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(Message started by: hepburn on Sep 15th, 2006, 1:36am)

Title: Scroats
Post by hepburn on Sep 15th, 2006, 1:36am
Just been outside to check my scorpio and found it's been keyed by some scumbag vermin...

Title: Re: Scroats
Post by jonnycab on Sep 15th, 2006, 2:04am
I thought Malden was one of the nicer places to live in Essex.  ???
We looked at a house there recently near the football ground. Went down to Heybridge Basin as well........very picturesque.

The Scorp to these little scroats probably looks like a posh expensive car, so they key it.

My Dad had a black Citreon GS Pallas in the late 70's. It was 2 weeks old when some scroat keyed both sides front to back, & scratched "F**K YOU" on the bonnet, & "C**T" on the boot ???

Title: Re: Scroats
Post by hepburn on Sep 15th, 2006, 2:33am

on 09/15/06 at 02:04:30, jonnycab wrote:
I thought Malden was one of the nicer places to live in Essex.  ???
We looked at a house there recently near the football ground. Went down to Heybridge Basin as well........very picturesque

Sadly it was but no longer.  It seems Fambridge Rd - Cross Rd - Wantz Rd - Mill Rd (and surrounding roads) are now chav breeding ground.  There is a big teenage drink & drug problem in the area. The local school consistently underperforms and fails to adequately educate a substantial percentage of children.   The council is weak and incompetent, not to mention previously (and possibly still) corrupt (huge planning scandal in recent years). It has also attempted to coerce local organisations to promote the councils own agenda rather than public interest, something I observed 1st hand and rejected.

I'm sure Maldon is not alone in suffering what I perceive to be a general decline in social standards.  However, compared to how it was 25 years ago when I moved to the area, it has declined faster than some other areas. I think the fact Maldon still has its own full time police station, despite many attempts to close it, speaks volumes!

Heybridge Basin is still very nice (in the summer months) though... :)

Now if someone could just point me in the direction of Utopia...  ;)

Title: Re: Scroats
Post by jonnycab on Sep 15th, 2006, 3:21am
I know what you mean hepburn. Everywhere seems to be a breeding ground for scum.
I grew up in Billericay. It used to be such a nice town. Now you can't get off the train late at night without being abused in some way or the other by the "chav scum".
I moved to Wickford a few years ago, & it's not so bad, but it's getting worse, & the schools are tripe.
Got a two year old & I don't want him turning out like these little w**kers. ???

Here's a website that will make your blood boil....

Title: Re: Scroats
Post by Spannerdemon on Sep 15th, 2006, 9:15am
Unfortunately we ALL know what we'd like to do to these little turds.

I think virtually every sane thinking person in the UK knows the answer to the problem.

It's an old-fashioned word called P U N I S H M E N T.  Like in     P A I N F U L      punishment.,

Seems that the only people who DON'T understand it, is our weak kneed government.

Personally I'd chain all these little sods to trees and set fire to them. Never use rope, it burns through, and they can escape !!  :o

Makes my firking blood boil.  >:(

Must go and take my tranquilisers !!

Title: Re: Scroats
Post by wayne on Sep 15th, 2006, 4:43pm
Alas., all these postings are true. I never thought I'd be glad of the dark nights and hope for rain.. At least it keeps the little  B's indoors!  The gov. talk a good fight., but they can't walk the walk. Look at the furore over the recent 'feotal asbos'... The concept is right : We have scroats breeding scroats, what chance have we got? !!!  I fear the law.. I don't respect it anymore., but I fear it. The scroats nowadays don't give a toss!
Utopia for me?... To live on an estate of Scorpio owners!

Title: Re: Scroats
Post by TiberiuS on Sep 15th, 2006, 8:11pm
This gets me too. I worked hard to get my license and to buy my car/keep it on the road. I live in Clacton on Sea (away from the town) but we still get agro, for anyone who knows this area, they even get trouble at Weeley, Kirby and Frinton, all very nice areas.

I've done a lot of work on the new house and although I keep the car off road when I can, I sometimes need the space for other things. Hence the car gets parked in the side street (we live on a corner), one Sunday last year I found the driver's wing mirror hacked off and the trim ripped off, a bad attempt at forcing the door. Wouldn't dare to claim at my age, managed to repair it myself. A few weeks later, again parked out overnight, been keyed (luckily not deep); a lot of work with the Autoglym and it could barely be seen. The Scorpio was the tidyest car parked in the street, anyone else with anything a bit tidy keeps it well away from the road.

Started parking it around the front. One night a group of youths are on the corner drinking and an argument develops. I walk out there all calm, 'what's going on?' I says. I got a lot of mouth but none of them would 'try' me and eventually I fooked them off without losing my temper. I keep myself to myself as a rule but I seem to be the only one who ever goes out if there's any trouble. If I'd been stabbed or lost my temper with one of them (perish the thought, executioner), I guess everyone would've rushed out from behind their curtains to black their noses...

Sorry chaps if this has turned into a novel but it bloody annoys me.

Regards, Bruce.

Title: Re: Scroats
Post by cossie_al on Sep 15th, 2006, 10:17pm
Bruce I agree withh your attitude against this type of scum.
And I talk having had experience of facing this type of rsole To cut a very long story short at one of my previous addresses my elderly neighbour whent out to stop his car getting vandalised and ended up getting a kicking so without hesitation I went out to help and ended up in a cell over night but did not get charged in the end.
I heard later that a freind or two of mine got the rsole to drop the charges or pay the consequenses.
This happened only three years ago and it has made me realise there is only one language this type of scum understand.

Title: Re: Scroats
Post by Baz on Sep 15th, 2006, 10:54pm
Everyone knows my opinions on these matters. Flog 'em, birch 'em and if they still don't stop top the b****rs because they will never know any better.

The biggest problem in this country is the fact that we pander to the namby pamby happy clappy brigades that believe that there is good in everyone...... no there isn't. Just accept the fact and deal with it properly. There are too many chavs breeding more chavs because people who who work and do things properly cannot afford to breed like the scum do because we; the workers and providers, pay for them to breed like rabbits. Very soon, there will come a time when the numpty chav offspring are the norm and the workers children are outnumbered.

How about this one?: at birth, every male child should have a reversible vasectomy performed. When they reach 21, and providing they have met certain critreria such as a) job. b) not a chav then they can have the op to reverse the vasectomy and are allowed to have kids.

You know it makes sense


Title: Re: Scroats
Post by cossie_al on Sep 15th, 2006, 11:07pm
Baz is the next prime minister for me

Title: Re: Scroats
Post by jonnycab on Sep 16th, 2006, 1:58am
Baz....I've often heard James Whale also talk about the vasectomy idea on his show on Talk Sport.
Great idea....if we cant wipe them out, then we shall breed them out ;D

Title: Re: Scroats
Post by gary1 on Sep 16th, 2006, 4:06am
Hi all
I agree with every thing you have all said but my solution is, put all the chav's on a desserted island and then bomb the c--t's untill there are none left.If any survive then bomb the c--t's again. I bet nobody would want to be a chav after that

Title: Re: Scroats
Post by hepburn on Sep 16th, 2006, 9:07am

on 09/15/06 at 22:54:11, Baz wrote:
How about this one?: at birth, every male child should have a reversible vasectomy performed. When they reach 21, and providing they have met certain critreria such as a) job. b) not a chav then they can have the op to reverse the vasectomy and are allowed to have kids.

This echoes my sentiments entirely, but let's not stop with the boys! All babies need to sterilised at birth...

Now show me the politician supporting this view and he/she has my vote for life!

Title: Re: Scroats
Post by hepburn on Sep 16th, 2006, 9:10am

on 09/15/06 at 09:15:59, Spannerdemon wrote:
It's an old-fashioned word called P U N I S H M E N T.  Like in     P A I N F U L      punishment.,

The only effective punishment is one that affects the culprits. In the case of keying i'd like to scratch the b****rs from head to toe with a sharp key themselves!

Title: Re: Scroats
Post by jonnycab on Sep 16th, 2006, 10:02pm
A different aspect on the sterilisation at birth idea. :)

My little boy has just turned two. On the day he was born my wife went through hell with me at her side to produce this little miracle. After many hours of labour, it was the greatest moment of our lives to be alone with our newborn son.

Put it like this....if someone came up to me just after my little boy was born & said "we have to take him to be sterilised", then I think the answer would be..."over my dead body mate....or yours" >:(

Sterilisation at birth does sound a bit like trying to create an elite race..... How boring that would be.....
Just stupid enough to go on big boy/girl bands....& McDonalds would be empty ;D

Who would we take the piss out of? ;D

Title: Re: Scroats
Post by hepburn on Sep 17th, 2006, 9:46am

on 09/16/06 at 22:02:22, jonnycab wrote:
Who would we take the piss out of? ;D

Well... Those who grow up to become BMW drivers of course ;)

On a more serious note, I don't advocate the creation of a "elite" race via an at birth sterilisation programme.  But I do advocate parenting rights only for those couples willing and able to raise the child in a responsible way, with sufficient resources so not to impose on state welfare (short term crisis permitting).  What we should not be seeking is a requirement of morals and principles on how the child is raised.

If people had to think twice about having kids rather than producing them and expecting the state to pick up the pieces of their night of lust then I suspect we would see the return of caring family units and an overall improvement of society!

To have the privilege of driving we test people to ensure they are responsible to take control of a car.  So why not the same for would-be parents?  After all, a child raised in the wrong hands can be just as lethal as a car driven by an incompetent driver - just in a different way...

Title: Re: Scroats
Post by Pegasus on Sep 18th, 2006, 10:56pm

on 09/15/06 at 03:21:17, jonnycab wrote:
I grew up in Billericay. It used to be such a nice town. Now you can't get off the train late at night without being abused in some way or the other by the "chav scum".

Blimey Jonny, I used to visit Billericay a lot 20-25 years ago - it was a nice little place, esp the Railway pub. Sorry to hear of its (and Wickford's) decline.  :o

Title: Re: Scroats
Post by Dave on Sep 25th, 2006, 12:14pm
Can't get away from these beggars nowaday, some places are worse than others of course, but still  >:(

Standing around giving mouth is one thing, but when it comes to property damage its just so upsetting.

Went out the other night to find a group of locals standing around the front of the car drinking beer (more than likely underage). I decided against telling them to eff off as those cans would have gone all over my car for a start. Terrible when you feel you can't challenge someone behaving in that way.

Title: Re: Scroats
Post by Baz on Sep 25th, 2006, 1:34pm
You wouldn't expect where you live Dave..... just shows the world we live in. Mind you I would have challenged them and had the fight when it followed!! ;D

Title: Re: Scroats
Post by hepburn on Sep 25th, 2006, 5:04pm

on 09/25/06 at 12:14:11, Dave wrote:
Went out the other night to find a group of locals standing around the front of the car drinking beer (more than likely underage). I decided against telling them to eff off as those cans would have gone all over my car for a start. Terrible when you feel you can't challenge someone behaving in that way.

I would have started the car and driven over the little beggers if they hadn't moved!  ;)

Title: Re: Scroats
Post by Dave on Sep 25th, 2006, 9:46pm
I know Baz it ain't exactly Beirut I guess but it happens everywhere like you say. Next time I see 'em I will ring you for backup for any fights  :)

Hepburn, wouldn't get the wheels dirty with them mate  ;D

Title: Re: Scroats
Post by jonnycab on Sep 26th, 2006, 2:14am
Picked up a guy tonight off Shenfield rank & he was saying about how bad it is on Friday/Saturday nights there with Chavs hanging around.

It turns out he was a judge. He was saying that he's had a few of these towrags up in front of him & he's always been lenient because they are just kids. But he now seems to get more & more of them ???

He had one a couple of weeks ago (particularly nasty little oik with no respect for authority) & decided to come down hard on him.

......."I sentence you to 6 months youth custody"......."F**k off"..........."12 months"..........."W**ker"............"18 months, do you have anything else to say?"..........silence }{ }{ }{...... 8)

Title: Re: Scroats
Post by Spannerdemon on Sep 26th, 2006, 4:51am
I'm with Baz 100%

Smack the little sods in the mouth. Always go for the ringleader (the one with the most gob). They piss me off no end, and I'm too old to care about consequences.

Mostly they are gutless little tossers, and it's only when they are in groups that they think they intimidate. There's nothing like a good smack in the tonsils to take away those slack jawed smirks.

Title: Re: Scroats
Post by hepburn on Sep 26th, 2006, 6:47am

on 09/26/06 at 02:14:25, jonnycab wrote:
......."I sentence you to 6 months youth custody"......."F**k off"..........."12 months"..........."W**ker"............"18 months, do you have anything else to say?"..........silence }{ }{ }{...... 8)

LOVE IT !!  oh how I wish I could have seen the oiks face ;)

Title: Re: Scroats
Post by hepburn on Sep 26th, 2006, 6:50am

on 09/25/06 at 21:46:20, Dave wrote:
Hepburn, wouldn't get the wheels dirty with them mate  ;D

Ah, but then you take your motor to the nearest eastern european operated car wash and get it washed and polished  for a fiver...  cheap at twice the price :)

Title: Re: Scroats
Post by sector-9 on Sep 28th, 2006, 9:44pm

on 09/17/06 at 09:46:14, hepburn wrote:
...I do advocate parenting rights only for those couples willing and able to raise the child in a responsible way, with sufficient resources so not to impose on state welfare (short term crisis permitting).  What we should not be seeking is a requirement of morals and principles on how the child is raised.

If people had to think twice about having kids rather than producing them and expecting the state to pick up the pieces of their night of lust then I suspect we would see the return of caring family units and an overall improvement of society!

I thought social services were supposed to take kids into care if they weren't being parented properley? (not that 'care' homes fix the kids).  Everytime I hear of an underage girl giving birth I can't help but feel the baby should be taken away and put up for adoption - an underage girl is not mature enough to be a mum and most likely needs to be taken into care herself...

Obviously in the case of rape (as in actual, not legal) or seduction by an adult then it would probably be wrong to put the girl in care, but the baby should still be put up for adoption.


Title: Re: Scroats
Post by Rod on Sep 29th, 2006, 4:30pm
I agree with Baz as well.

It seems to me that society in general is not prepared to take ownership of their words and actions.  Even when you see or hear someone do something wrong, they will vehemently deny that it was them when challenged – even to the point of becoming aggressive.

There surely must be something wrong with a society who treat lying as the norm.  Where do we start – at the top (government) or at the bottom?  In my view this problem has not been helped by Governments based on lies.  We talk about MPs and Ministers when we are down the pub but most people have a rant and then shrug their shoulders in acceptance.  So are they to blame – or us for accepting it.

Phew – that’s my four pence worth.


Title: Re: Scroats
Post by TiberiuS on Sep 29th, 2006, 5:01pm
A short story about my uncle.

He used to run his local Tenants' Association and had a reputation for getting things done. The council hated him for obvious reasons but he had alot of respect from residents throughout the borough.

One evening attending a meeting in Newham (I won't say where :)), he spotted a gang of yobs smashing a wall. Being the sort of person he was (82 by this time) he walked over to intervene and the ringleader went to attack him with an iron bar, what he didn't realise was that my uncle used to be a professional boxer, ouch...

5 seconds later the ringleader was in tears with a broken nose and blood streaming down his face, the other yobs including his girlfriend scattered, no more trouble from them and the meeting went ahead as planned.

Next day he got a phonecall from one of the residents saying that the parents of the kid had been asking around and wanted to 'do the b*****d who attacked our son for assault', everybody had suddenly forgotten the identy of my uncle though ;)

Many people had a laugh over that day, I dare say many people around there now miss him...


Title: Re: Scroats
Post by hepburn on Sep 29th, 2006, 5:30pm
Well done him !!

Title: Re: Scroats
Post by jonnycab on Sep 30th, 2006, 4:08am
This happened near me yesterday....
A mother was walking through an underpass with her 19 week old baby.
Two scumbag chavs aged about 17 came up from behind & tried to nick her purse.
As she wouldn't let go then one of them grabbed the baby from the pram, held it up in the air & threatened to drop it on it's head. :o

This isn't just anti-social, it is pure evil. >:(

The only reason the baby wasn't hurt was because a passer by interviened. But they will probably never catch these evil scum because the witness said he didn't want to go to the police & get involved ???. I hope he comes forward before another mother is threatened in this way.

Title: Re: Scroats
Post by Kjetil S on Sep 30th, 2006, 11:10am
They were lucky it wasn't me who came by. One thing is stealing, but doing things like that to small babies is something I don't tolerate.

Title: Re: Scroats
Post by jerryvr on Oct 3rd, 2006, 8:44am
Well guys if you thought you have little support over there from the government.. Try to jump the channel and visit holland.

You can see the result of the politically-correct over "socialized"  government first hand.
We came to the point that police won't come when your car is vandalized, your home is broken into etc. The won't even make a full report, just make a registration of the event for your insurance. Drug use and sale are forbidden, yet tolerated. On the other hand, we have the most speedcams per car in the world (record: 19 in ONE street!!), coupled with the worlds highest fuel prizes and one of the highest income tax.

We are living here in a paradise for criminals and people who are unemployed by choice .

The sad part of it all that if you speak out against this development you either get killed (the Foutuyn murder a few years ago) or you are branded racist/fascist.

Title: Re: Scroats
Post by cossieguy on Oct 3rd, 2006, 9:03am
Look on the bright side though jerryvr least you get to wear clogs ;D

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