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General >> Seen by You >> R75 PHH
(Message started by: leewar on Jun 17th, 2012, 12:15pm)

Title: R75 PHH
Post by leewar on Jun 17th, 2012, 12:15pm
Silver saloon seen driving from Weeley to Clacton yesterday 16.06.12

Title: Re: R75 PHH
Post by Jeff on Jul 3rd, 2012, 8:05pm
One of mine is reg R75 but with different letters. Wonder if they were registered together. How nice to have the pair!

if you see him again, flag him down and get his particulars!!

Title: Re: R75 PHH
Post by leewar on Jul 3rd, 2012, 11:02pm
Will do Jeff :)

Title: Re: R75 PHH
Post by big_neil on Jul 11th, 2012, 8:51am
PHH is an original carlisle registration

Title: Re: R75 PHH
Post by gozz on Jul 11th, 2012, 10:06am

on 07/11/12 at 08:51:09, big_neil wrote:
PHH is an original carlisle registration

Hence Stobart's original fleet 'HH' and the Cumberland 'AO',not forgetting Robson's with their 'Border'fleet,Border Raider,Border Chieftain etc etc,that may be where Eddie's dad got the vehicle naming idea from.

Title: Re: R75 PHH
Post by big_neil on Jul 13th, 2012, 2:52pm
my 55 plate c max is a PX prefix with a YHH suffix, my kit car is BAO and not forgetting the RM reg which was also carlisle i think,
by eck gozz that takes me back ,robsons border transport wagons based at durranhill, i can remember putting the 3 phase supply into their workshop,

Title: Re: R75 PHH
Post by Jeff on Jul 13th, 2012, 6:21pm
I used to have a 1965 copy of the Observer's Book of Automobiles and I think the full list of registration suffixes was given; my local Surrey ones being a range of PA to PM or something like that, but that was of course back in the days when we all knew what we were doing. The electric company supplied the electricity, the gas board the gas and a milkman delivered the milk...that sort of thing. I used to like the brief descriptions of each car, such as 'Note styling detail around front indicators'. This would have been some crude strip of chrome plated steel fixed on with a couple of screws or such like. A lot has changed since those days...not all of it for the better methinks.
Round here all the Police cars, including the unmarked ones (that's not playing a straight bat, is it) seem to have a GX registration.
Those of you young enough to think you can get away with ignoring speed limits, note. I'll probably get done now.

Title: Re: R75 PHH
Post by gozz on Jul 13th, 2012, 8:33pm
The new GX reg is 'Garden of England',with offices (at the moment) in Maidstone and Brighton.

Title: Re: R75 PHH
Post by Jeff on Jul 14th, 2012, 12:07pm
The Surrey feds must be supplied from that area then..?? Wonder why, we have car dealers round here.
Maybe they can't do the graphics!

Title: Re: R75 PHH
Post by gozz on Jul 14th, 2012, 10:01pm
It'll just be the licencing area which includes Surrey Jeff.

Title: Re: R75 PHH
Post by Mike H on Jul 15th, 2012, 3:53pm

on 07/13/12 at 18:21:51, Jeff wrote:
but that was of course back in the days when we all knew what we were doing. The electric company supplied the electricity, the gas board the gas and a milkman delivered the milk...that sort of thing

I remember that! AND wore proper uniforms, not like now when the postmen look like they've just got out of bed still wearing the same T-shirt & shorts they slept in LOL...

It's only the red day-glo waistcoat &  trolley gives it away.

Anyroad, ;D interestingly (mildly) mine's TO for Nottingham, but seems to have spent most of its subsequent early life around East Grinstead.

Maybe fleet vehicles were bought as a job lot from one place (?)

Title: Re: R75 PHH
Post by Jeff on Jul 15th, 2012, 9:53pm
My R75 (but I suppose that part of the plate is coincidental now that the topic is registration areas) one was registered initially by Ford themselves, and purchased by the bloke I bought it off at about 6 months old. I think this is a typical thing these days, manufacturers registering vehicles unto thyselves. Gets stuff off the books I guess. My bloke paid almost the list price, something like 28 grand or approaching that.
I gave him 1 grand, and he'd done 75k miles in it. Me very happy thank you.
McLaren are based here in Woking, and employees there are able to buy Mercs on a favourable rate, so much per month, and get a new replacement every 6 months. So all those cars end up in the second hand market place, probably showing they were registered to a holding company or some such financial mechanism like that. Nothing wrong with that I spose: very nice if you work there. But the result of this is, a 20 year old pal of my son rolled up in a brand new C-class the other day. Now that, patient readers, is wrong, in my book.
20 year olds don't drive brand spanking new motahs do they!

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