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(Message started by: Grumpyg1t on May 22nd, 2007, 12:26pm)

Title: Road Charging
Post by Grumpyg1t on May 22nd, 2007, 12:26pm
I see Road Charging is back on the agenda again  >:(


Title: Re: Road Charging
Post by TiberiuS on May 22nd, 2007, 12:35pm
Yup, heard it on Talk Sport last night. Apparently the Blaireu won't do anything without putting it through the 'democratic process' (i.e. pushing it through on the QT).

Never trust a Blaireu {} {} }{

Title: Re: Road Charging
Post by Spannerdemon on May 22nd, 2007, 12:48pm
I blame US. It's time that there was a massive motorists blockade of the UK (like in the petrol protests), to highlight the huge amounts of TAX that we already contribute in both Road Fund Licence and Fuel Duties. Not to mention Insurance, Servicing, Parts and MOT costs, along with their respective VAT amounts which further extend the TAX bills.

Stop trade and business dead for a day or two, with immense traffic jams and they will soon see who really holds the power in this country.

As long as they can get away with it, they will!

One thing I DO know. It will be a VERY brave man who tries to fit any black boxes to My car, my Wife's car, or my Daughter's car. They might well be going home in one, but they certainly won't be fitting it.

No Sirree !!  ;)

Title: Re: Road Charging
Post by Grumpyg1t on May 22nd, 2007, 12:56pm
[] Fuel is nearly a £1 litre around these parts as well  :'(

Title: Re: Road Charging
Post by petehull on May 22nd, 2007, 4:35pm

Blockade? Now There's an idea for you, it worked once before didn't it..... >:(

Title: Re: Road Charging
Post by dh_dove on May 22nd, 2007, 7:19pm
Fuel prices here have gone up about 8p per litre in the last couple of weeks.................summer must be coming >:(
I haven't heard that the price of crude has gone up, apparently the oil companies put it down to "supply and demand".............yeh, right.
DH Dove

Title: Re: Road Charging
Post by Matt on May 22nd, 2007, 7:51pm
heard it on the radio this morning, i happen to live in birmingham, and could face a £1.30 a mile charge! i do a 40 mile round trip to work and back every day. id be forced to but the old cossie into retirement and use the train to get to and from work

Title: Re: Road Charging
Post by Spannerdemon on May 22nd, 2007, 8:09pm
The ridiculous thing about this road charging is that it would make going to work uneconomical.

Take my Daughter. She works in Exeter and her whole journey takes her on the A381/A38/M5 and then into the City.  A 56 mile a day round trip.  At £1.30 a mile, she would be putting herself into debt by going to work!!

56 X £1.30 = £72.80 a DAY.   £364.00 a WEEK.  She doesn't even EARN that much a week. Wages here in the West Country are bad enough as it is. That's why she commutes in the first place.

Can ANYBODY afford travel costs like that?

The whole thing has not been thought out. It's completely moronic. It will force hundreds of thousands of people out of work and on to benefits.

Title: Re: Road Charging
Post by Highlander on May 22nd, 2007, 9:43pm
Its only in England and Wales so its fine by me :)

put the fuel prices up, scrap the road tax and congestion charges save a fortune on paperwork and dodgers etc

Pay as you go surely is the sensible way to do it. get the prices up!!  ;D

Title: Re: Road Charging
Post by petehull on May 22nd, 2007, 10:46pm
Convert to LPG... we're excempt, only thing is we havn't and toll roads near us...YET :(

Title: Re: Road Charging
Post by jonnycab on May 23rd, 2007, 1:32am
If, as they reckon, they're gonna charge £1.30 a mile to use the M25....

If someone want's a taxi, to go to Heathrow from Brentwood it's usually £70.00...but add on the toll charge for a 60 mile journey, then it's an extra £78.00..

That's a staggering £148.00 to go to Heathrow  :o...& that's just one way  :o..

The complete out & return is gonna set you back a tad under £300  :o :o...just to go on your hols  ???

As far as I know, licenced taxi's will be exempt from paying the tolls on the roads in the area that they are licenced to ply for hire, but not on the Motorways....

This whole idea is a complete farce & it won't reduce pollution, as the country roads will be become snarled up with endless queing traffic, still belching out the same amount of toxins into the atmosphere  ::)

......And as for using public's pretty useless at the moment, so how is it going to cope with the expected surge in people who leave their cars at home ?

This government must be completely potty if they think these ideas will have any beneficial effect on 'global warming'....because it aint gonna make the slightest bit of difference.

If governments & oil companies were really that concerned about the planet, then they'd stick two fingers up at the Saudis & invest huge amounts of cash in developing organic & non-polluting fuels such as biodiesel & ethanol etc.....infact, I think you'll find that Cuba stuck two fingers up along time ago, & now ethanol is the primary fuel in use there  :)

As for the Kyoto agreement...what a farce that is....they hope to reduce carbon dioxide emmissions etc by 2012..

How are they going to do taxing the motorist to death ?....

Are these countries (including us) that signed the agreement stupid or what ?......

.....As I mentioned above...the only way to reduce emmisions is to invest heavily in alternative fuels....not just tax the motorist to death in the hope that they won't use their cars  ::)

The Americans didn't sign up to the Kyoto agreement, because they're not stupid....they know that the Middle East oil will eventually run out & that one day the whole world will be buying American oil....& it's reported that the amount of oil sitting under American soil is far in excess than the Middle East has ever had sitting under theirs.

So it looks as though pollution is here to stay for the long term & the Americans, as they always have been, will still be the biggest polluters in the world & will be selling their pollution to the rest of the world for the foreseeable future  ::)

Sorry if I've gone of on a different direction with this post....but you know how it is.....once you start ranting, it's hard to stop  ::).... ;D

Title: Re: Road Charging
Post by PeteB on May 23rd, 2007, 1:36am
imo they should look at all the fuel being dumped by airlines, christ i got a return flight to dublin other day 2p all in !

Title: Re: Road Charging
Post by petehull on May 23rd, 2007, 7:53am
All the gripes about "Global Warming" and "Atmospheric Polution" "Go Green" etc etc is a load of twaddle, it is designed to keep scientists and pollititians etc in work, earning their highly inflated wages.
This Planet has been spewing co2 and all sorts of other junk into the atmosphere for millions of years now, where IS all the polution from the past, the answer, IT HAS BEEN RECYCLED naturally by the planets systems itself, that is what it is DESIGNED to do..... you only have to stand on top of a mountian and look around, you wont see any pollution cos the atmosphere is too big, evything on the planet fits, it just gets stirred up a bit now and then.. Think of all the smoke, chemicals and polution emmitted into the air during the 2nd wold war for instance, there must have been billions and quintrillions of tons of junk in the atmosphere, where is it now? it certainly isn't still around otherwise the sky would be black and we would have been eliminated years ago. I'm going to finnish for now with this cos it makes my blood boil the way we are always being hit inb the pocket by the so called EXPERTS of this world, I think they should put their energies and abilities into things of more benefit to mankind, they should work on improving rather than making "loads-amoney"

These are my personal opinions based on the knownedge I have gathered through my life which compared to the lenghth of time the earth has been inhabited is a very very short time, I believe if I can figure things out like this with my miniscule brain and minute timespan then surely others who proffess to be MORE knowledgeable should be able to understand it.... If they wanted.

Phew, Yes you can get carried away when your griping..... ;D


I throw it open....

Title: Re: Road Charging
Post by PeteB on May 23rd, 2007, 9:27am
Pete I'd take a look at that Al Gore film  :'( its all going away :(

Title: Re: Road Charging
Post by Kjetil S on May 23rd, 2007, 3:50pm
You should have a look at this:

Al Gore is just looking after his own image and has jumped on the green wagon to try and milk as much money as possible from it, in much the same way politicians try to squeese the public dry of money in the name of global warming.

Title: Re: Road Charging
Post by TiberiuS on May 23rd, 2007, 4:32pm
Yeah, I watched the Gore film (well, bits of it ::))

Not convinced :(

Just another wannabe celebrity going through midlife/end of career Messrs Blair, Geldof etc, so they can get pumped up on the ol' feel good factor and make hideous amounts of money in the process.

Global warming is just another great excuse to get rich and hike taxes, think of the £billions already being made from so called 'green' cosmetics, gadgets, fuels...

I thought fuel tax was to punish drivers of 'polluting' vehicles, surely the more gas your car drinks, the harder you push the happy pedal, the more you pay. Not nice, but fair enough - and now we get to keep road tax too? Road charging when the transport system is in the state that it's in at the moment? Are you joking?

I'm looking for permanent skilled work, even if I'm lucky I'll end up having to travel back best part of the way to London, probably a 60 mile per day round trip each day. Hard enough with the price of fuel, if road pricing is introduced I just won't be able to do it. Our infrastructure can only take so much of a beating, our industry can only take so much being strangled by taxes and legislation, before it collapses. The day will come to get out of the UK I fear :'(.

On another note, I've worked my backside off renovating this place over the past 2 years, now the 'home buyers packs' are being bought in through the back door, less than a year after the Govt. were forced to do a U turn and abandon them, also some nice chap who'll come round and inspect my work to charge me for improvements I've made despite them all being out of my own wages and tax already having been paid to the treasury through VAT and ever increasing council tax. and then someone else to tax me if my home isn't enviromentally friendly...or my carbon footprint is too high...

Another BRILLIANT excuse for a stealth tax - the legislators who introduced the ancient lights tax all those years ago would be proud.

I will never, ever vote Labour until the day I die. NEVER >:(

Sorry guys, went off on a bit of a tangent there :-[

Title: Re: Road Charging
Post by petehull on May 23rd, 2007, 5:05pm

Gripe 2 (continuation)

A freind of mine paid thousands of pounds to put his lad through college and university, the lad did really well and was training to be a Barrister ( another over the top paid proffession) anyway he came out of it with degrees and qualifications you wouldn't dream of, what's he doing now? well I used to work as an aerial rigger for his dad many years ago, I left through ill health and guess what...... Yeh, he has been doing the job ever since..... good eh!

Title: Re: Road Charging
Post by TRACEYS_LIMO on May 23rd, 2007, 8:10pm
what about having a three day weekend ;D that would cut the amount of fuel used.or would we all just go out driving because we dont no how to do anything else :(

Title: Re: Road Charging
Post by cossiejamie on May 23rd, 2007, 11:39pm
Road charging is just plain daft. Nobody who works more than a few miles away can afford this, and even then the price of commuting will be loads more than now. When was the last time you went on a bus? I use one once a week on an evening. Full of yobs, dope smokers, fast food eaters, and i always see someone of an ethnic background trying to get away without paying the fare. I`m not being racist, just saying what i see. One evening i`m pretty sure it was the driver that was smoking a joint. :o
And a lot are Polish that cant speak English ???
Buy some headphones please ::)
Some days i use my motorbike for work or even the missus 50cc scooter to save a bit on petrol. I do 12 hour shifts and would have to leave for work an hour and 20 mins before i start at 7am, same time to get home.
It only takes 15-20 mins on the scooter.
Long live the Cosworth.
And at least the weather will be better 8) ;D

Title: Re: Road Charging
Post by wayne on May 24th, 2007, 6:58pm

I will never, ever vote Labour until the day I die. NEVER

What's the old saying?....  'No matter who you vote for, the government always gets in.'

Title: Re: Road Charging
Post by sector-9 on May 26th, 2007, 9:30pm
If you've got a diesel then run it on cooking oil.  £9.69 for 20 litres, no VAT to pay on it, and 0.2835p/litre in tax.  Works out at 77p litre and that's done legally using off-the-shelf oil!  If you were to use (processed obviously) waste cooking oil, or 'miscalculated' how many litres you needed to pay tax on then the costs could be lower  ;)

I've ran my Scorp TD on 40ltrs cooking with 35ltrs diesel and it's fine in the current weather (and the fuel heater on mine doesn't work).  Next time I'll try 60ltrs cooking to 15ltrs diesel and expect it'll run just as well - smooth, a bit quieter maybe, and slightly less to the gallon but not enough to worry about.


Title: Re: Road Charging
Post by petehull on May 26th, 2007, 11:45pm

Gore is a typical example, they start it off and the sheep follow, they realise they can make money out of different scams and before you know it the snowball gets bigger, people then get frightened to say any different and jump over the cliffs like a load of lemmins.
Yes I Quite agree, one day the people will wake up to these shinnanigens....


Title: Re: Road Charging
Post by Highlander on May 27th, 2007, 12:23am
Darren, I run mine on 100% veg oil with no problems at all, in fact it runs better and doesnt smoke! :)

Title: Re: Road Charging
Post by sector-9 on May 28th, 2007, 1:26am
I tried 100% but then I got a nasty rattling noise on shutdown everytime (even after going back to pure diesel) :o

Turned out the metal heat shielding above the exhaust had come off and was vibrating against it as the engine stopped!  Huge relief...


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