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General >> Off Topic Subjects >> Little Shits !
(Message started by: allenjames on Sep 30th, 2006, 9:45am)

Title: Little nutss !
Post by allenjames on Sep 30th, 2006, 9:45am
Woke up this morning, 7am, nice bright day...

Righty, I will get into work jetwash the motor and apply the supaguard polish.

Then I find this...

Body Estimate £2500 to £3000.

Every Panel Except the roof damaged.

Title: Re: Little nutss !
Post by Geoff_W on Sep 30th, 2006, 10:20am
Absolute UTTER Ba star ds

Any clues?  >:(

Title: Re: Little nutss !
Post by hepburn on Sep 30th, 2006, 11:18am
Been there, suffered that, soul destroying...  

Now have cctv monitoring car...  Hindsight is 20/20 vision of course!

I really feel for you and i'm lost for more words :(

Title: Re: Little nutss !
Post by mr._floppy on Sep 30th, 2006, 12:17pm
 The disrespect  ( a popular word among the young  these days , I wonder do they know what it means ? )   for other people's hard earned  property  has reached new lows.

          Being a non-violent chap I would  quite happily pay for someone   to  snap  the  10    fingers  of  the  wrong doer  slowly,  one by one,  so he  would  never  be  able  to  grip   anything  again  let alone   scratch  a car.

 I'm not joking,  if this  cretin was  brought before a court he'd get 10  hrs Community Service  and be sent to bed with  no  tea.

   Where's the deterrent  ?  :(


Title: Re: Little nutss !
Post by wayne on Sep 30th, 2006, 1:10pm

on 09/30/06 at 12:17:06, mr._floppy wrote:
  I'm not joking,  if this  cretin was  brought before a court he'd get 10  hrs Community Service  and be sent to bed with  no tea 

Are you sure the sentence would be that harsh?  I thought such severity was reserved for women pensioners that cuff the B's that have made her life a misery for the last 6 mths..

It's saddening the number of 'off topic' discussions that centre around the wanton damage done to our cars.  Two days ago someone decided to see how much effort was required to pull my wing mirror off. I managed to put it back together but now it sits loose in it's seating, no doubt something has been strained.
Oh to have walked around the corner during their toils... No doubt I'd be writing this whilst on remand!
Sad, sad times....

Title: Re: Little nutss !
Post by allenjames on Sep 30th, 2006, 1:16pm
What really gets me is it was the only car in the parking area damaged. Also, I have never annoyed anyone in my life.

I guess its just a random event.

Title: Re: Little nutss !
Post by Highlander on Sep 30th, 2006, 1:24pm
A group of young lads had fun a while back kicking over old gravestones near us, one of which belonged to my
Great Grandfather.

On one of these nights out one of the stones fell and caught one of them by the leg, broken hip, leg broken in three places... and now he's suing the council because the stones were not secured enough that they couldn't be kicked over!!

Another one sued because a brick he threw at a bus shelter with new unbreakable glass bounced back and injured him!!

There isn't proper justice any more, its against the law!

If someone decides to stand for election to bring back the death penalty and restore justice then I'd start voting again!!

Title: Re: Little nutss !
Post by Paul B on Sep 30th, 2006, 1:33pm

on 09/30/06 at 13:24:01, Highlander wrote:
Another one sued because a brick he threw at a bus shelter with new unbreakable glass bounced back and injured him!!

Tell you what... I'd have paid good money to watch that happen!

But seriously, I'm gutted to even look at those pictures. God only knows how you feel  :'(

Its been a bad week for our Scorps and vandalism / theft. I've been one of those but consider myself lucky compared to this.

Title: Re: Little nutss !
Post by Dave on Sep 30th, 2006, 6:02pm


Words fail me. So sorry to see that  :'(  >:( :(

Title: Re: Little nutss !
Post by craig on Sep 30th, 2006, 7:53pm
not much consolation i know but,try getting a quote from 1 of the many smart repairers that are in the yellow pages (chips away etc.etc),they are usually much cheaper than body shops,from my own personal experience they have been very professional and done an excellent job,and they only touch in the damaged area's as opposed to spraying the whole panel.....
might be worth an enquirey   ???

Title: Re: Little nutss !
Post by TiberiuS on Sep 30th, 2006, 8:58pm
I feel for you m8, you're not the only one :'(

I've heard a few good comms about the paint chip people but it depends how deep the key marks go and metallics are very hard to match, not only in colour/fleck but in lacquer. Had a bad mark in the door, went quite deep so I had to bare it and level it with filler primer before I realised how badly matched the Halfords paint was. Off to the FMD for more paint and damage bared again I got an almost invisible finish but to have that much needless damage is soul destroying.

All this sure gets my back up, we're experiencing a BAD moral decline in this country today, no respect for others or their property and no respect for the law whatsoever.


Title: Re: Little nutss !
Post by jonnycab on Oct 1st, 2006, 12:08am
A vigilante society is not that far away I think.
People want there lives back, free from persecution ;)

The police won't do anything, so vigilantes will start to become more prevailent around the country.
Possibly like another peasants revolt?

The human rights act has to be got rid of & replaced with the "slap 'em if they're naughty" act

There is nothing wrong with the cane....I had it at school & it taught me respect :)

Title: Re: Little nutss !
Post by hepburn on Oct 1st, 2006, 9:20am

on 09/30/06 at 20:58:11, TiberiuS wrote:
All this sure gets my back up, we're experiencing a BAD moral decline in this country today, no respect for others or their property

And not just in crime related matters either.  I had the "pleasure" of 2 scaffolders just waltzing onto my property unannounced to remove their scaffolding.  When I made the point that they ought to have knocked and let me know they were here I was met with a stream of verbal abuse and ridicule.  

Whatever happened to manners?

Title: Re: Little nutss !
Post by cossieguy on Oct 1st, 2006, 9:34am

on 10/01/06 at 09:20:35, hepburn wrote:
Whatever happened to manners?

The same thing that happened to decency and honesty and hard work, they all bug*&!ed off when Labour and Tony B"Liar" came in to office. Afterall why work for a living when you can get an eastern european to do it for you and you can just sit back and get handouts from the government.

Title: Re: Little nutss !
Post by Spannerdemon on Oct 1st, 2006, 4:41pm
The sort of scum that do this want birching in public until rivers of blood run from their stinking bodies.

I would beat the living crap out of anyone who did this to any of my family's cars..........and SOD the consequences.

The British people have had enough of this, but as usual, the government take no notice, and I'll bet your local plod won't spare too much time on it!!

It's getting VERY close to public retaliation to crime in my opinion. If the police won't do it, and the government couldn't care less, then we WILL deal with it in our own way.

Count on it Mr Blair.

I don't know if any of you guys and gals have ever watched a film called "The Star Chamber".

Basically it's about a group of High Court judges who get sick of seeing scroats going almost free............and set up their own way of dealing with it. Quite an old film, but well worth watching!!

THEY HAVE COMMITED EVERY CRIME IN THE BOOK. Yet the law cannot touch them. They are free to walk the streets. UNTIL TONIGHT'S MEETING OF..THE STAR CHAMBER]

Hope you get your car fixed buddy. It's just jealousy....that's all. That and mindless yobbery.  :-X

Title: Re: Little nutss !
Post by allenjames on Oct 2nd, 2006, 8:19am
Well, today is the day Direct Line are calling me to arrange a visit to "their" bodyshop.

Anyone reckon its a write off ?

If so, I will touch the scratches in myself - ok it will look stupid, but its the best car ive owned.

Title: Re: Little nutss !
Post by Dave on Oct 2nd, 2006, 9:46am
I do sadly.  If it is written off I would buy it back and get the best t cut/polish/wax/touch up out there then use the dosh for other stuff.

Might be worth trying these Chips Away people if it comes to it, did a good job on a neighbours brand new metallic Audi a while back.

Good luck  :)

Title: Re: Little nutss !
Post by LiverpaulH on Oct 2nd, 2006, 4:02pm
Unbloodybelievable, I'd quite quite happily beat the living hell out of any little thingy that did that to my car. I agree with tryibg chips away or the like.

Its such a sad enditement of our society that the only punished crime is middle class crime like speeding, why because it makes them money.

As noted earlier by Johnny I can't see it being long until the main law abiding majority just start taking things into their own hands. I still get so narked by the martin case when he was jailed for having a go at the theiving pikeys who had broken into his property, if they weren't there in the first place they wouldn't be shot would they.

I'd better go a take a breather I think.


Title: Re: Little nutss !
Post by TiberiuS on Oct 2nd, 2006, 5:59pm
It's a writeoff, I'd bet my life on it unfortunately :-[

Don't fear too much, there are ways around it, either one of the paint chip people or even if you have a go yourself; it's a dark colour so more forgiving than gold or silver. With that amount of damage you'd be better to level the scratches and then spray over, a lot of graft but it can give a good finish. Chip repair kits will show up badly on that much damage.

Good luck mate, I feel for you :'(


Title: Re: Little nutss !
Post by allenjames on Oct 2nd, 2006, 6:59pm
If its written off, I WILL sort it myself.

Im not letting this baby go !

Title: Re: Little nutss !
Post by RichardMS on Oct 2nd, 2006, 7:28pm
I also think it will be written off :'(
Where abouts are you Allen ???

Title: Re: Little nutss !
Post by cossieguy on Oct 2nd, 2006, 7:43pm
Allen, you need to talk to Irratic he's breaking a 2.0 in Aubergine Here (;action=display;num=1159651326), was going to take the bonnet and passenger mirror but will gladly stand aside if he can do you a deal on all the panels etc I'm sure in this situation he might be willing to help you out.

Just noticed yours is an estate not sure what Irratics is but at the very least you might get all the front panels,bonnet and all the doors.

Title: Re: Little nutss !
Post by Dave on Oct 2nd, 2006, 8:18pm

on 10/02/06 at 18:59:44, allenjames wrote:
If its written off, I WILL sort it myself.

Im not letting this baby go !

Good man  :)

Title: Re: Little nutss !
Post by allenjames on Oct 2nd, 2006, 8:47pm
Im in Salisbury, Wilts.

Are the front wings bolt on ? I have not checked.

Title: Re: Little nutss !
Post by TiberiuS on Oct 2nd, 2006, 8:50pm
Don't mind me saying chaps but to replace every panel is a big undertaking, even if both cars are same year and same condition there's no guarantee the paint finishes will match.

Its a good enough idea but I think you'll be making a lot of work for yourself and you still don't have the tailgate or rear wings.


Title: Re: Little nutss !
Post by RichardMS on Oct 3rd, 2006, 7:58pm
No the wings are spot welded, Pity you are not a bit closer, I'd give you a hand doing the job.

Title: Re: Little nutss !
Post by Simmo on Oct 8th, 2006, 12:47pm
AJ. There is an letter in yesterdays Telegraph motoring section,Honest Johns coloumn, singing the praises of one of these 'Chips Away' type firms and also I see that Halfords are now advertising a similar service. How is your claim going??.

Title: Re: Little nutss !
Post by allenjames on Oct 9th, 2006, 2:28pm
Well, I got 2 quotes in both around £2000 , but direct line are dragging their heels and their "approved" bodyshop hasnt even sorted the quote yet.

Called direct line, they say I will probably have to show an assessor the damage.

Still waiting really.

Title: Re: Little nutss !
Post by RichardMS on Oct 9th, 2006, 6:22pm
Sounds bloody typical of all insurance company's of late,
I wonder how long they would wait if it was the other way around :-/

Title: Re: Little nutss !
Post by Dave2302 on Oct 12th, 2006, 3:43pm
Am so sorry to see the damage to your car, I would love to have caught them for you !!  Beleive me I am not a violent man, but I hate bullies and cowards.  These kind of scum are the lowest of the low. They wont knock on your door and say here look at what I've done!! NO BALLS.  COWARDS. I would love to permanantly injure and maim these pieces of poo.  
My girlfriend and I are moving to Scottish Highlands next year, small Log Cabin on a Loch so I can enjoy my retirement, waterski and live life peacefully without this kind of moronic behaviour.
Round where we currently live there is talk of a vigilante group, I reckon it will happen, cos plod, government and big establishment like insurers and large retail chains just dump all over the majority of us these days.  
One of the things I did do years ago was to reduce my Insurance cover to the minimum legal requirements, because they never want to pay out anyway.  The money we have saved over the years has paid for the running repairs and damage when needed, i.e Windows in doors, damaged Ignition locks pinched stereos etc. This country is bu66ered now!!
Anyway I hope you get your car fixed up and those chip boys really are very good.
Regards Dave

Title: Re: Little nutss !
Post by allenjames on Oct 14th, 2006, 1:59pm
well, direct line said it was beyond economical repair.

I can keep the car and they will give me £1050 - excess (£250) in lieu of repair.

The missus is going at it now with a 000 artist brush touching in the scratches.

Title: Re: Little nutss !
Post by TiberiuS on Oct 14th, 2006, 2:46pm
Thats a kick in the teeth. You could argue (we've done it) but it gets bloody stressful, at least you got something torwards the damage though.

Reminds me of the problems we had with the Capri, got hit outside our house, offside rear wing/exhaust/lamps/bumper etc got totalled, car was 15 years old at the time and we were offered £330 scrap. Went back and argued and they went up to £700; went to Capri Club, got legal advice and valuation for £2200 (car was restored a few months before), written statements from the bodyshop and garage where we had it serviced and after 7 months of arguing they coughed up £2500 and we got to keep it.

That was October 1996, car is still unrepaired in the garage today, money bought a new kitchen/bathroom in the end...

50,540 genuine miles on a 1982 Capri Ghia, owned by us since 1990, very reluctant to let it go after all this time :)

Regards, Bruce.

Title: Re: Little nutss !
Post by Penguin on Oct 15th, 2006, 11:18am
Why do such a thing?  You could almost understand if they were trying to steal or steal from the car but this is just completely wanton damage for the sake of it.

It should be the the right (not simply good luck) of any car owner to be able to park his or her outside their house and come back to find it in the same condition that they left it.

If those responsible were brought before me I would arrange for a Ford Main Dealer repair quote and then auction off their (and, if necessary, their parents') property until it was met in full.



Title: Re: Little nutss !
Post by Dave2302 on Oct 16th, 2006, 5:30pm

Penguin is spot on with that one.

Glad to hear A.J. has at least had a bit of good news re his insurers, unlike poor old Ashley on here when his fusebox caught fire.

I have to say I reckon the Vigilante society will take over long before the Government see fit do do anything sensible with this country!

>:(   >:(   :(   :(


Title: Re: Little nutss !
Post by cossieguy on Oct 16th, 2006, 6:37pm

on 10/15/06 at 11:18:36, Penguin wrote:
If those responsible were brought before me I would arrange for a Ford Main Dealer repair quote and then auction off their (and, if necessary, their parents') property until it was met in full.



But with these scumbags wouldn't they just go out and steal what ever you'd taken off them? So perpetuating the misery for honest joes. There's no easy answer to this problem if there was then government would have done it (What a vote winner!). Excuse me while I rant on:
1. Longer sentences wont work, these people really don't care if they go down for 3 or 6 months.
2. Fines wont work for the reason I gave earlier.

What I believe you could do is bring back the stocks or something similar, put them in the centre of towns and leave them there for a few days for drunks to p'ss on etc and people to laugh at them. As young people crave "Respect" this would cut them to the core. Failing that go the Muslim way and lop a hand off for theft, believe me crime figures would dissapear after the first joyrider had a hand cut off in public.

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