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(Message started by: ro284 on Apr 6th, 2012, 10:18pm)

Title: Computor help
Post by ro284 on Apr 6th, 2012, 10:18pm
Any of you guys delve into pc.s? i have downloaded a usefull program called System mechanic, but the Spyware part of this program will not operate because i had a Lavasoft anti virus in 94, that i have spent weeks trying to find on my PC! i eventually found it in a folder Called Unwise.exe, But it is in Windows folders where it says do not delete anything from this follder or i may have problems!Any advice please? Cheers Bob

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by Simmo on Apr 7th, 2012, 7:47am
Wait for 'The wise one' AKA Snoopy to appear  ;D

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by Snoopy on Apr 7th, 2012, 8:07am
Hi Bob.  First tell me what system you have and you can get that from right clicking my computer.  What problems are you having with your PC? Why would you want to put a program on your computer that has SPYWARE in it......
Have you looked in add remove programs and tied form there, if NOT,  Go to the "system mechanic folder" and see if there is a program named " uninstall" exe if so run that.
Other that that you need to get a purpose designed program such as this THIS ONE (FREE) (;productListing;pop) and follow the instructions very carefully .

If all else fails ask for remote support from me and I will try to help, we will have to set up a specific time and date for that to happen.

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by ro284 on Apr 7th, 2012, 12:04pm
Thanks for reply SNOOPY, What i should have said is that all programs work on the System Mechanic pro program except the spyware removal program. this cannot run, apparently because i downloaded a Lavasoft antivirus program, in 94. ideally i would like the PC to run everything on System mechanic, as it is, i have now downloaded Spybot as well, anyway i did look at the program you recomend, which i have to register to use, but i am beginning to wonder how many programs i need to get my PC right! the machine is much faster now than it has ever been, however back to removing Lavasoft, if i can do that, i can just use the one program for all security and smooth running. i have read others had problems removing Lavasoft, it is not in add/remove, the suggestion is from lavasoft to find file Unwise.exe, which i have, but it is not where i expected it to be, and in a place i never look, if i could delete from there that would be good, if i can find it again!but worry i may cause more problems!
if i right click my computer i just get my folders and drives, but i know it is Windows XP Internet explorer 8, Afraid my brain is frazzled as for 9 months i have been trying to claim PPI back from 10 banks!and had mental health problems as a result, now if i click on a news video, just once! it repeats with up to around 30 all running at the same time! idealy i would like to start again with a new clean PC,  Sorry to be a pain, Bob  

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by Jeff on Apr 7th, 2012, 1:56pm
Get yourself a Mac.

End of.

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by Snoopy on Apr 7th, 2012, 6:08pm
OK try to folllow these instructions

1. Click "uninstall Ad-Aware" in the lavasoft folder of your start menu

2. If it does not work, open your control panel, click add/remove programs and locate Ad-Aware SE

3. If it still does not work, locate and run (double-click) the file "unwise.exe" (the .exe might not be shown). It should be found in C:\program files\lavasoft\Ad-Aware SE [Personal/Plus/Professional]\

If that does not work, or if you get a message saying something like "Can't find Install.log," perform a manual uninstall, which is not a very difficult procedure. Do the following:

1. Click on "my computer" and navigate to your Lavasoft Ad-Aware folder (C:\program files\lavasoft\ad-aware \

2. Run the file unregaaw.exe

3. Delete the entire ad-aware folder

4. Delete your Lavasoft Ad-Aware link in your start menu (if present)

5. Delete the Ad-Aware icon(s) from your desktop(if present)

6. Navigate to C:\Documents and Settings\[User Name]\Application Data\Lavasoft and delete the entire Lavasoft folder.

7. Empty your trash bin

8. Reboot.

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by Jeff on Apr 8th, 2012, 9:50am
9. Chuck PC in bin

10. Buy a mac

11. Forget all your worries

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by ro284 on Apr 8th, 2012, 10:23am
Thanks SNOOPY, I did all you suggested, the only way i found unwise.exe was by mistake! and i can't find it for the moment, however while looking through regedit i am alarmed at the number of files- re-porn sites and gambling sites, etc, i got the pc of a mate some years ago and have never looked there before, so i started deleting them manually, and spent ages allready, but there is a huge list! is there a tool that will remove all this crap for me? Cheers Bob

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by Tompion on Apr 8th, 2012, 10:54am
You should be very careful editing the registry.

It doesn’t necessarily mean they are sites visited by your mate. They could have been put there by a rogue program but they may be there for a good reason. Depending on where they are in the registry the list of porn sites may have been put there by something like spybot or spyware blaster as sites to be avoided by your browser.

Ad-Aware may not be the only program to use a file called Unwise.exe, so you need to be sure you’re in the correct folder.

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by Tompion on Apr 8th, 2012, 11:20am
Just Googled for spybot & the registry key I have a load of these entries - spybot HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap

Came up with this:

So it might be you effectively put them there when you installed spybot.

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by Pianoman on Apr 8th, 2012, 11:58am
Hi Bob
Tompion is correct. You need to be careful what you’re doing.
Your computer has a hidden file called the host's file.
You can add websites and ip address to this file and the computer will block them.
For example if you add this website to the hosts file and save it, you will then get and error page cannot be displayed when you try to access it. It’s a great tool if you want to block children or even adults at work from accessing certain site.
Some anti-spyware programs populate this list (Spybot is one). If you check your hosts file after installing spybot you will see a big list of dubious sites. If you are editing this file you could be undoing what spybot has done to protect you.

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by ro284 on Apr 8th, 2012, 9:15pm
Thanks for replies guys, it.s difficult to know what to do for the best! My aim was to get System Mechanic to do all thats needed including spyware antivirus, Today i managed to get rid of the unwise.exe folder. but mechanic says is is still unable to operate antivirus as Lavasoft is still there somewhere! i read a message from Lavasoft that removing unwise would do the trick! so at the moment i have Adware, Spybot. and Malwarebytes. plus still Lavasoft. and another problem is my Windows search, will not operate!it will not search! my aim is to just have mechanic, and get rid of all the rest! including remnants of Norton Ad aware and anything else, getting tricky! thanks for help Bob

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by Tompion on Apr 8th, 2012, 11:32pm
If you didn’t successfully run the uninstaller (unwise.exe) then deleting it probably won’t help.

Sometimes the best way is to reinstall a program then run the uninstaller again.

Did you have Lavasoft antivirus or Lavasoft ad-aware (as there seems to be mention of both)? I assume you are running an antivirus of some sort.

You could try Microsoft’s fixit from here:

With regard Norton, can’t speak for “Norton Ad aware” but it may be worth looking on their website for a relevant uninstaller – I’ve found that to be the best way of getting rid of remnants of their antivirus.

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by Snoopy on Apr 9th, 2012, 8:26am
You have already been advised that editing the registry can and will cause fatal problems unless you really know what you are doing. MOST people don't know even how to get into the registry. You seem to be quite up to speed with computers . Have a look around google for the answer to your question. I gave you a link to a unistaller which does work.

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by ro284 on Apr 9th, 2012, 12:04pm
Yes thankyou SNOOPY, I actually do not know what i am doing! i realise it is foolish to carry on deleting things that may appear to be harmless clutter, i took your advice and downloaded  the excellent program you recomended, i also downloaded the spy hunter which found a lot of bugs! but when i click to get rid of them , of course i have to pay for that, the crazy thing is that i am downloading different antispy ware programs which find fault with the ones i have already downloaded! its not about using ther PC anymore its all about trying to get rid of viruses! of malicious files, i am going round in circles, However it is tempting to buy the spy hunter program as well, get rid of malwarebytes and spybot for a start! Thanks for help Bob

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by Tompion on Apr 9th, 2012, 2:09pm
I’ve used spybot for years, never had any problem with it. You do need to run it to carry out any checks. You need to start it - update it - then immunize (this enables the updates) - then run search & destoy.
Spybot has a thing called teatimer (or something like that) I never enable/instal that part of it as it slows the computer.

I’ve not used spy hunter, but do research it, there are a lot of cleaners out there that charge you for doing nothing out of the ordinary & call things threats or whatever when they really aren’t.

If there’s an option I always do a manual install of programs rather than auto/most common – that way I can avoid having things like Google toolbar installed.

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by Mike H on Apr 9th, 2012, 4:45pm

on 04/09/12 at 12:04:24, ro284 wrote:
Yes thankyou SNOOPY, I actually do not know what i am doing! i realise it is foolish to carry on deleting things that may appear to be harmless clutter, i took your advice and downloaded  the excellent program you recomended, i also downloaded the spy hunter which found a lot of bugs! but when i click to get rid of them , of course i have to pay for that, the crazy thing is that i am downloading different antispy ware programs which find fault with the ones i have already downloaded! its not about using ther PC anymore its all about trying to get rid of viruses! of malicious files, i am going round in circles, However it is tempting to buy the spy hunter program as well, get rid of malwarebytes and spybot for a start! Thanks for help Bob

You've already got malwarebytes, I might tentatively suggest Avast! it's free, and getting better all the time; I was also put onto by a mate 'CCleaner', which is excellent. It's also free. It can uninstall stuff, do a disc clean-up AND clean the registry. Shows you what there is before you get rid of it in a very simple way. Well comparatively speaking, easier than searching for files 'by hand' anyway. ;D

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by Mike H on Apr 9th, 2012, 4:50pm
PS: 'unwise.exe' is an uninstaller, but needs the set-up log file that the original set-up created, to work. Don't seem to see this prog very often these days. Or just seems that way....

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by Snoopy on Apr 9th, 2012, 5:35pm
Be careful using CCcleaner it needs some expertise to use it properly, but as Mike states it does do a very good job.  Suggest you back up your registry before you start deleting entries in there.

I do however suggest you use Malbytesware (
it is an excellent program and does the job very efficiently and is FREE to use unless you want the PRO version

there are plenty of FREE programs that will get rid of Spyware and Malware on your computer.

Microsoft Essentials ( is also quite good but its Microsoft!

A very good free AV program is AVAST and just needs a registration once a year I have it on ALL of my computers

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by munder on Apr 9th, 2012, 8:57pm
You said you've spent weeks on this already, ro284. How's about backing up your data, formatting your system drive/partition and reinstalling? It takes a while, of course, and you do need to remember to save your browser bookmarks, login details for email accounts etc., maybe the emails themselves and any other data which may be on the same drive/partition as Windows. Generally speaking if Windows, hasn't been reinstalled afresh for a year or two, you'll see a marked performance improvement after a new install. Then, after a couple of weeks or so, once all your apps are back and it's all running as you like it, make an image of the system partition.

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by ro284 on Apr 9th, 2012, 9:27pm
Thanks for replies guys, i have wondered about formating re-installing Munder, ive got so much going on just now, with the pc full of info to do with 10 banks to fight for PPI claims etc,so a bit more highly strung than usual just now! i would be so worried that i might lose something, i realize that would be the best thing to do, instead of just poking around at it! but i will do that a  bit down the line, i think thats the answer, but ive not done it before, Thanks Bob

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by munder on Apr 10th, 2012, 1:57am
You're probably quite right, Bob, as you do need to take your time over ensuring you've backed up all the relevant data.

If and when you do get around to reinstalling, it's a good idea to divide your hard drive into two partitions, install the system to one partition and keep the other for your data. That way you'll have very little to back up, should you need to reinstall at some later point.

Also perhaps not a bad idea to get another drive (maybe an external one) and set up scheduled backups to that drive. In the meantime, good luck.

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by ro284 on Apr 10th, 2012, 12:18pm
Thanks again Munder I'm thinking how nice it would be to have a fresh install! i have got a new spare hard drive but i could not get that to work as yet, it's all to do in the future, and good ideas there thanks, if i can get the new drive to operate i would feel happier! Thanks Snoopy just before i got your last reply i had taken off malewarebytes! but will put it on again, as for Microsoft Essentials , i have tried to put that on but the download page is somehow too big! so i can agree to run the program but cannot get low enough to even see Start or Accept! and i cannot move the page up! so i don't know whats going on there, All a mystery to me! but i have to get the PC to a state i can use it securely, to attack the banks for stealing my money! they owe me thousands!enough for a new PC! Thanks guys Bob

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by munder on Apr 11th, 2012, 6:21pm
Hello again, Bob.
It sounds like your PC's very wobbly. I can't advise as to what might be wrong with it, but I think from what you've said that you won't know how to get the data off the drive if Windows goes south. As you have essential data on it, I think you'd be well advised to copy all of those data to an external drive. You said you can't get your spare hard drive to work, but you probably could burn your data to CD or DVD, or copy them to floppies or a USB stick? That really does sound like an urgent priority.
Good luck,

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by munder on Apr 11th, 2012, 6:31pm
Me again. A couple of thoughts (to try once you've got your data safely backed up):
1. Have you tried rolling back your PC to a date before all the problems started? If it has some nasty infection, that probably won't help, but it's worth a shot:
2. If that fails, then it might be that whatever you're attempting to use to kill the nasties will work better in Safe Mode:

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by ro284 on Apr 12th, 2012, 10:11pm
Hello Munder, thanks for that, i have had major problems tonight, i had an opportunity to update Internet Explorer 8, so took it, unfortunately System Mechanic went haywire! and i could not leave it running out of control, i contacted iolo, who emailed me with instructions how to take a screenshot! which involves going to accessories and then Paint! i don't have paint! So i shut the system mechanic down and have sent them another email. never rains etc. Bob,  But more importantly i have a beutifull baby grandaughter! :)

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by munder on Apr 13th, 2012, 12:46pm
That's brilliant! (i.e. the last bit). My warmest congratulations. Puts the computer problems into perspective, I guess.
I'm a bit concerned that your computer's having a nervous breakdown (not to mention you), so I really would advise you to get your data on to external media asap.
(Preferably switch the d**ned thing off and spend some time with your granddaugther  ;) )

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by Mike H on Apr 15th, 2012, 3:23pm
I've started taking to using USB sticks for back-ups now. Can now get tens of gigabytes storage on a titchy USB stick for stupidly cheap money. To the computer it just looks like another drive, so is the proverbial portion of liquid yellow to copy stuff across. ;D

Own observation only ~ if it were me getting rid of System Mechanic would be high on my priority list, seems to be causing more problems than it's trying to solve. Sounds a right P. I. T. A...

Then using CCleaner, find and uninstall stuff that the PC doesn't actually need to function. If you don't know what the things are, search Google to see if Windows really needs that, sometimes Microsoft use third party names.


Title: Re: Computor help
Post by ro284 on Apr 16th, 2012, 4:46pm
Thanks Mike. System Mechanic is a problem, it was tottaly out of control! so got in touch with head office in the states and yjey sent instructions for removing the old one and re-install, Well thats not simple! So i am leaning more to a fresh install, i did use micro essentials, that scanned 1.9990,000 files, no problems! but there is so much crap on this thing, ive had the PC since 04, and it was used then! i have to do it sooner or later, i do have a 320 gig back up drive, and i can just send documents,rather than copy and paste!and pics etc to that, and have tried a few files,   So i am thinking i am going to do that, so i guess i copy everything/ files etc. on my desktop to the Back up drive, anything i need to look out for? i need to do some reading for sure, Any further hints or tips guys, very gratefull Bob

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by Tompion on Apr 16th, 2012, 6:41pm
I would ghost the drive or set up the installation on the new drive & leave the files on the old drive. However there can be problems with the second if you’re not sure what you’re doing.

You could try the file & settings transfer wizard assuming it’s on your XP installation – it should enable you to transfer emails etc to your new drive & transfer them back to the new installation.
Try pasting:


Into the run box

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by ro284 on Apr 16th, 2012, 7:43pm
Thanks Tompion, that look interesting, could be the tool to use!  I am going to make a few, a lot of notes, to help me get organised before i do anything, as i ve not done this before, i notice i can move Microsoft word as a complete file, and open all my documents in the back up drive, so that is encouraging,

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by Tompion on Apr 16th, 2012, 10:38pm
You will need to reinstall Word and most other programs you have unless they’re part of the system installation disk/partition.
Most programs need to have entries put into the registry as part of the setup & you will probably need the serial number/s, just copying the Word folder to a new Windows installation won’t work.
Depending on your computer you may have a hidden partition on the drive with all the setup files on it for a clean installation however you may need to install Word from a disk. No hard & fast rules, just depends how your computer was originally supplied.

The reason I suggested installing Windows on your other disk was that you would still have the original setup to fall back on - however if the reinstall is from a hidden partition you may not be able to use a different drive, but like I said no hard & fast rules.

Did you try “rolling back your PC to a date before all the problems started” (System Restore) as suggested by Munder?

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by ro284 on Apr 17th, 2012, 8:51am
Thanks again Tompion, When Munder kindlysuggested rolling back, at that time i was waiting for System Mechanic to email me about my faulty Mechanic, so did not want to roll back at that time and risk making things more complicated, Plus i don't know what i am doing!but SM suggested i unnistall, and re install the program, which involves Safe mode, Which Munder also suggested. but i am really set on a fresh install now. sort it out once and for all, i would not go with System Mechanic again, but i already paid for it! I also now use essentials, which makes me feel more secure, Word is the most important thing for me, i have so many letters templates etc which would cause major problems if i lost anything,  not sure i have the confidence to do this, and will consider a proffesional to pay,
Thanks for all the advice, Bob

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by Mike H on Apr 21st, 2012, 10:30pm

on 04/16/12 at 22:38:05, Tompion wrote:
Most programs need to have entries put into the registry as part of the setup & you will probably need the serial number/s, just copying the Word folder to a new Windows installation won’t work.

That is true, need the install disks or whatever instead really.

That, I would have thought, was the easy bit, it's the data files you want to preserve.

Dare I mention CCleaner again, I'd be itching to know what all the 'clag' was on it by now ;D

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by Mike H on Apr 21st, 2012, 10:39pm

on 04/17/12 at 08:51:36, ro284 wrote:
Word is the most important thing for me, i have so many letters templates etc which would cause major problems if i lost anything,

Easy I would have thought, use Windows explorer to find the root folder where they're all stored in, I'm resuming it's in one basic location ~ though might in 'Documents', which is under 'Users' off C:\ ~ wherever it is, copy that folder to the second drive, the whole lot contained in that folder is copied.  :)

Might help as well if you had view all file types on, that's in Windows explorer 'Tools', 'Folder Options', 'View' tab. I'm using Vista but I don't think it's that much different.

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by ro284 on May 29th, 2012, 11:27am
Thanks Mike, All a mystery to me! i have decided to go for a fresh install soon ,but am not competant at the moment so will get this done by a profesional! The machine is in a dreadfull state now, i Have System mechanic, Windows defender, anyway when i get reinstalled i have just noticed Windows Explorer 9! And wonder if that would be the way to go, while i am at it, may i ask you guys if you have experience of it? or would consider this, or stay with 7? or as i have 8!
Thanks Bob

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by Mike H on May 29th, 2012, 12:44pm
Basic Windows works OK provided it's not messed about with too much.

By now I would have:

1. get a USB stick, find all me document type files, and copy the folders they're in to the USB to preserve the directory tree structures. (I also use file zipping [WinZip] to make the copies as small as possible so less chance of running out of back-up space.)

2. disable stuff that is giving Windows a headache (i.e., System Mechanic ;D )

3. put on CCleaner and look at the installed programs list. Look up each one in Google to find out what it is and if you really need it or not.

4. if don't need, bin it. (Uninstall).

5. do the usual CCleaner files clean-up and registry clean-ups. These are really quick and simple and don't need "technical knowledge".

6. find (CCleaner again) any start-up programs, disable those you don't really need. Think you can do the same for scheduled tasks (programs run by calendar date / time).

Hopefully this will try to get it back to a state where Windows is working properly again.

With Windows it's always a good idea to examine everything before it's installed, and have the option enabled to be notified about updates, not have them automatically install. So you can check them out first.


Title: Re: Computor help
Post by ro284 on Jun 6th, 2012, 2:07pm
Thankyou for your help Mike, In spite of my brain shrinking, i have discovered a main problem! this was aol 9.1 running twice in task manager, overloading processes! i have now got another PC, a smaller memory, and downloaded a new version of aol, i have managed to copy photo files, and aol to the new PC. i have only put microsoft security essentials on the new pc, i did this using my freeagent drive, however i am lost with transferring microsoft word, and locating it.s file.
The old pc is very noisy, this seems to be coming from the PSU cooling fan, so will try and get a new fan, the old pc has huge memory chips, which will be usefull when i get reinstalled, a step by step would be very helpfull, for copying microsoft word, if poss, Thanks again Bob

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by adam on Jun 6th, 2012, 3:29pm
Bob, if I have read this right. You want to transfer Microsoft Word from one machine to another ? MS Word is part of MS Office suite. You should have an installation CD for this with a product code/licence. If not a freeware alternative is Open Office. Just google OpenOffice and install the free .exe

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by ro284 on Jun 6th, 2012, 3:44pm
Great thanks Adam, i am sure i already have the office cd, and know what to do now,  ;)

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by ro284 on Jun 8th, 2012, 3:49pm
Hi again Adam, i couldnt find the cd i thought i had, i have got office 2000 with the code, might that do the trick do you think, with regard to Open office, i am surprised they appear to be free, there is usually a catch! have you downloaded and used one! it would be nice to have latest edition,
Thanks Bob

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by lesterlad aka Rodders on Jun 8th, 2012, 4:53pm
Open office is ok, there is no catch, it's from the same family as Mozzila...[Firefox browser and Thunderbird e-mail]

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by adam on Jun 8th, 2012, 6:31pm
Bob, Yes MS OFfice 2000 will be fine. Not too sure about security updates for 2000.

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by ro284 on Jun 11th, 2012, 10:33am
Thanks Adam, Rodders. i really need to update to open office i think. What i am trying to achieve is copy all my word docs to another pc, so that i can do fresh install on the steam powered one. this one! On top of this i am trying to copy cis files, or they may may be called program sheets, they are magic,  CISheet v101.xls, they seem to be live files! for instance used for calculating figures and automatically update figures, as in PPI claims to add interest charges. it works it all out for you, My problem has been that I have been trying to use Word, I have been told to use  Open office, as I cannot print these files from Word or even in excel program. Someone else suggested open office also, as this program will allow me to print these docs when I have adjusted the figures, from using the cis template, if I get these PPI paid I could buy a new PC! My only concern is if I download open, whether it may conflict with micro word and risk losing my letters! will open office work alongside word, or possible have a later word in the program, Any thoughts please? Thanks Ro

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by Mike H on Jun 11th, 2012, 2:02pm
If I were you I'd save everything as raw text, that way you can load it into anything later. Won't matter then what word processor you use. Even Windows notepad.

The rest sounds like spread sheets, which I've so far managed to avoid LOL ;D

Have you got Microsoft Works? Found it only recently, must've come with Windows. I've discovered as well that might load .doc files.

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by ro284 on Jun 14th, 2012, 7:48pm
Thanks Mike, i tried downloading open office but it changes the file name of any file you open!and then i can't get it back again, i have enough trouble with these files as it is, so took open office off again, so i am back to square one with that, in the meantime i have been thinking of the fresh install route which will be the best way to go, and soon! but a silly question what happens to all the windows updates word programs etc,? do i have to re-install the latest versions of them? i imagine it's not possible to save them, or is it? Cheers Bob

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by Mike H on Jun 15th, 2012, 12:17pm
Yes not done it but I expect that if you do a re-install from scratch, then the next thing that happens is that all the updates there have ever been since that original basic version will be downloaded over again. Could take a while!

Have to say have never liked Microsoft Office, as it always looked to me like something you get locked into and can't get out of ;D I can remember having enough aggro of that sort with Microsoft Access databases

Title: Re: Computor help
Post by ro284 on Jun 23rd, 2012, 9:26am
Thanks Mike, things are progressing this end, but the language is disgracefull! i gather that i have a convertor file missing from windows, and will have to re-install that, i have to get the pc reinstalled also as i said, However i am now wondering about the life of a hard drive! the one in use has done about 6 years from new, There was a previous hard drive fault with the original, i thought! but in fact it was a faulty switch, another question is, i still have the original drive which has had far less use, what would you think would happen if i replaced the original drive back in? sorry for all the questions! Thanks Bob

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