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(Message started by: Lee on Nov 15th, 2006, 4:48pm)

Title: how much
Post by Lee on Nov 15th, 2006, 4:48pm
been offered a travelpilot fot the Scorp very cheap,
just needs a gps airiel just wondering what these things are worth ?
also comes with the disc

Title: Re: how much
Post by mr._floppy on Nov 15th, 2006, 7:12pm
Travelpilot ,      Is that  just Sat Nav ?

I just got rid of my Sat Nav thing on Ebay, it got me into more trouble than it solved. >:(       It always takes the shortest route to your  intended destination,   so it  cheerfully  takes you off  A  roads and Motorways  and  guides you  onto    B roads,   C  roads,   and  unclassified  farm roads  to get  you  there  in what it thinks is the quickest way .

 From now on  I'll   just  use  a map,   a  pen and  a  bit of paper   and me eyes . :-*

Title: Re: how much
Post by TiberiuS on Nov 15th, 2006, 7:34pm
LOL @ Mr Floppy }{

Don't see all the hype with these things. I travel about a lot, my best friend is a UK road atlas and a local A to Z.

If you drive for a living and cover 40k a year then mabye things are different ::)

I know at least 2 people who have sat nav systems and never drive further than the nearest town centre ;)

All depends on the model mate, any model number or link to the page?

Regards, Bruce.

Title: Re: how much
Post by taliban on Nov 15th, 2006, 11:05pm
couldnt agree more tiberius, all this fuss over sat nav, mine cost 2.99.......aa road atlas, just plan my route before i leave.
there's people i work with that HAVE to have the latest sat nav, yet they only venture out of brixton once a year, but now they wont put the key in the ignition without the sat nav....

Title: Re: how much
Post by Matt on Nov 16th, 2006, 2:09pm
I though about getting sat nav, so borrowed a friends for a few days, there not worth all the hype,

instead i use multimap, just print off the directions, jump in the car and your away! it's free to  :D

Title: Re: how much
Post by cossieguy on Nov 16th, 2006, 3:13pm

on 11/16/06 at 14:09:32, Matt wrote:
I though about getting sat nav, so borrowed a friends for a few days, there not worth all the hype,

instead i use multimap, just print off the directions, jump in the car and your away! it's free to  :D

I get AA route finder print out and go. Had to go to my cousins new house in London(I had only driven inside M25 twice). I got lost and rang him for directions I was 200 yards from his house  }{
Who needs satnav?

Title: Re: how much
Post by Geoff_W on Nov 16th, 2006, 4:43pm
They really start to come in handy if you are visiting a strange town and you have street & number for getting you to meetings and stuff and to give you countdowns for arrival and voice instruction can be useful, but if you are not under time pressures then you can womble about under your own steam  ;)

I have noticed that when I am Sat Navving in Scotland that a couple of roads whilst gloriously empty have been a bit track like. One of which was a gated road but looking at the map later it saved me about 35 miles

Title: Re: how much
Post by Kjetil S on Nov 16th, 2006, 4:59pm
The sat nav saved me A LOT of time and grief when trying to get through Oslo this summer as I found myself stuck in rush hour traffic and no idea where the E6 was. Just pushed the Navigate -> home button and off I were  ;D

Title: Re: how much
Post by dh_dove on Nov 16th, 2006, 6:24pm
Dear All
When I went to school in the sixties and seventies and did O level and A level geography we were taught how to read all types of maps - from OS to Mercator projection.
Do they still teach these basic skills today? Or is that another victim of dumbing down? ???
DH Dove

Title: Re: how much
Post by Baz on Nov 16th, 2006, 6:32pm
Hmmmm try reading a map and driving through the centre of Paris at the same time. Dumbing down is't the problem it is people who don't want to embrace technology.

Do you people who still use maps have a microwave? Why? What is wrong with the cooker? Or the gas ring? Or the campfire made from sticks?

Get a sat nav and stop living in the 1980's

Title: Re: how much
Post by Lee on Nov 16th, 2006, 6:36pm

on 11/16/06 at 18:32:23, Baz wrote:
Hmmmm try reading a map and driving through the centre of Paris at the same time. Dumbing down is't the problem it is people who don't want to embrace technology.

Do you people who still use maps have a microwave? Why? What is wrong with the cooker? Or the gas ring? Or the campfire made from sticks?

Get a sat nav and stop living in the 1980's

lol @baz
i've been using my tomtom for the last 6 months and it is great but you still need a map, but incase you never knew it's agaist the law to read a map while you are driving along the road

Title: Re: how much
Post by v4-max on Nov 17th, 2006, 10:35pm
i have a sat nav in my truck, it took me down a very narrow b road where i encountered a 12ft 4inch bridge. truck is 13-6 had to reverse my artic 2 miles b4 i could turn around. so i will stick to my maps thanks very much.

Title: Re: how much
Post by cossie_al on Nov 17th, 2006, 11:04pm
Got to admit I do tend to look at a map before I go on a journey of any length.
However, I did get a garmin sat nav system for the missus when she first started to drive. I set our home address as a waypoint so if she ever got lost she could hopefully use it to get home. she has used it specificaly for this twice but she uses it for 'normal' stuff on a regular basis.

Title: Re: how much
Post by pappa on Nov 19th, 2006, 9:25am
I use PalmOne Tungsten E|2 handheld in my work and I have
a GPS gradle for it. For me it's a little wonder. If I'm going to
meet a customer that I've never visited before, I just start
the ViaMichelin in my Palm, enter the address (or pick it up
from my contacts which have been synchronized with my
laptop) and start driving...

I use my brain and map to help me out, because the
ViaMichelin program is made in France.... It sometimes
thinks that an extra 200km is needed to get me from where
I live to the towns in the south-east Finland  }{

Now when I'm coming to Liverpool next year, I'm using
it with the Bluetooth TomTom GPS receiver and it will guide
me directly to the nearest pub from the hotel! Or better
yet, it takes me back to the hotel after the pub tour ;D

Now how's that for a good reason to buy a gadget like this!

But sure, I'm a freak. I've got three GPS receivers  
One for my fishingboat.... and an extra laptop for it...
I'm an addict... ;D

Title: Re: how much
Post by dh_dove on Nov 19th, 2006, 2:47pm
Point taken, what I was trying to get across is that in the past we all knew (more or less) how the UK was laid out ie where Glasgow was in relation to Lincoln,  which roads you would need to take to go south-east and you only needed a quick look at a map to sort out the details.
Personally I dont need a Sat Nav because I can read a map and when neccessary my window winders work......... ;D
IMHO It's like  letting children use calculators in maths exams, sure they can come up with the right answer, (albeit sometimes out by a factor of 10,100,1000), but they have no idea of why.
Sat Nav is a brilliant leap forward in technology and my Road Angel uses it (sorry Highlander).
But it's still not perfect and the ability to be able to properly read a map is a skill worth learning. :)
NB All us Geography types are the same...we just love maps...... 8)
DH Dove

Title: Re: how much
Post by taliban on Nov 19th, 2006, 3:31pm
'Dear All
When I went to school in the sixties and seventies and did O level and A level geography we were taught how to read all types of maps - from OS to Mercator projection.  
Do they still teach these basic skills today? Or is that another victim of dumbing down? '

spot on Dove, why waste money on a gimmick that apparently often takes people the wrong way?
this topic has made me wonder something; the sudden need for lots of people to have sat nav, is it a reflection of the populus that dont have the ability to read a map? or is it a 'must have' fashion?
i love technology and have plenty of it, but the sat nav craze doesnt interest me at all, and it is old technology thats been made cheaper in recent years for the 'herds'. i wonder what people did before it was made affordable? i spose everyone was driving round lost? but hold on, so are half the people now with sat nav.....

Title: Re: how much
Post by Spannerdemon on Nov 19th, 2006, 3:44pm
I think Sat-Nav is a personal preference, and I prefer not to have one. 95% of my journeys are to places that I go to regularly, so I know my route.

If I need to go further afield then I use www.streetmap. and the AA's route planner online before I leave, and I can find anywhere I want to. My dear wife then navigates me effortlessly to our destination.

Like last week, for example, we went up to Oxford to see Status Quo in concert. Birthday and Anniversary trip. No problem at all, and we ended up right outside the door of our hotel a few hours after leaving Torquay.

I don't rate them, but I accept that they do have their use for certain people who really need them for their jobs, rather than those who just want them because they are the latest car accessory.  ;)

They are also, so I understand, the most stolen accessory from cars at the moment !!

Title: QUO
Post by dh_dove on Nov 19th, 2006, 5:19pm
Hope you had a great time at the Quo...I'm jealous......... ;)
NB Saw Rory Gallagher twice before his most untimely death    ;D BRILLIANT! 8)
DH Dove

Title: Re: how much
Post by Spannerdemon on Nov 19th, 2006, 8:57pm
Cheers DH.

The QUO were always!!  

One of the best performances we've seen, and we've been to 27 of their concerts!!

Title: Re: QUO
Post by TiberiuS on Nov 19th, 2006, 9:21pm

on 11/19/06 at 17:19:29, dh_dove wrote:


Wouldn't want to walk into the chemist and ask for a pack of those }{

I'm not decrying satnav, just that I don't personally need one. I'm ok at reading maps and finding directions

It seems to me that the GPS part of the package is great but the streetfinding part needs a lot of work. Had a mate come from Wales today, 300mile trip. He left at midday, should have been simple: M4 > M25 > A12 > A120 > A133. Satnav told him to leave M25 and go through Epping?!?

What? Epping? Thats miles away >:(

Should have left the M25 at the A12 and gone Eastbound towards Chelmsford, Colchester, Ipswich. He's only had it 2 weeks and already it's got him lost...

He got here at 7pm, all to pick up a pair of speakers ::)

Regards, Bruce.

Title: Re: how much
Post by pappa on Nov 20th, 2006, 9:15am
TiberiuS  []

If I was to trust my satnav, I would take a 250 km detour
every time I'd like to drive to a certain town in south-east
Finland :) more than 3 hours more in travelling time.

But, it comes in handy when you have reached the
destination town and don't know where the address

I think it's a good tool, but needs a map and your
own brain to go with :)

Title: Re: how much
Post by Bren on Nov 20th, 2006, 9:47am
Here's me taking points from both sides of this debate and saying "yep, agree with this, agree with that"

I very rarely use mine anymore, I see all hundreds and hundreds of cars, vans, trucks and coaches all with the little bright screen stuck on the windscreen and I ask myself if everybody is travelling to unknown destinations. (And laugh to myself at the great unwashed once again)

But, like the majority of travellers, I am going to somewhere I know or travel regularly to.

Mine comes out and get switched on to find a hotel or other destination but nowadays it's most useful function is to cope with the U.K's most common motorway sign - - - - - M6 CLOSED  J6 to J5 - - - - - change details to suit yourself because we all read our version of this every time we go on to a motorway.

Not for me the designated diversion because as we all know the Highways Agency are absolutely bl***y marvellous at sending motorway volumes of traffic through diversions that can nowhere near cope with the extra.

Title: Re: how much
Post by LiverpaulH on Nov 20th, 2006, 10:32am
Mine costs £1.99, a map from the discount store, plus a-z's when required. Sat nav is in my head.

Im not against sat nav, but have never used it and don't see that i will as long as I can buy a map.


Title: Re: how much
Post by Bren on Nov 20th, 2006, 12:00pm
Meistraat 39

Drive to this address in a 40ft vehicle. one go at it and get it right. When it comes to this sat nav is superb, but it's a tool not a toy.

Title: Re: how much
Post by julie_quaife on Nov 20th, 2006, 8:47pm
can't really say i would care to use one- i don't trust modern technology-a map and a bit of common sense will do for me. one thing that does irritate me is pub chains changing pub names all the time! once upon a time you could find yourself around an area by having some knowledge of the pub names, and popping into a pub to ask directions has been a very useful tool in the past, unlike some garages who only insist that you buy their maps!

Title: Re: how much
Post by Baz on Nov 21st, 2006, 12:55am
I must admit that I am of the opinion that as long as the answer is correct.... why do you need to know how? The time spent working things out can be used for better things. That's why we have scientists and inventors isn't it? To make things easier?

I went to a Boys Grammer school and we had to work everything out in the longest possible way and they would give you marks if you spent half an hour working things out and then got the wrong answer but b****r all if you got the right answer without showing ur workings! The teacher would then say "Ah but you could have guessed the right answer"........ NO I DIDN'T AND EVEN IF I BLOODY DID. AT LEAST I GOT IT RIGHT........ UNLIKE THE NUMPTY WHO HAS JUST SPENT THE LAST 45 MINUTES OF THE EXAM GETTING THE QUESTION WRONG!!

No..... get the answer and move onto the next problem!

Title: Re: how much
Post by TiberiuS on Nov 21st, 2006, 10:41am
Ahhh, Baz :D.

Fair point mate but I still prefer to live in the 80's with the mobile phone the size of a breeze block and the good ol' camp fire out in the back garden in place of the microwave ::)

Regards, Bruce :)

Title: Re: how much
Post by Bren on Nov 24th, 2006, 5:06pm
Topically enough this has appeared on the "other site"
Credit to DavidB off there for posting it

Title: Re: how much
Post by TiberiuS on Nov 24th, 2006, 6:26pm
;D :D :) ;) :D ;D

Looks a bit like East London, where all the street signs have been nicked to be sold on eBay...

If you even attempt to hug a hoodie nowadays you get a great big steel street sign wrapped around your head >:(

Regards, Bruce ;)

Title: Re: how much
Post by Kjetil S on Nov 24th, 2006, 10:47pm

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