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(Message started by: jonnycab on Mar 8th, 2007, 5:13am)

Title: Tail-gating......
Post by jonnycab on Mar 8th, 2007, 5:13am
Is it just that I'm getting older (40 in November) & look in my rear view mirror more often, or is tail-gating getting worse  :-/

It doesn't seem to matter if I stick to the speed limit, or at night may go 5-10 mph over the limit....I always get someone right up my arse, who seems to want to invade my personal space (you know what I mean  ;)).

Is it because I drive a facelift Scorpio & they want to get a real good look at those rear lights, or do they honestly think, that if I slammed my brakes on suddenly then they are that good at mind reading that they will brake at exactly the same.... ???

Don't they teach the 2 second rule anymore...& if they do...why do so many drivers take no notice of it ? ???

It's no wonder insurance companies are rubbing their hands in glee when it comes to rear end shunts......the whiplash injuries are worth more to them than the payout for the repairs  ::)

Title: Re: Tail-gating......
Post by Spannerdemon on Mar 8th, 2007, 7:52am
Yes, I agree. These people are a total danger and menace on the roads.

When I drive, I use all lanes properly, and always pull back to the left hand lane whenever possible in view of traffic conditions. But these morons will often scream up behind you, whilst you are overtaking and sometimes even flash their lights at you in the arrogant belief that you will move over for them.

I will not be coerced into driving above speed limits for arrogant thingys like this, and they can flash all they like, and get as hot under the collar as they like. Basically, they are bad drivers who have no respect for anyone else. I move over when I have completed my overtake, and not until. After all, where the hell are you supposed to go when you are overtaking alongside a 32 tonne truck for God's sake?  >:(

Morons. Arrogant Morons. No other word for them.

One thing's for sure. IF I DO get hit by one of them, I will take them for every penny that I can get. Neck injuries, vehicle damage, time off work (and there will be LOTS of THAT), taxis everywhere, and anything else that I can think of.

THAT is the only way to really hurt them, but if you are looking to sort out their weird heads.........Forget it!  ;)

Title: Re: Tail-gating......
Post by Daven on Mar 8th, 2007, 8:14am

on 03/08/07 at 07:52:23, Spannerdemon wrote:
When I drive, I use all lanes properly, and always pull back to the left hand lane whenever possible in view of traffic conditions.

Me too and it's a pet hate of mine - the middle lane hoggers, and they are predominatly young women and old men (on the M25 anyway!)

Not so long ago I stayed in the inside lane which was going faster than the overtaking lanes for no other reason than no one would move back in! (plenty of room as well!)

As for tail gateing - this weekend we was on the M3 - peeing down with bad visibility an they were still at it (Mainly BMWs!!) - madness! >:(


Title: Re: Tail-gating......
Post by petehull on Mar 8th, 2007, 10:11am

Totally agree with everything you say, as for the BMW, I always interpret this as an accronym,   BRAINLESS MAN WITHIN.... :o

Maybe I shouldn't :P


Title: Re: Tail-gating......
Post by taliban on Mar 8th, 2007, 1:08pm
i also hate people that change lane without looking/giving consideration, or indicating right in front of me, normally while im driving 13 tonne of double decker leaving me with a few foot of braking distance, and they do it without a care in the world, as if its their right. i think one day i'll use the same attitude and not slow down, even at 10mph 13 tonnes is a lot of mass, i might see how good bmw crumple zones are  ;D

Title: Re: Tail-gating......
Post by Kjetil S on Mar 8th, 2007, 1:38pm

It can't be that difficult to signal first and then check the mirrors to make sure one won't be cutting in front of someone before changing lanes. And ofcourse, live by the tip my driving instructor gave me. If you can't see what's coming in front of the car in front of you, you're too close.

Title: Re: Tail-gating......
Post by dh_dove on Mar 8th, 2007, 6:04pm
Kjetil S
Isn't that MIRROR....SIGNAL........MANOEUVRE  :o :o
You should give your driving instructor a boll***ing ;D
DH Dove

Title: Re: Tail-gating......
Post by tintin on Mar 8th, 2007, 6:23pm
i dont get it the tailgating much in the scorp, but if im in the mini (the real one, not the fake ones), omg every BMW seems to want to bully me out of the outside lane, even if there is a long queue in front of me.

its just too much fun on the B roads watching them trying to keep up round the corners with their fast entry speeds and braking on the corners, they dont stand a chance  ;D

my pet hate is people that dont pull over for blues & twos, then try to follow behind them once they are past. round the bypass yesterday, i pulled over early for an ambulance, saw someone tailgating the ambulance (BMW) !! pulled straight back out in front of them and went at 40mph. they were flashing,waving at me, how friendly i thought, so i waved back  ;D

Title: Re: Tail-gating......
Post by Kjetil S on Mar 8th, 2007, 6:36pm

on 03/08/07 at 18:04:50, dh_dove wrote:
Kjetil S
Isn't that MIRROR....SIGNAL........MANOEUVRE  :o :o
You should give your driving instructor a boll***ing ;D
DH Dove

Ofcourse, but. If you do mirror, signal, manouvre on the motorway, you risk cutting someone off which suddenly found that they wanted to pass you, therefore I do the mirror check as the last thing before I turn the wheel. Ofcourse checking the mirror _before_ signalling too though  :)

Should perhaps be:

mirror, signal, mirror, manouvre, mirror, signal off, mirror  ;D

Title: Re: Tail-gating......
Post by dh_dove on Mar 8th, 2007, 6:40pm
wonder who was in that car........................?
DH Dove

Title: Re: Tail-gating......
Post by dh_dove on Mar 8th, 2007, 7:00pm
Kjetil S
Well it's certainly true that on todays roads you need eyes in the back of your head, I think a constant check on your mirror is a good way to keep yourself safe. :)
My pet hate on Motorways is people WHO WILL NOT KEEP LEFT, effectively most of our motorways operate on two lanes because ignorant ******** will not pull over into the inside lane.
In too many cases it's the "I'm doing 70mph so I can stay here" syndrome. ie You will break the speed limit if you want to overtake me, so I'll stay here as long as I want irrespective, GRRRRRRRRR  :-X
Even the Police accept that 80mph is OK on the motorway in appropriate conditions and to block the road just causes jams, solution.......congestion charges >:(
I think that these people are beyond re-training, there are only two solutions
1 The Police should impose stringent fines for NOT KEEPING LEFT
2 Introduce all lane overtaking as in the US.
DH Dove

Title: Re: Tail-gating......
Post by fallendark on Mar 8th, 2007, 7:53pm

on 03/08/07 at 19:00:44, dh_dove wrote:
Kjetil S
Well it's certainly true that on todays roads you need eyes in the back of your head, I think a constant check on your mirror is a good way to keep yourself safe. :)
My pet hate on Motorways is people WHO WILL NOT KEEP LEFT, effectively most of our motorways operate on two lanes because ignorant ******** will not pull over into the inside lane.
In too many cases it's the "I'm doing 70mph so I can stay here" syndrome. ie You will break the speed limit if you want to overtake me, so I'll stay here as long as I want irrespective, GRRRRRRRRR  :-X
Even the Police accept that 80mph is OK on the motorway in appropriate conditions and to block the road just causes jams, solution.......congestion charges >:(
I think that these people are beyond re-training, there are only two solutions
1 The Police should impose stringent fines for NOT KEEPING LEFT
2 Introduce all lane overtaking as in the US.
DH Dove

Its the people that indicate to pull over from the fast lane, just as you go to undertake them out of frustration that get to me.. or the type that put their foot down as you come up the inside lol

Title: Re: Tail-gating......
Post by hepburn on Mar 8th, 2007, 11:16pm
I was once tailgated at 70-80mph on the A12 by a couple in a 4x4 with a small kid standing up between them.  suffice to say a quick 999 call and 5 miles later they had been pulled over ;)

Don't know the outcome but hope they had the book thrown at them...

Title: Re: Tail-gating......
Post by taliban on Mar 9th, 2007, 1:46am
pmsl, tintin, that was probably a doctor or plain clothes police on the way to the scene of an accident, thats why he was waving at you  ;D

fallen, theres no such thing as a fast lane on uk motorways.....

reading all the replies about changing lane.....its quite interesting that none of us mention or probably do the over shoulder life saver to check the blind spot......

i must admit motorbike wise i feel far safer on european roads than i do here; the first thing i noticed in france was the tailgating, they nearly all seem to do it, however, apart from that they are so much more aware of whats going on around them. the times i've gone to overtake in france, holland etc only for the driver to wave me past because they use their mirrors, whereas over here the sound of my exhaust makes the car driver jump because they havent a clue about whats behind them etc....

Title: Re: Tail-gating......
Post by tintin on Mar 9th, 2007, 8:01am
only if he had his girlfriend in the car, cruised for 20 mins earlier with all the other "home" traffic before refusing to yield to the ambulance for a while, then pulling in and straight back out .... ;D

Title: Re: Tail-gating......
Post by pinto on Mar 9th, 2007, 8:56am

on 03/08/07 at 18:40:34, dh_dove wrote:
wonder who was in that car........................?
DH Dove

Some chav in a White BMW with naff body decals and a flashing blue roof neon ?  }{

my response to tailgating is a simple one :)...i slow down...and down...and down....with each flash and hand gesture :D

You should see them when you reach about 24 mph in a 40 zone...look like they're at a rave  ;D

Title: Re: Tail-gating......
Post by big_neil on Mar 9th, 2007, 11:33am
indicators are a joke ,you only have to move one finger about an inch to use them but a lot of people can,t be bothered, another problem i find is the highway code says when your overtaking on a motorway return to the inside lane as soon as practically possible, surely when the motorway is quite busy remaining in the centre lane is more sensible and safer than in and out of lanes like the hokey cokey. i know you read conditions as they are but some drivers go in and out every couple of hundred yards and if someone wants past you there,s always  the overtaking lane.

Title: Re: Tail-gating......
Post by dh_dove on Mar 10th, 2007, 2:57pm
Big Neil
Re changing lanes.........APOLOGIES I am one of those people, I use all three lanes and return to the inside (Lane #1) as soon as is practicable. I believe that's what the big round thing in front of you is for :-/
Re Indicators...I couldn't agree with you more. Where we live there are a lot of roundabouts and we are always amazed at the number of people that have bought those "special limited edition" cars that had the NO INDICATORS option fitted........ ???
None Intended
DH Dove

Title: Re: Tail-gating......
Post by TiberiuS on Mar 10th, 2007, 8:10pm
I get the tailgating thing too. Maybe I'm really lucky but I had a really good instructor (ex-army) and the things he said about signalling and distance I still remember. What really got me in the bad snow/fog the other week was that there were people in the thick fog with no lights on, sitting right up the six of the car in front...the same people who drive with sidelights and fogs on in broad daylight it wonder we have carnage on the A12 every week.

Strange thing is that when I used to drive my Aunt's Fiesta in London I used to get carved up like the Sunday roast...

I'm not really a fast driver, got over that thing in my first few months behind the wheel :-*. But, I've had a couple of times lately where I've had people behind me who know no better it seems, seem to think I'm driving some old land yacht... mucho fun to take off in full flight from 50mph but I know from experience that if you do this, you just end up doing stupidly illegal speeds and the person behind never seems to learn when they eventually catch up. Best thing to do when you get this and you're already doing over the limit is just to slow to the limit and stay there...they soon get the message :).

Two things that really get me on the roads:

The people on A roads going slow (like 40-45 in a 60) and when you move to overtake they move to the centre to block you, like you've got no right to get past...had this a couple of times lately.

The people who go around an entire roundabout in the left lane, right to the last exit. There's a big roundabout just up the road from here and the number of times I've been gestured at and nearly hit up the six by people who speed right around the outside and won't even give way when you indicate left at the exit.


Regards, Bruce.

Title: Re: Tail-gating......
Post by taliban on Mar 11th, 2007, 3:04am
ooooh dont get me started on roundabouts and the totally ignored 12 'o' clock rule.......

Title: Re: Tail-gating......
Post by petehull on Mar 11th, 2007, 10:43am
I think the most powerful way to deal with all these gripes is to just carry on driving calmly, cautiously legally ans sensibly.  If others get irate, the reason will be that they are frustrated of having to comply with laws and common sense, in time they will come to realise what road safety is all about, it's ok to see Jeremy, the hamster, stig and the crew flying about all over the place on telly but maybe people will realise this is purely for entertainment.  What do you think?


Title: Re: Tail-gating......
Post by big_neil on Mar 11th, 2007, 11:16am
yes your right to a certain degree DH-dove,but if you overtake a wagon in the inside lane and your doing 70 or more, if there,s another wagon within quarter of a mile surely your adding extra risk by pulling in and then out within such a short distance, by all means return to the inside lane if there is a reasonably distance until the next overtaking manoevre, i dont hog the middle if the nearside lane is vacant

Title: Re: Tail-gating......
Post by Kjetil S on Mar 11th, 2007, 11:21am
Pete, you shouldn't overestimate the general population   ;D

If the UK is similar to what I see around here, almost half shouldn't be having a lisence. People driving 10-20km/h below the speed limit, making enourmous queues, people (sometimes the same) cutting you off in a 80km/h zone, people changing into your lane when you're almost up on their side trying to get past (got one of those yesterday, had to stand on the brake to avoid getting hit), people placing themselves to the right when they intend to go left and almost slam into me when I pass them on the left (they didn't signal to the left, as usual), etc etc etc...

Title: Re: Tail-gating......
Post by petehull on Mar 11th, 2007, 11:29am
I think there are lots of people in the uk who maybe don't have a license, if you watch programs like 'Streetcrime Uk' and 'Road Wars' etc the police are always pulling them up, although I think the new Registration identification equipment in use nowadays is one off the most powerful tools for eliminating this problem.  I certainly think the standards have dropped in the last 10 years or so.

Title: Re: Tail-gating......
Post by taliban on Mar 11th, 2007, 2:50pm
neil the problem there is if you're undertaking which is illegal in this country you stand to gain 3 points, added to that, why is the 'wagon' in an overtaking lane? its likely he's moved over to overtake the next wagon 1/4 mile ahead, so its safer for you to use both overtaking lanes........unless i've read what you're saying incorrectly, which is likely  ::)

Title: Re: Tail-gating......
Post by dh_dove on Mar 11th, 2007, 7:00pm
Big Neil
Absolutely, I was not suggesting ducking and diving from one lane to another.........having said that if the inside lane is free for say two hundred yards I think you should pull over........this gap moves along the motorway with you if you think about it and it can take a while to make that distance the meantime allowing other traffic to pass and more importantly traffic in Lane 3 can pull over to the left thus freeing up another lane. Hence the motorway gets one lane bigger at that point ;D
Unfortunately I think a lot of drivers are SCARED of moving over "in case they lose their place" ::)
OR they are in the I am doing 69mph so sod you mode
The rest are just pig ignorant ;D
DH Dove

Title: Re: Tail-gating......
Post by big_neil on Mar 15th, 2007, 9:33am
that statement makes sense, how many times do you return to the inside lane then can,t get out again cos of traffic , consequently your speed drops to around 60 , just read the road well in advance of your own situation and maintain your own space if possible(as jimmy saville says "you know it makes sense",,,,so did dell boy.)

Title: Re: Tail-gating......
Post by TiberiuS on Mar 15th, 2007, 6:04pm
Chaps, I don't think it's as simple as some people hogging lanes and doing 69mph. I drive the A12 quite often, sometimes London bound, sometimes torwards Norwich. The majority of the A12 is 2 lane and unless you travel at 2am, the left lane is clogged with traffic doing 55-60mph. So, you change to the right hand lane to make some speed but it's near impossible to stick to the legal limit in heavy traffic when there's cars behind wanting to go faster. You end up doing 85-90mph just to keep distance from the car behind and keep the lanes flowing, if you kept 'legal' while you was getting past the endless lines of tankers and caravans, the entire road would come to a standstill.

A couple of months back I had to do a long run (family emergency) and hit the motorway at about 2:30am - never in my life have I seen such a nice, empty road - got upto 110mph at one point without realising...did the entire journey in less than an hour 8).

That's another thing I daren't get into, bleedin' scam speed limits {} ;) ::)

Regards, Bruce.

Title: Re: Tail-gating......
Post by dh_dove on Mar 15th, 2007, 8:10pm
85-90....110 mph......  @
The Govt. have already traced your 'puter. Expect a dawn raid with twenty armed coppers, you are clearly a threat to "New Britain".
I expect they'll lock you up and throw away the key!
NB In your defence I would suggest that driving over the limit is part of your Religion....seems to work for every other ************
I may visit you in nick, maybe.. 8) ........having said that I understand that db&b is foc and drugs, porn and "social visits" are readilly available. Also, you do not have to pay Income Tax, Council Tax etc.
Beats the nuts out of a stay at Butlins ::)
DH Dove

Title: Re: Tail-gating......
Post by taliban on Mar 15th, 2007, 8:16pm
pmsl @ dh, tiberius has pointed out one of the problems with speed cameras, they take nothing into account, whereas traffic cops will be fine with 70-80mph if its safe traffic speed....

Title: Re: Tail-gating......
Post by dh_dove on Mar 15th, 2007, 9:10pm
DH Dove

Title: Re: Tail-gating......
Post by TiberiuS on Mar 16th, 2007, 12:03am
Alas chaps, you're losing me now. I'm not talking about driving at highly illegal speeds during rush hour, just about people's driving habits in general causing problems over speed. I'm happy most of the time just sitting there doing 70, far too smug having a nice quiet drive and getting 28mpg.

But, my point was that I needed to get somewhere quick for a reason and at that time of night I hardly met another what's the crime?

Dove, not sure about the dawn raid, I've got an early start tomorrow so it might have to wait ;D. Not sure about the Govt. locking me up, surely that's the pro-green campaigners after me for being environmentally unfriendly?

Regards, Bruce ;)

Title: Re: Tail-gating......
Post by jonnycab on Mar 16th, 2007, 3:31am
When I started this post, I wasn't actually thinking of motorways (been done before)....I was thinking of urban/rural roads at night (that's when I tend to work).

I always stick to speed limits (lose my living if I didn't)...but at 2 o'clock in the morning there is a tendency to not stick to some limits  ;)

Not that my speed is excessive at that time of the morning, but due to lack of traffic & various other daily hazards, then I think that 35 - 40mph in a 30 limit is quite acceptable on some roads in certain conditions  ;)

But there are other drivers that think the ones who think it's quite acceptable to do 60 in a 30 limit at night....& when there's a Scorp Taxi blocking their way, then it's obviously the time for a bit of bumper kissing  >:(

Day or night......drivers should respect other drivers.....we all pay road tax, so we're all entitled to use the road.
No-one has preferential road use.....well maybe BMW drivers might think they do  ::)

If you come up behind a car that is going slower than you want to go, there's no point sitting on their bumper....... because that driver ain't you...... & they ain't gonna do what you want them to do......just overtake when it's safe to do so...if it ain't safe to overtake then that's tough...learn to live with it, & you'll find life a lot less stressfull  ;)

A quick check with reality & reason should convince most drivers that tail-gating is down right stupid, dangerous & will affect their no-claims bonus if they rear end someone (allways the fault of the car behind), & is also an offence..."driving without due care & attention"  :P

Someone will accidently bump into you while walking out of Woolies, & you will both say sorry & be apologetic....but once in their car (BMW ?), they will carve you up & give you the finger.....why....
Because everyone is the greatest driver in the world & no-one will ever admit to making a driving mistake  ;)

Title: Re: Tail-gating......
Post by petehull on Mar 16th, 2007, 9:46am


Johnnycab, you're absolutely right,  :o What a great time everyone could have IF they only realised it, I think it is far better to drive within the limits set out as you can first of all, Relax whilst driving, (but not too much ::)) you are more likely to get there unscaithed and besides I think it makes you feel more at ease in your mind, moreso than the proverbial 'adrenalin buz' that people tend to lust after thesedays.... :D


Title: Re: Tail-gating......
Post by Spannerdemon on Mar 17th, 2007, 8:53am
Spot on Jonny, and reflects what I said in an earlier post on this subject.

You will never educate these ignorant tailgaters, because THEY firmly believe that accidents always happen to someone else.  Basically they are just plain arrogant, and probably just the same sort of people in real life.

The best you can do is let them past as soon as practicable, and let them have their inevitable accident with someone else. And they will.  :o

I've just turned 60. I have a totally clean licence for all classes, (have had for 40 years), and I try to drive in a sensible and stress-free manner. I'm an Advanced motorist on both cars and motor-cycles, and I've covered well over 2.5 million miles in my time on the roads, a lot of it working for a major distribution firm on 600 mile a day journeys, long before the days of tachographs, and I know exactly what you mean by everything you say in your post.

Experience teaches you patience, and charging about, bullying other drivers out of the way on the roads, is a sure-fire way of having an accident.

Calm, methodical driving, done properly, is almost totally stress-free. Leaving enough time for a journey is the key. Tolerance towards other drivers bad habits is difficult at times, but we all make the odd mistake now and then, and a smile and a wave work  often wonders in calming things down.  ;)

Title: Re: Tail-gating......
Post by Danny_R on Mar 17th, 2007, 3:46pm
Interesting topic, this has happened to me a few times. You get some gigantic H1 Hummer or some humongous SUV crawling up your ass. Like others I just slow down and come to a complete stop if necessary. Blowing kisses is normally a good one! The last guy I had dealings with, I got out and walked up to his car and asked him why he was following so close. Course he gave me a load of abuse, so I told him to keep on doing it but this time HIT the back of my car so I can get a new one out of him!!!

Cant remember the laws in the UK but in the US anyone who strikes the back of your car it's instantly their fault even if it wasn't their fault because you did an emergency stop in front of them or something.


Title: Re: Tail-gating......
Post by dh_dove on Mar 17th, 2007, 8:06pm
Sorry :( Didn't mean to post a confusing reply.
It's just that there is so much Govt. surveillance now that I'm sure they'll start monitoring websites and if you have admitted to commiting an offence YOU'RE NICKED !!
NB Apparently dawn raids with lots of armed "Coppers" are reserved for the worst Crims. in society. That's speeding offenders isn't it ? Or have I missed something!
Oh, Just got it, that's the easiest to catch Crims in Society ....silly me. ???
DH Dove

Title: Re: Tail-gating......
Post by TiberiuS on Mar 17th, 2007, 8:37pm
Dove, I got what you were saying, just didn't want to drag this any more off topic ::)

I wasn't advocating driving at breakneck speed neither do I drive like that myself (I value my license and low insurance premium too much to be silly with it ;)). My point was that if you put your foot down to make distance, by the time you get to the next line of traffic or junction the same person is planted right up your behind again, expecting you to go faster because you took off like a scalded cat the first time.

Sorry to have started this :-[ ;)

Regards, Bruce.

Title: Re: Tail-gating......
Post by dh_dove on Mar 24th, 2007, 4:48pm
All understood.
Don't be sorry, an interesting discussion was had by all, I think we are all peeved with idiot drivers to some degree or another :-/
Best Wishes
DH Dove

Title: Re: Tail-gating......
Post by taliban on Mar 24th, 2007, 9:15pm
dh, that is happening now, sort of; people posting their 'you tube'? things on the net are being followed up.
spanner is spot on, i've always been quite relaxed driving, but driving buses through london for the past couple of years really helps, it does one of 2 things, either you become a twitching on the edge wreck, or you learn to deal with it and let the idiots get on with it while you just chill. the times i approach the bend just before waterloo bridge on the strand; 2 lane into the bend that go into 1 on the bend so i straddle both lanes to stop any cars going inside or outside of me, they hoot and go mad because they havent got the brains to realise we both wont fit around the bend, i just chill and laugh, its all about reading the road ahead......

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