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General >> Parts Wanted >> Ford Cosworth Ultima, 24 valve Estate 1996, Engine
(Message started by: Nunnspoet on Nov 20th, 2019, 12:33pm)

Title: Ford Cosworth Ultima, 24 valve Estate 1996, Engine
Post by Nunnspoet on Nov 20th, 2019, 12:33pm
Has anyone out there got the above stashed away somewhere?  ::)
If you have may I please purchase it from you as Ruby really needs the Loom replaced

I have had some of the wiring tended to and she i performing beautifully. Very responsive and full Cosworth power available but she really does need sorting out properly.

Maybe someone knows where and who could make up the Loom for me ??

Mike  :-*

Title: Re: Ford Cosworth Ultima, 24 valve Estate 1996, En
Post by Torbayboy on Nov 23rd, 2019, 1:31pm
Maybe the guys who rebuilt one for you when you were "down south" could help... 8)

Title: Re: Ford Cosworth Ultima, 24 valve Estate 1996, En
Post by Nunnspoet on Nov 25th, 2019, 10:51am
Well, a bit of an issue there:  Whoever it was that did the loom on "The Beast" did a really good job, and I have no complaints there.  However whoever it was that charged me £220.00 to sort out the electrics on "Ruby", did nothing at all except rip me off.  I still own "Ruby" and have yet to find anything that was fixed.  When I think about it I get really angry......  So no chance there, ever!

Title: Re: Ford Cosworth Ultima, 24 valve Estate 1996, En
Post by Torbayboy on Nov 25th, 2019, 7:50pm
Hello mike, didnt mean to touch a nerve-sorry :(

As you know I have only been on here a while and I'm sure it was the beast you had fixed within this time, as I had n359eoo (banger death  :() and was trying to save it, that had bad wires also.
You kindly referred me to the guy who sorted yours for you.
see pm just sent-may help???


Title: Re: Ford Cosworth Ultima, 24 valve Estate 1996, En
Post by Nunnspoet on Nov 29th, 2019, 9:40am
Ah Roy. you did'nt touch a nerve at all.  Mark and his mate did a great job on the Beast.

I always appreciate your lively informative input.

Thanks and keep roll'n rolli'n, all Scorpio owenrs.
Mike   :)

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