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(Message started by: tintin on Mar 22nd, 2007, 7:28pm)

Title: Theft !!
Post by tintin on Mar 22nd, 2007, 7:28pm
ha ha, someone just took the stereo out of my 1991 mini, wasnt anything special, just a basic cd player, can replace it with a better one for £45. they left the speakers worth £40 each, and the tax disc. stupid. i leave it unlocked because i thought there was nothing worth nicking, and i dont want to pay for new locks/windows. just shows you.....

surely they are only going to get £5 if that for a 5 year old stereo.... makes you feel kind of sorry that people are so desperate.

why cant people keep their hands off other peoples belongings any more?

Title: Re: Theft !!
Post by cossie_al on Mar 22nd, 2007, 7:56pm
Because the scum have nothing to be scared of anymore.
This type of thing has been covered before, and I dont realy want to get started on it again, but I would love to catch them at it and give them some serious torture something along the lines of barbed wire up the anus for a start.
but alas even if I looked at them and told them off I would be the criminal.

Title: Re: Theft !!
Post by weaver67 on Mar 22nd, 2007, 8:49pm
totally agree  i rekon after car stereos are nicked and swithed on in  another car they should expload and blow the f*****s to pieces

Title: Re: Theft !!
Post by Kjetil S on Mar 22nd, 2007, 8:51pm

on 03/22/07 at 20:49:18, weaver67 wrote:
totally agree  i rekon after car stereos are nicked and swithed on in  another car they should expload and blow the f*****s to pieces

Hmm.. Now where did I put that pack of explosives?  ;D

Title: Re: Theft !!
Post by the_boogeyman on Mar 22nd, 2007, 9:00pm
a friend of mine " a wholesaler" is so fed up with being burgled that they have rigd explosives on all they grilled windows, i tell you i wouldnt want to be the first to opne up in the morning if some one had set one off, there wouldnt be much left of them  ;D

Title: Re: Theft !!
Post by weaver67 on Mar 22nd, 2007, 9:04pm
you should be able to protect your stuff from theiving scum

Title: Re: Theft !!
Post by cossie_al on Mar 22nd, 2007, 9:15pm
Yes you should!
In my eyes anyone who sets foot on or in your property without permission is going to pay the consequenses.
My wife is constantly worried that we will be burgled when we are home not because she is scared of the scum.
Its because she knows I am very likely to do a stretch at her majestys leisure when I confront them.
Its like this I have a wife, a four year old daughter and a 16 year old son, If I find anyone in my house they will be dealt with in a suitably nasty way.
If I get time then this will be a small price to pay knowing that a couple of these B*****ds can no longer walk or speak.
I think I will leave it at that before I go off on one.  

Title: Re: Theft !!
Post by weaver67 on Mar 22nd, 2007, 9:23pm
same here mate we me and the wife invested in a rather visious looking rottweiler to gaurd our house still had my cd player nicked out my car witch was hidden in my back yard bloody usless animal didnt even wake up

Title: Re: Theft !!
Post by the_boogeyman on Mar 22nd, 2007, 9:28pm
i have a german shepherd and i d**n well that when she dies i  might be burgled, i'm gona get me a electric fence

Title: Re: Theft !!
Post by taliban on Mar 22nd, 2007, 9:30pm
a few years ago i was talking to an ex sweeny type officer, his comment was anyone who doesent have a baseball bat or similar in their bedroom is an idiot, he went on to say if someone breaks in and you attack them,  kill them, make sure they're dead, the dead dont talk, and when the police arrive the first words you should say are 'i thought he was going to kill me, he said he was going to kill me'. you have defended your life, never ever say things like sorry, i didnt mean to do it.

Title: Re: Theft !!
Post by weaver67 on Mar 22nd, 2007, 9:33pm
now were talking i got weapons all over the house even our dog carries a base ball bat :)

Title: Re: Theft !!
Post by cossie_al on Mar 22nd, 2007, 9:40pm
Taliban, didn't you notice the part where I said walk or "speak" ?
Take their weapons of them chuck them to one side and beat them unconscious with your fists. Then rip their tongues out with your favourite pliers.

Title: Re: Theft !!
Post by music_master on Mar 22nd, 2007, 9:43pm
the cops wont even come near my house they tried to jump the fence 1 nite chasing 1 scum bag my rotty took part of jeans of 1 leg the copper went to climb the fence seen the dog a said f that like i told him u come over my fence with ur ass intact  and leave without it  cos the dog will have it in its mouth i have all the dog signs up so they have been warned

Title: Re: Theft !!
Post by petehull on Mar 22nd, 2007, 9:45pm
[] [] []

Back in the days when CB was popular  8) we used to rewire the rigs so the polarity (which was critical) would be connected the wrong way if a thief fitted it in their car,  ;D  the results would be a blown output transistor rendering the rig needing repair,  :-[ at first it worked really well cos the rig doctors as they were known would get them in for repair..... Nicked! }{
However  :'( they soon cottoned on to the idea so it was no longer effective.... :(

Title: Re: Theft !!
Post by TiberiuS on Mar 22nd, 2007, 9:57pm

on 03/22/07 at 20:49:18, weaver67 wrote:
totally agree  i rekon after car stereos are nicked and swithed on in  another car they should expload and blow the f*****s to pieces

Now I know why the radio in the Scorp was so heavy ::)

Seriously though, these oiks have no respect for anybody or anything, not even themselves. Respect isn't taught in school anymore and there's always an easy way out if you do wrong :(

Like my aunt's car which got torched a few weeks back. Often the damage goes deeper and lasts longer than the crime itself.

Sad state to be in :'(

Regards, Bruce.

Title: Re: Theft !!
Post by jonnycab on Mar 23rd, 2007, 1:12am
Scum breeds scum...& to get rid of it, it has to bred out of society.

The only way to do that is to give every male child at birth the snip & in later life, if they want the snip reversed so they can have children, then they have to pass an examination on why they want to have kids & how they are going to teach them right from wrong  ;)

It may a bit contraversial & would probably take a couple of generations, but looking at the state of the youth today, then it doesn't take a mind reader to imagine what their kids are gonna be like  ???

My little boy will be 3 years old in August & to be honest, if there was a safe way to snip babies at birth, & that it was definately reversable & didn't affect his growing up years, then I would not have any complaints about it  :)

The only other way forwards is backwards.....scrapping the human rights law & reinstating the right of parents & schools to discipline children when they step out of line.....

Scroats have always existed...but they thrive under the current Labour 'Nanny state' regime.

I know it's a directive of Brussels...but do Brussels actually realise that the youth culture in Britain is totally different to that in Europe?

Our youth seem to be be alot more influenced by American gang culture than the youth of other European countries.......

....So maybe we shouldn't be governed by the same humanity laws as Europe..... as there is too much American influence here & there always will be  ::)

There's loads more I could think of to say....but I'd need a separate piece of paper  ;)

Title: Re: Theft !!
Post by Octavian_P on Mar 23rd, 2007, 8:55am
A long time ago in Romania we had a ruler called Vlad Tepes. He was also known as Vlad Dracul in free english translation Vlad the Devil. Probably you all heard of him under the name of Dracula. The name of Tepes comes from Spears. Teapa = a very long spear. When he ruled every thief, scumbag, or enemy was taken into a tower and dropped into a spear. He also had more sadistic methods of spearing enemies without killing them instantly so they had to suffer more. He had something like a plantation of spears. In the stories regarding that time it is also mentioned that the public fountains in villages and towns had cups to drink water made from pure silver and gold. Nobody dared to steal them, or steal anything else. We romanies have a lot of problems whit thieves, gypsies etc. We usually think to Tepes and wish if he only lived in these days or at least one of his ofsprings...

Title: Re: Theft !!
Post by Danny_R on Mar 23rd, 2007, 12:32pm
Funny, I was talking to the local Sheriff a few weeks ago and was telling him about the UK and how your NOT allowed to touch anyone who's broken into your home. He couldn't stop laughing and told me that if anyone breaks into a house over here, he actively encourages home owners to shoot them 3 or 4 times just to make sure they are dead lol, but to ensure they do it IN the house. That way there is 0 come back. Seems fair to me. Just got's to get me a big 12 gauge now lol.


Title: Re: Theft !!
Post by cleave on Mar 23rd, 2007, 4:03pm
who cares what law protects the villain..........catch em beat em so bad they never do it again..simple!

Title: Re: Theft !!
Post by Ultima2300 on Mar 23rd, 2007, 5:29pm
True story.  I'm in bed 2.30am 22nd of December '06.  Huge noise, "what's going on?" says the other half.  "We are being broken in to" says I, "phone the police".

I went to the top of the stairs, down to the second landing and mimes to other half switch on the lights.

Burglar is in the hallway having come through the french windows using a hammer.  He's got his back to me and froze when the lights went on.

What do you think I said, what were the first words out of my mouth?

On Your Way!

Fortunately he did, never looked round, just scarpered the way he came.

The most embarrassing bit was giving a statement to the Police.  The Judge will never believe this was the response.

It would appear in times of stress or danger, I become one of the landed gentry. :-[


Title: Re: Theft !!
Post by old_Ern on Mar 23rd, 2007, 9:33pm
Dont be hard on yourself Geoff mate! Reading these pages I'm more worried about people protecting their property with such violence, I mean, I thought us 'Scorpio folk' where a laid back bunch of dudes. Wouldn't like bump into them in crowded Tescos carpark or Vlad Tepes. :D
old Ern...      Totally Chilled...       Mmmm...      

 Prevention is better than cure :-X

Title: Re: Theft !!
Post by the_boogeyman on Mar 23rd, 2007, 9:42pm
i would go with the cure is better then prevention, just bump in to my colt M16

Title: Re: Theft !!
Post by NickP2130 on Mar 23rd, 2007, 9:45pm
Theft, What about malicious damage, you know that idiot who walks down the road with a key or a sharp stick and scratches down the side of your car, usually both doors and the wings!!!! then walks off and doesn't really have an idea what cost hes caused. BRAINDEAD. ???

Title: Re: Theft !!
Post by old_Ern on Mar 23rd, 2007, 9:58pm
Well if you think feeding him to your dog will help. :-[
It wont stop the next nit-wit scratching your car,
you'll end up with a fat dog and a very scratched up car.
My 'Scorpy' is already scratched up, so i can just remain...
Chilled out...          Oh yes...
Scratch away bad man.
just dont knick it.  :-*

Title: Re: Theft !!
Post by TiberiuS on Mar 25th, 2007, 11:03pm

on 03/23/07 at 17:29:30, Ultima2300 wrote:
True story.  I'm in bed 2.30am 22nd of December '06.  Huge noise, "what's going on?" says the other half.  "We are being broken in to" says I, "phone the police".

I went to the top of the stairs, down to the second landing and mimes to other half switch on the lights.

Burglar is in the hallway having come through the french windows using a hammer.  He's got his back to me and froze when the lights went on.

What do you think I said, what were the first words out of my mouth?

On Your Way!

Fortunately he did, never looked round, just scarpered the way he came.

The most embarrassing bit was giving a statement to the Police.  The Judge will never believe this was the response.

It would appear in times of stress or danger, I become one of the landed gentry. :-[Geoff

No Geoff, you did what was probably the best thing to do. It might have hurt your pride but the safety of your family comes first, posessions are no good if you're dead because he turned and stabbed you or if you lost your rag and end up serving a strech for it :).

We all regret something we did and wish we could go back and do it again, it's part of human nature mate ;)

Regards, Bruce.

Title: Re: Theft !!
Post by Penguin on Mar 27th, 2007, 1:55pm
I despair of this country sometimes.  When I was at school (and I'm only 30 so we're talking 80's and 90's here) respect was very much taught and enforced.

Teachers, for example, were called "Sir" or "Miss" and failure to extend this simple courtesy would get you a detention. You were expected to be polite your fellow students and teachers and would be punnished if you were not.  Bullying was dealt with with by a week's supsension for the first offence and expulsion for the second.  Theft was expulsion at the first offence.

We had a uniform and we were expected not only to wear it but to wear it smartly. Shirts had to be tucked in. Shoes had to be polished. Jewellery (apart from wrist watches and discreet cuff links) was banned outright.  

But the thing was that these (some would say) draconian punnishments were never actually needed.  Because respect of oneself and others was taught to the younger students and a climate of respect was fostered by the teachers of every year, virtually no-one ever broke these simple rules.

What I'm saying in a very round about way (sorry) is that if respect is not taught and enforced on children, it will never be possible to bring to decent social behaviour when they become teenagers and adults.



Title: Re: Theft !!
Post by scorpio_man on Mar 27th, 2007, 2:44pm

on 03/27/07 at 13:55:31, Penguin wrote:
I despair of this country sometimes.  When I was at school (and I'm only 30 so we're talking 80's and 90's here) respect was very much taught and enforced.

Teachers, for example, were called "Sir" or "Miss" and failure to extend this simple courtesy would get you a detention. You were expected to be polite your fellow students and teachers and would be punnished if you were not.  Bullying was dealt with with by a week's supsension for the first offence and expulsion for the second.  Theft was expulsion at the first offence.

We had a uniform and we were expected not only to wear it but to wear it smartly. Shirts had to be tucked in. Shoes had to be polished. Jewellery (apart from wrist watches and discreet cuff links) was banned outright.  

But the thing was that these (some would say) draconian punnishments were never actually needed.  Because respect of oneself and others was taught to the younger students and a climate of respect was fostered by the teachers of every year, virtually no-one ever broke these simple rules.

What I'm saying in a very round about way (sorry) is that if respect is not taught and enforced on children, it will never be possible to bring to decent social behaviour when they become teenagers and adults.



[]well said, that man. this is where it all started to fall apart, when they messed about with the schools. in glasgow anyway, you got 'lines' which took you forever to do or the belt. over quickly, but never forgotten. you wouldn't cross that teacher again in a hurry. {}

Title: Re: Theft !!
Post by petehull on Mar 29th, 2007, 4:35pm
I am partially all for corporal punishment in schools, I say partially because if you punish children without explaining the reason to a degree that THEY UNDERSTAND the reasons for the punishment, then they are likely to grow up with resentment of discipline.  

The word descipline comes from the word desciple which further means follower or to follow.  They then foster an attitude such as, 'I'm not going to treat my children the way I have been treat' so they give them everything, so called protect them from anyone who is trying to show them their wrongdoings and also SET BAD EXAMPLES. when you analize things in this way you begin to see that unless the trends are broken, things can only get worse. :-X


Title: Re: Theft !!
Post by Spannerdemon on Mar 30th, 2007, 9:44am
I'm all for taking every single persons DNA at birth, so that when a crime is committed, the police don't have to waste time looking for 'suspects'.

They can go straight to the offenders door, and arrest them.

Personally I'd cut thieves hands off, and brand them on the forehead with the word THIEF.

The tossers that are currently governing this country of ours want a big wake up call from the public, and I have a funny feeling that it will happen sooner rather than later if something isn't done soon.

Title: Re: Theft !!
Post by the_boogeyman on Mar 30th, 2007, 1:17pm
it would do, but the white british "minority" are to scared

Title: Re: Theft !!
Post by TiberiuS on Mar 30th, 2007, 4:43pm
Maybe so SD and Jonny, but it's one more step torwards a Govt. controlled police state which I as much as the next person would not want to see in my lifetime or see my kids growing up into in theirs.

On a side note, I was at school in the late 80's early 90's and it was a joke. The infants was pretty small and well run, the junior was so-so but the secondary school I went to was a joke - the kids did what they liked when they liked and most of the teachers didn't have enough experience, motivation or even backup to try and make them do otherwise. A few of my mates from there have ended up on the wrong side of the law, a couple for serious stuff...I don't see how that's a helluva lot better than the way things are today :-/

Regards, Bruce.

Title: Re: Theft !!
Post by petehull on Mar 30th, 2007, 11:25pm
Hi Tib,
when I was at school we had Punishment, it was usually six of the best with the cane, now I don't condone the use of the cane (Especially with the teachers we had, I'm sure they were harbouring grudges and trying to revenge themselves for what they had gone though in the war) however it was CERTAINLY a deterent.  >:(
It was not long after that that everybody began to be namby pamby about discipline, and it seems it is getting mor prolific...

Goodness knows where it will end up.   ???


Title: Re: Theft !!
Post by TiberiuS on Mar 31st, 2007, 12:50pm
I'm with ya Pete, when I was a kid I was close to my dad but he was very old fashioned with bringing up his kids and wouldn't think twice about letting me know if I did something wrong. But, I soon learned right from wrong and I had a lot of respect for him.

Once (when I was about 5) we was out and I ran out in the road in front of a a good hiding for that, but did I do it again? ::)

Nothing wrong with discipline, the kid glove treatment is a joke :'(

Regards, Bruce ;).

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