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(Message started by: Snoopy on Jun 19th, 2005, 5:44pm)

Title: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by Snoopy on Jun 19th, 2005, 5:44pm
Just a quick one to thank Anne and Richard for ALL the hard work in organising it and collecting the money again.

Also to the members of the forum some new and some not so new who turned out and made it a great day.

Really HOT and HUMIND weather ( great storm on the way back) but so nice to meet old friends make some new ones and have a really good day.
(Baz I forgot to get one of those tape storage  things, went to get the money and got diverted sorry , perhaps NEXT time.)
Who is going to do the write up??? any takers?

Thanks to one and all

Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by dart on Jun 19th, 2005, 7:03pm
[] Excellent orginisation!Well done :)
     And thanks to all the members for the wonderfull welcome,you are great people!We had a fantastic day out, really,really enjoyed it :)
      Oh and Keith,don't bring those rubber gloves again, that was frightening! ;D ;D
         Cheers all
                           dart ;D

Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by Geoff_W on Jun 19th, 2005, 8:32pm
Yep another great day at Harewood with a number of suspicously red looking Scorp owners without enough factor 30.

Great bunch of people and cars with some serious fettling going on, the piccies will be great to see.

So big thanks to Annie and Richard for sorting out the day and we were on plot 42 (Meaning of life and all that).

My car benefitted from an OBD, codes reset and strip down by Andrew, photos ultimately courtesy of Snoopy and some supporting diagnosis compliments of Martin Rowe. The run back home through the customary 5.15 rain storm (Yorkshires a pretty green county).

Also now benefit from a boot lid that will put a Roman catapult to shame compliments of Barry.
(Amazing two minute job with the right kit and a little bit of effort)...... and then there was Baz setting up a global conference/IM session from Harewood to Florida live.. Scary technology.

Great to see all the usual suspects  8)

This is starting to sound like an Oscar speech, but good to catch up again with, Baz, Kevin, KEEF, Oliver, Dart, Locky, Oddjob, the North East Mafia (You know who you are) and George and Kelley in a very interesting high roof concept estate and  finally now a vote for the ladies without whoose help etc

Fouur hundred metre hurdles was impressive

Seriously great day now wheres that after sun for my crackling ;D


Dave I don't think this qualifies as a write up but its my bit of a great day out, I am sure others will drop in their own high spots ;)

Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by Baz on Jun 19th, 2005, 9:51pm
My thanks to Anne also, same time next year?

A Few pictures to be going on with

(Geoff bought the winning raffle ticket and won this lovely blue Scorpio 2.0 with reverse parking sensors....class) And no that isn't John Steed next to him with the brolley, it's Kevin R
Looks like there could be multiple claims on the blue Scorpio....a lot of number 42 raffle tickets!
"Hey Keef, you look well today"
(She'll never change you know Kev!!
(Scorpio no-mates!!)
Another Good Line up this year
George sneaked in with his Peugeot and thought we never noticed....we had other ideas
A lot of facelift cars this year too!

There were actually scorpios in 4 locations this year, and one was on its own on the Granada appreciation society...bit like a Peugeot on our stand!!

I will post more pics in a while


Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by Danny_R on Jun 19th, 2005, 10:05pm
Nice pictures baz :)

Hope everyone had a great time! How many scorps in total then?


Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by Baz on Jun 19th, 2005, 10:08pm
Well I counted 20 on our stand plus 5 plus 2 singles so 27 all told. Not as many as last year but still a good laugh!! Your mum and my missus were on the alchohol again though Danny!!


Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by Danny_R on Jun 19th, 2005, 10:25pm

Your mum and my missus were on the alchohol again though Danny!!

Hey, nothing new there then baz ;D I'd be worried if she wasn't ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by music_master on Jun 19th, 2005, 10:28pm
nice pics baz shame i missed a good day

Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by kevin_R on Jun 19th, 2005, 10:29pm
Danny_R , there were 20 scorps in our No 42 plot ,not bad , thanks for another great meeting Guys and gals , it was lovely to see you all again. Baz and Karen, & Conner,have a brill holiday ! thanks Baz for the little pressie, Keef you are a tonic to me M8 , great to see you again / Geoff W another mini meet again soon eh ? with Richard,John and Baz and anyone else who's up for it !
Baz!!! who the hell is John Steed ??? nice to meet you Dart ' you female dog ' lol
Nic and Simon see you both soon Lads
Best wishes to you all . Kevin_R and Mrs.R

Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by nic on Jun 19th, 2005, 11:10pm
Evenin all, whew just got in.

What a day, a great day, but was it hot or what.

Burning up here as i write this.

Smashing to see the old faces, the new faces and the really old face(Snoop)}{

A fantastic time as usual, thanks anne and richard for the hard work, i will be in touch soon about a ne meet.

Everyone else, great to see you all again, managed to miss the storm, hows that for timing?/

Hope to see some of you at Stirling and Billing later in the year.

Must say the quality if some of the motors this year was fantastic, some tidy cars there.

Thanks to all for the entertainment, 1st class as usual.

and Danny, honest mate it was rubbish, you missed nothin, weather bad, company rubbish and the cars, oh man talk about scrappers }{

Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by Baz on Jun 19th, 2005, 11:11pm
Who is John Steed? Patrick McNee of the Avengers, bowler hat, umbrella...god I know that and I am a bit lot younger than you Kevin!!

Did John say thank you for the reversing sensor mod??


Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by Baz on Jun 19th, 2005, 11:12pm

the scrappers went early and left the quality to carry on flying the flag!!

Just as we were about to shut the door to drive off (Connor had to say goodbye to the ET cruiser and every other car that was passing!!) the rain started. I don't envy them old classics with no heaters!!

Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by kevin_R on Jun 19th, 2005, 11:16pm
;D  ;D  ;D

Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by nic on Jun 19th, 2005, 11:16pm
Oh yes and thaks for the oil cooler, if I find anyof you have one at the back of the garage there will be bother,

Baz its a shame there was no quality until after 10am, no time to polish me car mate, had to get there EARLY ;D

Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by Baz on Jun 19th, 2005, 11:36pm

Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by craig on Jun 20th, 2005, 7:51am
sounds like you all had a good 'un,and if the weather was as hot up there as it was down south,you must of been boiling.......
sounds an excellent day out,and hopefully will get round to getting up there one year (bit of a trek from somerset :'()....

glad you all enjoyed it... ;) ;) ;)

Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by nic on Jun 20th, 2005, 1:20pm
right on the off topic section i want to start a competition, who is burnt the worst.

Now is the time to show your red bits, no white bits please.

;D ;D

Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by kevin_R on Jun 20th, 2005, 1:43pm
Nic ! my head is reder than yours !  8)

Kevin_R  ;D

Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by Baz on Jun 20th, 2005, 4:35pm
Kevin got undressed last night and Jane thought he was off to a fancy dress party a match!!

Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by KEEF on Jun 20th, 2005, 5:43pm
Oh Baz
There is no need for that M8
First you calling him a bowler hat (Rhyming slang) with the umbrella next he's a swan vester.  ;) but I had to laugh at the thought of it,
:D :D :D :D :D :D

Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by Boblavens on Jun 20th, 2005, 6:15pm
Hi guys Glad it was a success, I'll have to do my best to get to one of these Summer meets, but It will have to be up North! when's the next one?


Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by KEEF on Jun 20th, 2005, 6:37pm
Kev M8
If it makes you feel any better I look deeply embarrassed myself today, but it was worth it M8. Had a great time, a lot of laugh's, and great company. Hope you and Jayne didn't find it to tiring on that long drive home.  ;)  What do you think of that Baz, M8.  I thought you and him  was M8's. That's a good picture of Jayne. (are you sure that's just lime juice in that bottle she had.) ;)
Speak to you soon M8.
With the extra E
Keith   ;D

Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by Ultima_Stu on Jun 20th, 2005, 7:21pm
Just a quick note of thanks to one and all (I'm lousy with names!), but especially Anne (for the 'blagged' ticket to let me in!) and Richard for both organising a well supported stand.

See you all soon.


Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by locky on Jun 20th, 2005, 8:08pm
A big thank you to Anne and Richard for organising such a great event!!

We had a brilliant day out and it was great to see such a good turn out and finally meet everyone.

I hope to meet you all again very soon

Locky, Jean and Adele :D

Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by KEEF on Jun 20th, 2005, 8:46pm
Here are some more pix of Harewood Hse meet,
P.S Don't look if you have a nerves disposition  ;)

Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by dart on Jun 20th, 2005, 9:21pm
Just to answer a bet I noticed a while back,who would be first there? Andrew was odds on with Nic strong contender!
                   It was Me! With Keef in a strong quarter of an hour second past the line :D
      Bets are now off!  
                                   Gimme a medal, Gimme a medal ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by dart on Jun 20th, 2005, 9:26pm
            Sorry Snoops!
      The picture is as big as ever!
      Can anyone tell me how to make my pictures smaller from photobucket than they are because they are takeing up to much band width?)

Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by KEEF on Jun 20th, 2005, 9:27pm
I know I shouldn't have stop for that petrol and a bacon sarnie. Oh and the cash machine. I could have been first.  :-/

Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by nic on Jun 20th, 2005, 9:32pm
Ahh but in my defence, i was waiting for someone who was over 35 minutes late, and it wasnt a woman, so that rules out suzanne, leigh and me. Could be gary, john or simon :D :D

Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by KEEF on Jun 20th, 2005, 9:37pm
I just thought I was the last one off our plot too.
And all I got was rain on. nice to have meet you, carol a your son hope you all enjoyed the day M8.
KEEF  ;)

Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by KEEF on Jun 20th, 2005, 9:42pm
Well Nic
He has got to polish his own car now that he's married so he would be late M8
KEEF  ;)

Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by OddJob on Jun 20th, 2005, 9:48pm
Hello all  ;D

Special thanks must go to Anne & Rick for arranging it all for without whom I would have missed out on the pleasure of finally meeting some of you. Sorry to those who I unfortunately missed, but hopefully that can be rectified next time ;)

Thank you all for such a warm welcome  :D


Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by dart on Jun 20th, 2005, 9:53pm
Excuses,excuses ;D
       Bless you all!
           What a day,What a heatwave :-[ What a day to remember ;)
      Sorry we did'nt meet you all, but we will on the next meet,and the sooner the better,your all a tonic! :)
     Must appoligise for sitting under the tree,we were'nt being unsociable,but Carols health is a bit of a concern at the moment and she needed a little shade!
   Thanks for your patience
                                           This is from Carol too! ;D ;D

Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by dart on Jun 20th, 2005, 9:55pm
Sorry Oddjob!
                     you sliped that post in while I was still typing mate! I'm no secretary ;D
       It should have fit in between Nic and Keiths post on page 2, :-[

Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by dart on Jun 20th, 2005, 9:57pm
            Your all to fast for me ;D ;D

Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by nic on Jun 20th, 2005, 9:58pm
BTW, no suprises on who was last  there eh, ::)

Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by OddJob on Jun 20th, 2005, 10:08pm

on 06/20/05 at 21:53:01, dart wrote:
     Must appoligise for sitting under the tree,we were'nt being unsociable,but Carols health is a bit of a concern at the moment and she needed a little shade!
   Thanks for your patience
                                           This is from Carol too! ;D ;D

Thought never entered my mind Dart just simply didn't see you, (eyes all puffed up and sore with the slow cooking of my head) see u next time M8.
Best wishes and speedy recovery to Carol  :)


Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by OddJob on Jun 20th, 2005, 10:11pm

on 06/20/05 at 21:21:08, dart wrote:
Just to answer a bet I noticed a while back,who would be first there? Andrew was odds on with Nic strong contender!
                   It was Me! With Keef in a strong quarter of an hour second past the line :D
      Bets are now off!  
                                   Gimme a medal, Gimme a medal ;D ;D ;D

Not getting involved here, but did anybody see who left last.  hee hee LOL  }{

Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by dart on Jun 20th, 2005, 10:12pm
                And that's ment ;)
         There is'nt a smilley to fit the meaning!

Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by dart on Jun 20th, 2005, 10:14pm
As for who left last!

                                    KEEF ;D
                          IN THE POUNDING RAIN!

Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by kevin_R on Jun 21st, 2005, 11:18am
Yes it was Keef who was last off , i think he was trying to nick in infront of me !lol
So i looked like a match did i Baz,  :o
Kevin_R  ;D  ;D  ;D

Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by kevin_R on Jun 21st, 2005, 11:19am
Nice pictures Keef M8


Title: Re: Harewood House Sunday 19th June 2005
Post by Geoff_W on Jun 24th, 2005, 11:55pm

Just done my first long journey, London and back since you did the business on the throttle body last Sunday.

Computer average including drive in and park up in the Aldwytch NCP (bit of slow moving traffic) 32.4. 8)

Nice one, thanks for the help  ;)

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