its not as much fun, and i drive to its and my limitations, I was not looking to make any personal issues out of any of this  ,when i started this post ,  the only reason i mentioned scorpios was because of the site but on any given day you see this type of thing from any make of car /van ,and i personally feel that to drive in middle lane when inside is clear is inconsiderate to other road users ,i seldom get wound up driving,and feel that if im holding anybody up then i get out way simple as that ,and try not to have the  attitude of some that there is some mad person ,trying to get past so iwill hold them up because all that does is create a greater risk to all concerned and personally if somebody is that close behind me and concentrating on there phone more than the car in front then surely the best thing to do is let them get in front of you   if anybody wants to go past me at over the limit its there licence and thats fine by me ,im not the perfect driver by anymeans and dont pretend to me ,and i agree a lot of van drivers are crap ,but i dont think my post said anything about me personally  flashing anybody out of way or using phone ,but i saw only six scorps that morning and all were driven as a bad or worse than most vans

Title: Re: Scorpios in middle lane
Post by Dave Boulton on Dec 6th, 2004, 10:52pm

Time to "chill" or something...

I must admit I hated belting along at 70 (honest ociffer!) on the M6 toll road earlier this year - no traffic so was in the inside lane. Had to move all the way out to get past a Micra that was just trolling along in the middle of a completely empty motorway (WHY!!).

Still, until they let me fit Hellfire (or equivalent) to my Scorp, I guess I'll just have to put up with it...  ;D ;D ;D

Anticipation is a foreign country to most people out there - the number of times I'm on the brakes before the cars in front does surprise me. Better make sure that headrest is adjusted properly then.


Title: Re: Scorpios in middle lane
Post by mr._floppy on Dec 6th, 2004, 10:59pm
Well  said  ColinW ,  it makes  no odds  how  many  miles  you  drive a year  80 000 or  800,  a  inconsiderate and  arrogant  driver  is  worthy  of nothing  but  contempt,  and  may  all   his  motorway service station  meals  give him  indigestion.

Title: Re: Scorpios in middle lane
Post by DexterR1 on Oct 6th, 2005, 9:42pm
IVECO 220.36 @ 38t in France in a hurry, 85mph, must get bigger tacho discs. LOL, that was back in '93 before limiters, G Reg onwards should have limiters.

I would love to go back to continental driving but the missus would divorce me.

Any jobs going?

Title: Re: Scorpios in middle lane
Post by David_South_West on Oct 11th, 2005, 7:54am
I find one of he most annoying habits on the motorway  is when you read the road well ahead and want to pull out to overtake  there is allways some idiot in the lane to the right of you 50 metres back doing the same speed.As soon as you indicate he decides to you have to brake .
The other thing regarding van / lorry drivers I think one of the main problems is ,with a lot of them,the vehicle they are driving is not their own and are generaly flogging the guts out of it!!

Title: Re: Scorpios in middle lane
Post by Baz on Oct 11th, 2005, 7:09pm

Don't indicate...just pull out then they don't have time to accelerate!!

Why does one lorry always try and overtake another lorry on a hill and on a dual carriageway? They both end up doing 20mph up the hill and holding all the cars up!

Guess I answered my own question really!


Title: Re: Scorpios in middle lane
Post by David_South_West on Oct 11th, 2005, 9:56pm
One more...what about the beat up old car weaving in and out of the traffic passing other vehicles on both sides...when you catch it up it says on the back"keep your distance child on board"!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Scorpios in middle lane
Post by Baz on Oct 11th, 2005, 10:53pm
My next door neighbour is a seikh guy and a nice chap too. The other morning he offered to take my little boy to school with his kids cos it was raining. I declined and started to walk as I watched him put his 8 year old daughter, 6 year old son and 2 year old son on the back seat of his fiesta and drive off. No seat belts or booster seats etc!!

I had seen him do this so often that I was ready for the reply before he scares me to think that he thinks it is OK to do this everytime the kids are in the car!!

Title: Re: Scorpios in middle lane
Post by Highlander on Oct 13th, 2005, 12:11pm

on 12/03/04 at 21:18:44, ron_c wrote:
I do however exceed 70 to find a bit of space if some idiot or, more frequently, a group of idiots is driving inconsiderately. (Anyone suggest a group name for idiots?).

A Parliment!

Title: Re: Scorpios in middle lane
Post by mazzy_j on Oct 13th, 2005, 1:44pm
LOL!  ;D

Title: Re: Scorpios in middle lane
Post by Scorpioen84 on Oct 24th, 2005, 9:57am
great reading... Knowing its a global problem... hehe...
Lorrie drivers are not to bad in norway though...  :)

(- Speeding is only when roads are all clear... ( What wold you do if you KILL someone.??))  :-X

Title: Re: Scorpios in middle lane
Post by kskjon on Oct 24th, 2005, 10:24am
Lorrie drivers in Norway usually lets me past whenever they see I'm in a "hurry"

Title: Re: Scorpios in middle lane
Post by Scorpioen84 on Oct 24th, 2005, 7:54pm
Ey! a nother norwegian.!! hehe.....

Vi har samme bil også...  ;) farge.?

Title: Re: Scorpios in middle lane
Post by Big_Green_Tank on Nov 2nd, 2005, 11:07am
You mean there are two Scorpios in Norway???

As to the Rant about Duff driving.
I was once told by a senior policeman that it is not illegal on a motorway or dual carriageway to pass some one on the inside, if you have approached from "out of sight" and have not changed lanes back into the inside lane just to overtake. He did say however that it is imperitive to try and warn the Idiot in the middle or out side lane as much as possible that you are there!
This is exactly what happens with motorway congestion, the inside lane is sometimes faster than the outside lane!

I have driven home from a job in the early morning and found some twit in the middle lane going slower than me and the minute I am almost ready to pass him he pulls back into the inside lane, I then indicate to past him,  I pass him on the outside and the next thing after I have passed him iis the Ruddy idiot moves back out into the middle lane.!!
Wot a Plonker!!!


Title: Re: Scorpios in middle lane
Post by Snoopy on Nov 2nd, 2005, 4:59pm
see here for the rules with regards overtaking.

Overtaking on the left is in general NOT allowed in this country.

Title: Re: Scorpios in middle lane
Post by kskjon on Nov 3rd, 2005, 9:58am

on 10/24/05 at 19:54:36, Scorpioen84 wrote:
Ey! a nother norwegian.!! hehe.....

Vi har samme bil også...  ;) farge.?

Er den mørkeste grønn metallic-fargen (tror jeg). Ser svart ut på avstand, men skinner svakt grønt på nært hold.

Translated  ;):

He asked for the color of my car, and I said it was the darkest metallic green (or so I think). It looks black until you come close it, then it shows a green shade.

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