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(Message started by: wickedteen on Sep 18th, 2006, 4:31pm)

Title: looking like a police car
Post by wickedteen on Sep 18th, 2006, 4:31pm
has anyone heard of some being stoppped by the local bobby, for there car looking like a police car, i havent, but if i get enough interest in this topic i shall show you all a little video of my P reg cossie estate, some might go WOW, some might say wot a thingy, then i shall let you in to a secret....................

Title: Re: looking like a police car
Post by TiberiuS on Sep 18th, 2006, 5:20pm
I think I may know what you're talking about, a friend of mine installed a pair of blue strobes behind the grille on his (diamond white, cough) Capri, for offroad use, of course ;D

Would love to see the vid ;)

Title: Re: looking like a police car
Post by wickedteen on Sep 18th, 2006, 5:35pm
did you know it is not illegal to have the "blue lense's" on your car as long as you do not switch them on on the public highway, as this would put you in prison for upto 2years as you would be inpersonating a police-man, it is legal to show a blue lense as long as you cannot see the light, ie: not blue flashing just a lense, same as a blue beacon for the roof of the car, leagal to put on the parcel shelf with the cord showing, but not legal to use.............

Title: Re: looking like a police car
Post by Matt on Sep 18th, 2006, 5:47pm
i had deep blue sidelights on my clio for 2 year, never got stopped, also had blue leds facing rearward, again never got stopped, but it does depend where you live, birmingham bobbies dont care much about anything to to with cars or road use

Title: Re: looking like a police car
Post by wickedteen on Sep 18th, 2006, 5:53pm
have alook at the pic in my profile, these are the real covert police lights

Title: Re: looking like a police car
Post by Simmo on Sep 18th, 2006, 7:56pm
Wickedteen. I think you ought to read This ( before you get 'pulled'. It is quite clear that it is an offence to FIT the type of lamp you describe ...whether it works or not.!!.

Title: Re: looking like a police car
Post by wickedteen on Sep 18th, 2006, 8:26pm
let me put it this way.............
i am a authorised dealer in police car lights and sirens, my cossi goes to shows and is fully equipped, it is all hardwired in but is on several switches, so if you get caught with them on it is obvious that you put them on and didnt hit the switch by accident, a bit like the nuclear button,lol.
and i would never sell these things to your local yob, sorry boy racer, we mainly sell to military clubs and shows, which use them for WWII ambulances and so forth.

Title: Re: looking like a police car
Post by craig on Sep 19th, 2006, 5:04am
;)someone else had all that stuff on there cossie as well,they were looking into selling that type of stuff as well,imported from the states.......
remember anyone    ;)

Title: Re: looking like a police car
Post by Highlander on Sep 19th, 2006, 6:41am

on 09/18/06 at 20:26:39, wickedteen wrote:
i would never sell these things to your local yob, sorry boy racer

In case they fit them illegally to their cars?? ;)

Title: Re: looking like a police car
Post by wickedteen on Sep 19th, 2006, 6:57am
my local police know that i have these fitted and also know that i am a authorised dealerand what i do, so its not like im hiding anything, i spoke with them about it all and they were not too happy in case they get in the wrong hands, but other the past year all has been fine and i do not use them on the road, i have had plenty of strange looks when im at the petrol station checking my oil and water, sometimes its quite funny to the faces of the boy racers who have just tried to race me, lol

Title: Re: looking like a police car
Post by Baz on Sep 19th, 2006, 8:21am
I was once sat in a petrol station having a cup of coffee, nattering to my mate and reading the papers etc. Just generally chilling and not doing anything special. I was sat there for nearly an hour when all of a sudden a cop car pulled into the station and a big copper dressed in full facist outfit comes in and threatens to arrest me for impersonating a police officer!! ;D ;D

Its all true I tell you!!

Title: Re: looking like a police car
Post by Bren on Sep 19th, 2006, 9:48am
Well Baz that's because you probably were without realizing it.
We've all seen them parked on garages supping coffee for hours having a skive .... ;D ;D

Title: Re: looking like a police car
Post by wickedteen on Sep 19th, 2006, 9:53am
hey baz, why did they do that then, did you have any blue lights on on your car??????

Title: Re: looking like a police car
Post by cossie_al on Sep 19th, 2006, 9:54am
I think you forgot to mention the plate with a dozen doughnuts on it ;D

Title: Re: looking like a police car
Post by Daven on Sep 19th, 2006, 9:55am
And then I've seen them killed or injured trying to save innocent, law abiding members of the public :-/

But lets keep to topic please  ;)


Title: Re: looking like a police car
Post by wickedteen on Sep 19th, 2006, 9:59am
dave i like the front of your car, its a bit boy racer though, but i like it

Title: Re: looking like a police car
Post by Daven on Sep 19th, 2006, 12:07pm
:D Not my car - someone else's, not a member here AFAIK -  looks awful IMO ;)


Title: Re: looking like a police car
Post by cossie_al on Sep 19th, 2006, 12:37pm
This may be of interest.
A) We have also had some enquiries concerning miniture blue lights fitted to tyre valves.

If the lamp moves - as it would if fitted on a wheel then an offence under Reg 12 Lighting Regs 1989 (moveable lamps) would appear to be fulfilled.

'No person shall use, or cause or permit to be used, on a road any vehicle to which, or to any load or equipment of which, there is fitted a lamp, reflector or marking which is capable of being moved by swivelling, deflecting or otherwise while the vehicle is in motion.

Exceptions listed include retro reflectors fitted to pedal cycle pedals, and wheels and tyres of pedal cycles, invalid carriages and solo motorcycles.

If a lamp flashes then it would fall foul of regulation 13 - Lamps to show a steady light

'No vehicle shall be fitted with a lamp which automatically emits a flashing

Exceptions include direction indicators, a headlamp fitted to an emergency vehicle; a warning beacon or special warning lamp

Are all blue lights warning beacons or special warning lamps as these are restricted to fitting and use on emergency vehicles by regulation 16?

'No vehicle, other than an emergency vehicle, shall be fitted with :-
(a) a blue warning beacon or special warning lamp, or
(b) a device which resembles a blue warning beacon or a special warning lamp, whether the same is in working order or not.'

Regulation 3

‘Special warning lamp’
A lamp, fitted to the front or rear of a vehicle, capable of emitting a blue flashing light and not any other kind of light.

‘Warning beacon’
A lamp that is capable of emitting a flashing or rotating beam of light throughout 360 degrees in the horizontal plane.

Thus if a blue light does not flash it does not fulfill the above definitions and as long as it does not resemble such a lamp then it would not fall foul of reg 16.

Can they be considered as optional position lamps? - no they do not fall even close to the definition of one.

To summarise - if they do not move, do not flash and do not resemble (other than perhaps in colour but certainly not in size) a special warning lamp or blue warning beacon and do not display to the rear I cannot see how such lamps can fall foul of this legislation.

Taken from this site

Title: Re: looking like a police car
Post by Highlander on Sep 19th, 2006, 12:43pm
Except they cant be blue :)

Title: Re: looking like a police car
Post by wickedteen on Sep 19th, 2006, 1:01pm
the main issue is wether you can see the light, yes light, not the external fitting, the cover " coloured glass", apparently it is illegal to be able to see the flashing light no matter what colour it is, but to see a reflection is legal, ie; the covert behind my grill are illegal to use as you can quite clearly see the glass, "thats if you are looking at the grill, which most none law abidding scrouts do", now the covert lights in the back are completely legal as they are TIR6's LED's which are totally clear until switched on, and they are blue one side, red the other.
now these have a range of upto 3miles, so if you unlucky to have a undercover police car in front of you and it puts these on, then you are going to stop, as these will almost certaintly momentarily blind you, these are commonly known as TAKE DOWN LIGHTS, you could be right up the back side of the vehicle and not know it until its too late and god do you know it.....

Title: Re: looking like a police car
Post by Highlander on Sep 19th, 2006, 1:11pm
I was once stopped for "displaying a red light on the front of the vehicle" which is also illegal

I had one of the big red noses for cars on the front grille wired up to flash through an indicator relay  ;D

Got let off as I was doing my bit for charity ;)

That was on a MKII Granada 2.8 Ghia X  ;D

Title: Re: looking like a police car
Post by wickedteen on Sep 19th, 2006, 1:22pm
haveing a red light wether flashing or not on display on the front of any vehicle is a big NO NO,
did you know it is two years in prison for impersonating a police officer, which is why i never NEVER use my lights on the queens highway, but i do on private land and at shows.

Title: Re: looking like a police car
Post by mazzy_j on Sep 19th, 2006, 2:46pm

did you know it is two years in prison for impersonating a police officer

two years, you'd get less for murder  ::)  ;)

I wonder what the police would make of my rainbow LED side lights  ;D You can't really see them with the main lights on anyway so i've never had any bother.


Title: Re: looking like a police car
Post by wickedteen on Sep 19th, 2006, 2:56pm
when i get a chance i shall post the video of my scorpio

Title: Re: looking like a police car
Post by TiberiuS on Sep 19th, 2006, 6:57pm
All this sounds quite illegal to me :D. Even if you are who you say you are, I couldn't see the plod going all softly softly with you just because you accidentally tripped the strobes while swatting a wasp on the M6, my experience with certain parts of the Gestapo (sorry, Police) is that they will try anything for an easy nick...

Which brings me to the point of enthusiasts who restore/show vintage police cars, how does the law stand there?

I never heard of anyone getting done when the blue LED sidelights/washer nozzle/dustcap lamps were around a few moons ago but a friend of mine did get pulled for having a clear indicator bulb on his Mk1 Capri.

Regards, Bruce.

Title: Re: looking like a police car
Post by wickedteen on Sep 19th, 2006, 7:04pm
please read the whole item, my strobes are all hard wired to a multi switch, this mutli switch is covered by a main switch, so if your strobes are on then you have purposly switched them on, there is no chance of them being switched on by accident, the main switch is well away from the multi switch and is quite awark to get to, all this is done to make them as safe as possible.

Title: Re: looking like a police car
Post by howiedintheplace on Sep 19th, 2006, 9:02pm

All very interesting but why do you have them ???

You can not use them on the road.

Seen them before at car shows, no one seems really bothered.

Last ones I took off a ex-plod car I chucked in a skip, no interest.

I can only see a decent market for illegal activities really ;D

There is a local kid near me who goes round with a blue beacon trying to pull over cars for a laugh some nights.

Title: Re: looking like a police car
Post by wickedteen on Sep 19th, 2006, 9:29pm
i think maybe you should read the Full topic

Title: Re: looking like a police car
Post by Spannerdemon on Sep 19th, 2006, 9:34pm
Now forgive me if I'm a bit old-fashioned, but..........

Why on earth would you want to buy or put blue lights on to your lovely Scorpio ( or any other car for that matter), and risk drawing attention to yourself by the police?

That's what richardheads do!!

One thing's for sure. You go flashing blue lights at other road users, and pretty soon somebody will take exception to it and phone your number in to the police.

THEN......... you will wish you hadn't....but it'll be too late then, won't it!!!

You''ll have got yourself a nice big load of trouble, and probably a criminal record for impersonating, that could affect your whole life, jobs etc,  for many years to come!!

Not worth it. Buy a nice set of tools or something useful .

Lecture over.  Off back to my pipe and slippers!!    ;D

Title: Re: looking like a police car
Post by km449 on Sep 19th, 2006, 9:35pm
With my ex chief of sussex police white explorer am i missing some interesting add ons?

Title: Re: looking like a police car
Post by howiedintheplace on Sep 19th, 2006, 9:49pm
Well I have read it all again & still can't see the point of them.
If the car was in full police drag then yeah.

I have built show cars so I know that it would not interest most people except the ones who want a laugh with the lights.

I could probably get the lights myself as I have just sold a special car to the Met. police force & they chuck out that kind of stuff all the time so could get the exact stuff they use.

Sorry to be negative but I don't think your sell many unless you go for the yob market ;D

Title: Re: looking like a police car
Post by cossie_al on Sep 19th, 2006, 10:48pm
[] with howie,
Okay wickedteen so you are an authorised dealer in police lights etc and you have them wired to multiple switches so you cant put them on by accident and you only use them at shows or off road.
The fealing I get from your posts is you are not intending to inpersonate a police car but you still have the blue lights behind the grill and some blue and red leds in the back.
I am of the opinion that if a police officer was to spot these, and if as you say he cant legally do anything he will go over your car untill he does find a fault and do you for it.
I have two freinds in traffic all be it on the bikes I will ask then their opinion on friday night.
Oh and by the way exactly why do you have them fitted? Is it just because you can?

Title: Re: looking like a police car
Post by wickedteen on Sep 20th, 2006, 7:11am
well if you can get these lights i would be very interested if you have a good price, as i am running a little low at the moment, please pm me to talk about it, cheers

Title: Re: looking like a police car
Post by howiedintheplace on Sep 20th, 2006, 7:37am
One of the mechanics told me about a skip they chuck all the old stuff in when they decomission cars + alot of unwanted new parts. He said I could have a look through it.  ;D
Should be one at every police garage I guess.
I was going to get 2 Scorps out of their pound but I am not bothering now.

I am miles away from any such garage so it does not really interest me.

& as I said I can't see a legal market for them anyway.

Title: Re: looking like a police car
Post by wickedteen on Sep 20th, 2006, 7:45am
to be honest i do most of my sales at the military shows for old WWI and WWII vehicles, for some reason they cannot get them and it is quite legal for them to have them on there vehicle, i have also found that i have sold more since using my car as a demo vehicleso as to see the affect, sorry if theres been a little confusion out there, im not interested in illegal activaty any more getting too old, lol

Title: Re: looking like a police car
Post by wickedteen on Oct 3rd, 2006, 10:13pm
the car got written off today in a stupid accident, the police werent bothered at all about the lights or siren as they asked why i had them and i told them, so if they were illegal then i would have been NICKED wouldnt i, hmm so looks like its legal then, to have them on your car but not to use them as i said before...................

Title: Re: looking like a police car
Post by Baz on Oct 3rd, 2006, 10:56pm
They were probably more interested in going for a coffee and changing the film in the speed cameras!

Title: Re: looking like a police car
Post by wickedteen on Oct 4th, 2006, 8:36am
yup he was quite desperate to get to hitchin for afternoon tea and scone

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