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(Message started by: jonnycab on Dec 15th, 2006, 4:38am)

Title: Assault
Post by jonnycab on Dec 15th, 2006, 4:38am
Turned up to a certain Billericay golf club tonight.....well, 1 o'clock this pick up my wife up from her company Christmas bash.

Whilst waiting (in my Scorp taxi), a few people asked me if I was picking up in the name of & so...&  politely told them sorry, but no.

Then a drunk woman comes up & demands to be taken to Basildon.
I told her sorry, but I was already booked.
She says she will pay me more money than the person I am waiting for....that's what all the runners say  ;)

I told her that it was my wife I was waiting for.....for some reason she started getting even more abusive.
My wife then came out with her friend & they got in the car.

At this point the drunk woman started accusing my wife of nicking her taxi  ::)
I tried to explain to her that this wasn't her taxi, but she got more abusive.....

......enter the thug boyfriend/husband or whatever.....

"Oi threatening my bird"......

Here we go  ::)

"No mate, I was just trying to" this point he offered me out of the car....& said, lets sort it out the car park  ???

I refused, & as I went to drive off he punched me in the face through the open window  :o.....
....bit of a girls punch, but a punch anyway  >:(

I didn't get out of the car, for fear of losing my Hackney Carriage licence (& my living) if I smashed his face in  >:(

I knew full well that it must have been caught on CCTV, as there were cameras everywhere (posh golf club).

So I told him I'd ring the police....." wa**er cab driver"...... he drunkenly & aggressively replied.

I then drove off.

Dropped my wifes friend off & then went home with my wife & rang Basildon police station on their direct number.

Now is where I need advice...
  I rang the police & they gave me an incident number & said they will ring me tomorrow to arrange a time for me to make a statement & view the CCTV from the golf club.

Has anyone ever had to go through this procedure ?.....
& did they manage to arrest anyone ?...& what was the outcome......police caution, drunk & disorderly, ABH, suspended sentence ?....

...hopefully they will get him from the CCTV footage, as the function suite in the golf club was hired by 3 wifes & 2 others.

The golf club has a policy of banning any companies from booking further functions if an employee causes trouble in or outside the club.

So it shouldn't be too difficult to identify this guy from the CCTV footage & hopefully he will lose his job  ;) facial bruising to report as yet, although my nose feels a bit tender  :(

PPS...the thug kept saying  "I'll find you & do you"  }{ }{....I wonder if the CCTV has audio as well  ;)

Title: Re: Assault
Post by Simmo on Dec 15th, 2006, 7:11am
JC, What sort of world are we living in  :(. Sorry to hear that. All you can do is go along with the Police and hope they can trace the thug and get him convicted. The companies are not going to be best pleased,particularly the one he/she belong to so that ought to help find them. First thing is make sure that the tapes are 'secured' by the golf club so they are not re-used. I'd speak to the club myself as the 'law' might not have got that sorted. Good luck and keep us up to date with progress. All the best, Mike. :o

Title: Re: Assault
Post by jonnycab on Dec 15th, 2006, 7:19am
Cheers Simmo....

When I spoke to the police, I did ask if it was worth ringing the golf club in the morning to enquire about CCTV tapes, & they said it would be a good idea.

So first thing in the morning, I will ring the golf club & inform them of police involvement on an assault on a taxi driver & ask them to secure the tapes (if the police haven't already done so).

I've been up all night...& I'm seething.....just want that w**ker locked up.

Imagine if I walked into his place of work & punched him in the face for no real reason ::)

Title: Re: Assault
Post by Paul B on Dec 15th, 2006, 7:28am
As you said, it shouldn't be too difficult to find out who this bloke is. And I hope he gets what he deserves.

I have to say, I admire you for keeping your cool. That would've given me the right 'ump!  >:(

Not 100% sure what I would have done but I've got visions of Vinnie Jones in 'Lock, Stock' with the door of a P6 Rover  ::)   ;)

Title: Re: Assault
Post by Simmo on Dec 15th, 2006, 7:52am
JC. The next thing to do is make some enquiries of your fellow drivers and their companies to see if anyone actually did pick up these 'articles' and take them to Basildon. Is there a freephone in the Club to a Taxi firm?. Is there any sort of 'reception desk' where they might have gone to ask someone to call a cab?. You could also ring the other two companies and get the name of the organiser of their respective parties. The Club should have those details anyway but if word gets round that the Police are involved that should set some hares running!!. (I take it they were obviously not part of your wifes group). Turn your anger into action. It will make you feel better, you may get a result and that will give you great satisfaction!. Go J/C !!. ;)

Title: Re: Assault
Post by cossieguy on Dec 15th, 2006, 8:00am
Really sorry to hear about this :( Alas I fear he wont be locked up even if convicted. However, as mentioned his company wont be best pleased, if it is his and not his Girlfriends/wifes. I don't envy your line of work especially late at night. Lets hope the cctv captured this, if not you could try finding out who the other 2 companies were and officially complaining to them, i'm sure they'd wont to investigate this internally if it's one of their employees. However if it's the partner of one of their employees then you might not get anywhere. Goodluck and lets hope the cctv got him.

Title: Re: Assault
Post by jonnycab on Dec 15th, 2006, 8:00am
Paul B....if I hadn't have kept my cool, then I would have been out of a job.

Same kind of thing happened to a fellow cabbie a couple of years ago on Christmas Eve......The passenger didn't want to pay the fare & gave the driver a punch in the face through the window.

Unfortunately for the passenger...he didn't reckon on the driver getting out & kicking all his front teeth out.

The taxi driver nearly went to prison....the reason being....he got out of his he was the aggressor.....even though he defended himself  ???

The law says....He should have stayed put in his taxi, taken the beating, & then called the police  ???

What a great world we live in ? ???

Title: Re: Assault
Post by jonnycab on Dec 15th, 2006, 8:17am
Cheers guys.....for the advice & inspiration.
As I said....I'll phone the golf club in the morning & inform them of the assault (they should already know from the police).

Will keep all posted on progress  :)

Title: Re: Assault
Post by Spannerdemon on Dec 15th, 2006, 8:41am
Hope you're OK, Jonny.

There are some lovely people around during this time of year!!  :-/

Fill them up with booze, and away they go, threatening everybody in sight, and being the 'Big Man'. All mouth, no brains, and no reasoning.

All credit to you for not giving the Tw*T a pasting.....which is what most of us would have done.
Like you say, your job depends on it.

Hope the CCTV Cameras work to your advantage. I hope they lock the B*****D up!!  ;)

Title: Re: Assault
Post by Yalin on Dec 15th, 2006, 1:08pm
Why some people can't handle their drink?  >:(
I don't think I'd be able to keep my cool at that situation, well done Jonny.
As members, if there is anything we can do (at least on my part) let us know.
At the end of the day, this incident is an assult and I would imagine police will take this seriously, presuming you secured that cctv tape.

Title: Re: Assault
Post by Kjetil S on Dec 15th, 2006, 1:21pm
I'm pretty sure I would have gotten out of the car myself. I surely wouldn't have kept my calm.
Really hope they catch the b*****d.

Title: Re: Assault
Post by jonnycab on Dec 15th, 2006, 1:55pm
Phoned the golf club about an hour ago....& guess what...

"Err...our CCTV isn't working at the moment, we're waiting for an engineer to fix it" convienent  >:(

I told them that the police were now involved & that they would want to see any tapes that they had.....
They then said they would co-operate with any police investigation & would give them the names of the other two companies that rented the suite last night.
But the police haven't been in touch yet, & they said they weren't obliged to tell me if they had any camera footage from last night.....
...Ah, so the cameras are working then  ::)

Police also phoned me a while ago to ask the best time to ring to arrange taking a statement  ::)

Title: Re: Assault
Post by Simmo on Dec 15th, 2006, 2:28pm
Have a look at This ( site. Get the name of the local member and drop it into the conversation when you are seen by the Police. If things don't get dealt with contact him/her PDQ.

Title: Re: Assault
Post by jonnycab on Dec 15th, 2006, 3:14pm
Cheers Simmo....much appreciated  :)

Title: Re: Assault
Post by TiberiuS on Dec 15th, 2006, 6:40pm
Jonny, good thing you kept your cool mate.

A similar thing happened to my Cousin about a couple of years back, driving through a roadworks at Hornchurch and got cut up (nudged) by another car. Pulled over to sort it out, the other, younger, driver got bulshy (my cousin being 60 at the time) and offered him out at which point my Cousin lost his rag and put the idiot on the floor. It went to court and my Cousin lost his license for that, even with 2 witnesses who said the other driver provoked him.

And something which happened to me last New Year. Driving down a local lane about 2am one Sunday, saw a group of yobs dragging a woman along the road. Did what any decent person would do and pulled over to help, the week before a 17 year old girl was badly glassed outside the pub nearby. Asked her if she was ok and the drunken group (her included) started yelling abuse at me, telling me to f*** off, f***ing leave her alone etc. Drove off and left them to it...

I don't get what's going wrong either...what's wrong with going out for a drink, having a nice time etc, being able to REMEMBER what happened the day before...not getting OBLITERATED like some people seem to do every weekend...

Regards, Bruce.

Title: Re: Assault
Post by taliban on Dec 15th, 2006, 7:05pm
so basically you've already worked out that the club have the tapes, whether anything is visible on them or not is another matter. the golf club will want the matter to 'drift away' as police involvement can affect future licence applications, so just keep pressing them with police back up....

Title: Re: Assault
Post by monghad on Dec 15th, 2006, 8:02pm
Bl**dy disgraceful, well done for keeping the situation in your favour, I spent a few years throwing idiots like that out of pubs, he has probably got previous offences in the art of ar*ery. Goodluck. :)

Title: Re: Assault
Post by Dave on Dec 15th, 2006, 11:13pm
My god. What a thoroughly awful thing to happen, what is the world coming to, seriously  :(

Well done for staying in the car Jonny. Just chills you to the bone to read this topic don't it  :(

Title: Re: Assault
Post by julie_quaife on Dec 16th, 2006, 9:14pm
sorry to hear your news, hope they catch the s*d! best wishes for christmas to you and your wife

Title: Re: Assault
Post by jonnycab on Dec 17th, 2006, 12:47am
Merry Christmas Julie,...... & Merry Christmas, & thanks to all for the support  :)

Had a call from the police today & they asked if I still wanted to pursue it......
...."Yes I do" .... they gave me a 'crime report number' & said it will be classed as 'Common Assault'..... because I had no visible or physical injuries (I can't help it if I don't have a glass jaw & don't bruise easily ::)), then it will handed over to Billericay police.

They will ring me to arrange a time to make a statement (again)..... but not neccassarily at my house...maybe the golf club, so we can view the CCTV footage at the same time.

They said, that even if the CCTV wasn't working outside, then it will be working inside (for staff safety), so I should be able to identify the guy from there.

I'll wait for the phone call  :)

Title: Re: Assault
Post by Johnboy on Dec 17th, 2006, 2:50am
           Stick with it mate. Dont give up. The world needs more people like you and less of the likes of this idiot.
If you wish to sue this guy for assault.
Go and see your local GP.  Explain what happened and get it down on your medical record.
Good luck and well done for not getting out of your car and snotting this geek.


Title: Re: Assault
Post by Simmo on Dec 17th, 2006, 6:13pm
JC, Wait for no one. Find out who is 'dealing' with the job. Tell them you want to see some action now not next week and then contact one of the names on the list (Reply 12) and tell him/her that you are one unhappy bunny and that you intend to ask a question at the next Police Authority meeting about the poor service. (Most meetings are open to the public but you may have to give notice of the question). That should liven things up and put someone under the microscope!. Press are usually present too.

Title: Re: Assault
Post by jonnycab on Mar 31st, 2007, 2:55am
Well...what can I say...over three months have past & the police finally arrested the guy on Monday (26 March) ::)

This was after I had given the police a photo of the guy (which I got from the photographer who took the company picture at the Xmas bash) a few days after the assault & the address of the company owner (who would have known the scumbag).

I had to give a statement describing the events in early January. Then earlier this month I had to give a statement confirming that I was the one who provided the police with the photograph of the guy & the means by which to find him, & my wife also had to give a witness statement.

The owner of the company was also happy to give a statement as she apparently witnessed the assault & didn't have a good word to say about the guy or his wife (the woman that started it all). It was the wife who worked for the company & the thug (her husband) was dragged along as it was for employees & their spouses. Apparently the woman is no longer employed by the company.

The police rang me on Wednesday (28 March) to inform me that he had been arrested on Monday & charged with common assault & because he had no previous, was given a police caution....which I am happy with  :)

The officer said that the guy was in total shock at having been arrested at his home & said that he could not remember the night in question as he was drunk  ::)

When formally questioned though, he apparently remembered trying to offer me out of the car (for a fight) & threatening to find out where I lived & come 'round & "do me"....but he doesn't remember punching me in the face through the open window  ::)

The fact that he accepted the police caution means that he does remember punching me in the face....(witnesses to prove it) otherwise he would have denied it & it would have gone to court  ;)

The young copper who was handling the case said that he seemed like a nice guy  ???....I suggested to him that he interview him after he's had a few drinks & then tell me that he's still a nice guy  ;) was along time coming, but I got the result I wanted in the end. I'm happy with the police caution given, because it means he now has a criminal record & if he should do it again, then he's possibly looking at an all inclusive break at one of 'Her Majesty's' many hotels  ;D

Now what did I do with that leaflet from the criminal injuries board  ;)

P.S....It turns out that the golf club doesn't have any CCTV cameras at all....they just say they've got them to get more membership.

The copper told me that the police have advised the golf club owners to invest in CCTV, as they are sick of being called by people who have had expensive cars stolen from the car park & being told that there is nothing that can be done, because the police have no footage of the crime  ::)

It's nice to know that you can pay your £2000 a year membership to this exclusive & expensive golf & health club & be safe in knowing, that if your brand new Aston Martin gets nicked...then there's absolutely nothing you or the police can do to find the thief  ::)

Oh.... & if anyone is interested in joining this golf club or is planning a wedding or similar function & is looking for an exclusive venue (don't take your good car though) it's called....

..........'Stock Brook Manor, golf & country club' ;)

Title: Re: Assault
Post by v4-max on Mar 31st, 2007, 7:55am
being a cab driver you are in a strong position, if all you cabbies got together and refused to pick up at these places the companies concerned would soon change there minds about installing cctv, or risk going out of business very quickly. glad you are happy with the outcome, personaly i would have liked to see the scum bag in court and his wife as well. it is normally the drunken women that start the trouble but nothing ever seems to happen to them. congratulations on following it through though, many would have given up.

Title: Re: Assault
Post by Simmo on Mar 31st, 2007, 9:58am
Now we wait for Spannerdemon and Baz to comment!!!! on the 'sentence'  ??? ???. At least you 'saw it through' JC.  ;)

Title: Re: Assault
Post by petehull on Mar 31st, 2007, 10:12am
Well done johnnycab,

Being a school caretaker (or Site Facility Officer as we are now called) I used to work at a school with no cctv, the place used to regularly get 6 or 7 hundred punds worth of windows broken, probably 6 times a year,,, The G Body wouldn't install cams as they "Cost too much" probably 2K for the size of the school.   ???
I left there last June and started at my new school, we have 7 cams around the place, all paid for, and since I started there I havn't seen one instance of vandalism, (maybe shouldn't speak too soon) but it just goes to show that cctv can help to cut back on crime and aid detection..... :D :D

Title: Re: Assault
Post by Spannerdemon on Mar 31st, 2007, 3:58pm
Sentence Mike...........WHAT bloo*y sentence!!  >:(

These drunken slobs get on my tits, they really do. Same here in Torquay round the harbour area at weekends which has almost become a no go area.

And this is supposed to be a prime tourist resort..........don't make me laugh. More like the back streets of Beirut at weekends.

Morons who have had far too much to drink, bullet headed shaven thugs, full of mouth and gob, mooning and making moron faces at every driver who passes through the area. Latest 'craze' round there is kicking car mirrors off!!

Had a cabbie here who was also badly beaten at Christmas.


I'd tie them to a power boat by their nuts, and take them (naked) for a ten minute high-speed ride across the bay in the freezing water. Then turn them over to the cabbies in Brixham, many of whom are BIG trawlermen, for the kicking of their lives!!

They aren't hard cases, they are just THICK DRUNKS and nothing is worse than a mouthy drunk.

Seriously though. They need a seriously good pasting out of sight of the police, and with no witnesses. (A bit like they give their victims)...................  8)

Glad you're OK Jonny.  :D

Title: Re: Assault
Post by Simmo on Mar 31st, 2007, 8:23pm
Somehow I knew you'd understand SD!!!!!!!  ;) ;D. Where are you Baz?  ;D

Title: Re: Assault
Post by Spannerdemon on Mar 31st, 2007, 8:44pm
I have this sympathetic side to me Mike.

A bit like Judge Jeffreys!!!  ;D  ;D  ;D

Title: Re: Assault
Post by jonnycab on Apr 1st, 2007, 1:29am
As they say...'time heals all wounds'  ;)

This happened 3 months ago (a quarter of a year  :o) & I'd all but forgotton about it until the police re-contacted me.......Then it became an issue again  ::)

I like to get on with life & put all the bad experiences in the past & forget about them, which is why I was happy with the police caution given...that means I can finally forget about it  :)

I've been a cab driver for ten years now & this is the first time I've been assaulted, so that is why I had to do something about it.

If this had happened 5 years ago then I probably would have got out of the car with my 4 cell maglite & knocked his teeth out with it, but after what happened to a fellow cabbie about 4 years ago (defended himself & then ended up in court on an assault charge)...I thought better of it.

You wouldn't believe some of the stories I could they would be so far fetched that you couldn't concieve that a person would be capable of behaving in such a manner....but they do  :o

The police don't help much either....we all know that if you walk out of a shop with some goods without paying for get arrested for shop lifting......but if you get in a licenced taxi & refuse to pay the fare stated on the meter, then the police consider it a civil matter & advise you to get a solicitor ???....
......personally, I see both as theft >:(

It does make me wonder why I have to have a CRB check every year, pay for full public liability insurance, have one proper MOT & two council MOT checks a year (meter checked as well), pay Hackney Carriage plate fees & photo ID badge fees to the council.....all this & you still have no legal rights as far as the police are concerned  ???

I may as well drive an illegal mini-cab around & save myself £3000 a year  ::)

Title: Re: Assault
Post by petehull on Apr 1st, 2007, 10:41am
That's probably why a lot of them do.... :-[

Title: Re: Assault
Post by Baz on Apr 1st, 2007, 11:56am
Simmo, I was so shocked at the non-sentence that my fingers became numb and I couldn't type!

Typical outcome I'm afraid usual slap on the wrist because all the prisons are full.

Can't say anymore really except I agree with Pete about CCTV in schools, we have a school customer who was spending £300.00 per week repairing windows and other damage. We fitted a network based CCTV system recording remotely so it doesn't matter if the numptys  break in because all the recorded data is 5 miles away!

The school doesn't get much damage these days, especially after we caught 25 kids in the first fornight; word soon got round!!

Title: Re: Assault
Post by julie_quaife on Apr 3rd, 2007, 3:32pm
glad to hear they caught the yob but with all thanks for your own bit of detective work re the photo etc; i don,t know if a caution is registered as a criminal record, i thought it just stayed on file for a couple of years? but i am proberbly wrong! i think that time will show this yob's character and it would be interesting to see what type of record he ends up with in the future. as it has been said it is usually the loud mouthed woman who start this sort of thing usually in a drunken state- how true!! i dispair of this kind of woman, she may be a woman but she ain't no lady!!!

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