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(Message started by: Torbayboy on Jun 26th, 2019, 12:56pm)

Title: fed up
Post by Torbayboy on Jun 26th, 2019, 12:56pm
Yet ANOTHER banger boy on my door last night, sick to death now as you know have lost 2 to them (1 was fine as no one wnted it and is was a bit of a heap) BUT whhen someone knocks your door at 9pm you get a bit p*d off.
general b/s my dad wants 1, I work in a garage etc. Is it just me, am I being victimised because I open my mouth on here and say what others think.
Perhaps we should start a file of banger boys so we know nnot to answer the door or charge them 5K a car
Comment welcome

Title: Re: fed up
Post by FlefasaurusRex on Jun 26th, 2019, 5:31pm
I've seen a lot of them going to the banger boys recently and I honestly can't see the appeal, why scorpios? Whats different about a scorpio over the endless ratty mondeos or mercs which are on ebay for no more than scrap value? There's more being broken than usable examples out there it seems, so nobody is buying the parts and they end up in landfill, or when you DO try to enquire, get no reply or they're clueless as to what you're asking.

You're not alone though as the chap I bought mine off said he'd turned away 6 banger boys before I showed up. The first thing he said was "you're not gonna banger it are you?" and upon realising I was genuinely interested knocked 800 quid off the price.

Seems they're going the way of the mk2 grannys, wasn't so long ago when they were banger favourites before the prices shot up.

~rant over~

Title: Re: fed up
Post by Torbayboy on Jun 26th, 2019, 6:43pm
Hi they really get my goat, seem to have it in for Scorps, and by comparison to the others you mention they are far better cars, the one I let go had had it really and £400 was the limit as all had been stood for 10 years with the local spanner failing to get it running it was a heap (still good spares set theough) but we have 4 on the road so the drive looks like a ford garage and attracts the b boys at times.
Getting really hard to find now as so many gone, made a suggestion we club together to save the marque, but need space and as Glyn said who will fund itand what belongs to who etc  -gets all legal b/s in the end i suppose it's down to guys who have them to try and preserve what you can-glad to see your'e younger than me as with Xander and i think Matt from exeter most of us are over "21" (or is it the hill?)

Speak soon thanks for your thoughts

Title: Re: fed up
Post by QuentinG on Jun 29th, 2019, 6:57pm
Maybe it's just today's Austin Cambridge, something about it that keeps it going unfeasibly after taking a pasting. Or maybe it's that they're cheap and seemingly hard to sell, but there are other cars like that too. Or the Cosworth engine. One thing I do notice on the Facebook page is a number of seemingly good ones coming up and the seller is adamant they are breaking it because they make more money that way. I think values will rise over time which will help. There's a scrapman round the corner and he looks at my car whenever I drive by - maybe he's just admiring it!

Title: Re: fed up
Post by Torbayboy on Jun 29th, 2019, 8:30pm
The prices are starting to rise quite rapidly now and I feel sure we will see a  value within a few years, the banger boys just can't get enough -
Still some 1400 left in total not much as 31000 were on the road once, I shall continue to fight for the marque at all times, maybe one day they will be seen in their true light - Ford's best luxury car!

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