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(Message started by: FlefasaurusRex on Nov 13th, 2019, 9:11pm)

Title: The Tides May be Turning
Post by FlefasaurusRex on Nov 13th, 2019, 9:11pm
So as we all know, Scorpios are very popular with the banger boys, at least for now?

Went to pick some parts off a sorry looking estate this afternoon which was due to be raced. (it'd been on a driveway since 2005 and was far gone, very green and seized wheels) I got chatting to the chap who I know has gone through at least 10 of them and he said they're getting harder to buy for cheap, apparently in the banger circles they go for around £400 just for a rolling shell.

He's moving onto old mercs now, so the tide may be turning on the scorpio's fortunes. I couldn't help but ask why they're so popular with racers to which he responded "because they handle like they're on rails". I guess that's a compliment?

Title: Re: The Tides May be Turning
Post by FlefasaurusRex on Nov 15th, 2019, 10:58am
It was a facelift, but the back seat had already been claimed unfortunately.

Funnily enough he said those exact words about keeping our cars on the road, which as you said is only half true.

Let's just keep our fingers crossed that the scorpio experiences the same as the g-cars did in becoming a classic once the prices went up.

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