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(Message started by: Paul B on Sep 25th, 2006, 5:00pm)

Title: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by Paul B on Sep 25th, 2006, 5:00pm

Nothing stolen. It was the whole car they were trying to take.
Steering column shroud ripped off, barrel thumped about, and PATS lead left dangling where they'd attempted to bypass it.

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by Snoopy on Sep 25th, 2006, 5:03pm
OH dear, what were they after??? hopefully no other damage done just the mess to clean up....  :-[

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by Matt on Sep 25th, 2006, 6:02pm

the little b*stards

if it's any help theres a scorpio in a scrappy near me, i think it still has the steering shroud and possibly the drivers window >:( >:(

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by TiberiuS on Sep 25th, 2006, 6:10pm
B@ST@RDS >:(

This is what happens nowadays, they see a decent car and just want to wreck it, no respect for anything or anybody, just scum...

Get hold of the little f**kers and merge the bloody steering column with their skulls >:(

Where was it parked? on the street or off road?

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by Baz on Sep 25th, 2006, 6:13pm
Was the car deadlocked Paul? If it was, how did they get into it and still leave so much glass in the frame?

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by cossieguy on Sep 25th, 2006, 6:19pm
Sorry mate, don't know what i'd do if i woke up to that. Least the car is still there and the rest is pretty cosmetic (No consilation) Hope its back to its former glory soon. Dare i ask what the police are doing about it? Other than scratching their arses.

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by RichardMS on Sep 25th, 2006, 6:23pm
:o Holy nuts Paul, I really feel for you mate.
I don't suppose you have any idea as to who it may have been :'(

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by Baz on Sep 25th, 2006, 7:13pm
If you need a copper, you better check down the local petrol station or cafe or motorway bridge where they are on "camera duty"

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by Paul B on Sep 25th, 2006, 7:25pm
Haven't had too much time to inspect things too closely yet, so not sure what parts are actually damaged, but it doesn't appear too bad  :-/

Here's the thing... due to an ongoing mystery electical fault whereby the the car can drain a perfect battery almost overnight, it wasn't connected. The battery was flat and on charge.
So, the car had been locked 'manually' and not double locked. As a result, there was no red light flashing on the dash and no alarm to sound when they leant through to unlock the door. DOH!!!  :-[
Still, that also meant that they had no chance of starting it up either.
Looked like they knew what they were doing though by fiddling with the PATS module (unsuccessfully). Shame they didn't have the brains to lift the bonnet and reconnect the battery eh?  ;)

Already have a door glass (thanks Paul  8)) and I know I'll need the lower shroud. I think everything else is intact. The steering didn't break, the cloumn just twisted around a bit (you can just see that in the photo).

Nothing was taken from the car at all. Some money and loads of CD's still in there. It would appear it was definitely the car they were after.

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by Spannerdemon on Sep 25th, 2006, 7:34pm
Filthy Dirty SCUM.  Yet another example of YOU having to put your hand in your pocket because some mindless little scumbag couldn't leave other people's property alone.

So much for Mr Blairs "get tough on Crime" initiatives.

Hope you get it sorted mate....and sort the little bustard who did it too, if you get the chance.  >:(

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by Simmo on Sep 25th, 2006, 7:50pm
Paul, you may know that Paulscorp and Russ are breaking a car at the moment so they may have the shroud you require and of course they are Kent based. Suggest a PM. If no joy let me know and I'll visit my local (Crawley) scrappy and see if I can aquire the part you want. Wouldn't you just love to come round the corner with the torque wrench in your hand and catch the little b....ds.

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by Paul B on Sep 25th, 2006, 8:04pm
Those of you on here who know me will know that I'm actually quite laid back, easy going and mild mannered  ;) but it does make me want to find them and wrap that steering column across their head until the half-a-brain they have comes running out of their ears  >:(

The police are doing what they can (bless 'em) and turned up in a matter of... well, 3 hours! By this time, the pouring rain had washed away the boot prints beside the car and also made their fag butts useless as evidence.
The broken shroud had dabs on the inside of it and was taken away. The rest of the interior was apparently  useless as the textures were all wrong for gaining prints.
"The surface of the steering wheel and your seats (the grain of the leather) is no good - it has to be a smooth shiney surface".
You have to despair really don't you?  ???

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by Dave on Sep 25th, 2006, 9:42pm
For god's sake  >:( >:( >:(

You just can't leave anything anywhere can you  >:( >:( >:(

Sorry to see this Paul, at least they didn't manage to take it after all the work you have done  :)

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by cossie_al on Sep 25th, 2006, 10:44pm
Paul I feal sick as a dog mate my stomach is in my mouth, and its not my car god knows how I would be if it was mine.
my opinion is that Blair feka is directly responsible for the damage to your car.
Afterall he was the one who said he was going to get tough on crime it never did happen the soft sheite

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by taliban on Sep 25th, 2006, 10:50pm
i know the feeling well, the same happened to me a couple of months back.
you're lucky the police came out, i phoned em, they gave me a crime reference number for insurance and said they'd be in touch. 4 days later they phoned to check the details and asked if i'd used the car as they might get prints (bit late for that!). 2 weeks later i got a letter saying no one had been arrested and there was a nice glossy victim support leaflet with it.
but i think its always worth reporting; crime records and if there is a pattern emerging hopefully they'll spot it, or at least encourage them to patrol more.

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by hepburn on Sep 26th, 2006, 6:57am
Well you have my commiserations.  Personally I've just spent a few days hard graft turning part of my back garden into a car driveway, complete with (sensor) floodlight and wireless IP camera.  At least if anything happens I'll have video footage to hand to the police.

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by Simmo on Sep 26th, 2006, 7:24am
You'll probably find that you've infringed their human rights !!!! but then are they 'human'!. Oh and don't get Baz going on the video bit..... its a bit like a red rag to a Bull......!!. ;)

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by Daven on Sep 26th, 2006, 7:30am
Gutted for you mate!


Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by LiverpaulH on Sep 26th, 2006, 9:32am
Bloody scum. Makes me so fecking annoyed.

Hope you get it sorted soon Paul, and catch the thingys.....hmmm thats likely >:(


Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by hepburn on Sep 26th, 2006, 9:56am

on 09/26/06 at 07:24:39, Simmo wrote:
You'll probably find that you've infringed their human rights !!!!

Not if the camera and "they" are on my property.  

There was a well reported incident where one of these cameras was used by a guy and it recorded images of the oik/s stealing the very computer it was connected to.  However, he had it set up for motion sensing and it emailed images to him at work.  He sent the images to the police who recognised the thief and arrested him. They also used the images in court.

Having said all that, i recall a case in scotland where a convicted repeat arsonist appealed against a ban on her having matches and lighters (for obvious reasons) and won because it contravened her right to freely smoke cigarettes - human rights law in action!  ;)

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by Baz on Sep 26th, 2006, 6:17pm
My cameras have been upgraded to network based ones and they transmit the images which are actually recorded at my office 4 miles away so it doesn't matter if they nick the computer!

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by Paul B on Sep 26th, 2006, 7:44pm
Sorry, just rewinding a bit here (although I am VERY interseted in setting up some CCTV now).
I took loads of photos yesterday (realising that the Police wouldn't bother) but my memory card got wiped as I tried to upload them  >:(
Anyway, here's a few more of the damage, which is actually not too bad. I think I was kinda lucky  :-/

I've had a fiddle around this evening, and I think I might just get away with a new plastic shround for the column.
That said, some of the plastic parts of the dash have been broken. Like the points where the coin box fixes up. Don't really want to get into replacing all that though, so will attempt some repairs. Luckily, I'm a bit nifty with the old superglue.  ;)

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by Butterfingers on Sep 26th, 2006, 7:58pm
Sorry to see damage to your car. Hope the stupid things get run over and never in a state to do that again.

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by mr._floppy on Sep 27th, 2006, 12:33am
All  these  damaged  bits  of trim  can  be  got  from scrappers  or  e-bay.

      Never mind b****ring about with superglue, you need to get your pride and joy back to the condition it was before the  scumbags got to it, just  tell  us what  you  need,  that's  what  the  site is  all  about  :-*

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by Paul B on Sep 27th, 2006, 6:09am

on 09/27/06 at 00:33:02, mr._floppy wrote:
All  these  damaged  bits  of trim  can  be  got  from scrappers  or  e-bay.

      Never mind b****ring about with superglue, you need to get your pride and joy back to the condition it was before the  scumbags got to it, just  tell  us what  you  need,  that's  what  the  site is  all  about  :-*

Yeah but, as far as I can tell, the broken sections which the fixing screws go into are major parts of the lower dash. Could well be able to get the bits, but I don't want to strip it down too much.
Am I being lazy?  :-/

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by Baz on Sep 27th, 2006, 7:52pm
I would make your own repairs to the sections that have broken. It is a common fault (especially it seems on the facelift models) the plastic of the dash is very brittle and prone to snapping very easily.

With regards to the CCTV, My company sells and installs the stuff; maily PC based systems, stick a card in and a few bits of cat 5 with a big hard drive and lo and behold, a fully operational system for very little money

Details if you want them..............

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by Paul B on Sep 27th, 2006, 9:27pm
Its a bit beyond me, but yes, I might still be interested.

In the mean time I'm going to set up a PIR security light set down onto the car as a bit of a deterrent (I can't help thinking they might try again  :()
And I'm going to make sure its alarmed & double locked every time too.

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by Spannerdemon on Oct 2nd, 2006, 9:55pm
Buy a dirty great big Rottweiler, and leave it in the car mate!!!  ;)

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by music_master on Oct 2nd, 2006, 10:05pm
thats what i have a rotty and its a trained guard dog if u wanna get over my fence night or day feel free  u come over with an ass and ill guarantee you will deffo leave without 1 or u wont leave at all cos if it gets a grip of ya it wont let go 5then u have me to deal with and my best m8 bertie the bat good luck paul hope u get it sorted m8 ;)

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by cossie_al on Oct 2nd, 2006, 10:53pm
Isnt that just the point though. There is no deterant to these b@ sta rds.
We have all heard stories and probably know someone who has caught one of the above in action and got a heavier punishment than the criminal.
In my opinion Tony Blair is directly responsible for the damage to your car Paul, and guess what if you got hold of the low life during his actions and gave it a good kicking the tosser blair would also be responsible for locking you away because he is tough on crime.
Any person who desire to be a politition should be shot because they lie betray and steal.

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by Kjetil S on Oct 2nd, 2006, 11:12pm
Well, as the great Douglas Adams put it:

"Anyone who is capable of getting themselves into a position of power should on no account be allowed to do the job."

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by Paul B on Oct 11th, 2006, 6:50pm
OK, everything is back together, working nice, and looking ok too. Yes, I actually got around to washing the car today (1st time in months)

The window has a slightly different tint to the old one, but it'll do.
I think you can see the difference in this picture.

I have to admit, I had some help with the car cleaning. Here's my faithful assistant displaying the result...    ;)

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by Paul B on Oct 11th, 2006, 6:51pm
And if the offenders would care to call again, I'll have a nice little surprise waiting for them... of the 240v variety

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by VSBlue on Oct 11th, 2006, 7:05pm
looks nice now m8 ;D

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by TiberiuS on Oct 11th, 2006, 7:19pm
Hey Paul, the car looks really nice. I like the pre-facelift in State Blue ;)

Keep a very close eye on it now, these little gits go for our beloved Scorps because they look so powerful and expensive, the 24v badge will draw the idiots on it's own.

Regards, Bruce ;)

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by Highlander on Oct 11th, 2006, 8:25pm

on 10/11/06 at 18:51:43, Paul B wrote:
And if the offenders would care to call again, I'll have a nice little surprise waiting for them... of the 240v variety

Nice idea but its an attempted murder charge if you get caught

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by LiverpaulH on Oct 12th, 2006, 11:14am

on 10/11/06 at 20:25:23, Highlander wrote:
Nice idea but its an attempted murder charge if you get caught

Whereas it should be an obe for services to the community from the queen.

Anyway how can it be an attempted murder charge, its there to stop the pigeons landing on the car isn't it. If they don't break in they can't be caught by it ....... stupid namby pamby liberal lack of punishment is a big problem now. Bring back birching.


Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by Highlander on Oct 12th, 2006, 11:55am
I agree but its how the law works, its like only being able to attack a burglar in your home in self defense and not using excessive force. (wont apply in my house)

Same as glass along the top of your wall, if someone gets hurt on it you're to blame!

Its not right but its the law

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by Dave2302 on Oct 12th, 2006, 2:29pm

But.......If ones battery charger should accidentally malfunction, thus putting 240v down the negative (Batt Earth) lead whilst connected to the vehicle, (perhaps through two wires with burnt insulation that have touched together inside).  Any resultant death or injury is now classed as an accident.  I know this cos some poor old lowlife who kept stealing the diesel out of my recovery truck when parked outside my workshop had an accident of this nature  }{ }{ }{  Apparantly as he tried to break the new diesel cap off he got such a shock that he split his head open on the underside of the lorry bed!!!! Loads of stitches up the local hospital.... I was so upset, I cried myself to sleep for weeks Just think, my defective battery charger could have given me a shock if I hadn't turned it off each time before I disconnected it from the lorry.  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by Highlander on Oct 12th, 2006, 3:01pm
But now you get into Health and Safety at work, Safe operating procedures, portable appliance testing, risk assessment etc, i'd bet its still your fault
But good result anyway  ;D

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by Dave2302 on Oct 12th, 2006, 3:08pm
Hi Stuart,

Yeah your probably right, I guess if the plod could have been bothered, or if scumbag had the funds to sue me maybe there could have been health and safety or appliance testing issues, but as you say twas a right result, and after 25 years in business and having had umpteen things broken into and or stolen It all seemed very just.  Mind you since then we've had Land Rover window busted and my girlfriends CD's nicked.  I only ever leave copied ones in the cars now, and I dont think our local scum are intelligent enuf to find the CD changers in the Scorp or the Disco LOL ;D

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by Highlander on Oct 12th, 2006, 3:14pm
Going back to another recent thread, a young guy near us threw a brick at a bus shelter which had just been fitted with unbreakable glass, the brick bounced back and injured him and he successfully sued for damages because the glass should have been fitted with a sticker saying it was unbreakable!!


Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by Dave2302 on Oct 12th, 2006, 3:52pm
Yeah, was just looking at that one, makes my blood boil.  At least if they were trying to nick the car, like this one, the damage had a purpose. I know it still doesnt make it right, and I sympathise with Paul B.  But those key scratches have ruined poor Allenjames's car and are just rank disrespect for anything and everything, completely un - neccessary.  I'd seriously harm them if I ever caught them and bu66er the consequences !!

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by Paul B on Oct 12th, 2006, 4:37pm

on 10/12/06 at 15:52:21, Dave2302 wrote:
Yeah, was just looking at that one, makes my blood boil.  At least if they were trying to nick the car, like this one, the damage had a purpose. I know it still doesnt make it right, and I sympathise with Paul B.  But those key scratches have ruined poor Allenjames's car and are just rank disrespect for anything and everything, completely un - neccessary.  I'd seriously harm them if I ever caught them and bu66er the consequences !!

I agree. Totally.

I didn't want them to posh me window, or smash the steering column. Nor did I want them to get away with the car.

But in a way, I felt fairly lucky. I mean, they didn't get the car, and the damage was reasonably easily fixed (I did it myself).

Yes, I still want to get my hands on the idiots that did it. I'm still angry about it. But seeing that scratch damage... I'd be really gutted with that.

That would be a 'crack their heads on the kerbstones' job.

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by Dave2302 on Oct 12th, 2006, 6:07pm
Yeah reckon we'd all agree re the kerbstones, anyway Paul, glad you got your car sorted but so un neccesary that you had to put yourself out to do it!

I had similair with an Astra Estate years ago, only thing with a towbar I had and 2 days before a waterski holiday they broke the window, detroyed the dash and column, wheel and airbag.  But a visit to my local breakers, and £70 and a late night at the workshop and it was all fixed.  Hate 'em with a vengence I do !!

Regards Dave

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by dh_dove on Oct 12th, 2006, 6:12pm
Please accept my total sympathy re your wretched vandalism/attempted theft, I'm so pleased to see that you've got your car back to some semblance of it's former glory.
I've been reading these threads re wanton damage with increasing anger and frustration.
To me the most annoying thing is that most (I hope) of these kids will one day have a home, family, car, job etc. and when it happens to them they'll be outraged.
I blame their parents for totally failing in teaching manners, courtesy, respect for others and the true value of things.
Then again it's probably an uphill struggle even if they wanted to if the school they attend has no disciplinary regime and encourages "free thinking".
I am very saddened to say that the country that I grew up in in the sixties has gone and without some kind of revolution will never return.......... :'(
Best Regards
DH Dove

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by Highlander on Oct 12th, 2006, 6:21pm
I'm up for a revolution...  ;)

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by Dave2302 on Oct 12th, 2006, 6:29pm
Me too...... Come the day of the Revolution brother......

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by dh_dove on Oct 12th, 2006, 6:35pm
FIRST STEP Ditch the European Bl**dy Union :(
Then we'll take it from there........
NB Are we allowed to discuss politics on this site.....don't want to offend any moderators on only my fourth post :-[
DH Dove

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by Snoopy on Oct 12th, 2006, 7:51pm
Open ended discussions are allowed, only moderation applied if I think it is getting out of hand, but really any thing goes... except of course bad language , libel and slander.

Good luck  ;D

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by LiverpaulH on Oct 13th, 2006, 9:07am
One of my usual rants, but until we start instilling some disciplining into society things will continue to go downhill. We need to stop the namby pamby pc brigade ruining this country by protecting the scum who seem to get away with their crimes, while those who have the crimes perpetrated against them (think tony martin) end up put inside for protecting their property, while the pikeys walk about scot free, it makes my blood boil.

Bring back the cane and birching. Turn prisons back into prisons from the holiday camps they've become (tv's etc) and start punishing people properly again. Children need to learn respect for themselves, others and property.

And yes getting out of the eu would help so we can start setting our own laws again. As for the human rights of can get stuffed, they choose to break the law imo they then deserve what they get. If they don't break into your house they can't be shot or beaten can they....its their choice.

Right I'm off to calm down, wheres the pub?


Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by Dave2302 on Oct 13th, 2006, 5:14pm

Now I'm off to the pub too.  By the way I have found that as long as the crime victim denies that he bashed the scrot concerned and doesnt leave evidence / witnesses, then he can use the same system of getting away with it as the lowlife does. ::)

IMHO a word in the right officer's ear, such as "I'm not saying I did (blah blah) to the little wotsit, but if i did, it might have been because this lowlife did (blah blah) to my car" and usually a lack of Police interest follows.
I'm not a supporter of the police,or of violence, quite the opposite in fact, but I've known one or two Officers over the years who are very dissillusioned at the fact that there hands are tied by red tape, and will therefore overlook certain "Summary Justice issues" providing one goes about it sensibly.  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by Penguin on Oct 13th, 2006, 9:40pm
As a writer and an adult educationalist I'm meant to be a social liberal and, indeed I am... a point.

However it does seem to me that society seems to have forgotten how to deal with the lowlife that spread misery like this.  

Fifty years ago a policeman catching a child up to no good would rap him or her round the ear and march them back to their parents who would then no doubt exercise some further discipline. Unfortunately because that was all washed away twenty or so years ago any policeman doing that today would be sued by the parents in question for "corsin' like, emoisonal damige to our lil' Tracey" because the parents in question were the first generation not to experience it.  

As such the child who isn't disciplined at home or in the street, becomes the teenager that breaks into our cars.

Having said that I don't think the birch would be useful as getting birched would simply become a right of passage among these louts - "Like you know, I've had three times in the last week..." What I mean is that it would not deter teenagers/adults in the same way that the cane deters children.  (The cane in schools is, however, a good idea provided that it comes with enough safeguards to ensure that one teacher's vendetta (for example) isn't sufficient reason).

To punish teenagers and adults, since prison doesn't work properly for all the reasons mentionned above, I think an auction of their property to the value of what they stole (and/or the damage they caused) woudl be the best way forward - funds to be distributed the victims (and if they don't have enough property to pay off this debt, a deduction from wages/benefits until they do).

Just an idea.



Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by Kjetil S on Oct 13th, 2006, 10:02pm
Your last point there is actually a brilliant idea imho. Make them pay for their damages (litterally).

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by Dave2302 on Oct 16th, 2006, 5:11pm

Yes Yes Yes, this is exactly what should happen.  Make 'em directly responsible.   And for more serious crimes like rape / murder, just execute them, instead of us paying the equivalent of around 2grand a week to keep them safe for 25 years in a cosy prison cell, just to be let out to do it  again.

Chuck out "B liar" and his cronies and vote for PENGUIN !!

}{ ;D ;D }{ }{ ;D ;D }{

Title: Re: Look What I Found This Morning
Post by Highlander on Oct 16th, 2006, 5:34pm

on 10/13/06 at 21:40:11, Penguin wrote:
Having said that I don't think the birch would be useful as getting birched would simply become a right of passage among these louts - "Like you know, I've had three times in the last week..."

I dont think that would happen too often, i think after the first time they wouldnt be so keen to have it done again

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