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General >> Problems >> Verification of mileage
(Message started by: Kenboy on Dec 13th, 2004, 1:12pm)

Title: Verification of mileage
Post by Kenboy on Dec 13th, 2004, 1:12pm
Hi I am currently tracking an ultima  2.9 N reg on Ebay The odometer shows 32000 and the vendor cannot guarantee that this is genuine, my question is Would old MOT Cetificates indicate wther the mileage is authentic or not,sorry to hurry you but there is only a short time left, incidently I have posed the same question to the vendor, no reply yet.

Regards Kenboy

Title: Re: Verification of mileage
Post by craig on Dec 13th, 2004, 1:21pm

old mots can be helpfull,but the best methods i think,are contacting previous owners,checking with any garage that has serviced the car,and an HPI check might help as well

Title: Re: Verification of mileage
Post by Dave on Dec 13th, 2004, 1:36pm
Is it possible to go to a Ford dealership, give them the car registration and see if they have service records on file? If so then that'd show you the first few years of its life at least. I want to do that for mine, if it is possible. But I just haven't had the time yet... 32k does seem very low. You could also request pictures of places of wear on the car, like browning on the right side bolster on the driver's seat, wear on the leather steering wheel.. check this site's buyer's guide and see if the car's condition matches a 32k according to the pointers.


Title: Re: Verification of mileage
Post by David_South_West on Dec 13th, 2004, 1:50pm
Last May I bought a 91 Scorpio 24v with 30,000 on the clock.Checked with service book and mot's.Had done 21,000 in first three years and 9,000 in the next 6 years.
All I can say with only 30,000 on the clock it should drive ,feel and smell like new.
Good luck

Title: Re: Verification of mileage
Post by john.n on Dec 13th, 2004, 2:55pm
As previously stated, it should look,feel and drive like new. Any doubts in your mind,then disregard the milage in my humble opinion. john.n ;)

Title: Re: Verification of mileage
Post by Kenboy on Dec 13th, 2004, 3:50pm
Hi thanks for your comments I havehad a reply from the vendor which reads
Question about your item  

Dear kenneth_flynn1653d,

You asked:
"do the old mot certificate recorded mileage tally with the mileage shown on the odometer?"

we have three old mots one with 26,784 on december 2003 december 2001 to 2002 15,293 then december 2000 to 2001 8,128 also we have an hpi certificate. thax gary

View this listing now to bid or purchase this item.  

Item #  Item Title  Listing end date  

Thank you,

I am still not sure what are your comments now if this is genuine it would be snip at only £1000 ish



Title: Re: Verification of mileage
Post by craig on Dec 13th, 2004, 3:59pm

does the HPI certificate verify this as well ?

Title: Re: Verification of mileage
Post by craig on Dec 13th, 2004, 4:08pm

just had a peek,seems to be ok,BUT i would be a little apprehensive,only 2 owners yeah,very,very low mileage,but no service history,my personal opinion is just be a little cautious,i hope all is well and good,and it could be a great little bargain,but with that mileage,that would be the selling point,and everything would be mentioned to prove/verify this,why has he not contacted the previous owners,asked where the car would of been serviced,surely to back this up,the seller would of made the effort to prove this,this may just be me being a little sceptical/over cautious,but with the mileage showing so low,i would only buy this car if i had visibly seen it,and made some checks of my own,this is only my personal opinion,if you bid win and get the car,i really do hope for you,that all of the above is a load of rubbish,and you get a good result....

all the best ken



Title: Re: Verification of mileage
Post by Snoopy on Dec 13th, 2004, 4:15pm
Surely the V5 will give the number of previous owners

its in Item 17 of the V5

Or onthe new version of the V5C  its item 2

Title: Re: Verification of mileage
Post by johnv on Dec 13th, 2004, 4:18pm
Well the first thing is why is it so cheep having done only 33,000 miles. These real low mileage cars go for tons more money, because of the low mileage. A few weeks ago on Automart (or whatever it is called) there was a 1996 car the same that was on sale at £11,000 because it had only done 14,000 miles.
But you can tell straight away the milage of a car by the autogearbox. but not by the engine. but of course you got to drive it first. If you won this car and it turned out to be not as discribed, just walk away.

Title: Re: Verification of mileage
Post by mr._floppy on Dec 13th, 2004, 4:46pm
Sorry to be a downer on this one  but if the mileage was 100% Genuine would it be on Flea-Bay?  He could  expect to get  £3000  if it  was in good nick.

Title: Re: Verification of mileage
Post by Baz on Dec 13th, 2004, 7:47pm
John V, the one you pointed out on autotrader with 14,000 miles on has been on there for nearly 2 years!! No one will ever buy it because it is about 12 grand over priced. If I was the seller, I would take the money and run. The guy selling it claims also to have had a 1998 Ghia 2.0 with 300 miles on the clock. He used to have a ford dealership darrn sarrf


Title: Re: Verification of mileage
Post by johnv on Dec 13th, 2004, 8:08pm
i know. i looked at the advert for this car, but at £11,000 much to much money for this even if it has only done 14,000 miles. and it was a  1996 model, He will never sell it. But I not understanding why it been on sale for two years. So will it be on sale for ever and ever and ever, just hoping it will sell.
Two years ago I brought my 1998 "S" reg Ultimate Estate 2.3cc. Got the smoked glass headlights and headlight washers and reversing sensors. It had done 54,000 miles. Not a mark on it just as it leaves the car show-rooms. (mind you all mine are like that). I had to pay £7000 for it. Parkers was saying it was worth £9000 for a 60,000 miles car.
I just making the point, that these low milage cars in show-room condition command high prices because someone will pay for these as they where just under £30,000 five or six years ago.

Title: Re: Verification of mileage
Post by Kenboy on Dec 13th, 2004, 8:08pm
Hi all thankyou for your input but I have decided against it, Its a fair distance to chase this one up, I live in Witney (Oxon) and this car is in South Shields also I cannot believe this or any other car has only covered 8000 from 1996 to 2001 lets face it these cars were not purchased from new to spend a majority of its time in a garage and any my its in my blood to obtain a Cosworth so I will be patient for a little while yet once again many thanks.

Regards Kenboy

Title: Re: Verification of mileage
Post by johnv on Dec 13th, 2004, 8:13pm
"He used to have a Ford Dealership". God, I not going near him, I am off main dealers now.
If only there where as many Ford Main Dealers as there are Supermarkets, they would have to complete and we could then,  just may be get a better service from them.

Title: Re: Verification of mileage
Post by mr._floppy on Dec 13th, 2004, 8:44pm
Phew !   £7000   for a  '98  Scorpio.

 Breaks my heart to relate it  but  , I put my   98  1.8  LX  (  57 K  miles , perfect    condition )  Mondeo into a local  car auction  recently  because  I  couldn't  shift it  by newspaper Ads.,   internet etc.  I got £ 675 for it.

 What's the betting  I'll see it for sale in a local dealer forecourt for £2000.    GRRRRR!!!

Title: Re: Verification of mileage
Post by johnv on Dec 14th, 2004, 7:39am
Hi to Kenboy. My lastest car a 1998 Scorpio Ultimate Estate 2.9 cosworth done 60,000 used to be owned by a managing director at Guest Motors, big Ford Dealers in West Bromwich then was sold to managing director of a factory painters, who used to have a lot of other vehicles he hardly used it. He told me that he did not know why he brought it. it cost him £18,000. I brought it off him by ebay for £3700. He said that it was to impress his customers that it was better to roll up in a posh car that a work van to give quotations. But he found out it was not always possible to do that so the Cosworth was mostly parked up for two years, supported by the MOT docs. So you can have cases that a car is not used.
Well look at me I got four Scorpios, I do about 3000 miles per car so if I sold any they would have a low mileage. per years.
That car you where looking at went for £1200. if it had not been for the distance to travel you should have bid and before handing over any money gone for a drive. if the car had done low mileage the gears would change without you knowing (well almost) but if it had done much more, the gears would let you know that it had changed, like a little clunk or thud. best way is to speed up and then lift off all of a sudden, then you will know how many miles the car had done.
I am still of the opinion that the 2,3 is by far better than a cosworth. just as fast on todays roads and much less trouble to own and maintain.
I would not go for a cosworth again, no way. but I was like most other people just had to have one.

Title: Re: Verification of mileage
Post by Baz on Dec 14th, 2004, 8:18am

you can't really do that on EBay. Once you have bid, you have to pay unless the item described is an absolute bag of do-do. It is always up to the buyer to test drive it before bidding and if that isn't possible, take the chance. The seller may well have only the documentation to back up what he believes to be the true mileage anyway.

One other thing John. How do you manage to insure 4 different cars and what kind of premiums do you pay? We had a thread on here earlier this year and had all sorts of wild prices. I pay just under 300 for my Cosworth and I was just wondering!



Title: Re: Verification of mileage
Post by johnv on Dec 14th, 2004, 4:36pm
Ebay. God how I hate them. just as much as Ford Main Dealers.
I bid on a second hand safe like they have in banks. I was going to put in in the back of my garage. I paid £212 and £70 for delivery. Then no responce, so I lost my money. Telephone not available and email no longer obtainable. Ebay did not want to know, they said all we do is put the seller in touch with the buyer.
Anyway when I left that post, I had in mind that the car was so bad that it was not as discribed. Then you can walk away. But yes you should go and look at it before hand but I never did on mine to lasy to travel a long distance. The sellor should discribe the car as it is. Any way I going to email the person who got the car in about two weeks just to see if it was OK. I am a nosy b****r.But Baz is right up to a certain point. like I said it relly depends how bad the car was if it was bad that is.
I had the chance to walK away from the 1998 Saloon car I obtained from Reading. but as it had done so little miles I wanted it. The sellor I refer to as a nice guy because he always refunds you on defects gave me back £1000. no arguement from him whatsoever. It costy £1400 to put right and now the car is like it left the factory.
I would love to know where he gets these cars from he always got a couple of dozen on ebay of all different makes.
I thinking he does so much business, he has not got the time to inspect them properly, but always sees you alright when the defects are discovered.

Title: Re: Verification of mileage
Post by johnv on Dec 14th, 2004, 5:00pm
Insurance, What's insurance, is it to do with the engine or the gearbox.
Only joking.
Well its like this, if you are 50 years old go to saga, no need to go anywhere else.
I pay £280 for the cosworth. But wait, that's for a mileage of 3000 per year and myself only driving. and saga do there own insurance, don't argue with me they do. they are not the broker they do their own insurance.
On the other cars I pay £160 for the 2000cc and £220 each for the 2.3. That extra 300 cc puts the price up. Also you have a protected  NCB as well, plus all the bangs and whistles.
Mine you I don't have any convictions nor speeding. Not likely to get done with speeding with three detectors in each car, all off Ebay.
I have the road angel and cyclops and valentine 1 all on at the same time. I just love flashing lights and beep beeps going off, it reminds me of going into outer space.
Anyway, I got my house and the contents insured with saga, my telephone from Saga in fact ever-think.
They will always look after you, not like Norwich Union Commercial Union and one or to others that will do all possible not to meet a claim.
Saga Telephone is 0845 366 1601

Title: Re: Verification of mileage
Post by mr._floppy on Dec 14th, 2004, 6:18pm

Title: Re: Verification of mileage
Post by johnv on Dec 14th, 2004, 6:30pm
Hey Mr_Floppy, what that on you posting, is it sort of secret code.
Sorry to hear that you got so little for your Mondeo. but in my local evening newspaper, they have so many of these for sale.
I suppose it supply and demand and don't forget that a scorpio is nearly £30,000 new, but a Mondeo is not I thinking.
The reason why I like the Scorpio's are they are rear wheel drive. I thinking its only BMW that still do rear wheel drive. now.

Title: Re: Verification of mileage
Post by mr._floppy on Dec 14th, 2004, 7:32pm
  Pardon my previous post,  it's  a  very  filthy joke , but only  court stenographers  can understand it.

Yes, Johnv   I like the fact that the scorp has rear wheel drive  as  well .  Weight distribution and all that.

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