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(Message started by: mr._floppy on Jun 2nd, 2006, 8:58pm)

Title: Traffic   Cops
Post by mr._floppy on Jun 2nd, 2006, 8:58pm

   Excellent  new powers  that the Police have finally been given to instantly confiscate and crush  unlicensed,  uninsured and   unregistered  cars.

    The  slack-jawed  look on the faces of  these scumbag  lowlife  chancers   as  the  rustbucket  they've   illegally  been driving about in   is  instantly  towed  away   is  a  pleasure  to behold. ;D


Title: Re:  Traffic   Cops
Post by scorpio_man on Jun 2nd, 2006, 8:59pm

about time too!

Title: Re:  Traffic   Cops
Post by Mummra on Jun 2nd, 2006, 9:05pm
Absolutely, I couldn't agree more!

Title: Re:  Traffic   Cops
Post by monghad on Jun 2nd, 2006, 10:55pm
[] Absolutely brilliant. Watched the programme myself :).

Title: Re:  Traffic   Cops
Post by jonnycab on Jun 3rd, 2006, 12:00am
Hopefully insurance premiums will drop as a result. I bet it will take a few years though.
Insurance companies have never had it so good!!

Title: Re:  Traffic   Cops
Post by Spannerdemon on Jun 3rd, 2006, 2:12pm

    The  slack-jawed  look on the faces of  these scumbag  lowlife  chancers   as  the  rustbucket  they've   illegally  been driving about in   is  instantly  towed  away   is  a  pleasure  to behold. ;D


Brilliant. Get the scum off the roads!!  

Title: Re:  Traffic   Cops
Post by sector-9 on Jun 3rd, 2006, 4:00pm
You do realise that the government's only reason for this is because unlicensed cars can't be tracked down for road tax payments.  If they were really bothered about road safety then the fine for having no MOT would be greater than that for no tax...


Title: Re:  Traffic   Cops
Post by mr._floppy on Jun 3rd, 2006, 5:36pm
If   people who drive cars  without having first passed a test,  like the rest of us have  had to  do , are  taken off the road   then  the  roads  must  be  safer for the rest of us.  

Title: Re:  Traffic   Cops
Post by ady on Jun 3rd, 2006, 8:12pm
i agree with all the above.
when i first started driving some times i found it hard to pay for my insurance
but thankfully they do direct debit so there isn't really any excuse

and as my ultima was recently write off by a stolen car
the youth just got tagged for 2 months
no compo for my loss  ???
i have to wait to see what m.i.b come up with
but i don't hold up much hope cos i heard they take the first £300
so that won't leave me much

so if your caught driving a stolen car i would say lock em up
and stop girl thingy footing around with them
either that or put them in braces so they can't bend their knee's
heeh no driving or running away  ;D

ok i have had my rant hehe i feel better now


Title: Re:  Traffic   Cops
Post by Baz on Jun 4th, 2006, 3:32pm
Ady....find out where the toe rag lives and go and set fire to his dads car....and his mums car....and maybe even his mum too!! People need proper justice AND revenge despite what the lilly livered liberals tell us, we want the ones who have caused us pain and inconvenience to suffer.

God..... when will the law lighten up the real facts about what victims want?? ;D

Title: Re:  Traffic   Cops
Post by ady on Jun 4th, 2006, 6:02pm

baz for prime minster  :P
thats what i say :)


Title: Re:  Traffic   Cops
Post by Spannerdemon on Jun 4th, 2006, 6:23pm
Spot On Baz!!  ;D  ;D

Tie the little things to trees and set fire to them!!

Title: Re:  Traffic   Cops
Post by ady on Jun 4th, 2006, 8:40pm
or get two cars two bits of rope  <----------- :-[ -------------->

u get the message hehe

Title: Re:  Traffic   Cops
Post by jonnycab on Jun 4th, 2006, 10:29pm
Medieval torture devices are what we need. Prison is no's to easy...a free room with sat TV, pool table, no rent, mortgage, or tax to pay...lovely.  Sounds like a nice all inclusive holiday.

Title: Re:  Traffic   Cops
Post by Baz on Jun 4th, 2006, 11:00pm
And the official reason why they get parole? so that they behave themselves while they are inside and have something to look forward to!! (I kid you not missus!!)

In other words, little Fred robs a shop and a few smaller kids and gets his first ASBO (Which stands for slap on wrist)

He then graduates to robbing cars and small petty crime (as the Police call it because they can't be bothered to get out of their police cars to go and INVESTIGATE it) Fred then gets "Yooff Custardy" which is basically Technical College for Scallys. He graduates knowing how to break into a wider range of cars, but more importantly, while he has been inside, his street cred has rocketed and he has also been allocated a do-gooder oops, social worker who tells him everything he needs to know about his rights as a HUMAN BEING.

So now when caught mugging an old woman or stabbing some other kid in the street, our little Fred is now armed with all the necessary knowledge about his rights, what he is entitled too and more importantly; what Chantelle (the 14 year old mother of his two kids) is now entitled to. So now that he has robbed your house, smashed your car, stabbed your son and nicked all the credit on his phone, he can go down for a few years, safe in the knowledge that he can still watch countdown every afternoon while YOU (the victim) foots the bill and while You also foot the bill for his girl and their offspring!!

Life in Britain is fair like that you know!

Title: Re:  Traffic   Cops
Post by sector-9 on Jun 4th, 2006, 11:14pm
Won't be for long now - people will only stand for so much and I think we're near that point...


Title: Re:  Traffic   Cops
Post by jonnycab on Jun 4th, 2006, 11:58pm
If only you were right Darren, but I think it isn't quite as simple as that.
The British people have been down trodden for so long by successive oppressive government policies that I think we don't know how to change things. Look at the French workers...if the're not happy they go on strike & then the rest of the country goes on a sympathy strike with them & the government listens.
The last time this government listened was in 2000 when petrol hit 80 pence a litre (now it's 96 pence).
We did have the chance to change things last year, but only 35% of the population bothered to vote (lowest turn out ever).
I myself voted, because it is my democratic right to do so & I wanted to change the way the country is governed.
What winds me up intently is people who moan about the way the government run this country & in the same breathe say "I couldn't bothered to vote, It's too much hassle", or "there is no-one worth voting for, they're all the same" >:(
...Everyone is entitled to an opinion....but only if they know the facts!!!

Title: Re:  Traffic   Cops
Post by Baw_Flinger on Jun 5th, 2006, 9:33am
The gov are trying to get a bill through call 'the abolition of parliament bill' If passed, a government can change laws directly after committee stage so long as the maximum sentence does not exceed 2 years. But the way it is written, this can also be changed at a later date with no notice. This bill makes the commons and the house of lords defunct when it comes to debating new laws and there effects. New laws can be introduced within weeks at the whim of the home office and we, opposition parties and the Lords would not have a whole lot to do about it.  This would be the death of democracy in this country, I seem to remember a short Austrian chap with a tash doing the same thing about 60 years ago in Germany.

Title: Re:  Traffic   Cops
Post by Highlander on Jun 6th, 2006, 7:22am
You remember that??  ;)

Title: Re:  Traffic   Cops
Post by Baw_Flinger on Jun 6th, 2006, 8:21am
From school 2nd year history, in between naps and carving my name into the desk ;D

Title: Re:  Traffic   Cops
Post by scorpioghia on Jun 9th, 2006, 9:15pm
well i agree with everyone here they should put the little scum bags in a long line on the motorway and let all us legal drivers/owners run them down and put a point system on for each broken bone they get

a bit harsh i know but they would get the message ::) ::) ::)

Title: Re:  Traffic   Cops
Post by Baz on Jun 9th, 2006, 10:47pm
On a slightly off topic note, my company is doing an ongoing trial with a local primary school which has paid out over £12,000.00 in less than a year in repairing vandalism. We loaned a shed load of IP cameras and recording equipment and caught loads of young scum on the recordings. The local plod looked at all the evidence and then......closed the case without prosecuting anyone!! Can you bloody believe it?? Photos, Video, what more do they want?

Anyway, one of the school governors is a DI with Merseyside Police and he has meade them reopen the case and the school intend to prosecute the perpetrators!! I have invested a lot of money and personal time into this as well and I am well chuffed that the numpty Cheshire Police have been given a good kick up the jacksy!!

I will let you all know when the judges let them off with a slap on the wrist!

Title: Re:  Traffic   Cops
Post by Spannerdemon on Jun 10th, 2006, 7:51am
Nice One Baz!!

I think this is what's getting on everybody's tits. The police probably know who's to blame, but the work involved in getting them to Court, only to see them let off with some limp punishment, must do their morale no good at all.
There's no use blaming the government, because, in a nutshell, ALL governments have proved that they see crime as a pretty low priority. After all, it doesn't bring in any TAX!!

I think if something isn't done soon, people WILL take the law into their own hands.

So I'm forming the Ultima Deterrent Force. A group of tooled up, heavy duty ass-kickers, ready at a moments notice to go scroat bashing. membership is free, and pick axe handles will be supplied.

Form an orderly queue now lads!!  ;D   ;D   ;D

Title: Re:  Traffic   Cops
Post by taliban on Jun 15th, 2006, 10:00pm
i agree this new power is long overdue, but, as many new powers for police can be passed by any government to appease, well, us, tax paying public. its relatively cheap and easy to do and makes governments look good, but, its just a law/power on a statute book. its meaningless unless there is a body i.e. police, or more to the point enough of them to enforce it. remember how pleased most people were when the use of mobile phones while driving became an offence in its own right? how many people do you see everyday driving while on the phone without much fear of getting caught? there are not enough traffic cops to police the law.
further more as someone pointed out....its all about the governments revenue from car tax. the dvla are very quick to send out reminders to us to re tax our vehicles, which is all about collecting money from us, do we get MOT reminders? which is about safety not money....nope.

Title: Re:  Traffic   Cops
Post by Big_Green_Tank on Jun 16th, 2006, 11:12am
Insurance Drop!
Someone is not on the same Planet as the insurance companies.
They are more likely to put the rates up to cover the loss of revenue from court cases against these illegal drivers or some other reason.


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