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General >> Problems >> Car Alarm keeps going.
(Message started by: johnv on Mar 7th, 2005, 4:57pm)

Title: Car Alarm keeps going.
Post by johnv on Mar 7th, 2005, 4:57pm
Can anyone help.
On one car I left it for a month, unused, because of the bad weather. Did not want to get it dirty, used the oldess one.
So battery was flat. normally the batteries hold up for months, but I reckon this one is about to give up, in time to come.
So I put on battery charger and the horn started together with flashing indicators.
So I disconnected, the battery and proceed to charge it up.
All charged up nice now, took charger off, but each time I go to re-connect battery terminal the horn starts again.
I thinking that if I left it to blare away for 45 seconds it would then turn off on its own.
It says in the owners handbook, unlock a front door and it will stop, but it does not.
I might tomorrow try locking the car and then let the horn sound and then try unlocking it but anyone esle got the right way to stop it.
I can't really let it sound for 45 seconds, because of neigbours
Thanks to anyone that can help.

Title: Re: Car Alarm keeps going.
Post by Snoopy on Mar 7th, 2005, 5:15pm
You could try locking then unlocking the car again and if that fails then you can disconect the ALARM horn which is situated behind the battery on the nearside .. it will stop it from sounding....

Title: Re: Car Alarm keeps going.
Post by Badboytunes on Mar 7th, 2005, 5:16pm
Im sure the neighbours wouldnt even notice. Nobody seems to bother these days when alarms go off. Id just let it sound  then lock and unlock after..

Cheers Nick

Title: Re: Car Alarm keeps going.
Post by johnv on Mar 7th, 2005, 6:50pm
thanks for help. i already tried locking and un-locking many times.
i throught it was the road horns behind the bumper that did the sounding.
but you are saying the alarm as it own horn by the battery. i will look tomorrow.
thanks for advise.

Title: Re: Car Alarm keeps going.
Post by Danny_R on Mar 7th, 2005, 6:50pm
Hi Johnv,

My scorp has been stood all winter and this happens everytime the battery is connected. If the horn fails to stop when unlocking by the drivers door, unlock using the passenger door. this should stop it. If you want to disconnect the alarm all together, simply pull apart the multiplug to the pin switch under the bonnet at the front.



Title: Re: Car Alarm keeps going.
Post by Badboytunes on Mar 7th, 2005, 7:22pm
Or the horn by the battery like the Snoopster said. It will be easy to find as it will be going off in your ear  :D ;D ;D ;D ;D :P :P :P :P

Title: Re: Car Alarm keeps going.
Post by johnv on Mar 7th, 2005, 7:36pm
thanks for all the help. i tried both doors and it don't work.
but i  disconected  batteries many times and reconnected and never had this problem before.
But I thinking the battery was very flat this time, real dead, I wonder if this is the factor. Like it thinks that the battery has been disconnected, for a long time as danny states.
I might try mufferling it by placing lots of old blankets over it till it stops.
It goes for 45 seconds i reading in the owners handbook before it re-arms itself.
I will let you all know tomorrow how I get on.

Title: Re: Car Alarm keeps going.
Post by Dave on Mar 8th, 2005, 1:12pm
How did you get on, John?

Title: Re: Car Alarm keeps going.
Post by johnv on Mar 8th, 2005, 4:36pm
Well this morning it was the same, just offer up the terminal to the battery and off it goes.
Found the horn at the back of the battery but no way to get at it unless I removed the battery.
Opening both doors did not help.
So I put old blankets and a lot of padding to muffel the sound. waste of time you could still here it just as loud.
So I went for broke, decided to let the horn run its course.
I was exspecting it to sound for 45 sec, I think that what it says in the owners handbook, without going to read the book.
But after just 10 sec it stopped, but the indicators kept flashing.
Then they stopped after a while.
The battery must have been very flat because I had to re-enter my code for the radio.
So it all storted now.
Some time ago I got off ebay, a charging panel that you put on the dash and plug into a lighter socket it suppose to trickal charge your battery from the daylight. waste of time don't waste your money, does not maintain a charge to stop you battery running down.

Title: Re: Car Alarm keeps going.
Post by Badboytunes on Mar 8th, 2005, 6:36pm
I didnt think the indicators flashed when  locking or unlocking? Or do you have the mod fitted? Mine never flashed.........


Title: Re: Car Alarm keeps going.
Post by johnv on Mar 8th, 2005, 6:50pm
hi badboy, well others will know, i would be interested in what they say.
this car in question is november 1998 "S"" reg.

But all my cars even the 1996 2000cc car do, when they feel like it, then when they don't feel like it they don't.
It very much a hit and miss affair.
Lets put it this way, they are suppposed to, but not as good as other makes of cars that always do.

Title: Re: Car Alarm keeps going.
Post by Badboytunes on Mar 8th, 2005, 9:56pm
I see. In my hand book  ( my 24v 1995) quotes indicatord flash depending on country. Who else's  indicators flash when arming?

Title: Re: Car Alarm keeps going.
Post by Richard on Mar 8th, 2005, 10:00pm
Mine don't, only when deadlocking, I think it's a software update that Ford will do for you, But you don't have to believe me as i know nothing about wheels either, :P :-X
If you press the bonnet switch in and out about ten or so times you will be able to test all the circuits by opening doors etc, this might tell you if you have a problem with one of your switches, as far as i remember you'll get a beep or two when you open a door.

Title: Re: Car Alarm keeps going.
Post by ren on Mar 8th, 2005, 10:04pm

Mine flash for lock and on deadbolt
also when unlocking
 no mod fitted


Title: Re: Car Alarm keeps going.
Post by derekne on Mar 8th, 2005, 10:15pm
I have a 2.3 R reg 1997 saloon scorp.
It flicks the lights when I double arm the car as it should.
If I single arm the car it does not. When I dis arm the car no lights. If the alarm goes off lights and horn flash and beep like hell. This I think (acording to the manual) is normal.
I wish I had seen the post earlyer with the alarm troubbles.
I have something to try the next time.
Maybe you could do this even though your troubbles seem over? To reset your alarm properly and make sure its ALL working.
I have driven and owned stacks of ford cars in the past mainly mondeo. The alarms are very simular in lots of ways.
To reset or find any faults of your ford alarm this is what I do. (Havent tried it on the scorp but should work)
Open the bonet.
Then locate the little bonet alarm button. Near the VIN plate drives side. It has a sheth around it. when alarmed and you open the bonnet its ment to set alarm off.
When alarm is unarmed and you want to check it or, going nuts and you cant stop it. close all doors.
Press the button near vin plate as fast as you can for a minuite. This normaly resets the alarm and should of shut it up. Should now be in reset test mode.
Now open each door seperately and close. You should get a beep each time a door is opend. Same for the boot lid open and shut. Each beep means that part of the alarm is working ok. After every door being opend and shut individualy thats the end of the test.
Its always worked and corrected ford alarms for me.
Lets hope it works for the scorp? Worth a try only takes a couple of mins to do and its free.

Title: Re: Car Alarm keeps going.
Post by johnv on Mar 9th, 2005, 6:37am
on all my cars, if the alarm sounds all indicators flash for sure.
but its when you lock or unlock the cars that it hit or miss. like some times they flash and sometimes they don't.
like the key flob, sometimes they work and sometimes they dont.
on a vaxhall consiar i was loaned a few weeks ago, that fob was just so good and postive.
it worked first time and ever time from the other side of the road.
i going to clean the contacts in my fobs but i don't think that will do much as one is nearly new and that's the same.

Title: Re: Car Alarm keeps going.
Post by Dave on Mar 9th, 2005, 10:01am

use a pair of long nose pliers to get to the wire on the horn behind the battery if you ever need to again - there is just enough room. I managed to reconnect it a couple of weeks ago without battery removal too, but it was not particularly easy. Lesser of 2 evils though as our car seems to have a particular aversion to having its battery removed!  ::)

On our september 1996 car the indicators do not flash when unlocking/locking/deadlocking or when the alarm is going off!


Title: Re: Car Alarm keeps going.
Post by johnv on Mar 9th, 2005, 2:26pm
thanks for inflo Dave.
well my 1996 March flashes all right and just to rub salt into the wound. it flashing the best, better than the 97/98 cars. but having said that it still a hit and mis affair.
right i got that about long pliers and in fact own such a very long handle pair.
you have not forgotton that i keft the car for over a month, perhaps getting on for 6 weeks or so. that is why I had a flat battery. But even so the battery should still hold up. I thinking that it might be on the way out. If it runs flat again I will have it tested.
But  if I need to disconnect the battery for a while I got those Draper memory savers. very cheap to buy and on ebay.
You plug then in you rear lighter socket, they have a 9V battery in them and you dis-connect you main battery and it saves all you computer and clock settings and you can still have you radio on.
They are really good.

Title: Re: Car Alarm keeps going.
Post by johnv on Mar 9th, 2005, 2:29pm
to Dave. have you got on your September car the puddle lights and the big red lights in all four doors that light up when you open a door.
They are real great and make the car look real expensive at night when they come on.

Title: Re: Car Alarm keeps going.
Post by Dave on Mar 9th, 2005, 3:05pm
Hi John,

yes the car has kerb lights and puddle lights on all four doors, got a couple of good photos of those at dusk!  ;)

Regarding your flat battery, I wonder if the alarm draws enough power to drain it over those 4 to 6 weeks?

With our car when we got it there was an aftermarket alarm fitted. After the run home the car was parked up for about 10 days while it waited for some work to be done on it. When we came to start the car it made absolutely no attempt to fire (it jump started fine) and this after only a week and a half.

Now, with regular use, it sits for up to 3 or 4 days at a time but starts fine, with occasional flicking needles if it is cold!

Cheers  :)

PS - Our aftermarket alarm MAY have been more "powerful" and so drawn more current than the Ford one, but it is a thought anyway!

Title: Re: Car Alarm keeps going.
Post by johnv on Mar 9th, 2005, 4:13pm
hi Dave.
Someone else a little while ago said he ran his engine from time to time, to stop his alarm flattening his battery.
But I don't think it does if you battery is up to standard.
In order to prove this point I got two other cars both scorpio's 1997 and 1998 both with the correct Ford battery on and they don't run down.
But normally I use all the cars each week, sort of share them around  during the week.
However, due to the amount of salt and grit on the roads, I tended to just use the oldest car all the time. so as not to get the others all dirty.
But thanks for you posts, they have been great and very helpful.

Title: Re: Car Alarm keeps going.
Post by Snoopy on Mar 9th, 2005, 4:13pm
I think you will find that the FORD alarm switches off after 150 hours.. its in the handbook somewhere....

Page 36 about 1/2 way down

Title: Re: Car Alarm keeps going.
Post by Dave on Mar 9th, 2005, 4:50pm
No problem John, glad to be able to contribute where I can  ;) You are very wise to keep the salt off your other cars, no point getting them all filthy as you say.

Snoopy, thanks for the reference, very useful  :)


Title: Re: Car Alarm keeps going.
Post by Dave on Mar 9th, 2005, 5:17pm
Hi all. Dave here... Ben's been doing these posts - he's the knowledgable one!

But i'm surprised by that 150 hours business. That means if you left your car in airport parking for a week, for most of seventh day it'd go unprotected! Hmmm.

I read a mag article about the Scorp. They tested its security defences against someone trying to tow it away. They gave it a very low score and said even a badger could do it, because you can take it out of park without the key and the alarm is only passive. They also said the locks are not as tough as a fiesta's locks. So! I'd just like to recommend we all use autolocks. They it hold in park with the handbrake on.

Sorry to hear about the trouble you're going through with the battery and alarm faults, John. As Ben said we've been there and it's very frustrating. You'll sort it, though.


Title: Re: Car Alarm keeps going.
Post by johnv on Mar 9th, 2005, 6:03pm
hi dave, now i been started off on auto locks you all certain know how to get me going.
Well on all my cars I got dislocks. mine are yellow but you can get then in silver and chrome as well.
They are on Ebay at around £50, dont pay £80 locally.
They cover all the streering wheel. (don't start me off on wheels again or insurance).
They are so easy to put on.
They are hinged on the bottom. you unfold the two halves then offer it up to you steering wheel and close up and that is that.
You don't need a key to lock only unlock.
They are supposed to have won all the awards going.
They don't damage you sterring wheel.
They can't be attacked to cut off because they just spin loose around the wheel so you can't get a purchase on them to cut.
Must better than those bars you put across the wheel.

Title: Re: Car Alarm keeps going.
Post by Dave on Mar 9th, 2005, 6:08pm
Ah oui oui, disklocks are by far the best! The only thing that puts me off is the price.. but £50 on eBay? Hmm. They are certainly superior to autolocks. I'll see if there are any secondhand bargains maybe..


Title: Re: Car Alarm keeps going.
Post by johnv on Mar 9th, 2005, 6:49pm
well dave i got two of those Buy it now £49.99 plus about £6.50 P&P.
I think they might be more now. i going onto ebay tonight. if i see any i send you the number

Title: Re: Car Alarm keeps going.
Post by johnv on Mar 9th, 2005, 7:06pm
there is 7958979381 at £36 10 mins left to run.
or 7959575280  £11.50 2 days to run.
There are some Buy it now £51.99 and some with free carry case £55.99
still its best to look yourself.
Go to ebay and simply put in the box disklok and all on ebay will come up.
By from John.

Title: Re: Car Alarm keeps going.
Post by Dave on Mar 10th, 2005, 9:30am
Cheers John  :)

Title: Re: Car Alarm keeps going.
Post by Richard on Mar 10th, 2005, 2:57pm
I also have two of these diskloks, (one on each car), they are also Thatcham approved and even if it cost you £80 it would still be better than having your car T.W.O.C.ed.

Title: Re: Car Alarm keeps going.
Post by Dave on Mar 10th, 2005, 3:56pm
Agreed Richard. Apart from anything else it would be heart breaking to have the Scorp nicked. Did your locks bring the insurance down at all?

Title: Re: Car Alarm keeps going.
Post by scorpio_man on Mar 10th, 2005, 6:50pm
hi there

slight mis-understanding of the 150 hours timer. all that happens is the remote locking switches off. the car alarm and PATS will continue to work.

Title: Re: Car Alarm keeps going.
Post by Richard on Mar 11th, 2005, 1:21am
I haven't asked to be honest, but i don't think they would as they are only classed as cat 2 i believe, Others may have some idea.

Title: Re: Car Alarm keeps going.
Post by Dave on Mar 11th, 2005, 9:28am
Chars  :)

Title: Re: Car Alarm keeps going.
Post by vasilev on Mar 11th, 2005, 2:18pm
First of all- what kind of alarm is it? Usually when you exchange ot disconnect the battery, when conneted again, it starts. Then (and I'm sure about it) you have to press immediately the unlock button (or turn off if central locking not present) on the remote in order to set the frequency for communication. I've heard, that if you don't do so, you can block the alarm. So I suggest that you disconnect the battery once again and when it starts on connection, do the procedure described above.
Good luck

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