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(Message started by: big_neil on Jul 19th, 2007, 1:05pm)

Title: penalty points!
Post by big_neil on Jul 19th, 2007, 1:05pm
surely the whole point of getting points on your licence for motoring convictions is supposed to be a deterrent, in my local paper lately there have been a couple of cases where the convicted has pleaded that if they get any more points they will be banned and that means they can,t do their job and subsequently provide support for their families. one of these people was clocked doing 144 MPH on the A75, the judge fined him with court costs and no points as he,d then be banned stopping him from doing his job. surely that is the whole point as his previous 9 points were for excessive speeding as well, it beggars belief that he,s still behind the wheel.

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by Spannerdemon on Jul 19th, 2007, 2:44pm
[]  []

Gets right on my nerves that does. It's like these snivelling drivers who get caught drink-driving, and then their greasy palmed obsequious hand wringing solicitors come out with the "But if you ban him, He'll lose his job" routine.

Well TOUGH, SO WHAT................Should have thought about that when you got in your car shouldn't you, you drunken apehole!!   >:(

Sometimes wish I was a Judge, because the Gallows Maker would still be in heavy demand!! As would the birch grower, the pillory fitter, and the ducking stool operator!!  

They wouldn't want to come to MY courtroom......No Siree.       Maggots, the lot of them.  ;)

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by big_neil on Jul 19th, 2007, 2:59pm
i think i like you spannerdemon, you see things the way i do. i,m a retired electrical engineer and if they would let me i could practically cure all crime overnight in this country. PLEASE,PLEASE let me have a go!!

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by Spannerdemon on Jul 19th, 2007, 3:24pm
Teach me to wire up Courtroom doorhandles Neil,  and we've got a deal.

I'd build courts next to electricity pylons. You'd need the extra power!!   8)  8)

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by petehull on Jul 19th, 2007, 3:38pm

on 07/19/07 at 14:44:32, Spannerdemon wrote:
[]  []

"But if you ban him, He'll lose his job" routine.

BAN?, .....  JOB? ....%@~#"" ........I'd chop his/her legs off.....

Sometimes wish I was a Judge, because the Gallows Maker would still be in heavy demand!! As would the birch grower, the pillory fitter, and the ducking stool operator!!

[] []

ABSOLUTELY! well said Spanners I agree with youre every word

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by petehull on Jul 19th, 2007, 3:41pm

on 07/19/07 at 15:24:19, Spannerdemon wrote:
Teach me to wire up Courtroom doorhandles Neil,  and we've got a deal.

I'd build courts next to electricity pylons. You'd need the extra power!!   8)  8)

}{ }{ }{ }{    []

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by jg on Jul 20th, 2007, 12:10am
I know a guy that got stopped doing 70 in a 30, down a bus lane, got fined, given points, BUT no ban, he appealed, won, no fine, no points.  It would not be right of me to say that his name was Petal and he is Hindu, so I won't, and the reason he got away with it...Mistaken Identity...I feel sorry for the police men who stopped him, all that paper work for nothing, but they caught him red handed, Mistaken Identity  }{ }{ }{

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by mr._floppy on Jul 20th, 2007, 12:48am
 People whose job depends on   them having a licence   ( unlike mine,  although I need the  car to travel to work )   will  always  be  looked  upon  more sympathetically   by Judges, Magistrates and Sheriffs,  than  people  who  don't.

It's  unfair,  immoral  and wholly  illogical,  these  serial  recidivists   abuse  and flout  the law  knowing    that  their  livelihood   depends  on   them  holding  a  licence, yet    when  brought  to  book,   their  Lawyers   claim  that  by banning them  they will    suffer hardship ,  

 erm  :-/,   isn't   that  what    punishment  means , or  else,   it   isn't  much  use  as   a    detterent  ?

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by dogma on Jul 20th, 2007, 2:16am
[] [] [] [] I strongly agree with you all.  I work for the police and thought you would like to hear how wonderful our justice system is- a male was caught on CCTV stabbing another, he was arrested 3 minutes later still with the bloodied knife.  THAT GUY IS GOING DOWN FOR A LONG TIME i hear you cry, well no, due to the evidence bag being ripped due to the knife, it was replaced with a new one, his loyer or rat as i call them, got him off as he made an alligation that the police had tampered with the evidence and thats why the bag was changed.  What a great justice system we have ay, lets all sleep well tonight, and i hope the crap judges of this country dont

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by john.n on Jul 20th, 2007, 11:00am
I thought i would ad my 2 penerth to this. I think this problem could be solved if we adopted a system in use in some parts of the USA, where you can be banned but still allowed to use your car for the journey to and from your place of employment. Thus allowing the person to maintain his family himself and not the tax payer. john.n

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by taliban aka Cheekyboy2 on Jul 21st, 2007, 2:03pm
the trouble with that idea John is how do you monitor it? please dont say a little black box in the car................ ;D

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by jonnycab on Jul 21st, 2007, 5:22pm
If some people need their driving licences to earn a living etc, then why do they commit offences that are serious enough for them to end up with a ban ?  ???

Do they have no fore-thought about the possible consequences of their moronic driving, & how it may not just affect them, but other innocent road users & pedestrians etc.

I think that the real issue is the fact that they are a menace not just to themselves, but to everyone else around them & until they realise this fact then their driving behaviour will never change.

They must be punished & made to realise that having a licence is a privilage, not a right & that that privilage will be taken away if they abuse it, regardless of whether they rely on the vehicle or not.

If people don't have the sense to realise that they may lose their livelyhoods by driving like a moron, then maybe they shouldn't be driving for a living in the first place, & maybe they should consider some other line of work  :P

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by v4-max aka Cheekyboy1 on Jul 21st, 2007, 6:05pm
i take it that your one of these people that have never exceeded the speed limit,  you only have to be 4 mph over to get flashed by a camera. go on tell me you have never broken the limit, and lets see how many people believe you.

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by Spannerdemon on Jul 21st, 2007, 7:10pm
I don't think that 4mph is exactly the issue here. The issue is these lunatics (like the guy at the start of this post doing 144 mph) driving like complete lunatics.....and basically.... getting away with it.

Now I know you might think that he was just speeding, but consider this.

At that speed, IF something had cropped up, he would have been killed. No if and buts, he would have been killed.  And I will say would have served him right.

But what concerns me more is this. In doing this LUNATIC speed, and just like these Drink Drivers, or the Dangerous Drivers or the Boy racers, he might just have wiped out somebody else.

And that somebody else just could be YOUR Wife...Mum...Brother...Sister...Dad...Children....................

THAT is why I've got no time for these scum, and for me, they deserve all they get, because the roads would be much safer without them.

My wife is a nurse, and regularly deals with road accident victims who have smeared themselves over the tarmac.........................and she also has to break the news to those people's relatives and the relatives of the victims of drink drivers that their little boy, or Mum etc   DEAD !!!

Because some ***** was showing off in his fast car!!

Think about it.  Don't even go there.

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by jonnycab on Jul 21st, 2007, 8:09pm
CB1...I have in fact got 3 points for speeding which are due to be spent this November. It was for doing 47 mph in a temporary 40mph speed limit (roadworks) at 2am on the A12.

I got caught by the camera, fined £60 & took the 3 points like a man. I didn't argue with the courts, I accepted that I was in the wrong & learned my lesson.

What I said before may now sound a bit hypocritical, but I wasn't talking about the odd speeding fine that most people seem to get every now & then.

I was replying to the original point in this post about people who recklessly drive at 144mph (instant ban) & then try to get off it by sobbing to the judge that they need their car to make a living  ::)

Sorry if you took it the wrong way  :)

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by TiberiuS on Jul 21st, 2007, 8:10pm
The chap I was working for a couple of years back told me one day about a guy he knew who worked as a plumber.

This guy used to have a few beers after work every night then drive home about half a mile from the pub, acceptable or not, depending on your opinion.

This went on for a few years without incident until one night he got pulled as he drove out of the pub car park, result was court appearance, fine and loss of license for 3 years. He ended up cycling to work and paying other builders to carry his tools around for him...but the last I knew he had his license back and hadn't been drink driving again.

I think we need a bit of perspective here, straying a few mph over the limit on a clear road isn't in the same league to doing 140+ on ANY public road. The majority of cars now are quite highly powered and can be deadly in the hands of an inexperienced driver, the driver's limits are reached way before the car's are IMO. I'm no saint, I nudge a few mph over sometimes, but I wouldn't say I do irresponsible speeds anywhere and I've never been anywhere near pushing any car I've owned to either mine or its limits. Out of curiosity I had both the Scorp and the Jag to high speed (nowhere near 140) once, problem is that in a quiet car it feels so slow but I know that if anything happened - even something beyond my control like a blowout - there's very little chance I'd live to tell the tale. Maybe if someone is too stupid to know their car's or their own limits then a ban is the only way to ensure everyone else remains safe :). I value my clean license too much to mess it up, couldn't live with driving a Corsa or Fiesta after the motahs I've been used to ;D

A lot of money is to be made out of drivers straying over the limit, it's got nothing to do with road safety. Speed and plain dangerous driving don't always go together, I nearly got wiped out the other day when someone decided to overtake on a blind left bend...about 45mph in a 60. Lucky for me I saw him, had it been night I might not have been so lucky :'(.

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by Spannerdemon on Jul 21st, 2007, 8:58pm
I think that this is a subject that people don't realise the seriousness of. Until it happens to them!  >:(

Losing a loved one due to the direct actions of somebody else's selfishness is not just devastating. It ruins many other lives too, and at the moment, we have a government that is too spineless to do anything about it.

If that sounds as though I'm speaking out of turn, then I'm sorry, but I feel VERY strongly about drivers who think these sort of CRIMES are just a bit of  a joke.

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by taliban aka Cheekyboy2 on Jul 24th, 2007, 1:24pm
tiberius, i think you're straying from the original topic, but i totally agree with what you say about speed/dangerous driving.

i agree with the original post; so what if you lose your job. if you've been caught enough times speeding a few over, jumping lights etc to bump up your points tally to a ban, then you're an idiot, you've had enough warning. if you're driving is so bad you get banned for one offence, then again you're an idiot and shouldnt be on the road.

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by DazRSK on Jul 24th, 2007, 1:50pm
I think most people would agree that 144mph in this country is at best, irresponsible. At worst, the guy's licence should be thrown away forever and he should be thrown into the same place for a number of years.

You're not just sliding over the limit - you have to seriously be pushing on with full realisation that you are speeding and could kill yourself and other people. If someone stepped out into the outside lane at 80 into this guy's path, it's curtains!! In effect, it could be construed as manslaughter.

On the broader view though - do you think the speed limits in this country are set inappropriately, given that most of them are loosely based on street light gap or whether it's a motorway or dual-carriageway etc and were set over 40 years ago ?

To set the ball rolling - all schools should have a 20mph limit around them. The small hours on the most motorways - derestricted like in Germany.

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by Scorpio_Mike on Jul 24th, 2007, 4:48pm
Good point.

I have felt for a long time that the speed limits in the UK need an overhaul. Most of them were 'Set in stone' so to speak when cars mainly had drum brakes operated by rods and cables and ABS hadn't even been thought of.

Yes, I agree with 20mph limits outside schools - BUT that should only apply at times when pupils are arriving and leaving - this is what they have in the USA and it works well.
Do you REALLY need 20mph limit outside a school at the weekends and school holidays ?

I also agree with 30mph limits in built-up areas but have to question the logic of 60mph ( derestricted ) zones where it is not possible to reach that speed safely - country lanes and such.

Why do we have rigid and not variable speed limits where it could be appropriate according to traffic conditions ?

Why are our speed limits set in 10mph increments ? I've driven in the USA a lot and they have 5mph increments - speed limits are set more appropriately and help traffic flow.

I've driven along 30mph roads where perhaps 35 would be perfectly OK and 40 mph roads where you have to think maybe a lower limit would be more appropriate.

Yes, I got caught speeding 25 years ago - once only. I learned my lesson and stick to limits now as I need my licence for my job. I realise it is no excuse but what do you expect if a 22 year old gets behind the wheel of a turbo'd XR3 ?

A chap I knew a long time ago managed to accumulate enough endorsements for a ban many years ago ( before the points system came in to place ) - 3 speeding offences in a month ! He managed to keep his licence by telling the court he would be unable to get to college to continue his courses without his licence ! The court let him carry on riding his motorcycle so he could continue his education. When he moved on to driving a car, he had quite a bit of trouble getting insurance as the brokers were convinced he should have been banned.

My big problem with speed cameras - they don't catch people for what amounts to PLAIN BAD DRIVING ! Overtaking on bends, double white lines etc...

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by DazRSK on Jul 24th, 2007, 5:56pm
These are very good points Mike. Bad driving isn't always to do with speeding. Lane hopping on motorways is just as dangerous and just general driving without due care or attention or even driving wrecklessly is serious stuff. Speed doesn't need to be involved where this happens. Yet the cameras only pull you on a black & white offence.

I think the 5mph integer speed limit will cause problems. In today's cars where sticking to 30 is hard work and the big 30 is labelled very clearly on the dial - what happens in cars which don't show each 5mph marker - a bit of a chance is being taken.

The speed limits were set with old fashioned brakes, with the vehicles of the day and their safety / performance in mind - but in the mid '60s. These cars hardly resemble today's. But the flip side shows that with more traffic, there's more careless drivers and that's where the accidents happen. Afterall, no amount of good brakes or performance is going to help you when somebody drives wrecklessly.

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by Spannerdemon on Jul 24th, 2007, 8:09pm

The small hours on the most motorways - derestricted like in Germany.

That I agree with. There is nothing more infuriating than getting up early in the morning or even driving through the night for whatever reason, and being stuck to 70mph on an almost deserted Motorway.
I'd like to see a limit of say 85mph between say 11pm and 5am.

On the whole though, I feel that the other limits in place are quite sensible, if people stick to them. They are there for a reason, and although they were set years ago when cars weren't as powerful or technically advanced, the weakest link in any car is always going to be "The Human".

I also don't think penalties are as rigidly enforced as they should be. Try driving along any motorway in the UK at 70mph for example. You will be the slowest car on the road. A perfect example of why set limits are routinely ignored by "The Human"..............but if said Human gets a ticket...he gets shirty about it!

The answer to road travel is patience, consideration and planning. I'm 60, and I've spent a very long time driving. I have well over 2 million miles (accident free) under my belt. I have  driven everything from 32 tonne articulated lorries on 14 day Trans European routes right down to Istanbul, to the massive dumpers and excavators that I still drive, test and transport as part of my work.

Rushing about, having no consideration for others, and sheer bad tempered impatient motorists on the roads, are the main causes of accidents.

It always makes me rather sad when I read "Accident was caused by fog. Accident was caused by heavy Rain. Accident was caused by Poor Visibility, and so on.

Absolute drivel ..........Accident was 'invariably' caused by Joe Soap not being prepared to slow down. Not being prepared to get up half an hour early to allow for appalling road conditions. Not having the intelligence to realise that his braking distances were doubled due to the inclement conditions. Having to drive like a maniac because some chairbound clown at Head Office, chasing 'targets',  has put an impossible load on the driver, risking His/Her licence and life....and the lives of others.

But the main culprit is speeding, and being absolutely determined to tailgate the vehicle in front, as close as possible, despite not being able to see anything except spray, and usually without any lights on.

These 'drivers' I would like to see banned. For good. Because they obviously don't have the maturity, the common sense or the skills to drive a motor vehicle sensibly.

These are HUMAN errors. The cars are great, but until we programme Humans to behave themselves in them..........forget it. Things will never change.

Always remember the old saying.

Better to be late.........then The Late!!   ;)

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by taliban aka Cheekyboy2 on Jul 25th, 2007, 12:57pm
'but have to question the logic of 60mph ( derestricted ) zones where it is not possible to reach that speed safely - country lanes and such. '

mike, just because the limit is 60mph it doesnt mean you have to do that speed lol

on a lot of country lanes its not safe to drive above 20mph, and if you do you can be booked for driving without due care and attention.......

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by john.n on Jul 25th, 2007, 1:41pm
I consider myself to be a safe and curteous driver and agree with the post  saying all of us are capable of breaking the speed limit on occasion. I myself went past 1 of those roadside safety cameras (give me a break!!!), the other day in my wifes Daewoo matiz- 700ccs of raw power. I got done doing the excessive speed of 36 in a 30mph zone. Why do you think some insurance companys are now disregarding 1 speeding ticket. Its all about money, i dont care what anyone says! Obviouly its a different thing if you are caning your car along a busy road etc, but common sense doesnt seem to apply. john.n  :(

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by DazRSK on Jul 25th, 2007, 3:04pm
Spannerdemon - your views are absolutely spot on. But I guess this comes from 2 million miles  :o on the road. I may make 1.3 million by the time I am 60 and I spend a fair bit of time on the road just commuting.

But HUMAN error is to blame. Don't forget that where technology in vehicles has improved immmensely since e.g. 1920, the human reaction hasn't changed. Yes - we're more experienced at travelling 70 or 80 than our predecessors, but our reactions would be the same.

All I would say is that manufacturers do believe performance as a sale point. Look at Subaru and Mitsu with there "hot" machinery. All cars manufactured in the last 5 years, with few exceptions, will do more than a ton. Most will do 120 and an awful lot do double the limit. But that's 50 or 70mph which is redundant in this country. I am not saying that you should not engage brain and you don't always have to use the full speed of the vehicle - but cars drift along at 80 today. Reality - that is fast. Sat in the thingypit - it's like having a cup of tea in an armchair.

But what you do notice - and I would say that I am guilty of this as well - why do the journey at 70mph when you can travel so much faster. I don't do silly mph but I often travel in the outside lane on motorways.

Just to prove a point to myself (never changed my driving style and followed this up unfortunately), I drove home at 70 one day. It took me 5 minutes longer.

As Spannerdemon said - 30 minutes extra in bed in the morning and expect to get to work on time - no chance and no amount of high speed driving will help you.

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by big_neil on Jul 25th, 2007, 3:05pm
as i started the thread can i add my latest !! guess what i got thro the post this morning? yes,,, a speeding notice of prosecution, doing 35mph passing the camera just outside of haydon bridge. i know that camera is there i pass it three or four times a month ,no excuse ,, i broke the limit,but for those people who know this camera ,,,,have you ever seen it working i havn,t till tother week, its nearly always got a bin liner over it as the locals keep setting it on fire. i could understand if i,d been nabbed in my cosworth but i wasn,t , i was taking my dear friend to newcastle hospital for an appointment and he said use my car as it doesn,t get much of a run nowadays so i was driving his toyota avensis. i said to my wife when i got home "i think i may have got done thro that camera at haydon bridge" to which she replied "no you won,t it,s never worked ". thats my first offence in 41 years of driving and i suppose it was gonna happen some time ,,,no excuse i got caught , wonder what the outcome will be?

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by Thunderchild on Aug 10th, 2007, 12:53pm
I have taken some time before I replied to some of the comments in this thread and I fully expect to get flamed for what I'm about to say but I'm going to say it anyway.


Only 6% of accidents are dircetly attributable to speeding. In another 27% excess speed was a contributing factor. That is not speeding as such but going too fast for the conditions. So an accident at 10 mph on icy roads has excess speed as a contributing factor.

Now for those of you who talk about people doing crazy speeds of 144 mph. Is that driver any more guilty than you when you are 2 mph over the limit? Speeding is an absolute crime. It has been asked in the thread "is there anyone who has not exceeded the speed limit at some time?" I don't believe that anyone will claim to never have broken the speed limit. So that leads us to a bit of "it's ok to speed, just don't go faster than me!!"

I do exceed the speed limit at times but rarely in 30 or 40 mph limits. I'm lucky in that I have never had a relative killed in any kind of road accident but my son is now disabled as a result of a driver who simply didn't look where he was going. Not speeding just being stupid. Show me the camera that picks up that kind of behavior and I'll support them. Until then, get more traffic police back on the roads and help us get rid of the uninsured, untaxed, no MOT drunken idiots who populate the roads these days. They are far more dangerous that people who speed.

Rant over...


Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by Highlander on Aug 10th, 2007, 1:47pm

on 08/10/07 at 12:53:10, Thunderchild wrote:
I do exceed the speed limit at times but rarely in 30 or 40 mph limits.

A biker!!  ;D

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by big_neil on Aug 10th, 2007, 2:21pm
got another reply from northumbria police, accept the £60 fine and three points or pay £67 with no points and attend a safety awareness course at cramlington. i,m going to do the latter as i,m intrigued to what they are going to tell me about safety awareness, also my wife wants another day shopping in newcastle, yes i know to watch that camera in haydon bridge.

tother night i was ging to tesco and up behind me came a roaring green nova with a young scumbag with a hood over him and a balaklava on, right behind him came his two mates on a quad bike with balaklava,s on , pair of them were on and off the foot path right down the road after they,d sped past me (thank god they missed my scorp). young kids and a woman with a pram leapt out of the way in desperation, it was obvious they were on something and they,d nicked the bike and the car, they disappeared round the housing estate. lo and behold last night i saw the same scum riding a nicked moto cross bike( i knew it was him , he had the same top on ,that,s how brainless they are ), he eventually disappeared after causing utter mayhem in the evening rush hour. i know these are somebody,s darling little children(they couldn,t have been more than thirteen year old) but i couldn,t help wish that they would wrap themselves round a lamp post or brick wall, am i being too harsh with my thoughts and should i be more caring?

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by TiberiuS on Aug 10th, 2007, 3:14pm
I'm not the perfect person, I sometimes stray over the limit on a clear road. But I don't make a habit of it, there's places where you can go a bit faster, places where it's not even safe to reach the limit (like some of the crazy de-regulated lanes around here).

Look at the average driver on the M25/A12 on a weekday and you won't find many sticking to 70, just to keep pace with traffic if you have to overtake a slow artic, you need to be doing 80-90. Even the couple of times I've put my foot down on a clear motorway in the early hours I've had cars pass me like I'm standing still...if they want to do those speeds and don't interfere with me then I couldn't care less.

All the times I've had near misses on the road it's from someone else doing something other than speeding, doing 45 during rush hour and chopping lanes, tailgating and undertaking on a dual carriageway causes more accidents than cruising at 80-90 when it's quiet.

Speeding isn't akin to dangerous driving, the two are related but not the same:).

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by wayne on Aug 10th, 2007, 8:21pm
Digressing a little from the pros & cons... but still on the subject of penalty points....

I had my picture taken at 6.55a.m on a Sunday morning by a parked mobile camera van,  when I was going fishing,,34mph in a 30 zone.  I think I saw three vehicles on the whole journey!
The offer of having a larger fine but no points if you go on a course arrived the day after we went on holiday.
The day of the course was the day we arrived back home!   >:(
But, there ya go.

My question is this.. whilst the points are valid for three yrs, they remain on your licence for five yrs (As I understand it)
Well my five yrs are almost up.

Does anyone have experience of having the points removed?  
Is there a cost involved? (Like I can't guess the answer to that one)
Do you have to return your licences (paper & plastic) to be re-issued with new clean ones?
Or do you just leave things as they are and stop declaring them on insurance quotes and such and forget them?

Does anyone know the procedure???

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by sector-9 on Aug 17th, 2007, 12:28am
Points 'add up' until they are three years old.  After fours years you can apply to have them removed from your license - as you've suspected, they charge you for doing this!  However you need to declare motoring convictions to your insurers for FIVE years (whether you've had them removed from your license or not).

Not sure whether you can leave expired points on your license and not have to declare them to insurance after five years...


Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by Highlander on Aug 17th, 2007, 12:35am
If you change your address they remove the expired points for free when they update your details ;)

If you "move" back to your original address straight away then you're sorted ;)

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by TiberiuS on Aug 17th, 2007, 12:43am
;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by petehull on Aug 17th, 2007, 9:03am

on 08/17/07 at 00:28:26, sector-9 wrote:
Points 'add up' until they are three years old.  After fours years you can apply to have them removed from your license - as you've suspected, they charge you for doing this!  However you need to declare motoring convictions to your insurers for FIVE years (whether you've had them removed from your license or not).

Not sure whether you can leave expired points on your license and not have to declare them to insurance after five years...


Best way is to not get any points in the first place  ;D ???


Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by wayne on Aug 17th, 2007, 4:43pm

If you "move" back to your original address straight away then you're sorted  

Spoken like a true canny Scot   :)

Apparently the forms are available from the post office, don't know the cost though.
By the time my insurance is due five yrs will have passed... I'll ask if they have any issues with ignoring them and not paying to have them removed and take it from there...

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by Scorpio_Mike on Aug 17th, 2007, 7:10pm
Surely irrelevant after 5 yrs if removed from licence or not ?
I've not moved house since 1986 so still have my pink paper licence with the 3 points ( now long expired ) still on it. I won't bother to get it changed until I either move or am forced to update to the credit card style photocard - which will probably be done FOC anyway

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by dh_dove on Aug 18th, 2007, 4:30pm
Dear All

Apparently as of June 2007..........

One Milion motorists have nine Penalty Points.....
Five Million Motorists have six penalty points........
Ten Million motorists have three penalty points....

Gross revenue to the Govt. over three years............

£960 Millions.............

Pays for a few  "Management" Consultants I suppose............

But Seriously, that's nearly a Billion Pounds they're screwing the motorist  to pay for dodgy computer systems, DSS payments to Illegrant Immegrants etc. etc.

It makes you want to cry.

DH Dove

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by peteHull on Aug 18th, 2007, 4:47pm

on 08/18/07 at 16:30:41, dh_dove wrote:
Dear All

Apparently as of June 2007..........

One Milion motorists have nine Penalty Points.....
Five Million Motorists have six penalty points........
Ten Million motorists have three penalty points....

at least two have no penalty points..... me and the wife ;D ;D

Gross revenue to the Govt. over three years............

£960 Millions............. but non from us ;D

Pays for a few  "Management" Consultants I suppose............

It makes me want to smile.


Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by dh_dove on Aug 18th, 2007, 5:02pm

Hubris, enjoy it whilst you can.

I don't suppose you work in the Public Sector do you?

DH Dove

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by TiberiuS on Aug 18th, 2007, 7:20pm

on 08/18/07 at 16:47:03, peteHull wrote:
at least two have no penalty points..... me and the wife ;D ;D

Gross revenue to the Govt. over three years............

£960 Millions............. but non from us ;D

Pays for a few  "Management" Consultants I suppose............

It makes me want to smile.


Bit of a complacent attitude there, Pete.

Luckily for me, I've managed thus far to keep a clean license...but I'm not laughing at people who've not been so lucky or 'careful'. A couple of times I've been almost caught out, either slammed the brakes on at the last moment or been flashed by oncoming motorists (which is what I always do) and I'm not exactly what you'd call a lead-footed driver, by all means take exception and tell me the error of my ways if you like.

These scamera partnerships exist to earn money, not enforce road safety.

But the road safety system isn't fair in the first place, which is why so many people end up with points on their licenses. Even insurance companies now are starting to say they'll ignore points for speeding, whether they really do is another matter :-/

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by DazRSK on Aug 21st, 2007, 7:29pm

on 08/18/07 at 16:30:41, dh_dove wrote:
One Milion motorists have nine Penalty Points.....
Five Million Motorists have six penalty points........
Ten Million motorists have three penalty points....

10 million motorists have 3 points. That's got to be close to 1 in 3 drivers.  :o :o

I will pick up on the point of people who believe they either don't speed or rarely speed - I'm sorry, I'm not with that argument.

In effect, what is being said is that at every 30mph marker or 40mph marker, you are doing exactly that speed or less. Not through the bulk of the town / village - that's easy.

When decellerating from a 70mph and crossing the 40, directly at the marker, your speed is that or less and you never accelerate until you are way beyond the other marker guiding a higher speed.

Right - common sense states that these type of little indiscretions will not be picked up because police / cameras are unlikely to be patrolling the marker points - incidentally I do know of areas where both police and cameras do pick this up. Nevertheless, if you cross a 40 marker at 41, you are speeding. I don't think anybody is really that honest to say that they have never done this.

I'll get me coat.  

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by dh_dove on Aug 21st, 2007, 8:13pm
Dear all

I'm sure most of you have seen it but I love this site...

DH Dove

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by big_neil on Sep 4th, 2007, 6:57pm
another snivveling bureaucrat,councillor and local business woman
who already has 15 pts on her licence( and still driving by the way) got caught for speeding again the other day and got another 6 pts for doing 54 in a 30 limit. she now has 21 pts and pleaded she needed her licence for her job and to take the kids to school, she also pleaded she was suffering from depression after being caught again. thank goodness the bench were not hoodwinked this time and fined her £135 and banned her for 6 months, one less barmpot on the road for a while.

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by LiverpaulH on Sep 6th, 2007, 5:34pm
That I really cannot understand. She will have been to court before to get her points to take her to 15 and they will have told her to expect a ban if she ever gets caught again.

Put yourself in her shoes, you would not dare break a single limit for any reason, no matter how late you were. No brainer. Yet she continues to drive at 54 in a 30. Sod a 6month ban, obviously her head isn't right make it 2 years then she may get the message.

Anyway her kids should get the bus or walk to school, it'd do thyem good!!

Just my two penneth.

Paul 8)

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by FordScorpioFan on Sep 26th, 2007, 5:24pm

on 08/10/07 at 20:21:51, wayne wrote:
I had my picture taken at 6.55a.m on a Sunday morning by a parked mobile camera van,  when I was going fishing,,34mph in a 30 zone.


I think that is what you would have to call too borderline. The law, as I understand it, is that you must be given 10% for speedo inaccuracy... and then usually another 3mph for having some notion of sanity. The extra 3mph may not be a legal requirement but with your being only 1mph, I think it can be far more than just argued that trying to keep within 1mph of the target speed of 30mph (assuming a 10% under-reading speedo), is to fine a margin. I.e. you should not be proscecuted... one can be a tight bar steward, and maybe... MAYBE... 35 mph but not 34... insane. I am sure if that went to court you would be right... (at least if you had that fancy lawyer that often helps celebs out, etc.)...

Best wishes,


Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by Highlander on Sep 26th, 2007, 6:28pm
At he risk of starting another speeding debate...... }{

The limit is 30 you dont HAVE to drive at 30 so i dont think pleading in court that you were only a wee bit over would help.

Assuming the 34mph reading is spot on (it should be) then if your speedo WAS reading 30 then its 13% out which i would imagine is above the allowed limit.

I dont think they use the buffer now, the 10% + 2mph i'm pretty sure its zero tolerance now

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by Snoopy on Sep 26th, 2007, 8:36pm
The law relating speedo inaccuracies are that they can only read 10% fast NOT slow so at 30 mph it could be reading 33mph or if you were doing a registered 30 you would actually be doing 27 mph.... PLead guilty and accept the fact that you were caught speeding!
30 mph limit means 30
If your speed reads slow then you need to get it recalibrated ....

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by taliban aka Cheekyboy2 on Sep 26th, 2007, 9:44pm
the welsh constabulary the other year were noted for thier attitude i.e. fining people for 31 in a 30. in fact it became such an issue it made some national papers and a protest ride out organised in which several hundred bikers rode round and round a certain north wales police station.....

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by wayne on Sep 26th, 2007, 10:14pm

I think that is what you would have to call too borderline.

What can I say???  I felt it was needlessly harsh given the circumstances, but ultimately couldn't argue against the fact that I was 4mph above the limit.  >:(

Out of curiosity - when stationary the speedo on my van reads 4mph.,  Can I assume that if I'm driving at 30mph (by my speedo) I'm well within the limit??

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by merseyscorp on Sep 27th, 2007, 1:21am
Last I heard the rule was 2% + 1mph above the limit of the road you were travelling on I think. ???

So roughly if you're in a 30mph zone, you can get away with 33mph or in national speed limit you could get away with 79mph!

I'm not entirely sure of the formula, but I am pretty certain thats that what the guidelines are. They are set to allow for different speedo settings... so I'm told... ???

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by big_neil on Sep 27th, 2007, 9:13am
i think i,m with highlander on this , i think the allowance is zero. people also think you get two weeks to renew your road tax, you get nothing!!

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by Highlander on Sep 27th, 2007, 12:02pm
I dont think theres a definite law about it, i think theres a bit of discretion allowed on the part of the officer dealing with it, a grey area indeed but if you stay under 30 (or 33) you should be ok :)

I have one current speeding conviction,
Despite regulary driving...

Jaguar 3.0 XJS
Scorpio 24v with high ratio diff
Scorpio 24v Standard
Scorpio 2.5TD
Honda Fireblade 1000RR (170Bhp and similar top speed)

I got caught speeding in a rusty old 1993 2.5 (non Turbo) diesel TRANSIT!!!!!! }{
Top speed = 80mph
0-60 = never stayed awake long enough to measure it! }{  

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by merseyscorp on Sep 27th, 2007, 10:56pm
;D Cackle! As for the zero tolerance thing, i think it really does depend on the officer on the day. I got caught once doing around 60 in a 40, although i'm not sure as my speedo was disconnected at the time, but the officer seemed to think so!
I was apologetic and told him my car was not at its best and that I was late for work. Although being young and looking half like a boy racer, I was in my works uniform and full of sorrys! ::)
Low and behold he let me go.. free of charge!
yet a friend of mine got done doing 42 in a 30 and oddly 28 in a 30 through an amber/red/orange in an unsafe area at 1am. Nailed on both occassions but didn't give the police the words they wanted to hear.

With the right attitude, you can wrangle your way out of a lot of things... :-X

Title: Re: penalty points!
Post by sector-9 on Oct 4th, 2007, 9:54pm
Say what you want to a camera - it won't listen or care...


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