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(Message started by: Fidget on May 15th, 2007, 1:46pm)

Title: Madaleine McCann
Post by Fidget on May 15th, 2007, 1:46pm
Maybe its just because I am a single Dad with a four year old daughter that I am more especially touched by the disturbing events and her disappearance.

I know that she is unlikely to be in this country, but the idea of the posters is surely to keep and build awareness? But, I am beginning to wonder if I am the only person with her poster in my rear passenger windows and a yellow ribbon on my areal. I have not seen anyone else at all who has done the same :(

Has anyone here put a poster up?

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by Spannerdemon on May 15th, 2007, 2:02pm
I brought up my 3 surviving youngsters alone for 12 years, after losing my wife and two of my children. I think we are all hoping that this will have a happy ending.

The parents must be going through all sorts of a living hell at the moment, but they are not losing hope.

I think you're gesture is very touching. Good on you.  ;)

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by dh_dove on May 15th, 2007, 8:10pm
At the risk of being ostracised, expelled, fatwa'd and declared unfeeling etc. etc.
But, Am I the only person in the UK to wonder
"Who was looking after these children?"
As far as I have seen reported her parents were in the Bistro/Pub/Whatever down the road???
If this was in the UK and the flat burnt down I suspect a prosecution would be pending?
That's it, I wait for your wrath :-[
DH Dove

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by Fidget on May 15th, 2007, 8:18pm
No wrath pending, I too think it was reprehensible and I would never venture farther than earshot in the same building when my kids are 'down'. BUT, it is a tad inappropriate right now I think, and certainly counter productive to wave this at them while the poor little girl is missing.

I too wonder how they manage at the moment, but I wonder more about how Madeleine is coping (assuming and hoping that she is still alive). If it were my little girl, she would be calling out for me and ..... well, its beyond words. I really don't think I would be sleeping or eating right now.

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by petehull on May 15th, 2007, 10:21pm


Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by jonnycab on May 16th, 2007, 1:34am
Dove is right......

Lets not forget that there were the two year old twins in the apartment as well. The McCanns had the option of hiring a nanny for the evening, could've even hired the baby monitoring services....but instead they opted to look in every half hour  ???

Maybe for the sake of a few quid, this horrific turn of events may not have happened  :-/....but it has, & the clock cannot be turned back  :(

As Fidget implied....she is probably alone, upset, scared & calling for her parents  :(

Lets hope that that is all she has to be upset about, because if, as was first thought, she was taken by paedophiles,............sorry, I don't want to even think about it, let alone type it.......lets just pray that that isn't the case  :'(

Neither me nor my wife would ever consider leaving our little boy, who's nearly three, alone anywhere, day or night (apart from with his grand parents) & if the situation were to arise, then I certainly wouldn't worry about the cost of a trustworthy childminder.

All we can do is hope & pray that there will be a happy ending & Madeleine is found safe & well  :)

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by dannynic on May 16th, 2007, 8:23am

with dove also.

The sad fact is that if the parents had not left there small children to go down the pub we would probably not be having this conversation now. Harsh but fair. (sorry for any offence)

As has been said, my feelings are for the little girl.

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by Spannerdemon on May 16th, 2007, 8:59am
I don't think it's fair to point fingers at this stage.

I'm personally a great believer in chipping for children and DNA taking at birth, but as you'll see from this article, it wasn't received well for various reasons.
My personal belief is that it IS worth it, because in a scenario like this, the girl would already have been located, and the culprits caught.

As for the DNA, well think of the police hours that would be saved. they would again, KNOW who they were looking for.


Again..........Let's hope for the best.

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by Fidget on May 16th, 2007, 11:46am
Oddly enough, the first thing I looked into after hearing bout Madeleine's plight was trackable implants. I couldn't find anything that is up to proper use just yet (not in this country anyway, but I'll check that link). DNA wise, most of us parents have a snippet of our kid's hair and its usually easily retrieved from the kids clothes and bedding, isn't it?

One thing we may all be overlooking is the kind of 'baby sitting' service they offer there. A friend of mine said that the service is the same as they were doing - someone periodically checks each apartment and reports when they hear a child cry so that the parents can be asked to attend, its not a case of someone sitting with them. I don't know if that really is the case, but if it is I guess I could see why they wouldn't see it fit for use. However, one would think as Doctors, they would have thought this out much more carefully.

Anyway, the worry should be for Madeleine right now. It was deeply worrying yesterday when they reported that they had a main suspect but no little Madeleine, I felt that she must be truly gone. I hope this guy does turn out to have nothing to do with it, then perhaps there is more chance that she is still ok.

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by cossie_al on May 16th, 2007, 9:30pm
I have a daughter the same age as Madaleine and we have taken her to various parts of the world on holiday since she was six months old.
I have never been more than one closed door away from Kathryn when we have been away.
Okay, now is not the time to point fingers and my heart fealt sympathy goes to Madaleine's family but dove is not wrong.
By the way I do have Madaleine's picture in my car and as we have a place in spain I have contacted the people who take care of it whe we arnt there and asked them to display pictures in all prominant places.
I am not a religious person but I have prayed for Madaleine's safe return!

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by Fidget on May 16th, 2007, 11:28pm
Good for you Cossie_al, I am so glad that I am not the only person who has the posters in my rear windows.


Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by Fidget on May 17th, 2007, 10:31pm

I couldn't contain myself after seeing this.

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by Spannerdemon on May 17th, 2007, 10:43pm
That is absolutely heart-wrenching.

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by bootiful-scorpios on May 17th, 2007, 10:44pm
there is not words to describe how that little girl must have felt on the night she was taken away  :'(

the one thing i keep thinking about is they were staying in a hotel and the rooms have locks on the main doors

did the parents leave the door unlocked? if not it must be someone who have access to either the main key to the room or some one who have  access to the master key s ...   this should be enough to beable to find her as every one who have access to a key would  be a worker of the hotel  
hotels normaly know at all times where the keys are and who have them at all times,        ive not heard no talk on the news on this or have i missed it?

i do tend to agree with jonnycab about the parents leaving the children while they went for a meal i never left my kids alone in my own house till they were 13! at the age of 3/4 little ones like that can wake up at any time and get out of bed and could do anything! like run a bath switch the kettle on ect,

i do feel sorry for the family
but more for the little one ........

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by bootiful-scorpios on May 17th, 2007, 11:03pm

there is loads of little nice comments being left for madeleine from people all around the world on the 2nd one, mostly teens

and the first one has the poster for down load

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by dogma on May 18th, 2007, 12:32am
I cant agree more with what everyone has said, but I too cannot understand why they would go out and leave 3 children alone. Im by no means trying to sound cruel but in this age we all know the kind of people that are about now days.  I read a report on the girl had been watched for days previos to the night she was taken, so why then go out leaving her or any child alone.  I really dont mean to sound cruel and I really hope it does end in a happy way.  I deal every day with missing children which usually turn up that have gone on there own little wander but even the way they are dressed some times amazes me. I really hope parents can learn from what has happened.  :-[

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by jonnycab on May 18th, 2007, 12:53am
bootiful....the window shutter locks were apparently broken, so entry was gained via the window  :-/

I was listening to the local BBC radio station today, & they had an interview with a local guy who has been a criminal investigator/physchologist for 30 years plus....

He reckons that it isn't just one person involved, but defintely an organised gang of human trafficers, who take children to order by using information gathered from the local sado, who is affraid of them & who'd do anything for dosh........not good  ???

If this is the case, then considering the fact that it took the Portuguese police 15 hours to react & file a missing persons report......she could have been half way across Europe by the time it was an open case  >:(

The reason for her abduction can only be guessed at......but she was obviously being targeted.....because the twins were left alone  ???

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by bootiful-scorpios on May 18th, 2007, 1:33am
jonny totaly missed the window bit makes a little bit of sence now

lets hope they are wrong about the child to order situations  :o poor little girl

it do all seem very strange with the  Portuguese police seem like they are holding back...

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by Mummra on May 20th, 2007, 10:05pm
As terrible as this situation is, I do have to ask myself what the reaction would have been if the headlines had read

Child dies in holiday accommodation fire – parents escape unharmed because they were not in attendance but were away at a restaurant enjoying themselves at the time

And as Drs they must be aware of the risks and more importantly aware of a concept called the golden hour, whereby should an accident occur that intervention within that first hour is considered of primary importance - So just as a politician is aware of the old adage about a week being a long time in politics, by being Drs they would or should have been aware exactly how long or life changing an hour could be

As despicable as these circumstances may be leaving children of that age alone and unattended was not just foolhardy but completely reckless

And I personally believe that the issue of their position is pertinent with regards the way that it has been accepted

And I very much doubt that had Wayne & Waynetta Slob have flown to some sun & sangria resort in Spain and then left young “Paris–Britney” alone so they could dine on McDonalds burgers only to return an hour later to find she was gone, that they would be awarded the same level of understanding in regards their actions.

In fact I believe the media and the public would be demanding social services take the other kids into care.

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by Fidget on May 20th, 2007, 11:25pm

on 05/20/07 at 22:05:28, Mummra wrote:
In fact I believe the media and the public would be demanding social services take the other kids into care.

I tend to agree with this. I haven't come across anyone who thinks differently to the views above, which brings us to your idea of social standing.

But it does nothing to help Madeleine, and I think that's where the mood really lies.

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by Dave2302 on May 21st, 2007, 2:15pm



Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by Fidget on May 23rd, 2007, 11:49am
You know, I was wondering why the issue of leaving them alone hadn't been highlighted very much in the media, its actually a very strong feeling amongst us all. Perhaps they'll be holding off on that because when Madeleine does get found or time goes on so far without a result that moods change, there will be a huge story to buy up by the news corps. The McCanns will probably be offered huge sums of money for that 'exclusive interview' where they'll be asked about that, maybe it wouldn't make sense the the news people to broach all subjects/issues right now?

Anyway, fingers and toes still crossed, posters still in windows and yellow ribbon on aerial - hoping that she is found safe and well.

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by jonnycab on May 28th, 2007, 11:47pm
I hear that the McCanns are to meet the pope  ???....why ?

What's he gonna do that no-one else has managed to acheive ?

Oh...I see...they are devout catholics...... & with papal interventon, then they may get Madeleine back  ???

Is that why they left her alone in the first place....because they believed the lord would look over her & not let her come to any harm ?

Time to wake up & smell the coffee  ;)

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by Fidget on May 29th, 2007, 12:21am
I just read this ( its not the story that sent my head in a spin, its the comments that follow it. Some of the notions put forward are pretty scarey but mostly unbelievable.

I was a bit troubled by the interview they gave with Sky News, I'm not quite sure what it is that makes them put forward the notion that leaving them in the apartment and dining over 100 yards away with trees and a wall between them could be compared to them being 'in the garden' while they ate.

Anyway, as I will always say, there is a little girl out there, scared witless and wanting and needing her Mum, Dad and family. There's no knowing the severity of what she may be going through. Its been nearly a month now, that's not good, not good at all.

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by jonnycab on May 29th, 2007, 12:52am
Fidget...what I could be bothered to read is worrying.....but it is full of conspiracy theorism & dodgy mediums looking for credibility  :)

As for the suggestion that Tony Blair may be involved is complete madness....he may have lost the plot, but he's not evil  :)

Nearly a month now & still no good news....lets hope that the conspiracy theorists are wrong & the McCanns will get there little girl back soon.....

.....I know I would never give up  ;)

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by Dave2302 on May 29th, 2007, 10:03am

With you JC but cant help myself here  }{ }{ ........

he may have lost the plot, but he's not evil

???  ???  ???

Considering how many pounds in the penny taxes and "fines" the average household now pays, I'd say he's very very evil !!

}{ }{ }{

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by TiberiuS on May 29th, 2007, 2:24pm
I wasn't going to reply to this thread because of my views and I know someone will probably shoot me down in flames but there's something very odd there, I thought it from the start when it first appeared in the news. I don't know what it is, just something 'odd' about the whole story :-/

Sure thing is that a lot of people are going to get very rich out of this story, and why the hell do her parents need to see the pope? My cousin has a daughter about a year older than Madaleine and I know the effect it'd have on them if she went missing but then I couldn't see him ever letting his kids out of his sight like that. :-X

I know it's a nightmare for any parent but life in the world goes on, people go missing every day - how many kids have vanished since this happened with little or no media coverage?

Come on guys, I know it's a terrible thing but it's loony :'(

Regards, Bruce.

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by Fidget on May 29th, 2007, 2:38pm
I tend to agree with the 'odd' aspect Bruce, I've got this gut feeling that its someone very close who's involved in some way. I'd hate to get involved in pointing fingers though.

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by Dave2302 on May 29th, 2007, 5:42pm


Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by Baz on May 29th, 2007, 11:05pm
I tend to agree as well. I too have said something isn't quite quite right with the whole saga. I speculated that possibly there was a link to someone (maybe a child) who had died under the supervision of the Macanns (They are doctors I believe) but who can tell.

The next stage of the roadshow has begun with the private jet and the trip to see the pope...

I wonder what their kids will think of all this in years to come?

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by jonnycab on Jun 7th, 2007, 3:04am

on 05/29/07 at 23:05:42, Baz wrote:
The next stage of the roadshow has begun with the private jet and the trip to see the pope...

....& the Elton John concert  ???

A few facts here......

Whatever the outcome, & lets just hope it's the one that we're all praying for, the McCanns are going to be very rich people indeed....even though they are guilty of child neglect  ::)

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by mr._floppy on Jun 7th, 2007, 1:49pm
Child Neglect is a bit strong, not being a parent myself but I doubt there's  a  Mum or Dad out there who hasn't  left a  sleeping  bairn  in the house alone  while they visit next door or  nip down to  the shops.

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by petehull on Jun 7th, 2007, 3:33pm

on 06/07/07 at 13:49:24, mr._floppy wrote:
Child Neglect is a bit strong, not being a parent myself but I doubt there's  a  Mum or Dad out there who hasn't  left a  sleeping  bairn  in the house alone  while they visit next door or  nip down to  the shops.

We certainly never left our children unattended at any time and if,  like you have no doubt there are parents out there who have, or do, then I'm sorry to say, They are all guilty (and the label is not strong enough), as are the McCann's.  There is no excuse!

(parent to 3 children)

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by Fidget on Jun 7th, 2007, 3:34pm

on 06/07/07 at 13:49:24, mr._floppy wrote:
Child Neglect is a bit strong, not being a parent myself but I doubt there's  a  Mum or Dad out there who hasn't  left a  sleeping  bairn  in the house alone  while they visit next door or  nip down to  the shops.

Sorry, I cannot agree with that. I don't know anyone who would do anything like that. Nip down to the shops? If there are people who do that, I really doubt that there would be many of them at all.

At worst I leave them in their bed while I put the rubbish out the back door, but I would never contemplate leaving them in the house while I go next door let alone going any further than that!

'Child neglect' is quite a broad term, but I do think it applies in this case. The parents likened it to leaving them in the house while they were in the back garden, the layout of the properties and restaurant, etc show that it couldn't have been anything like that (or perhaps they do have a 300 to 400 foot garden at home?). Perhaps 'failing in their duty of care' would be a better or more palatable expression? And going back to what someone else said here before ... if it was a couple of a lower social standing with no connections to people in high places, then they would no doubt be facing the music over their actions, and quite rightly so. The important thing here is the ages of the children, a three year old and two two year olds - these just aren't ages where you can just leave them alone while you go out let alone go further than lstening distance.

Anyway, there's still a 4 year old little girl somewhere out there who should be returned home. I heard on the news that a man phoned the Spanish Police claiming to know where she is, I sincerely hope that that is the breeakthrough we've all been waiting for.

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by jonnycab on Jun 8th, 2007, 3:52am
Mr Floppy....we've never left our little boy (nearly 3) alone sleeping at any point in his life, but I can understand what you're saying  :)

Nipping out while the lit'lun was asleep may have been common place a few years ago, when the world seemed like a safe place, but in this day & age it's a deffinate no-no  ???

....Parents now, are alot more aware of the dangers of leaving small children alone than they used to be....

....The fact that the child may wake up & be upset at feeling alone, is a big consideration.....also the fact that they may wander around & find something interesting like a knife, box of matches, plastic bag etc....not that responsible parents leave these things lying around.... but a small childs mind is very inquisitive  ;)

Leaving your children alone in your house for a few minutes is one thing....but leaving them alone, for long periods, without even a child monitor, in unfamiliar surroundings & no real security  ???........beggars belief really  ::)

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by Big_Green_Tank on Jun 11th, 2007, 12:43pm
This kidnapping really makes my blood boil.!!
I think its time for a "Madaleine,s Law"
All paedophiles and creatures who do this sort of thing should removed from the planet!

Rant over but I do think the paedophile laws throughout the world should be far harsher!!!

But my heart does go out to the parents and relatives of this beautiful little girl.

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by jonnycab on Aug 10th, 2007, 2:55am
Blood (washed off), apparently belonging to Madelaine, found on the wall of the apartment by British sniffer dogs that are trained to find dead bodies  ???

The plot is getting more sinister by the moment  :(....Portuguese press speculating that she was murdered in the apartment & the murderer wiped down the blood stains so well that it took over 3 months for British forensics with special trained Spaniels to find any evidence  ???

It's a terrible thought, but from this evidence, then the Portuguese police & the British intelligence would be fools to rule out the McCanns themselves as suspects  :o

I really hope that I am totally wrong in my doubts & that little Madeline is still alive....but it's happened before  ???

The student who pleaded on TV for his fiancee to come home, when all the time her body was under his floorboards  ???....he fooled the police good & proper  ???

& the other one I could never get my head around....the dissapearance of Peter Falconio in Australia....the one where he was murdered & the girlfriend was tied up, but managed to somehow escape.....Abourigine trackers could find no trace of her tracks or that of the murderer or his dog  ???....& his body has never been found  ???

I fear that Madelaine McCann may be just another unsolved case, & no-one will ever know the truth....a bit like that little English boy that was taken about 15 years ago on Crete (I think). If he's still alive (must be 17/18 by now), then one day he will know the truth & get in contact with his mother who lost him all those years ago  :'(

Lets not forget, that hundreds of children go missing every day & Madeleine is just a high profile case. Some are found, but many aren't  :(

In this day & age there seems to be alot more scumbags roaming the world & you have to be alot more vigilant as a parent & never let your guard down......

Even when you're relaxing on holiday & getting away from it all.....the scum are still there  >:(

Lets all hope for a good outcome  :)

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by Fidget on Aug 10th, 2007, 8:35am
Well if anyone can solve it, it would be the British Police. Its just unfortunate that the Portuguese have been so inept so far that the British Police have only just been invited to help out properly.  Had this happened in England then there could be little doubt that she would have been found already.

The apparent sighting of her near the Belgium border could be a positive thing, its remarkable that the couple involved have not come forward despite the apparent high publicity and TV appeals for them to do so.

I find myself just wanting to hear some sort of news rather than engage in speculation. The speculation is really irritating actually. If I were to speculate however, I still say that the circumstances seem so strange and it really would be no surprise to find out it was someone who was staying there and very close to the McCann family that has 'done' this.

Fingers, arms, legs and toes crossed that she'll be found alive and well.


Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by mr._floppy on Aug 10th, 2007, 9:53pm
As for the parents  being involved,  that's utter  rubbish, and more to do with the anti-McCann behavior  of the Portugese Police and Media who make no bones about their dislike of the parent's   meddling and their long term prescence in the area  of the crime.


Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by jonnycab on Aug 13th, 2007, 12:34am
I agree...I don't personally think that the McCanns have anything to do with it, but you can see how detectives may look at the case.

Child cruelty by unfit parents isn't a new thing & all considerations have to be considered....but in this case, it's obviously not an issue.

You can understand the local townsfolk problems with this situation though. They are obviously fed up with the media coverage (& how it affects them negatively) & just want to get back to normal.

The local tourism must be suffering as a result & alot of these people rely on tourism to make a living. So it's not surprising they want the McCanns to leave.

They probably don't understand why the McCanns have made the resort their base camp when Madelaine obviously isn't there have too admit, most people would have returned home by now  :-/

Just one thing I've noticed about all the TV interviews with the McCanns....they seem very calm & collected, & never seem to have their 2 year old twins with them  ???

We've only got one child, but if we had two (or twins), then if our eldest went missing then we would want our youngest at our side all the time.

They seem to be able to pay for nanny's now (public donations ?), but didn't seem to want a nanny on the night that Madelaine dissapeared  ???

It looks as thought the Belgium sighting is a no go....the DNA taken from the drink was male. Obviously a small boy with long blonde hair.....lots of them in Northern Europe  ::)

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by mr._floppy on Aug 13th, 2007, 10:26am
I do wish they'd  make a step to return to the UK,  and resume their lives for the sake of their other two kids.

 Or else I fear a sort of  unpleasant  whispering campaign  like that of the similar  ( in some respects )  and unsolved  Jon Benet Ramsay  case in the  US  10 years ago.

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by pat on Aug 15th, 2007, 8:07pm
[quote author=TiberiuS link=board=OT;num=1179233218;start=15#26 date=05/29/07 at 14:24:21]I wasn't going to reply to this thread because of my views and I know someone will probably shoot me down in flames but there's something very odd there, I thought it from the start when it first appeared in the news. I don't know what it is, just something 'odd' about the whole story :-/

I am totally with you Bruce and other people who have voiced disquiet.
Having seen the initial televised interviews, I have had an uneasy feeling about this case from the start. I don't pretend to be an expert or anything- I say it only with 35 years' experience in a job which, on a daily basis, involved seeing through tall stories. We could all be wrong and indeed, let's hope we are.
Along with everyone else, my hopes and wishes are for the little girl.
As a non-believer, I cannot be hypocritical and pray in a religious sense, but we all do what we think is the right thing to do in our own way.

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by TiberiuS on Aug 15th, 2007, 10:47pm
Yeah, I hate to even think it :-/

But there's something very wrong there, I just hope I'm proved wrong :'(

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by Fidget on Aug 16th, 2007, 7:20am
The news reports that the blood spots found in the apartment are not those of Madeleine, so that's good.

I still think the ineptitude of the local police has given room for all the bad speculation (the English ex-pat who lives about 100 yards from the apartment but has never had a knock on the door is a prime example).

It would seem sensible, not least for the other two children, for them to return to the UK, but that must be an incredibly hard decision to make. I guess it might imply a sense of giving up. Their continued presence there has had a huge effect on keeping the case in the public eye though, probably very important given the shortcomings of the local police.


Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by TiberiuS on Aug 16th, 2007, 11:05am
Unfortunately Fidget, there have been dozens of other children go missing since this debacle started, all with little or no media coverage.

Not being negative here, just the voice of reason :-/

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by jonnycab on Aug 17th, 2007, 12:14am
In agreement......the likelihood of Madelaine being found alive & well after all this time would be, I think, very wishful thinking & nothing short of a miracle  ???

She will eventually be forgotten about & become just another statistic in the ever growing book of unsolved child dissapearances  :(

And for the McCanns, it will be the harshest lesson they will ever have learned.........

......Never ever leave young children alone & unsupervised on the assumption that they will be alright & come to no harm  ???

'Assumption is the mother of all f**k ups' (thank Mazzy-J for that quote in a previous post)  ;)

People wouldn't leave their life savings on an appartment bed & come back every half hour to check it, would they ?

It's a bad old world out there & children are the most vulnerable members of why take chances ?  ???

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by Fidget on Sep 8th, 2007, 9:54am
Well, quite shocking developments in the last day - both parents made official suspects and the mother is clearly the main suspect in the 'accidental' death of her daughter (apparently before they went to dinner).

I'm not sure what to make of this, and doubt that many of us can be what with the information coming from Portuguese journalists with apparently good sources in the police. I do however like to follow the saying "no smoke without fire".

If this does turn out to be true in some way then it would at least give closure to this harrowing event. Notwithstanding that, I find it astonishing that the parents have never been made suspects of child neglect or even charged with that. If they did not kill their daughter, they at the very least had a hand in her disappearance by not ensuring that she and the twins were appropriately cared for by a responsible adult while they enjoyed food and drink int he restaurant. I read in another forum that a couple had been arrested for child neglect in the USA when they left their kids to go and watch a fireworks display. If the McCanns are never brought to brook over neglect then it would mean that other parents could expect to get away with this kind of irresponsible act with their children, that would be very sad I think.

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by mr._floppy on Sep 9th, 2007, 12:52am
Yes, I do feel the Police are clutching at straws.

With no real evidence   of an abduction    ( which  doesn't mean  an abduction didn't take place )   they are  pinning  their hopes on a  very unlikely  scenario;  that the Mc Canns  promoted  ( and still are )  the  abuction   story  to   cover up the  accidental   death  and    subsequent  disposal  of  the  child.

 It's  a  brave   prosecution  lawyer  that would   try  to  put   that  one  to  a  jury.

  I don't know,   the   McCanns  behavior  is   sometimes  worrying,   and  it does them  no  favours,   but  does that mean they've something   to hide ?


Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by merseyscorp on Sep 9th, 2007, 9:13pm
I think there is something very fishy about the whole thing. It's never seemed right from day one. There was a case about 13 years ago in Manchester over abducting a child. A family friend went all out to help the search and guess what.. It was him. A psychologist mentioned at thetime that his behaviour was 'normal' in the circumstances. Like 'well if I make myself look innocent and helpful, they wont notice me'. Unfortunately it has the opposite effect & I think that this is where this caes is going to go.  :-/

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by Fidget on Sep 9th, 2007, 10:59pm

on 09/09/07 at 21:13:06, merseyscorp wrote:
I think there is something very fishy about the whole thing. It's never seemed right from day one. There was a case about 13 years ago in Manchester over abducting a child. A family friend went all out to help the search and guess what.. It was him. A psychologist mentioned at thetime that his behaviour was 'normal' in the circumstances. Like 'well if I make myself look innocent and helpful, they wont notice me'. Unfortunately it has the opposite effect & I think that this is where this caes is going to go.  :-/

This is exactly what I am thinking.

It often turns out to be someone very close. I mean, it would have to have been more than just a chance opportunity for someone to snatch maddy at the time when they knew they could. Could someone have been watching them so closely to have known that they could do it with no one knowing? Maybe, but it seems less likely to me than somone close to the family or who knew exactly what the movements were. It really doesn't happen that often there does it?

At the end of the day, I cringe at the statement the mother made about them being 'very responsible parents' though, such people do not leave their children on their own and had parents of a lower social standing done so they may have already faced this kind of questioning some time ago.

Ultimate responsibility for children has always (quite rightly) rested with the parent(s), and that should surely be recognised as such in this case. Maddy's parents do not seem to bear that as I personally believe they should.

I heard on TV that the last line of their list of accusations by the PJ was the word 'neglection' - its not a proper word (I don't think) but maybe this has all been a prelude to them being charged with child nelgect? I feel sad to say that it I feel it would be an appropriate charge to make.


Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by mr._floppy on Sep 10th, 2007, 12:21am
 " Child Neglect "   :o

Would that include  feckless  parents allowing their  unsupervised 8-16 year olds   run amok in our towns  and cities ?

Let's  hope so,  in that case a lot of  Mums and Dads  would be getting their collar felt  :o

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by jonnycab on Sep 10th, 2007, 12:47am
Not sure if I've heard this correctly, but when they originally did half hour checks on Madelaine & the twins, Gerry was first & everything was okay, next a friend who was also a doctor checked half hour later & everything was fine...& then another half hour later when Kate checked, Madelaine had gone......

Who was the other person that checked Madelaine, in between when Gerry & Kate checked the apartment ?....& why has it not been more widely reported ?.....I assume the police have questioned this other doctor friend  :-/

One thing that has always bothered me about the questioning of suspects, witnesses & victims, is the fact that lie detectors are never used  ??? seems to work quite well in the States & as far as I know, it is 97% accurate.

I'm not saying that you should automatically find someone guilty of a crime just because they fail a lie detector test, but on a recent stint of doing jury service, it occurred to me that conducting such a test would give a much clearer indication of who is telling the truth under oath & who isn't  :)

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by peteHull on Sep 10th, 2007, 6:42am

on 09/10/07 at 00:47:30, jonnycab wrote:
One thing that has always bothered me about the questioning of suspects, witnesses & victims, is the fact that lie detectors are never used  ??? seems to work quite well in the States & as far as I know, it is 97% accurate.

I'm not saying that you should automatically find someone guilty of a crime just because they fail a lie detector test, but on a recent stint of doing jury service, it occurred to me that conducting such a test would give a much clearer indication of who is telling the truth under oath & who isn't  :)

They ought to put them on the Jeremy Kyle Shoe, he seems to have a lot of success in weeveling out the fibbers...... ;D

he often finds some of the 4% of inacuracies too }{

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by Kjetil S on Sep 10th, 2007, 12:32pm

on 09/10/07 at 00:47:30, jonnycab wrote:
One thing that has always bothered me about the questioning of suspects, witnesses & victims, is the fact that lie detectors are never used  ??? seems to work quite well in the States & as far as I know, it is 97% accurate.

It's not even close to 97% accurate. Have a read of this (
Also, the lie detector doesn't detect lies. It detects how nervous you are at the time of answering, so if you're scared of the authorities (and who wouldn't be if you're taken in on suspicion of child abduction) then you're probably more or less scr***d.

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by dh_dove on Sep 10th, 2007, 7:44pm
Dear All

I posted early in this thread "against the tide", now I am totally bemused.

Can the Portuguese Police have DNA evidence of Madelaine's blood in a car that her parents hired 24 day's after her disappearance??? if they do I cannot believe that it got there by transfer...........result......???

If they don't what is going on? Conclusion, the P. Police are absolutely inept and have been caught in the media spotlight like a rabbit in headlights ands are just wriggling like a fish on a hook (sorry about the mixed metaphore)

I think that this may end up being a famous unsolved case...........

Where that leaves the family I have no idea.

DH Dove

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by Fidget on Sep 10th, 2007, 8:05pm
I've just seen a news bulletin on Sky saying that the Police say they have a FULL DNA match and are therefore confident that Maddy was in the boot of that car. I dunno about DNA much but Sky wanted to say that its not going to be some sort of contamination and if the cops are that confident, it could be that there is such definitive evidence that we could see the end of this terrible story soon. Its a real nail biter this  :-/

Almost as good as watching an episode of Lost ..... and no less confusing.

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by jonnycab on Sep 11th, 2007, 9:19am
Finding Madelaines DNA in the boot of the hire car doesn't necassarily mean she had been in it....for example, one of her hairs may have been on a an item of clothing or a bag & fallen off  :-/

So until we know whether the DNA was from blood, a hair or even an old finger nail clipping, then nothing is proved.

It winds me up how certain newspapers can carry a headline stating that Madelaine was deffinately in the car  ???.......It seems some of the press have the McCanns banged to rights already, without knowing the facts & I think that is an incredibly insensitive & irresponsible thing to print  :)

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by Fidget on Sep 11th, 2007, 9:37am
Well however it turns out, one set of people is going to be the subject of the most incredible ridicule at the end of this, be they the McCanns or the PJ. It would be ideal if neither came to that moment, but the way its playing out now certainly suggests that is going to happen.

FYI, its the media's sources in the PJ that say that she was definitely in the boot, I think the press is just relaying that to us. Whilst the British press doesn't have the best reputation for impartiality in the world, they do seem to have been fairly restrained up until the latest developments in this story (they certainly haven't been as d**ning as the Portuguese press anyway).

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by jonnycab on Sep 11th, 2007, 9:45am
According to the news this morning, not all Portuguese newspapers are carrying this headline, some are saying that it cannot be the report must have come from an unreliable source  :)

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by Fidget on Sep 11th, 2007, 9:52am
Seriously, since when did the Portuguese press suddenly become reliable in its reporting of this story? I first heard this latest development on Sky News last night who claimed to have heard it themselves from a source in the PJ. Is someone in the PJ lying?

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by jonnycab on Sep 11th, 2007, 9:59am
All we can do is wait & see what progresses from this apparent DNA evidence  :)

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by Fidget on Sep 11th, 2007, 11:59am
Yup, there seems ot be an awful lot of chopping and changing on the DNA issue.

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by tintin on Sep 11th, 2007, 7:17pm
i may just be a cynic, but if the portuguese wanted the family to leave the country, this was a pretty good way of doing it. "suspect" but not charged......

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by jonnycab on Sep 11th, 2007, 11:51pm
Hmmm, does make you wonder doesn't it.

A desparate bid to assure tourists that there aren't really any nutters going around abducting it's safe to come here on your hols again  :-/

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by Fidget on Sep 12th, 2007, 10:14pm
Dunno, the thick plottens!

Christ, there is so much speculation in the press its getting unintelligable. Its almost going beyond discussion and with repetative shock at the plethora of speculation its getting numbing.

As a matter of issue I don't think our Home Secretary helps with her inept comments at the weekend. fourlegged milk machine ::) There are times when you should just keep your mouth shut or say what she said today - it wont help to make comment.


Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by Scorpio_Mike on Sep 13th, 2007, 10:13am
My own feelings are that the Portugese police have bungled this investigation from day 1 - they failed to secure the scene correctly and even invited the first official suspect into the apartment thus possibly contaminating any evidence.
I'm also suspicious that the 'evidence' found in the McCanns rental car ( which they rented some 20+ days after Madelaine went missing ) was planted deliberately in order to try and wrap up a case they have no idea how to solve. Basically trying to cover up their own incompetence.

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by Fidget on Sep 13th, 2007, 6:59pm
Its difficult to disagree with that, apart from the planting of the bodily fluids and clump of hair - would be hard to find perhaps?).

Apart from that, maybe it can be perceived now that the McCanns are getting the Wayne and Waynetta treatment which they seem to have eluded up until last week? I hear the Social Services have paid them a visit today.

Title: Re: Madaleine McCann
Post by jonnycab on Sep 14th, 2007, 2:03am
Bodily fluid & hair wouldn't have to planted in the car, their presence there can be perfectly explained......

....The police said they had one full DNA match to Madelaine & one partial DNA match.

If the McCanns did indeed kill Madelaine & put her body in the boot, then I don't think they'd be stupid enough to leave a clump of hair in there  ???,.... what kind of killer, who had gone to such lengths to convince the world of their innocence, would be so careless as to miss a whole clump of hair ?  ???

So I believe it was one or two hairs that probably fell off a bag or item of clothing & stuck to the carpet....hence the full DNA match to Madelaine.

As for the partial DNA match.....a drip of sweat, a flake of skin, a spot of blood or even a sneeze from any of the McCann family would provide a partial DNA match because they've all got similar DNA.

Hardly conclusive evidence that Madelaines body was in the boot, & any self respecting judge, I reckon, would not think so either.

Besides, when were the McCanns supposed to have put the body in the boot ?...they've been under heavy surveillance day & night, both by the police & media ever since Madelaine was reported unless they were under the guide of an expert illusionist (David Copperfield ?  ::)), then how could this be possible ?  ???

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