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General >> Problems >> I've messed up and now the car's unusable
(Message started by: DavidBE on Sep 17th, 2021, 9:57pm)

Title: I've messed up and now the car's unusable
Post by DavidBE on Sep 17th, 2021, 9:57pm
You'd think I'd have learnt by now. 14 years since I became disabled and brain fogged by medication side effects. Usually I remember I've been reduced to effectively being an idiot with no memory who fumbles everything and can't see the obvious, that I'm not the guy who used to be able to swap engines in cars any more. But every now and then I forget, try to do something I don't think can be difficult ... and really screw up.

I was trying to swap the fascia, scratched and scuffed after my last burst of idiocy earlier this year, for a still pristine one. Now I've got a Cossie with a non-functioning instrument cluster that also won't start if I try connecting the switches on a fascia. I don't know what I've done.

In order, as far as I remember .... I unclipped the old fascia, unplugged everything, had a real fight getting it out, even with the steering wheel unclamped and as far down and out as it would go. The real problem is the right end vent. Then, as in the other thread, I found the driver airbag had detached from the steering wheel. I swapped the clock and the light switches and bezel to the new fascia (new fascia didn't have the headlight adjuster), then the next day as advised here disconnected battery, waited - while beginning to work new facia into place but not connected yet - then re-attached airbag to steering wheel. Reconnected battery. Decided to try car - new fascia still not connected - and it started and instruments were working and I reset the trip computer to miles. Attached all plugs to new fascia and went to fit and secure it.

At this point my plans fell apart. I realised that while inspecting the near perfect front of the fascia and fiddling about with things on the back, I had noticed a couple of the clips up above were damaged, but thought it would be OK. Somehow I completely missed the fact that the two clips on the projections either side of the ashtray were broken, so that part remained sticking out with no way to fasten it down. I decided to leave it until it was going dark to check all the lights in the fascia, and think about whether to persist with the new fascia or go back to the old one that's scratched and scuffed but does clamp down everywhere. Came back after dinner yesterday, and that's when I found serious problems. The instrument panel was completely dead, gauges, dials, warning lights, the trip computer panel and the odometer panel, everything apart from the indicator flashers which do work. And the car won't start - just nothing on the last turn of the key. The car battery is still OK, and most of the fascia lights were working when I switched to sidelights, but dead instrument panel and no starter. I did have oddities with other non-fascia lights - the window switches didn't light, then did but not in the back, then didn't. And open-door/not-in-park type dings happened sporadically for no apparent reason. PATS light just doing one flash per 3 secs.

So I went in, decided I'd revert to the old facia today, and swapped the light bezel and switches, the clock etc back.

Today, still no start, still dead instruments (apart from the indicators). Disconnected and removed 'new' fascia, this time just couldn't get it out until I just managed to unscrew and detach the right end vent. Tried starting the car, no fascia, and it starts! Still dead instrument panel though. Plugged in some of the switches without a fascia. Car won't start again. Unplugged them, car starts again. Worked the old fascia into place, connected everything but didn't clip it in, screw it down or refit the right end vent - still dead instruments and car won't start, just nothing on turning key to start. I saw the bit here in the fault finding page about  problems if things are 'on' when reconnecting battery causing modules to start in the wrong order, couldn't swear to the on-off state of everything after reconnecting battery after remounting airbag yesterday, so disconnected battery, made sure everything I could turn off was off, then reconnected battery, no change.

So at the moment I have a dead instrument cluster (which I did NOT remove or do anything to at all), and I can only start the car with no fascia connected. And I have no idea what to do. How I wish I'd just decided to put up with the scratches and scuffs on the fascia, which are mostly hidden by the little bluetooth receiver I have connected via adapter to the 6000RDS CD multiplayer input anyway. Until I started taking out the old fascia everything was working. Everything. And the instrument panel and starting were still working - without a fascia - after I took the old fascia out, after reconnecting the battery after re-mounting the airbag. I just don't understand how anything I've done has killed the instrument cluster, or what is disabling the starting each time I try to reconnect either fascia.

Title: Re: I've messed up and now the car's unusable
Post by DavidBE on Sep 19th, 2021, 5:35pm
Well, a couple of developments. Not enough to give me a working car, unfortunately, and they confuse the hell of of me, but just in case this rings a bell for anybody who has faced and solved this before ...

With no fascia fitted (both original and the was-going-to-be-replacement one in the passenger footwell) but all the switches etc from the fascia (without their knobs) ) plugged in (apart from the clock):

1 The car would start, every time, once I took the light bulb out of the main light switch (the one that illuminates the switch all the time while the power's on). With either the switch from the original fascia or the one from the other fascia, without the little bulb in the switch stalk the engine started, with the bulb in either switch, absolutely nothing on turning the key to start. This bulb is the one from the original light switch, put in new by me late last year as the original bulb was blown (as is the one that was in the switch in the replacement fascia), and the bulb both checks out fine with my multimeter and the filament looks perfectly intact looking with a magnifying glass.

2 Still with no fascia, but while the engine was running, I idly poked the bulb-headed  (knob not fitted) fan switch, turning on the air conditioning ... and the instrument panel suddenly started working. Then I poked the switch again to turn the air conditioning off, and the instrument panel packed up again. Repeatedly turned the AC on and off again, but the instrument panel remained dead again. Took the bulb out of the AC switch stalk ... and the instrument panel started working again and carried on working until I turned  the engine off. Re-started the engine .... but instrument panel dead again, and wouldn't work again despite AC on and off and bulb back in and out.

Today I decided to refit the original fascia (due to the would-be-replacement missing two vital clips), with a vague hope that with everything back in place the instrument panel might just start working again, and even if it didn't I could at leats do one shopping run to the village small Co-op supermarket that's beyond my ability to reach on foot. (obviously not sustainable in the long run as I believe the law says one has to have a working speedo, and I'd also not know how much petrol I've got left). Re-fitted original fascia, and as well as no instrument panel, the car won't start again despite still having no bulb in the light switch.

I am totally lost. I cannot imagine what the presence or absence of the light switch bulb has to do with the car starting or not, or why It's now not starting again after putting the fascia back. Nor can I imagine why simply turning the A/C on and off and removing that switch's bulb started the instrument panel working or stopped it again ... and then just left it disabled again. (BTW, in the instrument panel the indicator lights and main beam light, and the illumination bulbs all have carried on working throughout, but speedo, rev counter, temp gauge, fuel gauge. the 2 LCD panels  and all the warning lights work or don't, currently don't, together.)

I'm currently fondly remembering the 60s and 70s era cars I started with in the 80s, with Haynes manuals with circuit diagrams that made sense and finding electrical faults a doddle.

Any suggestions very welcome.

Title: Re: I've messed up and now the car's unusable
Post by Tompion on Sep 20th, 2021, 1:10pm
These days I take the Steering wheel & stalks off - it's so much easier and with the plastic of the facia getting brittle with age there's less chance of damage.

Check the wires for chaffing around the ash tray as this is a known problem area.

If you want to take the wheel off, some say slacked the centre bolt (important to leave it in to save smacking yourself in the face :'( ) and pull the wheel hard towards you.
I don't seem to have much luck with that, I usually slacken the bolt, pull the wheel towards me with my knees, put a bit of wood against the bolt & hit it with a hammer.

Title: Re: I've messed up and now the car's unusable
Post by DavidBE on Sep 20th, 2021, 9:27pm
Being averse to playing around with the airbag I'm leaving the steering wheel alone if I can. I've found that I can get the fascia far enough forward that I can get a screwdriver in behind and undo the 3 screws that connect the right end air-vent to the fascia. Without that air-vent connected and with the steering wheel pulled out and down the fascia just lifts out without trouble. It's just a pity everything else isn't without trouble.

This is maddening, and nothing makes sense.

So, yesterday I was at a point with the fascia off but all the switches etc out of the fascia and plugged in. with the car not starting and dead instrument console (dials and LCD panels dead - indicator and main beam lights working). Then I unplugged the lamp from the (knobless) main light switch, and to my surprise the car would now start. Disconnected the switches, positioned the (original) fascia, plugged in and fitted all the switches and clipped the fascia into position (but didn't fit the screws and knobs), but now the car wouldn't start again (instrument panel dials and LCD panels still dead).

Today I removed the fascia again. all switches etc disconnected again, car still won't start. went further, including ashtray unit and its upper lid, looked at every wire I could see, looked at everything plugged into anything I could reach, couldn't find anything that looked wrong. Even disconnected earth lead from battery, left it a little then reconnected. Nothing, dead dials and LCD panels, no starting ... but always power e.g. to lights and blower if I reconnected those switches and turned them on.

I was almost ready to give up when I idly put a bulb back in the A/C-blower switch ... and the car started again. I then went through re-adding switches etc, testing for starting each time. ended up with all re-connected and car still starting. Disconnected them,, put (original) fascia back in position, put connections through the holes and gradually re-connected them, fitting the switches back in the fascia.

End result I'm back where I started at the beginning of today, with the fascia in position, the switches re-fitted (but still knobless at the moment), fascia clipped but not screwed in, but the car now starting even though I'd done nothing that should have changed that. (I am not at all confident it will start again tomorrow.) So if it stays like that, that's progress.

But then there's the instrument panel. Since putting the bulb back in the A/C-blower switch, sometimes, with the engine running, when I've pushed on the bulb (knob not on) to turn the A/C on, the dials and LCD panels have started working again in the instrument panel, but the moment I turn the A/C off, the dials and LCD panels go dead again. And if they're on after turning the A/C on and I stop the engine then re-start, the dials and LCDs are dead again even though the A/C wasn't turned off. And the dials and LCDs don't start working evert time or even most times I turn the A/C on with the engine running, just sometimes. Oh, and an oddity is that all the time when the A/C is on the bulb is only on very weakly - can't even see it's on if I fit the knob.

So, maybe the car has gone back to starting reliably, as it has all year since I've had it (but I'm not sure I can trust that as I'm still not aware of what stopped it starting, or anything I did that might be expected to have fixed it). But my instrument panel dials and LCDs mostly are dead, but sometimes come back on when I turn the A/C on (but not when I leave it on) but die again if I turn the A/C or the engine off. And an A/C bulb that only glows weekly.

What could possibly connect the A/C bulb and the instrument panel dials and LCDs? And I'm going to need the car working in the next two days or we run out of food.

Oh how I wish I'd never tried to change the fascia.

Title: Re: I've messed up and now the car's unusable
Post by Torbayboy on Sep 20th, 2021, 10:07pm
Have you got a spare a/c panel, not sure if you have 2 dial (climate) or 3 dial panel on yours but the 12v we had fixed last week by Ford garage, has ultima spec with climate not Ghia type with air con,
I have spare climate panels, but dont think i have a air con ghia type (2 dials not 3), anyway back to the plot the "climate control panel" is behind the dials and heated window switch panel, not sure of the differences, but I imagine some similarities there.
This panel runs a lot if you chase my thread "12v electrics" currently car so far so good. will update as we learn if really fixed.

Hth stay safe R ;D ;D

Title: Re: I've messed up and now the car's unusable
Post by Tompion on Sep 21st, 2021, 12:43am
Sounds like he has the manual AC (3 dials) - it doesn't have the "climate control panel" as you call it - the bit with the ribbon cable that is part of climate control.

Often dim bulbs are down to a bad earth (resulting in components/bulbs running in series - hence dim bulb), make sure any connectors you disturbed are pushed home fully.
Do check around the ashtray, sometimes people have reported odd things happening with it closed but OK open.

Title: Re: I've messed up and now the car's unusable
Post by DavidBE on Sep 21st, 2021, 9:48pm
I did check round the ashtray yesterday when I had the ashtray out and the top off so I could check the part of the wires that were taped together and clamped to the back by the top. All appeared fine. (And both the bulb works and I'm using a battery/alternator tester plugged into the cigar lighter socket to keep an eye on the battery.) Can't find any problem there.

Haven't done any attempted fixing today but did take the car out for a quick trip to the garage for petrol and to the Co-op for immediate supplies (fascia clipped in position but not screwed down, lights bezel and switches back in position, ventilation bezel plugged in electrically but not in place, all ventilation knobs not fitted). Car started first time at home, at the garage and at the Co-op. So that problem seems to have gone ... except as I don't know what caused it, and am not aware of having done anything to fix it - it just started working after I put the bulb back in the A/C switch - I'm not at all sure I can be confident it will keep on starting.

However, no dials or LCD panels on turning ignition on any of the times, whether the A/C was on or not at the time. After starting the car at home and then again at the garage, toggling the A/C off/on a couple of times the dials and LCDs suddenly came to life and remained working until I turned the ignition off each time (A/C on bulb still very dim). But the 3rd start, at the Co-op, and after I got home, multiple A/C off/on toggles failed to get the dials and LCDs working again. (I'm also rather worried that many, many repeated off/on toggles of the A/C system is probably not good for the system.)

I really don't know what to do. I can't help feeling that getting the fascia out again and blindly poking at wires and connectors again is as likely to stop the car starting again as it is to fix the dials problem. I've checked repeatedly every connector I deliberately disconnected and -re-connected when initially removing the original fascia, then fitting the other fascia, then removing that on belatedly realising vital clips were broken off, then re-fitting the original fascia. But given what they do, the car should start and dials and LCDs should work even if they are all disconnected - and initially it did when i checked starting and re-set the trip computer to miles after re-fitting the airbag - the car started and the dials worked even though all the fascia switches etc were unplugged at that point. The fight I had to get the original fascia out and the replacement in, then the replacement back out before I discovered I could unattach the right end vent and reattach it to make getting the fascia out and in easily may well have knocked or jogged connectors not involved in the fascia replacement, though. But I can't find any loose.

Yes, this is a Ghia-X with the manual 3 dial A/C panel, not the two dial semi-auto climate control like I had in my old 2.3 Ultima saloon. I actually have two of the bezels as I have my original one and the one that came with the 'new' fascia I was trying to fit before belatedly realising the clips to either side of the ashtray were broken off - I have tried using both bezels, but it makes no difference (and the only electrical connections in the bezel are to the 3 bulbs that illuminate the controls, all of which are working in both). I didn't do anything to the metal panel which has the actual controls fitted into it behind the bezel before the problems started - I have unattached and re-attached it since and it didn't make a difference.

Where would the earth be that the A/C switch bulb is connected to?

As long as the car keeps starting and I can occasionally get the dials to work to check the petrol, I suppose I can get by without the dials and LCDs for the little bit of local driving I do for a bit. Luckily the car breezed through its first MOT for me last month, as I'm thinking no working speedo is an automatic fail. But I'm really at a loss for a coherent plan, and am afraid that more vague poking will just make things worse .

Title: Re: I've messed up and now the car's unusable
Post by DavidBE on Sep 22nd, 2021, 5:09pm
Still not fixed, but I think I've now established the following definite symptoms:

1 The car will start if, and only if, the AC/blower switch is plugged in (just to the connector - can otherwise be hanging loose) AND it has a bulb in (the AC can be on or off, so the bulb glowing or not, but it has to be there). All other fascia switches make no difference if they are plugged in or not.

2 If the AC/Blower bulb is glowing, i.e. the AC switch is on, the alarm for open doors while engine running does NOT sound. Turning the AC off has the open doors when engine running alarm sounding.

3 Sometimes turning the AC on from off makes the instrument panel dials and LCDs come on, though usually it doesn't. If they do come on, they go out at AC off. Once off they don't come on again until the engine is running and on some random AC switch on. Nothing else has triggered the dials and LCDs to come on even once.

4 Both the AC switch bulb (when on) and the bulb in the main sidelight/headlight light switch only come on very dimly. (But the headlights and sidelights are working fine.)

So ...

Maybe both the starter circuit and instrument panel dials and LCDs have bad earth connections, and are somehow shorting to earth through the AC switch light connection instead? But where would they link? I don't know where all the Earth connections are, but those two to bolts with earth connections running to them behind the instrument panel are still there and appear fine.

Odd thoughts -

The wiring behind the ashtray looks OK, but I can't quite reach far enough to find the far end to unplug it. (I got a whole new ashtray unit along with the replacement fascia, so I know how long the lead is but can't quite reach to locate the plug in the car.)

Some of the foam and tape wrapping some of the bundles of wires has seen better days, but I haven't found one instance of actual damaged wire insulation.

I can't see how this could be, but ... when I first realised there was a problem was after getting the old fascia out but after plugging all the switches back into the connectors while not in place in a fascia. There WAS that unexpected bit of work I haven't been considering before I first saw the problems - the airbag falling away from the steering wheel, and then after the advice on here re-fitting it. Could THAT be when whatever went wrong went wrong? Either ... shoving the airbag into position on the wheel and holding it while trying to re-fix it? I don't think I disconnected anything on the back of the airbag or caused a wire to come out, but .... Or heaving and heaving on the wheel to get Torx screw accessible at the top to screw in, I suppose some wiring near the column might have got trapped and yanked out or even cut when I was dragging the steering wheel round? I'm grasping at straws here. But do the top and bottom steering column shrouds just unscrew?

Everything was working from when I got the car at the end of September last year until the fascia removal.

Title: Re: I've messed up and now the car's unusable
Post by DavidBE on Sep 22nd, 2021, 5:54pm
Oh no. Thought I had it clear that as long as the AC/blower switch was plugged in and with a bulb, the car would start and I could do local trips if without dials and LCDs and with dim bulbs in AC and lighting switches. Just went out and undid the 3 screws to remove the lower steering column shroud, had a look, went to start the car to see if I could get the dials to respond to trying out plugs etc ... and the car won't start again. I hear the fan start at ignition on, but nothing on start. But all I've done since it last started is undo the 3 steering column lower shroud screws!

Title: Re: I've messed up and now the car's unusable
Post by Simmo on Sep 23rd, 2021, 9:34am
If I remember correctly the lower shroud surrounds the ignition switch Here ( so it is likely that the PATS connections may have been disturbed?
"The PATS system was first a separate module mounted beneath the dashboard, and later became part of the engine management system, and is connected to a transceiver mounted around the ignition barrel. When the ignition key is not present, PATS disables all of the EEC V engine management, and on some models the starter as well."

The unit is shown at (12) in This article (

Title: Re: I've messed up and now the car's unusable
Post by DavidBE on Sep 24th, 2021, 12:50pm
Couldn't type yesterday. I'm in almost total collapse now. Normally if I'm going to do anything in a day other than sit or lie quietly, like go to the Co-op for a shop, or try to fix something simple in the house, I have to spend the day before doing absolutely nothing but meals to get to a state where I can go or do, then rest quietly afterwards and the whole day after that to recover and let the pain drop. But it's been a week now of hours every day in the Scorpio vainly looking for this fault. Still nowhere. Our doctor's surgery is only 200 yards away, and just rang to offer my mother a flu jab this pm as they've only just received any to give out and at 93 she's in their priority list, but she can't walk 200 yards, and right now neither can I. So she can't have her jab yet because I stupidly did whatever I did that's disabled the Scorpio.

I've looked and looked and poked and waggled, pulled out the instrument cluster to check behind, removed the steering column shroud ... I can't find a single plug or connector that's not fully seated; not a wire that's come loose; not a single piece of damaged insulation exposing wire to short out.

I hunt and hunt, trying the ignition again and again as I do things (but watching the battery voltage, and all the times it doesn't work turning the key to start doesn't do a thing, there's no wasting battery on cranking but not starting the engine), and once or twice a day, after doing something I can't imagine will make a difference, the car will start effortlessly, as it has all this year I've had it until now. And I'll run it for awhile to re-charge the battery. No instrument panel dials or LCDs I could put up with for awhile, but I can't take the car out unless I think it will start again to come back, and I've usually got too much dismantled to drive it straight off like that anyway. So I start re-fitting enough to drive, then turn the car off. Then try to re-start, and it's dead again. So I undo everything I just did to get back exactly to the state when it started, but it won't re-start again. Then It's back round again until it unexpectedly starts again after doing different things, runs while I push things back minimally to allow actual driving, then I stop it and it won't re-start, revert to that start state but it won't start, and round and round. I can now barely walk the 10 steps from the front door to the car.

Lights, exterior and interior, work throughout. Blower definitely and AC probably work throughout. Wipers and washers work throughout. Remote locking and unlocking work. And when it starts it never then stops until I turn it off. It never struggles to start, it just either does nothing or fires instantly. It's just starting and re-starting and no dials or LCDs - and most warning lights.

After taking the lower steering shroud off, couldn't find any visible sign of anything wrong anywhere there, including round the ignition switch, and no connectors that didn't appear fully seated, or that responded to pressing or wiggling.

I'm starting to think about giving up, and taking this as the end of my life as a car driver. Even if I could afford to have my local garage look at it (which I can't right now) and could get the car there, they don't have anyone there who worked on Scorpios 'back in the day' or understands Scorpio electrics any more than I do. I'd just be paying them to do what I'm doing.

It was working fine. It should work fine with all the switches etc in the fascia disconnected. It HAS to be something that got knocked or caught and yanked when I was originally struggling to get the old fascia out and the new one in before belatedly thinking of detaching the right end air vent. But I've checked everything that could have been knocked or snagged.

Title: Re: I've messed up and now the car's unusable
Post by DavidBE on Sep 24th, 2021, 12:50pm
Two weeks ago I was so happy with the car, I'd finally worked out - I think - the one remaining little issue with the otherwise immaculate, new looking car when I got it last September: the front edge of the headlining. I now think I know what the problem is, and why I wasn't understanding the answers I got here, and against all expectations actually found the part I need, genuine Ford, never used. Then, after all these months, a very good condition dark aubergine front bumper popped up on eBay. And a nice looking fascia to replace the one I ham-fistedly managed to scratch and scuff in my several month battle to get my phone audio feeding into the Ford head-unit CD multiplayer port. And then it all went wrong. I didn't notice the two vital broken clips on the 'new' fascia until after I tired fitting it. The fascia fitting and unfitting has stopped the car working. And to cap it all the courier company has now officially lost the bumper in transit. How does anyone lose a bumper? It can hardly fall unnoticed out of a bundle of parcels a guy's loading into van and slide under a seat, for heaven's sake! Well, I suppose the bumper would have been a waste on a car that doesn't work, so i might as well get the refund.

Title: Re: I've messed up and now the car's unusable
Post by DavidBE on Sep 24th, 2021, 5:42pm
I don't believe it. As I said in the first post, I am an idiot. It's hard to credit I used to be a bright fellow, high IQ, masters degree, several decades of successfully taking non-working appliances of mine or other people's apart - Fridge-freezers, TVs, tape recorders, computers and, of course, cars - figuring out how they work and what the parts are, connected how, from first principles, thence where the fault of whichever type must be and fixing them. But not since the disability and the brain fog from the analgesics. Since then I've just been an idiot who stares blankly at things without a thought or any coherent plan of diagnostics coming anywhere near my brain. Now i am kicking myself so hard for such stupidity, after a week of desperate, dramatic posts I'm struggling with ever posting here again as  it means fessing up to the outcome and how stupid I now am.

I've been so focused on the problem having to be some bad or broken connection or short from something being knocked or dragged when I was fighting to get the fascia out without taking off the steering wheel before developing the remove-the-end-vent technique. So I've been in the car each day, dismantling more and more, trying to inspect every wire and connector. Never did something basic. Well - last Saturday I contemplated the fuses, looked through the list in the handbook for any that might be relevant, and only found one that appeared to be to idiot me - the instrument panel illumination fuse, even though the illumination was one of the things that was still working in the instrument panel. But I checked it and it was OK, so put the fusebox cover back on and the bonnet back down and went back into the car and delving behind the fascia the rest of that day and every day since.

Last night, ready to give up, flipped through the handbook and looked at the fuse list again. Went to make a list of any others that could conceivably be involved, and found only two: the two 7.5A fuses unhelpfully labelled just 'electronics'. Went out today forgetting all about that, the other side effect of my meds, to check the one place I realised I hadn't: under the top steering column shroud. Nothing. Finally remembered my little fuse list, disconsolately removed the fusebox lid, had a little fight as I usually do to get out fuses that have been in place for a long time, held them up to the light ...

One of those 7.5A fuses was blown. Replaced it. Turned key: instrument panel dials and LCDs came on, bulb in AC switch and the other in the main light switch blazed to proper life, car started first touch.

It was just a fuse! My original fascia removal struggle probably did cause something to short circuit ... but only long enough to blow that fuse. All that time I've wasted, all the extra pain, all the dismantling ... I should have found that when I had the fusebox open last Saturday at the latest.

My only excuse is that in as much as I can think at all now it is complete tunnel vision, and the fact that some short let those bulbs glow vert dimly and the car start at least twice each day, and the dials and LCDs start working sometimes after fiddling with the AC switch kept me focused on the interior wiring/connector theory.

So, the Scorpio is working again with all switches in the fascia and the fascia clipped in position. Now I've just got to finish putting everything back together, with the problem that an initial plan to keep clear what screws came from where fell apart under the mounting desperation of the week and more and more dismantling, and I've got all sorts of different screws and only the vaguest idea which go where. Oh, and three plastic trim clip things and a rubber cap all in the driver footwell that i never removed but must have fallen out at some point jostling that lower panel section!

While I think I understand the problem now and have the part I need, I'm now very disinclined to risk fixing the front of my headlining. Certainly not without seeing one fitted properly, and I haven't seen another Scorpio in years to have a look.

Title: Re: I've messed up and now the car's unusable
Post by Simmo on Sep 24th, 2021, 7:22pm
The main thing is you have got the car back working! No one could have persevered more. Just leave well alone now and enjoy! ;D Well done.

Title: Re: I've messed up and now the car's unusable
Post by Torbayboy on Sep 25th, 2021, 8:08am
Well done, as they say "if it aint broke...dont fix it" enjoy you scorpio, just drive and let the devil take the high road.

Dont suppose it was fuse 17.... the one that was the trouble on the "12v electrics" thread??

Good luck from debn
::) ::)

Title: Re: I've messed up and now the car's unusable
Post by Nunnspoet on Sep 27th, 2021, 9:58am
Happy days to you DavidBE.  Percy Verence and good folk on this site really does pay off.

Best regards
Mike   :)

Title: Re: I've messed up and now the car's unusable
Post by Jackattack2002 on Oct 8th, 2021, 12:19pm
Strangely I have just experienced an almost identical gremlin.  I blew the thermostat coolant hose, sprayed water everywhere and now have a dead instrument panel.  The backlights and direction indicator LEDs still function, but the dials and diagnostics are totalled.  The car starts and runs fine and I haven't found any non-functioning electrics yet. I have checked fuses 16 & 17 but they are fine, so will proceed with a complete fuse-check.

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