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(Message started by: mazzy_j on Jul 19th, 2006, 12:58pm)

Title: Speeding FAQ
Post by mazzy_j on Jul 19th, 2006, 12:58pm
Speeding FAQ

Its long, but worth the read.

Q What happens if I ignore the fixed penalty notice?

It’s a quick way for us to get our money. Failure to reply and we will take it to court, and can issue a larger fine

Q I have received a notice of intended prosecution. Now what?

You are required to complete the form and we will send you a conditional offer of £60 + 3 penalty points. We would rather you do this, as its easier for us and we make the most from it

Q What if I choose to go to court?

The magistrates will then decide of the best action. Unless you know a few things of how to get out of it, your f**ked.

Q What if I don’t know who was driving

We don’t really care about this, as long as we get the money and someone gets the points.

Q Are my human rights infringed if I respond to the notice?

Yes, but many people don’t know this and pay up.

Q What if I cannot produce all the required documents?

If you do not complete all required documents and return by the date (approx 4 days time) then you will be taken to court.

Q What is the alternative to the fixed penalty system?

It will be taken to the magistrates court. You do not have to attend (please don’t) so it makes it easier for us to bump up the fine.

Q What if I cannot find my driving licence. What should I do?

You will have to apply to DVLA Swansea for a new driving licence. You are required to have the licence to us within 7 working days. DVLA Swansea have a deal where you can get a replacement licence within 4 days for £137.43.

Q What should I do if my name/address details have changed but my driving licence has not yet been updated?

You can still send the driving licence to the fixed penalty office, together with your £60 (extremely important) to avoid exceeding the time limit. When its returned you can then send the licence to DVLA Swansea to be changed. But be aware that its an offence not to keep your information upto date and DVLA Swansea will be notified.

Q I passed my driving test less than 2 years ago. Can I still be dealt with by the fixed penalty system?

Yes, unless this will the your 6 points, where you will be banned. You can take it to court, but you’ll most likely get a larger fine and banned anyway. And then you will have to pay DVLA for theory and driving tests again.

Q What if my licence was issued by an authority other than DVLA Swansea. E.g a foreign licence

You should still send the £60 and licence to us, but we cant give points.

Q How do I know the sites are legal

To save you the time and trouble, most aren’t.

Q I have a clean driving history. Will this be taken into consideration?

We don’t give a [Censored] about your past. We caught you speeding (probably where you could safely do it) and that’s it.

Q Can I have a higher fine and no points?

Yes. Its an extra £300 per point. If you choose to take the points, your insurance will probably go up more, and we get back hands from the insurance companies, so we win either way.

Q Who decides where the speed enforcement takes place?

This is decided by some fat bloke who drives around looking for places where your most likely to speed. I.e. nice clear open roads miles away from kids playing. Means we can see you speeding easier.

Q Can I appeal against this notice

You can challenge it in court, but you will most likely get a higher fine, some of which is paid to the magistrates, who is in on the deal.

Q what if I think the equipment was faulty. Can I have a copy of the calibration certificate?

Most of our equipment is second hand from ebay. They don’t get calibrated, because many record a speed approx 20% higher than what your actually going. Makes us more money to keep them like that.

Q what is a conditional offer
This gives you a chance to settle the matter outside of court. We would prefer this route because there are only a few forms and its easier for us. Also, if everyone too it to court, we wouldn’t get anywhere

Q How long will the points remain on my licence

3 years, but cannot be removed from your licence until after 4 years so insurance companies can bump up your premium

Q The vehicle was being driving by one of my employees. What do I do next?

You should have records of who was driving and be able to provide us with someone to fine. Please try and keep it simple so we have less paperwork

Q What if I already have 9 points on my licence within 3 years of the date of this offence?

Poor you. Looks like your going to get banned.

Q isn’t this all about making money out of motorists?

Yes. Motorists are the best way of making money. Just look at fuel prices.

Title: Re: Speeding FAQ
Post by mr._floppy on Jul 19th, 2006, 4:30pm
 Mmmmm,      Not sure what your point is.  Surely if you don't speed you don't
           get fined  :P

     Sounds like  a  page    from the  Jeremy Clarkson  Party manifesto.

              " I should be allowed to  break the speed limit because I'm a good driver  and  I'm  in a hurry and  middle lane hoggers and caravanners  
and    tree  hugging   2CV6   Drivers conspire   to  slow  me  down."

                         " Out  of  my  way   cretins "   ::)                    

Title: Re: Speeding FAQ
Post by Baz on Jul 19th, 2006, 6:09pm
The point is I believe that the whole money making scam is there purely to get as much out of the motorist as possible. The "don't speed and you won't get a ticket" concept is the government and happy clappy brigades answer and doesn't wash when you get a ticket for doing 8 mph over the spped limit on a dual carriageway at 3am. (I have never been done for speeding even though I do everyone else)

And as a further rebuff of the don't speed don't get caught idea; remebr that Brazillian bloke wasn't a terrorist but still got his head blown off by some of the forces finest, who incidentally won't even get three points but can most probably go off sick and then retire early!

Title: Re: Speeding FAQ
Post by Spannerdemon on Jul 19th, 2006, 7:50pm
Brilliant, and SO true!!

I personally haven't got any time for all this PC (Political Claptrap), and these sort of spineless jobsworths  these days. They used to be called BUSYBODIES. Always sticking their unwanted sniffers into other folk's affairs.

I actually wonder if THEY commit an offence (assault) on your vehicle when they stick something to it without your authority.  ???

Perhaps we should send them the bill for professional screen cleaning after removing their gungy label?

I mean......if I was to stick one on THEM, then I suppose the lads in blue would be calling on me!  ;D  ;D  ;D    

Tempting......isn't it!!!

Title: Re: Speeding FAQ
Post by Baz on Jul 19th, 2006, 8:03pm
You have to be innocent of a crime in this country to attract the attentions of the authorities these days. Why can't they go after the drug dealers and the thugs who reek havoc on neighbourhoods? Because that would involve actually doing some work. Instead they choose the easy option, go after someone on a parking meter who has stayed too long over the limit, the sppeding motorist as already pointed out, the woman who wouldn't pay her poll tax because she accuses the council of letting her area fall into rack and ruin and into the hands of hooligans.

Did you read about the judge who let a guy off going to prison on remand because the nearer prisons were full and he didn't want to send him too far away so he sent him home for the weekend instaed?? You really can't make it up!! There is no sense of right and wrong anymore because anyone who is convicted of any kind of a crime always seems to get the easy option like an asbo (which is a slapped wrist) while the ones like the non paying poll tax ones get to go to klink!

There should be an offence called "crime against the community" my company recently worked with a local [primary school and caught some vandals smashing up playground furniture from an infants school. We fitted a load of cameras and got them bang to rights....I am now activly pushing the system with a percentage refund if they actually prosecute anyone because of the system!! A local headteacher did a survey of 46 primary schools in Warrington and over a 1 year period, between them they spent £300,000.00 pounds on vandalism damage! Jail them for a first offence and when we fiull the jails, build some more until they get the message and to those who spout that it isn't justice but revenge I am better believe it only with revenge comes true justice!

Rant to my beer again!

Title: Re: Speeding FAQ
Post by Spannerdemon on Jul 19th, 2006, 11:04pm
Baz. If I had my way, there would be an immediate return to three basic punishments in EVERY Town and Village in the UK. Immediate like tomorrow. No consultations, white papers, debates about human rights, or other claptrap. They would get P U N I S H E D !!!

The Stocks.    The Pillory.    The Birch.

These little Herberts who terrorise old people, steal from other people, mug and assault those weaker than themselves, and generally behave in ways contrary to the way they should in society would be dealt with properly. They would get no mercy from me, that's for sure.

Judge Spanners would be hard on thier case!

Hoodies, Hard cases, Hopheads, Drunks and general low-life would ALL be dealt with in a way that they would never forget.

Put in the pillory or the stocks, slap bang in the centre of the community in which they lived, so that everybody could see WHO they were, and what worthless little vermin they are, for at least 48 hours, there to be publicly ridiculed, have rotten food thrown at them, kicked, spat on, and punched,  and generally treated as the obnoxious little toerags that they are. Then dragged through the streets on the end of a rope , and publicly birched with a minimum of 50 strokes.

Finally, tattoo them on the forehead again, in public, with a hot branding iron.....  Thief, Mugger, Beater up of elderly people, Drug addict, drunk who assaults others, Pervert, General scumbag of this Parish....... etc etc.

See how many of the little turds come back for more then!!  Everyone in the community would know them for what they were, instead of them being able to hide in the shadows under their smelly unwashed hoods, like the yellow little scum that they are today.

I would repeal the Death Sentence for Murder, and ensure that LIFE sentences were just what they said. LIFE, with NIL appeal.

Rapists, Paedophiles and Child Molesters, I would chain to trees and set fire to them. Good riddance!

I have now got to the point in life where, if anyone were to do anything to a member of MY family, then the gates of Hell would open for them.......and sod the consequences.

It's time that spineless tosser at Number 10 got his arse into gear on crime, because I seriously believe that soon, very soon, people ARE going to start taking things into their own hands if teflon Tony doesn't do it!

ALSO rant over.........Beer too please!!  >:(

Title: Re: Speeding FAQ
Post by Penguin on Jul 21st, 2006, 10:45am
The real problem about some of our stupidly low speed limits is that in an effort to fine as many people as possible they have actually made the roads dangerous.

I'll explain - I do a lot of milleage for work visiting care homes to provide training and - most trips - I'm going somewhere where I haven't been before.  I therefore rely on Heidi my navigator (called so because of its Kraftwerkesque accent) to tell me which way to go and where the speed traps are. So far so good.  But the thing is if I don't know the roads, I don't know what the safe speed is - and the speed limit signs (set artbitrarily low) give no guidance.

For example if I see a 40mph on what is quite clearly a dual carriageway in the middle of nowhere then I'm going to go down it at 70 listening out for the tell tale "Zer is a Gastometer ahead" from box on the dashboard.  But what if there's then a sudden sharp bend where 40 would have been appropriate?*

We need speed limits that tell us what the safest top speed for the road actually is.



*I know some people might say why didn't you just drive at 40 the whole distance - simple I rarely have that sort of time on my hands between appointments.

Title: Re: Speeding FAQ
Post by mazzy_j on Jul 21st, 2006, 1:54pm
>:( I've just found out that some low life theiving scumbag tried to nick my cossie last night.

Got a call from a lady at my flats this morning saying that last night someone had been trying to break into my car. Apparently her son went out at about 11 last night for some fresh air and he scared off someone who was trying to bend the drivers door down to get in. They phoned the police who eventually came and finger printed it.

Went back to check the damage out at lunch today and managed to bend the top of the door back in, luckily no damage had been done. And i must say, i've never seen so many cop cars going up and down my road before  :-/

When i phoned romford pig station to get a crime number thingy they actually called it a Scorpio and not a granada  :) I've taken numerous relays and fuse sout of the fuse box so it won't be going anywhere over the weekend.

If the police ever get whoever it was i hope they chop thier hands off and maybe then they'll learn to keep their hands to themselves next time.

Several beers please...


Title: Re: Speeding FAQ
Post by Penguin on Jul 21st, 2006, 4:26pm
Ah, I think you've forgotten that under the Theft of God's Own Car Act 2003 attempted theft of a cossie is actually a capital crime now (usually commuted to life in prison).  Having one's hands cut off is only an optional sentence for stealing 2 litre Scops.



Title: Re: Speeding FAQ
Post by Spannerdemon on Jul 21st, 2006, 7:41pm
I've got a towbar. let's find the little worm, and tie his legs to a tree, and his head to my towbar.

Then let's see what 2.9 Litres of Ford Ultima power can do!!!  8)  8)  8)

Well.....he obviously wanted to try one out, so let's help him! Sounds fair to me.

Nasty little specimen!  >:(

Title: Re: Speeding FAQ
Post by cossie_al on Jul 21st, 2006, 11:35pm
No No No, tie the legs to the tow bar remove any clothing do enough miles to remove lots of skin but not kill. Make sure the scumbag is aware of his surrondings (cant spell that word that means coherant) ;D
And then rub in about ten kilos of table salt, more if you wish.
Stand back and enjoy watching it squirm.

Title: Re: Speeding FAQ
Post by pagey on Jul 23rd, 2006, 10:17am
RE Teflon Tony and his rotten to the core government mates. I, and I would imagine some other forum members lost our sport of pistol shooting in '97. I still vividly remember Tone on the TV standing at the gates of Dunblane school( which was indeed a terrible tragedy) with crocodile tears in his eyes, telling us how he was going to ban things that went bang and also to make the world a safer place if we all voted for him.    Done a good job there then. The low-lifes who try to destroy our nice things would all vote for him but  most can't because they can't spell "X"  I fully concur with the comments and I think that I would like to see the Spannerman put in charge of all punishments. Could carry on but my wife has told me to stop because the old blood pressure may start to rise.  Trev.

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