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(Message started by: ro284 on Mar 4th, 2012, 1:10pm)

Title: Faceless-book weapon!
Post by ro284 on Mar 4th, 2012, 1:10pm
Have had a bit of a problem, which may be a family member!! I was told to get on to faceless book to share photos of my grand kids, so got it all set up, all was quiet for about six weeks, just popped on now and then, as you do, suddenly, there was a message suggesting id been sleeping around, and another mocking my dissabled friend who has no legs, devasted at the loss of her mum, in and out of hospital,and very ill! (i hope to god the lady didnt see it!  to ensure  that it did not get linked to me, i closed my account immediately, Although this was several weeks ago, the repercussions are continuing, caused by i think a spitfull psyco female dog, and it has made me ill! i cant stop thinking about it, Does anyone know about these things? can i sign on again and get back my page to where these sick people left messages? report to faceless book.
Or inform the police!
Any advice gratefully recieved guys, Ro

Title: Re: Faceless-book weapon!
Post by Mike H on Mar 4th, 2012, 2:45pm
Have you tried the help page(s)? I found this:

facebook Help Centre - Report Abuse Or Policy Violations (

I've had a couple of e-mails like that via my iPhone, as it uses my yahoo account, and weren't even addressed to me but for some reason I'm given a copy.

Title: Re: Faceless-book weapon!
Post by Kenboy on Mar 4th, 2012, 2:59pm
Sorry to hear of your plight. The answer, simply do not entertain these social network sites, this type of thing happens time and time again by some extremely unpleasant mindless animals, there are many reports that these nasty remarks  have led people to suicidal tendencies, and unfortunately some have even gone all the way, although the concept of social network sites was in principle a good one alas the world is full of cowards who take great enjoyment in messing with peoples heads when they have this unpleasent tool to work with      I would not touch any of these sites with a barge pole. (Absolute Potential Poison).

Cheers Kenboy

Title: Re: Faceless-book weapon!
Post by Mike H on Mar 4th, 2012, 3:10pm
These people are called 'trolls', been around since the beginning of the Internet, hitherto confined to usenet groups and forums, now have social networking sites to play with as well.  ::)

Title: Re: Faceless-book weapon!
Post by ro284 on Mar 4th, 2012, 4:51pm
Thanks for replies guys. i wasn't interested initially,but was told it would be a good way to see pics of grand kids, But have always thought thier mother a bit odd to say the least! in spite of giving an incredible amout of help and cash, All forgotten of course, thanks for link Mike H. will see if i can get some help there. i dont go on there since the crap started, but i feel i have to try and do something to help my dissabled friend,
Thanks Ro

Title: Re: Faceless-book weapon!
Post by PJDavis on Mar 4th, 2012, 6:44pm
Very sorry to hear this.   I'm along the same lines as Kenboy, I don't go near any of these sites although I do sometimes think that perhaps I'm falling away on PC technology.   As most might know I'm a college lecturer, and this kind of thing is rife in the college.   kids of 16 and upwards delight in bullying, slagging, and generally being really nasty to anyone they think doesn't quite fit.   We have incidents every week one way or another, and as a College we are considering a block and ban on 'Facebook'.   One of my wifes best-friends has a young girl of 15 who for a while was coming home in tears every night from school because of what was being said about her on these sites, got to the stage where the parents had to get the cops involved, it was affecting the girl that much.   I wonder if the best thing is just to ignore it all, very difficult I know, but these people thrive on confrontation.   Just be aware that this problem is very common, and for the most part the right-thinking person is on your side.
hth Peter.

Title: Re: Faceless-book weapon!
Post by Mike H on Mar 4th, 2012, 6:57pm
Yes in 'our day' you got home from school to some sort of sanctuary, not any more!  ::)

Anyway picking on the disabled person is definitely 'not PC', must be some leverage there?

Title: Re: Faceless-book weapon!
Post by ro284 on Mar 5th, 2012, 3:13pm
Thanks again guys, thanks for the link Mike H. the trouble is i cannot seem to write to a human! i have to sign on to facebook to complain about someone i don't know and risk getting attacked again, i know there are ways of complaining on facebook, but it's not enough, there are links all over the place, but nothing there that will prevent me from being divorced if things get any worse, bearing in mind it's made me ill for a year already,
how to find a human is the next project!

Title: Re: Faceless-book weapon!
Post by gozz on Mar 5th, 2012, 8:22pm
You need to develop a Rhino skin Bob,it may be very hard, but you must ignore the pathetic small minded cowardly sensation seekers who get off on trying to upset  normal people which just happens to be most of us,by putting up a load of printed drivel,and hiding behind their anonymity.Believe me,if they appeared in person they are well aware that a large knuckle sandwich would be de rigueur and more than justified.Remember Bob,non of them are worth a tu'ppeny toss,if you are worried by their ilk just remove yourself from their silly little stamping grounds and let them infect someone else,because infect is what they do,they are a disgraceful bloody disease  8)

Title: Re: Faceless-book weapon!
Post by Pianoman on Mar 5th, 2012, 11:06pm
Hi Ro
Its probably no use to you now as your deleted your account, but to the far right of any message or picture you can see a drop down arrow, here you have the option to report the message. You also get the option of unsubscribing from that person or any future comment.

You can also go to privacy settings and choose a custom setting, here you can choose who can see you on face book, you can block people from finding you or even hide your Facebook existence from someone. You are best setting it so only your close friends or family can see you or post on your page.

Title: Re: Faceless-book weapon!
Post by ro284 on Mar 6th, 2012, 11:11am
Thanks again guys, spot on there GOZZ, I am getting there in fact, apart from this facebook  psyco possibly being related! (one i gave an all legal scorp to! and several £100 pounds to help!) soon forgotten, and  taken for granted. the upsetting thing is i had sold a car because i needed the money!
i don't want to bore you guys but something else that knocked me for six, was a customer, i did a lot of work for this lady, she invited me to her flat to advise on more work, she seemed more friendly this time, when i went to leave, just by the door,she got a bit closer, as i opened the door she lunged at me, i am sure her feet left the ground! while i managed to avoid the oncoming snog, she sort of slammed against me, then sliding off  knocking the door shut again, Well ive got nothing against a snog, i was just not prepared!
She took this as a rejection! then from me being mr nice guy who could do everything i seemed to become the enemy! she bounced my cheque, then sent nasty letters trying to quote elec regs wrongly to justify, must admit that upset me, (out of all proportion!) and not the money) So silly really, it's just one thing after another! i guess it's my state of mind just now! However i have learned, that it can be more costly to refuse a female than to accept! (her husband didn't like me either!)
i would add that i could write a book, about the adventures of a washing machine man!

Thanks also Pianoman. i have read about these drop down lists, in fact the most beneficial to me, is one where you can download all the information and your history from facebook right back from when you started, messages, friends, pics. etc. which i have actually done, to try and find the culprick, sadly doing this caused a computer problem, so although i possibly have my answer i can't see it as yet. All this nasty business has caused health problems, and i am receiving treatment.
Ps. i am owed thousands by banks, (missold PPI!) i also have another granddaughter on the way, so i am looking at things more positively today, Thanks, all the best Bob

Title: Re: Faceless-book weapon!
Post by Mike H on Mar 6th, 2012, 12:41pm

on 03/05/12 at 15:13:46, ro284 wrote:
bearing in mind it's made me ill for a year already,

This has been going on for a year??! ...!

Title: Re: Faceless-book weapon!
Post by Mike H on Mar 6th, 2012, 12:46pm
PS: what Pianoman said re blocking & settings

Title: Re: Faceless-book weapon!
Post by ro284 on Mar 6th, 2012, 1:18pm
Yes Mike, in fact a bit more than that, it's really done my head in, so frustrating and such a waste of time, that i have been unable to snapout of! but my minor problems are nothing compared to a bereaved mother who lost her daughter (to an illness i believe) Facebook will not allow the mother to view her late daughters messages. facebook say that by logging on to her late daughters account she has invaded her daughters privacy! they have stopped access! very sad, my problems are nothing.
Regards Bob

Title: Re: Faceless-book weapon!
Post by gozz on Mar 6th, 2012, 9:16pm
Just as an aside,my partner has recently received some snide and hurtful nonsense via  Facebook,last night she closed her account,that's the end of their pleasure  8)

Title: Re: Faceless-book weapon!
Post by ro284 on Mar 15th, 2012, 6:53pm
Thanks aghain GOZZ, it seems to be getting worse! i would add i don't go on faceless book, i am not interested, i am pretty sure it is the pcyco daughter in law.who caused problems on faceless book for me, because of her behavior,I said to my other son that i may review my Will, to include previous children i had because i was not able to see them, (all grown up now)since then she has stopped me seeing the latest two! they seem to have become a 'pay per view item' however because i have previouisly given them a car to use, and gave them 700 quid cash. does this put me in credit? i think the kids will miss thier grandad! it's almost like she wants me to guarantee money from my will if i want to see the grandkids!
Regards Ro

Title: Re: Faceless-book weapon!
Post by gozz on Mar 15th, 2012, 10:48pm
You must be a wicked old sod Bob  ;D I think every grandad has a right to see his grandkids,though I'm always pleased when mine clear off home  ::) If all your materialistic daughter in law thinks about is easy ways to get cash,then she is of the ever increasing modern ilk who,no matter how hard  you try to explain that money is not health and happiness,it all falls on deaf ears.Tell her she has no right to bum your money until you croak,and then if she's lucky you might leave her husband a little,and if she keeps being bloody antisocial,you might not  8).
                                     All the best

Title: Re: Faceless-book weapon!
Post by ro284 on Mar 16th, 2012, 9:54am
Thanks for reply GOZZ,  i am! lol,  i should make lighter of it. but it is affecting my health, i should really be concentrating on claiming back mis-sold PPI from thieving banks. but cant concentrate on that. there are some disturbing aspects to this, when i helped the family move to their new address, the little girl just 3 began talking to me saying what her mother wants to say, and in a very strange bitter voice, she didn’t understand what she was trying to say! but that was learned behaviour! if that happens again i will follow it up via authorities, the mother will not only try and use facelessbook as a weapon but her own daughter as well.  thanks again. Bob

Title: Re: Faceless-book weapon!
Post by amigafan2003 on Mar 16th, 2012, 8:01pm
For those that don't know, you can delete any comment someone posts on your wall.  Just hover to the right of the name of the person who has posted the comment and a little X will show - click it and the comment is deleted.

Title: Re: Faceless-book weapon!
Post by ro284 on Mar 17th, 2012, 9:24am
Hi amigafan, thanks for that, i dont know how to use the site to be honest, after the damage done by facebook to me and my family, i do know you can block things etc. and hide the fact i am signed on, but the bottom line is there is no way of finding out who posted a banner, if that’s what it was, without appearing to be signed on! there is no human help to complain to! All i want to know now, is who put this on my facebook page! this is very important to me, could you tell me if you know, is there a way of me signing on in the middle of the night and if possible scrolling back 12 months to find out? (iv’e only been on twice since for very short time!) if so how? any help appreciated, or is it possible for anyone to find out for me? using my password, for a fee of course, this is done so much damage to my family, i would pay for help! i would trust any scorpio owner as they all have excellent taste, and are all decent honourable people! Regards Bob

Title: Re: Faceless-book weapon!
Post by ro284 on Mar 19th, 2012, 9:53am
I guess i am going to have to live with this, and accept i can do nothing, i have been having counselling for 3 months, and i am getting worse! it seems that some faceless not a very nice person can slag anyone off, to cause damage!  This has caused damage to my marriage, by creating doubt where there was none! yet i have no comeback at all! there is already physical damage being done, if i do the slightest thing wrong, i get a slap from me! i know this is a car forum, but to be honest i cant talk to anyone else about it, because i no longer trust anyone, Anyway thanks for looking guys, time to get back to scorps, regards Bob

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