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General >> Off Topic Subjects >> How NOT to beat the Traffic system
(Message started by: Spannerdemon on Oct 22nd, 2006, 8:15am)

Title: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by Spannerdemon on Oct 22nd, 2006, 8:15am
This had me in stitches. It's a bit longer than you think, so don't close it down after the first clip!!

You need your sound ON.

}{  }{  }{

Title: Re: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by Baz on Oct 22nd, 2006, 8:22am
Brilliant..... they have them in our town centre and I am just waiting for that to happen one day!

PS... We put the network into that building shown at the end!!

Title: Re: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by craig on Oct 22nd, 2006, 9:01am
very,very good..... :)

Title: Re: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by Kjetil S on Oct 22nd, 2006, 2:23pm

Title: Re: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by Baz on Oct 22nd, 2006, 2:49pm

check out the granada estate in this clip!!

Title: Re: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by Daven on Oct 23rd, 2006, 8:24am
}{ Love the first clip and the first car with the driver hitting his head!

I have a give 'way to oncoming vehicles section of road' on the way home, quite often someone doesn't give way because they have not read the sign and then give me a look as if I am in the wrong! >:(

I know we all make mistakes but this just takes the biscuit  :)


Title: Re: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by Spannerdemon on Oct 23rd, 2006, 8:29am
The damage must be HORRENDOUS!! Radiators, Fans, Sumps.....OUCH!!  :o  :o

I can't believe how fast those things come up under White Van Man!! ;D  ;D  ;D

Title: Re: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by Bren on Oct 23rd, 2006, 11:29am
None of these clips are playing today !!!!

:( :( :(

Title: Re: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by Dave on Oct 23rd, 2006, 11:53am
Same for me, but I bet its something similar to this:


Title: Re: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by cossieguy on Oct 23rd, 2006, 12:05pm
Can only comment on the utube ones as other clips wont open, but:  These things are lethal, what happens if you're following a bus in traffic in a town you don't know? We've all been in that situation you can't see anything apart from the rear of the bus! Then bang!  >:( You can tell the people in the people carrier had kids in the back by their reaction/running to rear of car, not amusing for myself as i have 2 very young kids, If you're going to make town centres pedestrian areas then do just that ban ALL traffic.

Title: Re: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by Spannerdemon on Oct 23rd, 2006, 3:15pm
It's the same clip. Microsoft Media Player doesn't like it for some reason. Typical fussy Microsoft software!

It runs fine on Realplayer.

Hadn't noticed the oil trail from the silver car before......!! It's amazing too that this woman has a disabled badge on the dash, but she is moving around like she hasn't a care in the world!! Well, until the crash of course!!   ;D  ;D  ;D

Title: Re: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by Highlander on Oct 23rd, 2006, 3:22pm
But you will know, there are big signs to tell you :)

P.S. they guy with kids KNEW, did you see the speed he tried to get through them, in a pedestrian area, with kids in his car!

Title: Re: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by Spannerdemon on Oct 23rd, 2006, 3:30pm
COURSE they know. they're just plain THICK! Signs don't apply to THEM!  ;)

First saw these in France, but I understand that they now have them on Southend High Street and in London,  Cambridge and Glasgow..... and they are spreading fast, because they are so effective at keeping cars and vans OUT of bus lanes, private car parks, and the like.

If you want to see what REAL DAMAGE these things can cause, then this will scare you to death!!

Title: Re: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by cossieguy on Oct 23rd, 2006, 4:57pm
Holy crap!
My point still stands though, have we now moved to a system where we try to kill drivers/passengers for straying/trying to stray into bus lanes? What's next machine gun/sniper nests picking off drivers who stay in the middle lane of motorways ;D actually that's a good idea.

Title: Re: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by Highlander on Oct 23rd, 2006, 10:44pm
I think the way to look at it is that these drivers KNOW what they are doing, they know the risk or at least with the large warning signs they SHOULD know!

Its the same as Level crossings... EVERYONE knows the risk! but some try and sneak through.. some make it,, some dont!

And did i mention speed cameras...... ;)

Title: Re: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by cossieguy on Oct 24th, 2006, 6:32am

on 10/23/06 at 22:44:13, Highlander wrote:
And did i mention speed cameras...... ;)

Don't start that again!

Title: Re: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by cossie_al on Oct 24th, 2006, 1:48pm
When I used to work in the car parking industry the amount of drivers who would try and tailgate a car through the barrier systems was unreal in the end they had to pay for a new barrier arm and a engineers inspection of the equipment. normally over £400.
the point is the in most places the average fee for using the car park was £1.30 if they had payed that then they would have saved a fortune.
the funniest particular incident was when the system was inspected by reprasentative of a customers insurance engineers because the customer said the system did not conform to regulations.
The engineer had inspected the system and watched it in operation for about half an hour then he made himself known to me.
I am glad I just happened to be at that site at the time because the guy was a great laugh we discussed it over coffee and he told me that the customer was unlikely to be getting a penny towards the repairs of the vehicle.
Some of the things this guy had seen were beyond beliefe.

Title: Re: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by Highlander on Oct 24th, 2006, 5:24pm
How do these things actually work, I take it its not on a timer, theres not much time between the vehicle passing and the barrier/bollard being deployed

Title: Re: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by Spannerdemon on Oct 24th, 2006, 9:38pm
They work on Induction loops or by driver operated keypad control. The sensors are fitted to the front and rear of the permitted vehicles, and these lower, and then raise the bollard again. The scary thing is that the Raising time to full height (after the authorised vehicle has passed) is as little as 2 Seconds.

Have a look at this.

These things are everywhere. I had no idea there were so many in the UK!! Scary, but I have to say it....VERY effective aren't they.  :D

Title: Re: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by Octavian_P on Oct 24th, 2006, 10:09pm
I'd really love to see something like that in romania, i'm sick and tired of morons that ignore trafic rules, and take your paid parking lot space.......... >:(

Title: Re: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by Kjetil S on Oct 24th, 2006, 10:21pm

on 10/24/06 at 22:09:31, Octavian_P wrote:
I'd really love to see something like that in romania, i'm sick and tired of morons that ignore trafic rules, and take your paid parking lot space.......... >:(

If possible, just park right behind them so they won't be able to get their car out. I've done this a couple of times, and it DOES work  ;D

Title: Re: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by Octavian_P on Oct 24th, 2006, 10:27pm
Some of my friends did this and after the "incident" the 2nd day they found their headlights smashed   {}  

PS: and a scorpio headlight has a incredible price here....almoust my two month earnings  :o

Title: Re: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by Spannerdemon on Oct 25th, 2006, 7:09am
Maybe there's a good business opportunity for you out there with these Octavian!!

Especially as fitting them doesn't need the services of a Tefal head.  ;D

Title: Re: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by Daven on Oct 25th, 2006, 8:02am

on 10/24/06 at 13:48:19, cossie_al wrote:
When I used to work in the car parking industry the amount of drivers who would try and tailgate a car through the barrier systems was unreal in the end they had to pay for a new barrier arm and a engineers inspection of the equipment. normally over £400.
the point is the in most places the average fee for using the car park was £1.30 if they had payed that then they would have saved a fortune.
the funniest particular incident was when the system was inspected by reprasentative of a customers insurance engineers because the customer said the system did not conform to regulations.
The engineer had inspected the system and watched it in operation for about half an hour then he made himself known to me.
I am glad I just happened to be at that site at the time because the guy was a great laugh we discussed it over coffee and he told me that the customer was unlikely to be getting a penny towards the repairs of the vehicle.
Some of the things this guy had seen were beyond beliefe.

Reminds me of...


Title: Re: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by LiverpaulH on Oct 25th, 2006, 8:57am
I have to laugh at the muppets, I mean it's not like the signs aren't big enough or clear enough. If you are too stupid or arrogant to think the rules don't apply to you then you deserve to hit the bollards.

I may not agree with the rules or the fitting of the system, but if it's fitted I'll not be trying to drive through a metal post whatever my thoughts on the rights and wrongs of it.

I want to hear the van drivers excuse to his boss!

Title: Re: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by dh_dove on Oct 31st, 2006, 7:00pm
I'm driving around a strange City Centre, there are signs all over the place, the kids are screaming and it's pouring down.
I take a wrong turning and my Cossie gets written off.
Does the punishment fit the "crime" ???
Get Real
DH Dove

Title: Re: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by cossieguy on Oct 31st, 2006, 7:10pm

on 10/31/06 at 19:00:47, dh_dove wrote:
I'm driving around a strange City Centre, there are signs all over the place, the kids are screaming and it's pouring down.
I take a wrong turning and my Cossie gets written off.
Does the punishment fit the "crime" ???
Get Real
DH Dove

I couldn't disagree with you less!, just as I pointed out earlier in this thread this is madness just because they're there doesn't make them right.
Imagine driving in some foreign country where you don't know the place and BAM, by by car you'd feel agrieved wouldn't you.
Would everyone be laughing so smuggly if one of the children in the back of one of these cars gets killed, would it be serve them right then?

I might hate speed/traffic cameras but at least they don't jump out in front of your car and try and kill you.


Title: Re: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by Highlander on Oct 31st, 2006, 7:22pm
I didnt see ONE car on any of those videos that drove through by mistake.

Every one of them put the foot down to try and tailgate the bus through. and some of them did it with kids in their car!

Remember these bollards are UP AND VISIBLE all the time, they only go down while an authorised vehicle is passing over, you dont drive into them by mistake!

Title: Re: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by Spannerdemon on Oct 31st, 2006, 8:11pm
Or if you do, you presumably are on your way to Specsavers !!

;D  ;D  ;D  

Sorry, but I too have no sympathy whatsoever with thick, stupid drivers who think that the rules apply to everybody but them.

Title: Re: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by Penguin on Nov 6th, 2006, 4:40pm
Despite having differences with him on speed enforcement, I'm affraid I am with Highlander on this one, to a point.

Point being that even I do not deliberately drive through a No Entry sign and anyone who does is asking for it.

However Manchester City Council are breaking health and safety guidelines that state that such systems should never be capable of spearing a car as injury to the public is far less desirable than the occasional infringement of the rules.  Therefore the council is putting itself in the path of very expensive law suits if somebody is hurt - regardless of whether or not they did deliberately.



Title: Re: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by dh_dove on Nov 6th, 2006, 5:44pm
I did say strange city and wrong turn.........not deliberate driving thru No Entry sign......... :-[
If in this strange city you happen to be following a bus (admittedly where you shouldn't be following a bus, tho you don't know that) how on earth do you know that the bollards are UP AT ALL TIMES UNTIL AN AUTHORISED VEHICLE APPROACHES????
You can't see them  >:( (until they impale your motor that is........... :o)
DH Dove

Title: Re: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by Highlander on Nov 6th, 2006, 8:19pm
OK I'll try and explain it better..

No one on those videos drove into/over them by accident.. (check the first woman who reversed and waited for the bus to go over)
everyone was trying to get over before they came back up by putting their foot down.

If you were lost/strange place/wrong turn etc the bollards would be UP and VISIBLE when you arrived at them.. they dont lie in wait underground and spear you from below as you cross them..

If you are following a bus and you hit them you are driving too close and/or too fast! AND you have overlooked/ignored the warning signs!
There are no excuses, thats just careless driving

What would the police say if they stopped you for speeding and you told them you never saw the speed limit signs so its not fair!

Title: Re: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by TiberiuS on Nov 6th, 2006, 8:56pm
Ahhh chaps, this goes on and on :D

Another 2 Cents from me though, couldn't resist ;)

Some of the speed limits are very badly signed, like I said in the other thread, it seems the favourite place for radar trap vans is curled up snug just behind the signs when the limits are signposted, that is not fair your honour. Signposting in town centres is bad enough as it is without the Gestapo sneaking around with cameras.

Things are getting plain stupid now and not only on the roads.

Makes a d@mn good case for fitting false number plates though, the only people who get punished are the genuine law abiding ones, no justice...

Regards, Bruce.

Title: Re: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by Highlander on Nov 6th, 2006, 11:17pm
Welcome back Bruce   ;D

The highway code quite clearly states (and you are taught during your lessons) you should reduce your speed to the appropriate limit BEFORE you reach the sign.

You KNOW if you pass the sign over that limit you are speeding!

Its the law, irrespective of whether you think its fair or not  ;D

And this is was a Bollard thread, however it plays into my "careless driving/not reading the signs/trying your luck theme" :)

Title: Re: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by TiberiuS on Nov 7th, 2006, 3:56pm

on 11/06/06 at 23:17:10, Highlander wrote:
The highway code quite clearly states (and you are taught during your lessons) you should reduce your speed to the appropriate limit BEFORE you reach the sign.

You KNOW if you pass the sign over that limit you are speeding!

Its the law, irrespective of whether you think its fair or not  ;D

Yes, that is true mate, they do teach it and we are all expected to conform ;D

I'm resigned to the fact that this debate will never be won, all I'm saying is that not sticking rigidly to the rules 100% of the time doesn't make anyone a bad driver, I agree with your points though about reckless drivers, they make it bad for all of us, I just wish more effort was put into that side rather than robbing those who stray over the speed limit on a nice empty road.

End of post, we can talk bollards again now ;)

Bruce :)

Title: Re: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by Highlander on Nov 7th, 2006, 4:07pm
Lol yes, , most people probably think we are anyway ;)

I'd also like to add that despite the preaching I do my 24v gets plenty stick on the open roads BUT i KNOW i'm doing it ;)

Title: Re: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by dh_dove on Nov 7th, 2006, 6:32pm
"I'd also like to add that despite the preaching I do my 24v gets plenty stick on the open roads BUT i KNOW i'm doing it ;)" can you give a Scorpio 24v "plenty of stick" without breaking the current UK speed limits???
Or do you lock it into D2 and thrash the arse off it :D
Still at least we can still debate the topic without Govt. snoopers watching us......................we can can't we? :o
Best Wishes
DH Dove

Title: Re: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by Dave2302 on Nov 7th, 2006, 6:44pm
Mine wil still exceed the National speed limit in 2nd LOL

;D ;D ;D }{ }{ }{ ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by TiberiuS on Nov 7th, 2006, 6:55pm
Off topic again...I know, I know, hit me >:(

Any ideas on the top speeds of the auto, heard they can do 60 in 1st and 80 in 2nd, never dared try though ;D

Given mine some happy pedal in the past but never hit those speeds in 1st or 2nd, perhaps I'm not brave enough?

60 sounds a tad tall me thinks }{

Title: Re: How NOT to beat the Traffic system
Post by Dave on Nov 8th, 2006, 8:10am
The 24v will do something like 60mph in 1st, 86mph in 2nd and 120mph in 3rd.


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