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(Message started by: taliban aka Cheekyboy2 on Jun 26th, 2007, 1:41pm)

Title: panorama......
Post by taliban aka Cheekyboy2 on Jun 26th, 2007, 1:41pm
last nights panorama programme (bbc 1), what was the point?
thousands of licence payers pounds spent on a 30 minute programme that stated/told us gordon brown is a liar.........of course he is, he's a politician, i could've told them for a tenner...........

Title: Re: panorama......
Post by petehull on Jun 26th, 2007, 3:43pm
I'd tell them for nowt.... ;D


Title: Re: panorama......
Post by Scorpio_Mike on Jun 26th, 2007, 3:55pm
Q : How do you tell when a politician is lying ?

A : Lips are moving.

Title: Re: panorama......
Post by big_neil on Jun 26th, 2007, 4:29pm
gordon brown is being crowned as PM as he,s next in line , not voted in by the electorate. if there was an election would you vote for him?

Title: Re: panorama......
Post by Scorpio_Mike on Jun 26th, 2007, 4:31pm
No - and nor should anyone in a pension scheme...

Title: Re: panorama......
Post by TiberiuS on Jun 26th, 2007, 6:24pm
Well, our esteemed Rev. Toblerone leaves us soon to go and play on the other side of the pond as Middle Eastern envoy, then we sink into the dark days of the incompetent, charmless Broon :(

Yup, I voted at the local elections, voted for Lib-Dem (shame on me ::)), purely because they were the underdog here and the local council runs tickety-boo. Comes to something when you have to vote for someone you don't even agree with just so your vote doesn't go uncounted and the same lot just get in by default :-X

Title: Re: panorama......
Post by sector-9 on Jun 27th, 2007, 9:05am
Well I voted BNP - not because I like them or their policies but to show the 'big players' that they can be toppled if they don't start listening to the ones they're supposed to represent.


Title: Re: panorama......
Post by pistonbroke on Jun 27th, 2007, 11:35am
Voting? What's that all about then ???


Vote, v.
An opportunity to p*ss in the ocean in the hope of affecting the tide.

That explains it perfectly for me  ;D


Title: Re: panorama......
Post by cossie_al on Jun 27th, 2007, 11:14pm
An opportunity to p*ss in the ocean in the hope of affecting the tide.
Never has a more true sentance been spoken

Title: Re: panorama......
Post by jonnycab on Jun 28th, 2007, 12:25am
I've always been of the opinion that if you don't bother to vote, then you shouldn't have the right to moan about how the country is being run, because, by wasting your vote, you haven't tried to change anything  :)

On a brighter note...I see our new PM has had a professional makeover  ::)

I still wouldn't vote for the slippery, blackhead faced, smarmy liar though  >:(

Title: Re: panorama......
Post by petehull on Jun 28th, 2007, 7:12am

on 06/28/07 at 00:25:29, jonnycab wrote:
I've always been of the opinion that if you don't bother to vote, then you shouldn't have the right to moan about how the country is being run, because, by wasting your vote, you haven't tried to change anything  :)

Hi JC,
I don't ever vote but I disagree, first off I wouldn't trust any of them as far as I could throw them,.   Prior to the polls they all come out of the woodwork, make their usual mostly false promises, walk round kissing babies and shaking peoples hands, they then go thorough all the rigmerole of the actual elections before dissapearing into the background never to be seen again till the next time.

However, I DO have to live within the system, obeying the laws and paying the taxes, etc etc, therefore this very fact GIVES me the right to whinge and moan about the way OTHER people are controling MY life.

It is my opinion that with regards voting, the system is a total farce.. Months before an election there are many opinion polls announcing the state of affairs within the political world, this in it'self will have a direct influence on the final outcome of an election let along the amount of money being spent, and made by government depts etc (Taxpayers money that is)
Everyone of those polititians are out for one thing, to line their pockets, they aren't really interested in what you or I want or indeed in the case of millions, NEED.

I could go on....

To sum up... I just can't put any faith whatsoever in any of the pollitical systems of this day, I have only been around on this planet for 55ish years and I have NEVER known it to be any different, nor will it ever be while men/women are in charge.... someday people will wake up.

I'll leave this with you

best regards

On a brighter note... the floods have receded from my living room and I have been able to fit my new compressor and reciever drier... just got to get her filled up again and we'll be cooool again... ;D

Title: Re: panorama......
Post by Spannerdemon on Jun 28th, 2007, 7:38am
[] With you Pete. Totally.

I would personally tie all Politicians to trees and set fire to them. ;D  ;D

The biggest load of space-wasting, air breathing liars, cheats, thieves, toerags, and fornicating vermin on the planet. Most of our UK ones have more faces than Big Ben, and couldn't care less about any of us.

Roll on our retirement, when my dear Wife and I will be leaving these shores for distant parts, because we seriously believe that this country has had it. It's just become a country where politicians tax and screw you for every penny, and expect you to live on what's left with threats of prison if you can't or won't pay up.

Put it this way.....In the country we are off to, they FLOG people who write graffiti on buildings etc etc.
Hoodies and muggers would be kicked out of town after getting a good beating from the locals, with the full support of the police. Young criminals are set to work in police supervised gangs, to build roads and keep cities clean.
They LOCK UP the worst criminals 8 to a cell, for the FULL TERM and there are no TV's, 3 meals a day or Pool tables.  >:(

There are not CCTV cameras everywhere. Council tax is the equivelant of 20% of what we currently pay, and houses are approximately £40,000.

People respect each other. Pensioners are respected for the work that they have done for their country whilst working/ Not as a nuisance.

The sun shines most of the year, and public transport is reliable and cheap.  

GOOD RIDDANCE to Blair, (who I hope one day WILL be tried as a war criminal), along with Bush). Two of our friends have been killed in this conflict, in which they  were not protecting or serving our country. They were fighting an American led war which has nothing to do with the UK.

As a direct result of sticking our noses into matters which didn't concern us, we now face more terrorism. As an ex Para, I find the waste of our troops life personally very harrowing.

RIP John and Phil.   :'(

But Brown...........You ain't seen nothing YET. Believe it. Be seriously worried about this man!!  This man is a power mad control freak. :(

For example......from yesterday's BBC Website "Another, you guessed it, Treasury man who is to become Mr Brown's all-powerful chief of staff. "

Now THAT sort of term worries us.  A lot !!  Chiefs of Staff?  Undertones of a certain nasty little man with a nasty little moustache.  :(

Title: Re: panorama......
Post by sector-9 on Jun 28th, 2007, 8:05pm

on 06/28/07 at 07:38:23, Spannerdemon wrote:
[] With you Pete. Totally.

I would personally tie all Politicians to trees and set fire to them. ;D  ;D

The biggest load of space-wasting, air breathing liars, cheats, thieves, toerags, and fornicating vermin on the planet. Most of our UK ones have more faces than Big Ben, and couldn't care less about any of us.

Roll on our retirement, when my dear Wife and I will be leaving these shores for distant parts, because we seriously believe that this country has had it. It's just become a country where politicians tax and screw you for every penny, and expect you to live on what's left with threats of prison if you can't or won't pay up.

Put it this way.....In the country we are off to, they FLOG people who write graffiti on buildings etc etc.
Hoodies and muggers would be kicked out of town after getting a good beating from the locals, with the full support of the police. Young criminals are set to work in police supervised gangs, to build roads and keep cities clean.
They LOCK UP the worst criminals 8 to a cell, for the FULL TERM and there are no TV's, 3 meals a day or Pool tables.  >:(

There are not CCTV cameras everywhere. Council tax is the equivelant of 20% of what we currently pay, and houses are approximately £40,000.

People respect each other. Pensioners are respected for the work that they have done for their country whilst working/ Not as a nuisance.

The sun shines most of the year, and public transport is reliable and cheap.  

That's assuming they don't change the rules between now and your retirement - might invent something just to stop people being able to escape.  Or maybe one day it'll be like the film Logan's run and once you've stopped earning for the govt...



Friend of mine had the best idea - another tick box on the ballot paper that says "none of the above"

Title: Re: panorama......
Post by pistonbroke on Jun 28th, 2007, 10:49pm
Well, I have written "B*LL*CKS" on ballot papers before - until somone pointed out that it was a) illegal and b) not really fair on the people who have to count them  :-[

I've "voted" with b) ever since and just don't bother these days. I get my kicks by mercilessly abusing the "will you be voting for us" nuggets who have the talent to turn up just after I've got in after a long day (it does happen, honest  ;D) and am enjoying the first sip of something cold... I love the ones who try to argue the toss  }{ }{ }{ None of them have tried to hit me yet but I'm just waiting for the day when I have to defend myself on my own doorstep  ;)


Title: Re: panorama......
Post by TiberiuS on Jun 28th, 2007, 11:22pm

on 06/28/07 at 07:12:19, petehull wrote:
Hi JC,
I don't ever vote but I disagree

Hi Pete, I'm with JC here. The people who don't bother to vote are the ones who always shout loudest and it really puts my back up hearing people spouting off about the state of the country and then boasting that they don't even bother to vote for one reason or another. Even if I know my vote means virtually nothing in the politcal sea and I feel (like most people) frustrated because it seems that nobody listens, at least I've put my cross on that ballot paper to express my opinion, even if they flush it down the toilet or incinerate it. I work hard and pay my taxes, my democratic right is to use my vote and I do it every time I get the opportunity.

On a side-note, as much as I dislike the Blaireu, I did chuckle at his fairwell speech, I almost thought he was going to do a Bilbo Baggins and disappear in a cloud of smoke, never to be seen again in the shire. Alas, no such luck, he's trotted off with his abominable other half in tow to solve the problems in the middle east, now that there's peace in Iraq and Afghanistan, he's solved world poverty, reformed the NHS, solved our moral and educational crisis etc etc, that is... ::)

Title: Re: panorama......
Post by jonnycab on Jun 29th, 2007, 2:44am
Thanks Bruce...for a moment there, I thought...."'ve gone a bit too far this time mate"  ::)

I'll admit that I can be a bit too self opinionated sometimes & my views may not be the views of others, but I don't mean to cause any offence  ;)

Maybe it was a bold statement & maybe it was worded slightly wrong....I didn't really want to imply that people that don't vote shouldn't have rights, far from it. Just that they should consider, before slagging off the government, that they had the opportunity to do something about it, but didn't  :)

I know that all politicians are liars & cheats, & none are worth voting for. But someone has to run the country, so I tend to vote for the lesser of the three evils. It makes me feel as though I've let my opinion be known about my dislike of the others.....if that makes any sense  :)

It is after all, as Bruce mentioned, the democratic right of every citizen over the age of 18 to vote for who they think would best run the country in their opinion. It's all too easy to become complacent about this fact, but remember, there are alot of countries in this world where the people are not given this right & have to live under dictatorian & oppresive regimes that they can do nothing about & if they do voice their opinion, they are likely to dissappear in the middle of the night, never to be seen again  ???

The people of this country have, in the past, fought hard for their right to vote & it now seems that all this was in vain, as an attitude of "don't know who to vote for, so won't bother" has been the general attitude over the past few years.

There are people who have a genuine hate of all politicians & feel that they should all rot in hell...understandable really  ;)....
.....but there alot of people who just think it's too much hassle & they'd rather be doing something more entertaining instead.

The only reason Labour got in the last time was because only 40% of voters bothered to turn up to the polls. Some believed that there was no one worth voting for, some didn't know who to vote for & some just couldn't be bothered. The majority of people that voted were the staunch Labour supporters who always vote.

The last local elections started to see a turn around, with more people than ever voting anti-labour. This proves that more people are realising that they can make a difference with just one vote  :)

Sorry it's a bit long, but all done now ;D
Sorry again, but not quite all done yet.......extra bit..... :D

Petehull wrote...."I have only been around on this planet for 55ish years and I have NEVER known it to be any different, nor will it ever be while men/women are in charge.... someday people will wake up."

What do you mean Pete ?  :)....I don't think monkeys could do a better job  :-/'re not talking about more intelligent life are you.....the reason why humans are here ?

This could get very interesting if anyone remembers my 'religion' post from last year  ;).... ;D

Title: Re: panorama......
Post by petehull on Jun 29th, 2007, 1:15pm
Responses 1

last nights panorama programme (bbc 1), what was the point?
thousands of licence payers pounds spent on a 30 minute programme that stated/told us gordon brown is a liar.........of course he is, he's a politician, i could've told them for a tenner...........

This is a fact; the programme did appear on TV.

gordon brown is a liar

Also a fact, proven in the past…

i could've told them for a tenner...........

J C’s response…

I’d tell them for nowt

My response to JC’s response…

Tib Joined in…

Yup, I voted at the local elections, voted for Lib-Dem (shame on me  ), purely because they were the underdog here and the local council runs tickety-boo. Comes to something when you have to vote for someone you don't even agree with just so your vote doesn't go uncounted and the same lot just get in by default [quote/]

I didn’t respond to this, however, I will, this is the sort of example that absolutely proves that the election system is a farce, (I don’t want to be part of this from my own educated choice, I USED to vote until about 1986 when I woke up and realized that I only voted ‘cos my parents did…. As do so many other Shee… I mean people.

Sector-9 Joined

[quote] Well I voted BNP - not because I like them or their policies but to show the 'big players' that they can be toppled if they don't start listening to the ones they're supposed to represent.

Why bother? As you state, YOU don’t like them OR their policies, just as an example, before the last world war Many thousands of people did the same thing in Germany and look what happened there, where’s the sense in it, by fact that you PUT THE CROSS on the ballot paper means that you give YOUR support…..

Pistonbroke Joined, Brilliant name by the way. Very subtle

An opportunity to p*ss in the ocean in the hope of affecting the tide.

Wouldn’t be my terminology, however it is absolutely what elections are all about as agreed by cossie_al.

Jonnycab then said

I've always been of the opinion that if you don't bother to vote, then you shouldn't have the right to moan about how the country is being run, because, by wasting your vote, you haven't tried to change anything

Title: Re: panorama......
Post by petehull on Jun 29th, 2007, 1:18pm
Responses 2

JC, I haven’t actually moaned as such, however I do hear MANY people Moaning all the time about the problems in the world, I am coming to realize that as I said before, things won’t get better for everyone they wouldn’t allow it even if they knew how to.  Further to your statement that
by wasting your vote, you haven’t changed anything
Even if you use your vote it wouldn’t because it is run, led and participated in mainly by sheep-like people, and I don’t imply anything derogatory or demeaning by saying this.

I still wouldn't vote for the slippery, blackhead faced, smarmy liar though

These are Your words, even though I don’t follow the intended recipients of these remarks, I wouldn’t consider it very apt to slur them in this way, they are after all only humans who are trying to carry out a job they happen to believe in, on the whole, we as a country aren’t really all that bad off, a little uncomfortable perhaps but certainly not as bad off as some people in the world under other regimes.

Spannerdemon joined in

I would personally tie all Politicians to trees and set fire to them.

Indeed this type of thing has happened in the past by such people who the remark is aimed at ie. Political leaders (Sadam) for one.  I ask you, does this make it right? And would it really be an answer?

I hope all your future plans work out, sounds like you have put a lot of careful thought into it but I will say this, many people for instance go on holiday somewhere (I’ve done it myself) you arrive for your fortnights break in a beautiful new environment and you can make your mind up that it is the place you’d like to retire to and live.  Many people have done that…. And regretted it because it is like a “Holiday Romance” and it goes pear shaped when you are actually living it, how many people have upped and cleared off to Spain for instance, they end up working twice as long as they ever did and the Paradise ideas shrivel into nothing it then costs them dearly again to return home…. Sad but true.
I do share in your grief over the lost ones you mention and hope you find comfort somewhere, it is a tragedy that things like this are allowed to happen, however it is the club we all belong to at the moment and as I mentioned, someday people will wake up to reality, unfortunately any revenge gained by bringing the perpetrators to justice would not heal the pains suffered in the past.

Pistonbroke you said
I love the ones who try to argue the toss      None of them have tried to hit me yet but I'm just waiting for the day when I have to defend myself on my own doorstep    

Could this be construed as a way of getting some form of entertainment I ask myself? I would rather not answer the door for fear of my putting myself at risk of carrying out a misdemeanor…. Just a thought…

Title: Re: panorama......
Post by petehull on Jun 29th, 2007, 1:24pm
Responses 3

Tiberius I admire the backup you offer to JC but would point out that I don’t normally shout loud about my feelings and beliefs unless I think it will help others, I have always tried to be constructive in the comments I offer on this forum which I believe is a very well organized form of communication, I believe that is down to the organizers and certainly offer my thanks for the mutual opportunities afforded by it.  I don’t vote because of the reasons I have already explained and did not intend to put your back up, it wasn’t me who was spouting off about the state of the country, I Accept it, and I certainly don’t think I boast about not voting, just as it is everyones right to vote it is also everyones right not to.  You mentioned the word “Frustrated” that certainly sums up most peoples feelings weather they vote or not and you express Your opinion by “putting your cross on the ballot paper” good on you, at least you do make a gesture as to your feelings, even if the ones who should know about them don’t even see it and wouldn’t even be bothered if they did.


Thanks Bruce...for a moment there, I thought...."'ve gone a bit too far this time mate"

Is this how you feel about your comments?  We can all say things we maybe never meant, we are the only ones who know our own minds therefore no need to fret, I really didn’t think you were trying to be offensive.
As I have said, I choose not to vote just as I choose not to smoke or swear etc I used to, but I now consider I have learned a little about things in life and I always like to use what I have learned for good purposes.

I know that all politicians are liars & cheats, & none are worth voting for. But someone has to run the country, so I tend to vote for the lesser of the three evils. It makes me feel as though I've let my opinion be known about my dislike of the others.....if that makes any sense  

In a way it does make sense, however why would you want to support another party just because you don’t agree with the others policies, I don’t get that.  If it makes you feel your opinions and dislikes are made public, could this not upset someone’s feelings if indeed they were. ???

It is after all, as Bruce mentioned, the democratic right of every citizen over the age of 18 to vote for who they think would best run the country in their opinion. It's all too easy to become complacent about this fact, but remember, there are alot of countries in this world where the people are not given this right & have to live under dictatorian & oppresive regimes that they can do nothing about & if they do voice their opinion, they are likely to dissappear in the middle of the night, never to seen again

It Is the “democratic” right of everybody over 18 to vote but, if the electoral system is a farce and by the sheer fact that the authorities can’t even organize it properly (postal votes etc) then surely any democracy is diminished, this then makes a mockery of the democratic rights of all the people, therefore they remain no better off than the people living in a dictatorial country.  Furthermore We don’t know that people haven’t disappeared in the middle of the night in this country do we?

The people of this country have, in the past, fought hard for their right to vote & it now seems that all this was in vain, as an attitude of "don't know who to vote for, so won't bother" has been the general attitude over the past few years.

I believe this also and again I’ll say, if the electoral system is a farce then that is what it is and all the past fighting and arguing has been in vain.  The “don’t know who to vote for attitude” you speak of is born out of confusion among the people, linked with distrust, there is no way it could ever work, to me this is sheer logic.

There are people who have a genuine hate of all politicians & feel that they should all rot in hell...understandable really   ....
.....but there alot of people who just think it's too much hassle & they'd rather be doing something more entertaining instead.

It is a shame that hatred is the result of politics, it leads to even worse consequences such as that of assassinations that have happened in the past, ordinary everyday people like you and me can be manipulated into wrongdoings…

The last local elections started to see a turn around, with more people than ever voting anti-labour. This proves that more people are realising that they can make a difference with just one vote

This is another way people manifest confusion, imagine panic among passengers on a sinking ship does the fact that they wear a life jacket mean they are then safe? I don’t think so, neither will the snap decision to vote in a farcical election.

Sorry it's a bit long, but all done now  
Sorry again, but not quite all done yet.......

No need to apologies Jon, this is a subject that would never end due to the diversity of mankind, I find it fascinating to see responses such has occurred through this forum and I hope it continues for a long time yet.

Title: Re: panorama......
Post by petehull on Jun 29th, 2007, 1:25pm
Responses 4

What do you mean Pete ?   ....I don't think monkeys could do a better job're not talking about more intelligent life are you.....the reason why humans are here ?

Some of the comments in this post would lead me to think that monkeys would be able to do a better job.
I haven’t seen the posts you refer to so I can’t comment, but I will say this, If there was a problem with my Scorpio engine it would be evident by just watching the engine running as it has been on many occasions, I would never however put my hand into the engine to make adjustments as it could be very painfull and nonproductive.
What do I mean by this? Well, I note the reference to religion…. Religion is at the moment like the faulty Scorpio engine on full throttle, it is certainly showing the flaws of mankind and his world systems, if I were to enter into discussions of this nature I feel it would probably end up being non productive and probably dangerous so we’ll leave it to sort itself out in the future which I am sure it will.
I don’t think of it as being an entertainment topic.

To sum up, I enjoy very much the banter past around on these forums, it is the first time I have taken a part in anything like this, (although I was the founder chairman for 4 years of a CB breakers club back in the seventies fighting for the legalisation on 27mhz am CB.)  I have been in the closet since then.  
I always try to be helpful, polite and friendly which I believe, if all people had the same attitude would help somewhat with the present situations.  
I think this site is one of the best thing available on the whole tinternet thingy (that I’ve seen anyway) and I hope it continues.
I do hope I haven’t offended anyone with my comments and responses, it was never my intention.

I now leave this with you….


Title: Re: panorama......
Post by taliban aka Cheekyboy2 on Jun 29th, 2007, 1:47pm
'but remember, there are alot of countries in this world where the people are not given this right & have to live under dictatorian & oppresive regimes that they can do nothing about & if they do voice their opinion, they are likely to dissappear in the middle of the night, never to seen again '

sounds like the place spanner described in his retireent plans lol  

Title: Re: panorama......
Post by taliban aka Cheekyboy2 on Jun 29th, 2007, 1:48pm
retirement even

Title: Re: panorama......
Post by jonnycab on Jun 29th, 2007, 2:21pm
No offence intended or taken & I think it is good that we can discuss this topic in a civil & intelligent way without sinking to personal attacks on each other...unlike many politicians at prime ministers question time  ::)

Maybe my comment on Gordon Brown was a little personal, but you have to admit, he does look like he could do with a bottle of Clearasil  }{

Anyway, enjoyed the discussion, but I can't think of anymore to add, so will bow out of this topic gracefully  :-*

Title: Re: panorama......
Post by ferretmobile on Jun 29th, 2007, 4:01pm
I once lived in Singapore, singers is run on a dictatorial system. However, the people living there are the happiest bunch that I have ever had the pleasure to meet. I met with peoples from all over the Far east living there and not once did I encounter any racisism. I was often invited into peoples houses for a meal that I hardly knew and made so welcome.
Chewing gum is forbidden in singers, horrid blobs on the pavement. All men have to have short hair or you are given the next plane out...but it is so hot there, that this makes sense. Cars are so expensive and driving licences restricted to a set amount, so the result is that not many people have cars. But the good bit is that the polution from exhaust gasses is non exitant and the public transport system is second to none. Their infrestucture is fantastic and modern, the countryside all organic and a feast for the eyes.
The women are beautiful and the men are hard working and always polite.  Where am I going with this you may think, my point is that give to much choice in a democratic society, people become spoilt and greedy.
Ever since we had thatcher-ism in Britian, the peoples of this land have become greedy and selfish. It is now a me first nation and when I retire I too will be heading for pastures foreign. I have lived abroad in many different countries and can agree with those who say that this country has had it. My own daily experience confirms this to me by the me first drivers on our roads, the rude public that I have to deal with every day and the selfish youngsters that I have the privaledge to teach every day. I saddens my heart to see dear old England populated by such horrid pushy selfseeking money orientated mefirsts.(for want of a juicier phrase)
One final point, did you know that every day, 5000 people from other parts of the world arrive to stay in this country and every day, 2000 britons leave for pastures anew. So every day the population of this small Island increases by 3000 yes 3000 every day.
Its only a small island is Britain, this increase cannot continue at this rate.  And before anyone points out that I am doing exactly what the foreigners are doing here, I have learned the language of my chosen country and I will not be putting my hand out for any benefits, I will go native and not buck the trend and I wont be asking for a different law for me because I am from somewhere else and I will respect the laws of that land,
But most of all I will be polite and respectful and try to help others.

rant over..........I think

Title: Re: panorama......
Post by jonnycab on Jun 30th, 2007, 2:35am
Sorry, back again  ;)....just noticed something....

FAO petehull

Quote......."i could've told them for a tenner"...........

Pete, it wasn't me that wrote this  :)

I did write this though...

"I've always been of the opinion that if you don't bother to vote, then you shouldn't have the right to moan about how the country is being run, because, by wasting your vote, you haven't tried to change anything"

But it was written before you said that you didn't vote, so it wasn't directed at you mate  :)

Just thought I'd clear this up  ;)

P.S.....Pete, I didn't really read all your posts properly before, but I have now & I just loved the way you pulled all my posts apart, put them into little sections & then patronised me on almost every point I made  :-*

Title: Re: panorama......
Post by jonnycab on Jun 30th, 2007, 3:30am's nice to know that there are some nice dictators out there who can keep a well ordered society & keep the people happy at the same time  :)

Also, totally agree with your last point...."When in Rome", as they say  ;)

Title: Re: panorama......
Post by ferretmobile on Jun 30th, 2007, 9:52am
If anyone ever asks me where would I like to live given my travel history...been to most countries around the world. Without any hesitation at all it would be Singapore. The local food is fantastic, cooked in the street and served on a fresh leaf!
On the industrial side of the island, there is a huge shipbuilding concern. Some Japanese and some anglo -norweigen intrest.
Of course, brits have a historical link with the island and this remains today. English is widely spoken but the main language is malay. If anyone ever gets the chance to go there, dont hesitate...even the Singapore money is amazing to look at. :D

Title: Re: panorama......
Post by petehull on Jun 30th, 2007, 10:14am
Hi again JC ref: "i could've told them for a tenner"...........  

Pete, it wasn't me that wrote this  

I wasn't aiming my responses solely at you Jon, I was merely responding to the input from all, I agree this has been a very interesting and orderly discussion and I have learned a lot about careing people in what has been said.  I was very intrigued by Ferretmobiles account on Singapore and yes I have heard other good reports about the place, I had a cousin who lived there many years ago and who loved it too.  It would be nice to go for a visit sometime although I will probably never be able to.
Anyway, as I said before, I have enjoyed the thread, glad we're all freinds and look forward to the next.

Keep posting, your writings are very interesting and usefull.

The VERY BEST regards to ALL who participated......


..................................oOO ;DOOo.....................................

Title: Re: panorama......
Post by TiberiuS on Jul 1st, 2007, 1:21am
Have I missed something here? Looks like it'll take a week to just read through with my Essex IQ ;D

No offence intended torwards anyone, maybe I should re-read my posts before I let them go. But I still stand by what I said, I work my proverbial off just so I have a couple of quid, can run a decent motor (even if it is old). What makes me angry is apathy, you'd never get a revolution if everyone sat at home watching the telly because it was raining ::)

Title: Re: panorama......
Post by ferretmobile on Jul 1st, 2007, 4:33pm
The revolution will not be televised.........

Title: Re: panorama......
Post by TiberiuS on Jul 1st, 2007, 5:41pm

on 07/01/07 at 16:33:06, ferretmobile wrote:
The revolution will not be televised.........

b****r :(

Well, at least I won't need that new TV license ::)

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