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(Message started by: Kevin_Tulloch on May 2nd, 2004, 6:56pm)

Title: Derby meeting-a BIG thankyou
Post by Kevin_Tulloch on May 2nd, 2004, 6:56pm
Hello to all

As it says in the title,a BIG thankyou to everyone who made the effort to turn up (42 cars in all).Personally (and from the comments i received),i think it was a great day and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and the weather more than held out,couldn't ask for a better day.I'm sorry to have kept asking people if they had booked a re-gas,but as you'll be aware,my cunning ticket system wasn't a great success!!I think everyone was seen to though.Daryl did about 20 cars in the end,poor bloke was broken,when he had finished!!!!I hope everyone was happy with the aircon service that they received.Once again,thanks to everyone and who knows,might be able to sort something out for next year ;)

Kind regards
Kev (the short,good looking one!!)

Title: Re: Derby meeting-a BIG thankyou
Post by Baz on May 2nd, 2004, 7:33pm
I don't remember a short, good looking bloke...only a short bloke who asked me 4 times if I wanted a re-gas!!

Thanks for today Kev, it is good to put names to faces and although rubber duck wasn't there we did have a few strange names!!

An excellent day and I am now really in the mood for Harewood

Thanks again from me, Karen and little (that's wee Andrew!) Connor


Title: Re: Derby meeting-a BIG thankyou
Post by Badboytunes on May 2nd, 2004, 7:52pm
Hey Kev, you little ankle biter ;D ;D . Just  a quick note to say a massive thank-you for arranging  a very good meet. Myself (and Lynn) really enjoyed ourselves. It was nice to put faces to the names (even tho i have forgotten sum allready  :( :(. The pub food was  wicked  and all in all everybody  got on well with each other. I feel I have made some good friends on here and today proved that beyond a doubt!!!  I really hope this meet will be happening next year and  maybe a couple more?
    Once again CHEERS ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

      C ya m8y ;)

Title: Re: Derby meeting-a BIG thankyou
Post by Geoff_W on May 2nd, 2004, 7:55pm
Nice one Kevin,

An excellent day and you sorted the weather as well!

Lovely  8) cool moment on the way back thanks to the aircon recharge and thanks to Andrew for the ODB.

Roll on Harewood

Geoff W

Title: Re: Derby meeting-a BIG thankyou
Post by Paul B on May 2nd, 2004, 8:56pm
Well Kev, its been a long day and a 435mile round trip, but I still think it was worth it.
Myself and Maddy both had a great day and as Nick said, we also feel we have made some good, lasting friendships today. :)
And it was a pleasure to finally put faces to names. Blimey, I've been in contact with some (including yourself) for over a year now! Great to meet you at last.
And I must say, the convoys from the south west and here in the south east were a success, even meeting up in the midlands for the final stint together. OK, we kind of got separated, but it was great while it lasted - a fantastic sight.  :o
Well done and many thanks for organising it mate.


(I'll cut ya!)  ;)

Title: Re: Derby meeting-a BIG thankyou
Post by Fitzy on May 2nd, 2004, 9:05pm
Hi All

Well what can i say, NICE ONE Kev ;), myself and Angie had a brilliant day out, couldn't have asked for anything else, put the faces to the names made some really good friends, will most definately be long lasting friendships there. The convoys were a sight to behold must have turned a few heads specially when we left Tamworth services, and hey who cares if we did get split up and get a little lost but hey sh*t happens.  Sorted out a few niggling problems so to everyone who turned up a great big THANKYOU............. keep up the good work.

Fitzy   ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Derby meeting-a BIG thankyou
Post by steptoe on May 2nd, 2004, 11:02pm
Hi all

Rather than pollute what has already been said all I am going to say is ditto  :P.

I'm looking forward to the next one.


Title: Re: Derby meeting-a BIG thankyou
Post by Kenboy on May 2nd, 2004, 11:09pm
Hi I will keep this short Kev (No pun meant)? but seriously it was a great success picked up useful information and was able to put some names to some faces and I felt proud  and priviliged to be a part of this amazing bond of a common interest, the mind boggles.


Title: Re: Derby meeting-a BIG thankyou
Post by scorpio_man on May 2nd, 2004, 11:35pm
well done kev

3 1/2 times better than last year!
can't ask for more than that!

roll on next year.....kev, kev, come back! only joking! ;)

Title: Re: Derby meeting-a BIG thankyou
Post by bertie on May 2nd, 2004, 11:41pm
fantastic day Kev...a big thankyou for organising it. Also a big thanks to your aircon man who was honest enough to say my aircon was spot on and did not charge for re gas!!!!

venue was spot food was excellent...atmosphere and fellow scorpio owners was and the missus throughly enjoyed it...better than last time...and what can I say about the weather!!! the prayers were answered!!

Roll on Harewood.....


Title: Re: Derby meeting-a BIG thankyou
Post by KEF on May 3rd, 2004, 6:40am
I would just like to say.
Hi to all the guy's I came most of the way with,
Paul & Dave and thier wives & Jerry.
Hi to Kev for organizing the hole thing ( you look bigger on the internet)
Hi to Bertie and his wife for getting me the last few miles.
Hi to Baz and family and thanks again fot the bit's.
Hi to Bad Boy still don't know what that knocking is.
Hi to Ren will try to sort that part for you.
Hi to Kevin and Danny R  (2 hours) I will just say one thing, ( Ploughmans ) Pate !!
HI to Daryl the Air Con man (who is no Con man ) thanks
Hi to Snoopy who took the group picture ( Brave man to risk his camera taking it !! ) the picture can only be shown after the water shed.
Hi and thanks to all the staff of the kestral Pub for putting up with us all.
Hi to all the other great people that I meet and came along, to make it a great day.
Hi to all the Ladies who came along and put up with us, crazy men talking about our car's .
So really I would just like to say the whole day was a HIGH
Sorry this is so long but I need the tpying practice. SEE

High Keith     ;D  Just for Kevin R

Title: Re: Derby meeting-a BIG thankyou
Post by Snoopy on May 3rd, 2004, 7:03am
Late as usuaul getting the post on .. Super day Kev... well done mate.... Harewood looks good so far... Well Snoopy revealed .. what a day... Super fantastic in fact supercallifragilisticexpealidociuos......

What a really nice crowd of people...
THANKS to all who attended and likewise to put some names to faces... CU all next time


Title: Re: Derby meeting-a BIG thankyou
Post by Kevin_Tulloch on May 3rd, 2004, 8:41am
Hello all

Many,many thanks for all your kind comments and it was a fantastic day.Certainly one i'll remember for a very long time,and as everyone has said,made a lot of very good friends.Must say a couple more "thankyou's".To this excellent site,if it wasn't around,i don't think anyone would've met and also to Andrew (Scorpio-man),for tirelessly going round members cars with his OBD and laptop,although he had a 10 HOUR round trip to get from Scotland and back.One last point,i took about 20 minutes of video footage,basically from the first thing in the morning until most people had arrived,not sure about the ones that arrived after 12.00),to get a gradual picture of how the day unfolded.I'll be more than happy to put it onto tape for anyone.All i'd ask is that you send me,a blank video tape in a jiffy bag and enough stamps to cover return postage and i'll get it sorted.By the way,i'll be wearing my high heels next time!!Has anyone got anything to go with a beige handbag!!See you all next year.


Title: Re: Derby meeting-a BIG thankyou
Post by MichaelRomulus on May 3rd, 2004, 8:45am
Good morning Kev - Just to say thank you for organising a great day.

My two wives had a lovely day out !!

Mrs 1 - Ultima - had a good drive up and airing - in convoy - thanks Craig - for leading the way on the M5 and organising the meeting points.

Mrs 2 - Siomara - enjoyed socialising and meeting the other wives.

Thanks to Andrew for the OBD-2 Scan

It was a pleasure to meet you all and see all the Scorpios.

Hope to see you all at the next one

Best wishes to all -

The guy in the red shirt  ;) Michael

Title: Re: Derby meeting-a BIG thankyou
Post by KEF on May 3rd, 2004, 8:52am
Steady Snoopy you could blow a gasket using long words like that !!
Oh and thanks for posting the Group Picture so quickly
( sorry I didn't reply earlier M8 was having my Breakfast )

Title: Re: Derby meeting-a BIG thankyou
Post by george on May 3rd, 2004, 10:12am
hi all just another thanks from me an shelley met a few people and put names to faces we had a good day its a shame that i wasnt there in my car which some BA****D stole on friday night but never mind i will hopefully have another shortly an will be at harewood hall thanks kev agreat day mate

Title: Re: Derby meeting-a BIG thankyou
Post by KEF on May 3rd, 2004, 10:45am
Hi George.
I'm sorry I missed the chance to meet you and Shelley & see the baby, after talking to you by email, which one was you in the group Photo, Hope you Two and the baby are fine.
Sorry to hear about your car being stolen, hope you get it back soon in good nick.
P.S I'm the one in the front, in Beige, next to Fitzy in the west ham shirt, in the Group Photo.

Title: Re: Derby meeting-a BIG thankyou
Post by THE_FLY on May 3rd, 2004, 12:35pm
Hell Kev
Greetings fellow Scopionados

Another great meeting at Derby, well done Kev and all those who attended.

Got there a bit late due to my personal sat nav (brain) letting me down. got there in time for chips, and thats the main thing lol.

Decided not to sell the scorp just yet  :)
Kindest Regards


Title: Re: Derby meeting-a BIG thankyou
Post by Dean on May 3rd, 2004, 1:01pm
Hi Guys
it was very nice to meet such a friendly and helpful group of fellow Scorpio owners, we had a great day and are looking forward to seeing you all again in june


Dean   ;)

Title: Re: Derby meeting-a BIG thankyou
Post by ren on May 3rd, 2004, 7:43pm
Hi Kev

great day thanks
theres one thing about posting late and last
everyone else has said it all
and its true a great day was had by all

cheers m8


Title: Re: Derby meeting-a BIG thankyou
Post by Alan on May 4th, 2004, 12:19am
Hi Kev
Had a brilliant time and at least the weather stayed fine for us. Left the hotel @ 1pm and arrived home @ 7pm. A long journey and changing fuses every couple of miles didnt help But the trip was worth it. It was nice to put a face to some of the names of the people on the site. Thanks again m8 Hopefully see you soon. And dont forget to put that playstation 2 in your car for the boys.
          Alan and Louise ;D ;D

Title: Re: Derby meeting-a BIG thankyou
Post by Eric_R on May 4th, 2004, 8:51pm
Well done Kev and everybody who supported the event.
I'm sorry I missed it but I was on the Isle of Wight all weekend.
I have put the Meet page on if you want to check it out. Thanks to Snoopy (again) for the text and to all contributors of the great pix.   :D

Title: Re: Derby meeting-a BIG thankyou
Post by dart on May 4th, 2004, 9:48pm
Cheers kev!
                     Great day, sorry I arrived late and had to go early but that's life! met all the great folks saw the great cars ,myself and carol loved it !so did the lad mark.
 very well orginised three cheers kev!
           Hope we can do this again next year!
             took some photo's hope they come out ok(film not dig)
                all the best
                                    Dart. ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Derby meeting-a BIG thankyou
Post by nevprice on May 4th, 2004, 10:50pm
Sorry for the delay in writing! :-[
Great day,great weather and great people.
Nice to meet so many of you and have a chat!
Can we do it next year ;D ;D ;D


Ps Craig,get sat nav fitted for next year M8!!But seriously,thanks for organising the M5 Convoy(Good job)

Title: Re: Derby meeting-a BIG thankyou
Post by Kevin_Tulloch on May 5th, 2004, 4:38pm
Hi Snoopy

Excellent write-up and thanks to admin for putting it up so quick.


Title: Re: Derby meeting-a BIG thankyou
Post by craig on May 5th, 2004, 6:44pm
just a footnote....

i take full responsibility for the break-up of the convoy,my dear wife said it was the right way (never wrong),but i still had to check in the garage,that was the mistake............
if only i had listened (been hearing that for days now )..
anyway if it happens again next year,there will be no mistakes,the wifes navigating,maybe even driving.....


but still a great day,really glad i made it.....

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