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(Message started by: Nunnspoet on Jan 17th, 2020, 8:16am)

Title: "Plug in blocked"
Post by Nunnspoet on Jan 17th, 2020, 8:16am
What on earth does that mean??

That message appeared on the top bar.


Title: Re: "Plug in blocked"
Post by Torbayboy on Jan 17th, 2020, 8:53am
:) ;) :D ;D >:( :( :o 8) ??? ::) :P :-[ :-X :-/ :-* :'(

So like I said they dont all work,  perhaps the plugs in the sink

Fronm a debn dumplin what welse would you expect.

Will Peter pay £1250 for that ghia X in SCOTTISH notes and if so do they have the ugly sturgeon fish on them??  are they legal tender? do we care/  who knows!!


Title: Re: "Plug in blocked"
Post by Nunnspoet on Jan 21st, 2020, 8:15am
Ah man, I give up!  ;D.

Mike   ::)

Title: Re: "Plug in blocked"
Post by Snoopy on Jan 22nd, 2020, 8:02am
Something on your computer. tablet or what ever you use will not allow you to use the emojis on this site.
There is nothing sinister with their use.

;D ;D

Title: Re: "Plug in blocked"
Post by Torbayboy on Jan 24th, 2020, 7:15pm
Mike - sorry I am a child, y'know i am afraid its the ex bristolian in me (horrible place up norf used to be Avon then they found out that was a river, it lives in bristol also!)

To make amends i looked up plug ins for you as I wanted to help

"What does it mean when it says plug in blocked?

Apple Blocks Out-of-Date Flash Player Plug-ins in Safari [Updated] ... Seeing this message means that the version of the Flash Player plug-in on your computer does not include the latest security updates and is blocked. To continue using Adobe Flash Player, you will need to download an update from Adobe.20 Sep 2016"

Hope this helps, but now I am confused, but I still have my Scorpios. though at least 2 must go this year.


Title: Re: "Plug in blocked"
Post by Nunnspoet on Jan 25th, 2020, 12:22pm
Thank you very much Row and everyone that has "put their oar in..

It has given me a really good laugh combined with really excellent adveice

Made my day  :)

p.s. I gave Ruby a wash this morning, in the drizzle, aaanddd! Chamoised the windows and the some of the paintwork,  MAAAADDDDNESSS or WHAT?


So long as my wife does not expect to be washed in the drizzle at 0830hrs.

Ahem  ::) ::) ::)


Title: Re: "Plug in blocked"
Post by Nunnspoet on Jan 25th, 2020, 12:25pm
Ops, I meant Roy not Row, sorry.
Mind you if it really turns on the taps again,(it does that in Wales, sometimes) I could well be rowing down the road.
Happy days

Mike  8)

Title: Re: "Plug in blocked"
Post by Torbayboy on Jan 25th, 2020, 5:09pm
Row!  I,ve been called worse-many times.
As for washing the wife in the drizzle at 8.30am you could start a trend :o

As far as rain goes we get lots here,  being just off the coast we get weather by the chunk generally 2 weeks in rotation, love the summer though the views are lovely, shame I'm sooooo old now :(
 was it Superrtramp done "dreamer" best way to go (rofl) dont work on my tablet, must try a different tablet I s'pose.

Title: Re: "Plug in blocked"
Post by Torbayboy on Mar 21st, 2020, 10:09am
I was bored, - so I read this again. Now I am amused.

Nice to know amongst all the current constrictions of life we can still laugh, take the mickey out of everything and generally run amok.

But we cant go down the pub-so that means less drunken drivers on the road and more room for us to scorpio when we need new zimmers, walking sticks, dentures, hair restorer, viagara  or just cheap petrol. (Sorry Arabs we dont need your stuff anymore-we're all stayin in till the price goes down).

Comments and insults welcome, where there is life there is hope.

I look at it this way no banger racing now, so look out for lots of spares coming our way shame theres so few people to buy them now, as they have been "raced" to death :)

Child! me !!  :) ;) :D ;D >:( of coarse

Title: Re: "Plug in blocked"
Post by Torbayboy on Oct 26th, 2020, 8:33pm
IF you have red this far you must be as bored as that wot I am.

Never mind it's all down hill from here.
Just checkin youre all still with us y'know, greetins from debn
:) ;) :D ;D >:( :( :o 8) ??? :P :-[ :-X :-/ :-*

C I wuz rite, they DONT all werk-jess the furst 14
Hers won I maid earlier <('!')> shur 'nuff stoon barmy

Title: Re: "Plug in blocked"
Post by Snoopy on Oct 27th, 2020, 7:00am
They do ALL work IF you know " How to"

Title: Re: "Plug in blocked"
Post by Torbayboy on Oct 27th, 2020, 5:14pm
Off coarse you could ask Boris! But he dont have a scorpio so...he's uselerss :o :o :o :o

Title: Re: "Plug in blocked"
Post by Tompion on Oct 28th, 2020, 1:02am


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