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(Message started by: pat on Oct 30th, 2007, 12:43am)

Title: No Charges
Post by pat on Oct 30th, 2007, 12:43am
Just watching another cops programme.
Criminal activities, assault on police, resisting arrest etc, etc.
Nobody is charged with anything, let off with a caution or no action taken.
Do the powers that be realise (or care) that we law - abiding people simply do not understand why these people do not have the book chucked at them?
The world has gone mad.

Title: Re: No Charges
Post by taliban aka Cheekyboy2 on Oct 30th, 2007, 6:02pm
think its because the prosecution side is down to the CPS (criminal protection service) who are probably overloaded with what was considered more important prosecutions, and in their bid to save money are very likely to overlook offences they consider to be minor.
then of course some of these offenders might be due for a holiday at the taxpayers expense if some of these offences are prosecuted.......we cant have that can we, i mean, the prisons might overflow.....

Title: Re: No Charges
Post by pat on Oct 30th, 2007, 7:39pm

on 10/30/07 at 18:02:03, taliban aka Cheekyboy2 wrote:
think its because the prosecution side is down to the CPS (criminal protection service) who are probably overloaded with what was considered more important prosecutions,

Yeah, like dropping a chip or a fag end   :o

Title: Re: No Charges
Post by RichardMS on Oct 30th, 2007, 7:48pm

on 10/30/07 at 19:39:20, pat wrote:
Yeah, like dropping a chip or a fag end   :o

Or having your car windows tinted >:(

Title: Re: No Charges
Post by taliban aka Cheekyboy2 on Oct 30th, 2007, 7:52pm
richard, leave that one alone, it was quite adequately dealt with on police camera action..... ::)

Title: Re: No Charges
Post by pat on Oct 30th, 2007, 8:10pm
;D  ;D

Title: Re: No Charges
Post by RichardMS on Oct 30th, 2007, 8:33pm
Didn't see it, It just annoys me that's all :-X

Title: Re: No Charges
Post by taliban aka Cheekyboy2 on Oct 30th, 2007, 10:16pm
it was quite a coincidence, i dont normally watch it but the trailer mentioned tinted windows. they had a list of items that are being targeted, number 1 was illegally tinted windows, they stopped a car with them (front windows), the copper measured them with the toy they used on baz, a 'tintman', clever bit of kit instantly gives a % readout. cant remember what it was exactly for this car but it was around 20%. the copper issued the pg9 and the owner just ripped the film off instantly, which didnt say much for the company that put it on. the coppers comment about the tinted windows was the same as yours; visibility is seriously reduced at night.

Title: Re: No Charges
Post by pat on Oct 30th, 2007, 11:47pm
I can see the coppers' point about tinted windows. If they pull somebody, they can't see if there is a gun pointing at them. Here in Nottingham there may well be, especially if it is a BMW.

Title: Re: No Charges
Post by jonnycab on Oct 31st, 2007, 2:02am
Pat....have a read of old post that might grab your interest  ;);action=display;num=1166157512;start=0

It's a bit long, but along the same lines  ;)

Title: Re: No Charges
Post by pat on Oct 31st, 2007, 10:29am
Cheers mate, that was interesting. I rest my case.

Title: Re: No Charges
Post by TRACEYS_LIMO on Oct 31st, 2007, 6:23pm
double the price of drink and cut the easy access would help its becoming as cheap as water  and really easy to get >:(

Title: Re: No Charges
Post by pat on Nov 1st, 2007, 8:22pm
Don't say that, the steward of my drinking hole might be watching!
I take your point but that makes  all those of us who enjoy a pint suffer for the antics of the nutters.
Having said that, I don't know what other answer there is but they've tried it with fags and it hasn't stopped all the smokers smoking.
Would beer be any different?

Title: Re: No Charges
Post by taliban aka Cheekyboy2 on Nov 1st, 2007, 10:17pm
alcohol and cigarettes are totally different issues.
unfortunately its the immature culture we have in this country with alcohol thats the problem, and we've had it for generations; as little kids we hear about 'the hard stuff', a 'mans drink', 'beer', etc etc so kids will always want to experiment and become part of the 'in the know' club. then when teenagers start to drink they're not men unless they drink pints, they're labelled p**fs if they dont want a drink or drink half pints. the pint measure or most peoples attitude in this country to it is another insight to the social problem; would it really matter if we took european values on the size of the glass? i.e. small and large beer glass. if you look at the european attitude on drinking its so vastly different from ours, so much more laid back, they dont have the 'got to drink 15 pints on a friday nite' attitude......

Title: Re: No Charges
Post by jonnycab on Nov 2nd, 2007, 1:19am
Taliban....I reckon you've got a point there  ;)

The attitude toward alcohol in this country is almost draconian....under 18 is a no-no, over 18..drink as much as what you want  ???

The French, for instance, have a far more broad minded attitude when it comes to alcohol. Even though they have laws on the legal limit to drink, it is in there culture for the whole family to have a glass of wine at mealtimes, including the youngsters.

Being bought up this way is an education in life, as it teaches you that alcohol is recreational.

In this country it's only usually the adults that drink at the it's no wonder so many youngsters see alcohol as some kind of magical elixir that makes adults happy.

Unfortunately, it's not one glass of wine with their dinner that they want, they want to get pi**ed on lager/cider, which unfortunately.....on a teenager.....seems to have the total opposite effect of having a social drink & turns them into brain damaged halfwits, who want to fight the first person they see  ???

You'd think, that with all the techno games & gizmos that teenagers have nowadays, then they'd be too busy playing their play-stations to worry about getting pi**ed & beating someone up....but not so  ::) is getting worse  ???

Do teenagers, who sit in front of game consoles all day playing violent games, become detatched from reality ? much so, that they think it is perfectly okay to go out with their mates (gang), have a few cans of Stella & stamp on someones head & not realise that there will be serious consequences for their actions that they may regret in later life ?.... ???

Or will they always be like it....& just continue to add to the already growing anti-social, brain-damaged part of society that thinks there is nothing wrong with burgling houses, stealing cars & mugging old people etc  >:(

Rant over.... ;D

Title: Re: No Charges
Post by peteHull on Nov 2nd, 2007, 7:27am

on 11/02/07 at 01:19:24, jonnycab wrote:
Taliban....I reckon you've got a point there  ;)

they want to get pi**ed on lager/cider, which unfortunately.....on a teenager.....seems to have the total opposite effect of having a social drink & turns them into brain damaged halfwits, who want to fight the first person they see  ???

You'd think, that with all the techno games & gizmos that teenagers have nowadays, then they'd be too busy playing their play-stations to worry about getting pi**ed & beating someone up....but not so  ::) is getting worse  ???

I.M.O This is a major part of the problem....

Do teenagers, who sit in front of game consoles all day playing violent games, become detatched from reality ? much so, that they think it is perfectly okay to go out with their mates (gang), have a few cans of Stella & stamp on someones head & not realise that there will be serious consequences for their actions that they may regret in later life ?.... ???

And every generation get worse because the things that are classed as bad now become not so bad to the next generation and so on....

Or will they always be like it....& just continue to add to the already growing anti-social, brain-damaged part of society that thinks there is nothing wrong with burgling houses, stealing cars & mugging old people etc  >:(

Rant over.... ;D

Sadly, I think you have it in one JC....


Title: Re: No Charges
Post by taliban aka Cheekyboy2 on Nov 2nd, 2007, 5:15pm
theres some very interesting points in this debate, and does each generation get worse? probably yes, but is it as bad as we think? probably not; dont forget as 'we' get older our opinions etc can change, i.e. what did we do at weekends when we were 19/20?
we were having this very debate in the work canteen the other month, the whole debate (in which we basically all agreed about these young hoodlums) was brought to an abrupt halt by a single vicious disconcerting knife twisting comment that made us all scuttle off pretending it wasnt aimed at 'me',
the comment;

'we sound like our parents!'

Title: Re: No Charges
Post by TRACEYS_LIMO on Nov 2nd, 2007, 6:01pm
when i said earlier about doubling the prices i did not mean at pubs but at supermarkets who dump it at really low prices £16 for two twenty packs of premium lager which is 40p per bottle which is cheaper than drinking coke, i am sure that JC will confirm that a lot of people he takes out are half cut .so it saves them money before they even get to were there going   :(

Title: Re: No Charges
Post by jonnycab on Nov 4th, 2007, 1:37am
Yep, most people are half cut before they go out, purely because pub/club prices are so expensive...

....In Brentwood, there is a place called the 'Sugar Hut' which is open late & it is £4.00 for a half pint bottle of lager (don't sell pints in glasses)  :o......& get this, it's the most popular place in Brentwood  ???

They roll out of this place at 2am after spending almost a weeks wages, get in my taxi, & then have a go at me because they think I'm ripping them off  ???.....I tell them it's a standard meter charge set by the council, but do you think they listen ?   ::)

Sometimes I'm convinced that some punters think I do this for a hobby, or just for the petrol money  ::)

Title: Re: No Charges
Post by jonnycab on Nov 4th, 2007, 1:19am
Taliban wrote....'we sound like our parents!'

Not sure about that one  :-/, because our parents grew up in a different age than we did & have different values.

Every generation becomes more broad-minded than the last. Society becomes more desensitized towards violence, pornography & horror because it is thrust more to the fore & becomes a part of modern day life & thinking  :)

Personally, I think the human race, in evolutionary terms, may have reached it's peak...& the animal instinct in our primeval brains may be becoming more prominent  ???...

....there seems to be alot of cavemen out there  ;).....

Title: Re: No Charges
Post by peteHull on Nov 4th, 2007, 8:55am

on 11/02/07 at 17:15:40, taliban aka Cheekyboy2 wrote:
as 'we' get older our opinions etc can change, i.e. what did we do at weekends when we were 19/20?

I can remember when I was 20 (just :D) in those days such things as murder were very rarely reported in the local papers, usually it was more the nationals and it would be somewhere very distant to Hull ie London etc (I know, the speed that news travels is more up to date now with better reporting ets) the point I am trying to make is that these crimes which would have been classed as Major crimes are now an everyday occurance wherever you live, they give no second thought to pulling a gun and shooting someone.  I also remember people being more carefull about what they said to others ie swearing in public.  Nowadays you go to someones house and swearing is the norm, I even hear it comming through the walls of my house from both sides, shouting and screaming at each other blaa blaa blaa. It really is sickening to see what is happening within families....

I'm off for a rest ::)

Title: Re: No Charges
Post by pat on Nov 6th, 2007, 7:05pm
You see it on telly- particularly reality things with members of the public. They f and blind as a matter of course with the bleeper working overtime. Morons.

Title: Re: No Charges
Post by wayne on Nov 6th, 2007, 8:18pm
Alas, the damage was done 20 odd yrs ago when they took away powers of discipline from the teachers and police.   Figures of authority could no longer command respect. Even doing away with sports days took away the incentive to strive for better/higher goals!
That generation have now bred... and are not equipped to teach moral standards and self respect.

And here we are in 2007,, with no sign of a cure.

I suggest a cull...

Title: Re: No Charges
Post by pat on Nov 11th, 2007, 7:21pm
Absolutely Wayne. Count me in! ;D

Title: Re: No Charges
Post by Tons_of_fun on Nov 11th, 2007, 7:50pm
I,ve been reading these threads for a while now,& i must say EVERYONE has made valid points.But we can dismay all we want,the sad fact of the matter is theres little we can do about it.I moved to chelmsley wood 3 years ago (out of necesity not choice),knowing the area had a "reputation" ,but is was all we could afford.Let me say NOTHING could prepare me for what i,ve experianced since i,ve been here.Teenage mums with broods of foul mouthed kids,Idiots bound on vandalising everything they can reach (including my scorp),burgalry (3 times),litter everywhere,dog mess covering the pavement & drunkards on every street corner... No exaggeration.Who do i blame for this ? There parents.If better examples were set at home & drink made un available for persistant offenders,half of these problems would go away almost instantly.To give an example,my neighbours are both in there late 50,s.They have 2 sons in there 30,s living with them.They all drink constantly,none of them work,& as a result they are a constant pain what with drunken rantings,fights & music until the small hours.Now im sure if the parents were decent people & had actually worked  for a living,and lived as a descent family ,the sons wouldn,t have grown up to be such morons,but i suppose if that is all you have to aspire to what chance did they stand ? ? ?.Anyway thats just my opinion. PHEWWW Rant over :) P.S... If you do decide to start a cull.May i suggest you start on my neighbours.Im quite happy to provide half time refreshments  ;D ;D

Title: Re: No Charges
Post by LiverpaulH on Nov 13th, 2007, 10:32am
I sympathise with your predicament Craig, and I agree that discipline starts at home and its a lack of discipline that causes so many of the problems nowadays.

Wayne you are right, it will only get worse as teachers have no control and ways of punishment any more and can't command respect. We're becoming more and more of a wishy washy liberal society more concerned about the human rights of the criminals than the victims. Anyone who says criminals should be punished get shouted down by the unwashed brigade who say punishment is wrong? Proper punishment is a deterrent, yet the do gooders say we can't punish if wrong is done. We can't deport foreign criminals who don't care about our laws as it'd infringe their rights. If a burglar gets attacked by the householder the householder gets punished. In my opinion the burglar lost all rights when he broke in and decided to steal from the owner. Society has gone mad, law and order doesn't exist. It really narks me off. Give police more powers, get rid of all the form filling so they can patrol the streets. Get rid of the do gooders and the namby pamby liberals and instill good manners and respect back into society and bring back corporal punishment, then we might start turning society around.

I have a 4 month old girl and worry about her future with the way society is going. And no its not the fault of cheap alcohol, although that doesn't help, we need to stop pandering to those who continually break the law, and start over again.


Title: Re: No Charges
Post by Tons_of_fun on Nov 13th, 2007, 5:35pm
I do believe a cull was mentioned earlier.Where do i sign  ???

Title: Re: No Charges
Post by TRACEYS_LIMO on Nov 17th, 2007, 9:20pm
why dont we just say it bring back the cane you always stopped before things got out of hand, i cannot remember anyone swearing at teachers,
oh and by the way three yes three cases of carlsberg for £20 at sainsburys (56)cans that pocket money for a group of kids these days :( what will it be like in twenty years time  :o

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