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General >> News >> Comments regarding LPG
(Message started by: petehull on Apr 12th, 2007, 10:22am)

Title: Comments regarding LPG
Post by petehull on Apr 12th, 2007, 10:22am
This is an extract from an LPG newsletter I found interesting.... Might be tempted to go and live in London.... :-/

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With Gordon Brown having made his speech
we all want to know more about how much Road Tax
we have to pay and how can we lower the amount we pay?

Information supplied from the DVLA states that only cars
manufactured after 2001 are taxed based on their emissions,
meaning an LPG conversion can lower the amount of your
Road Tax.  The DVLA has stated that the reduction in Road Tax
would be no more than £20.00 per year.

If your car is pre-2001 you are taxed on your engine size and
not your emissions therefore an LPG conversion will not
lower your Road Tax only your Fuel costs

it has been announced that hundreds of
Residents will be able to park for free in central London after
Westminster Council abolishes residents parking charges for
environmentally friendly cars – this includes cars converted to LPG.
This could save you up to £80.00 per year.

Wow! I am all taken aback.... :o :o


Title: Re: Comments regarding LPG
Post by Spannerdemon on Apr 12th, 2007, 10:34am
Yeah. And I believe in fairies too!!!  ;D

You can bet your sweet ass that whatever government is in power at the time, they will SCREW you for every penny on LPG tax.

Diesel was the same. the minute everybody started using it....up went the tax, despite the promises previously made about them not taxing it.

Or am I cynical.  ???

BAZ might have something to say about LPG.................. :D  :D

Title: Re: Comments regarding LPG
Post by TiberiuS on Apr 12th, 2007, 3:12pm
It's the same with anything. LPG is great but it's gradually rising torwards the price of regular unleaded, it won't be long until it becomes obsolete and you can't fill up with it anywhere :(

Even if we started using methane, you'd find a tax slapped on cows in fields and cows would become obsolete ;)

Anyone heard of the 'ancient lights' tax?

Regards, Bruce :).

Title: Re: Comments regarding LPG
Post by scorpio_man on Apr 12th, 2007, 3:44pm
hi there

re the price of lpg.

when i got mine converted, it cost 33.9p per litre. now i pay 42.9p at asda, 39.9p at morrisons and what really hurts, 48.9p on the motorway!! :o }{

not too bad a jump in 3 1/2 years.

Title: Re: Comments regarding LPG
Post by Spannerdemon on Apr 12th, 2007, 5:25pm
It's the way that these legalised vermin slap a tax on everything that starts to get used more that gets on my small blue birds!!  ;)

Title: Re: Comments regarding LPG
Post by Baz on Apr 13th, 2007, 12:01am
How did you know I had LPG? Did I mention it??

Title: Re: Comments regarding LPG
Post by TiberiuS on Apr 13th, 2007, 12:39am

on 04/13/07 at 00:01:40, Baz wrote:
How did you know I had LPG? Did I mention it??

Oh've done it now ::)

Great idea if you cover a lot of miles but I see the day when it'll cost the same as regular unleaded...look at how cheap diesel used to be :(

Title: Re: Comments regarding LPG
Post by martin_rowe on Apr 13th, 2007, 8:46am
both my scorps combined I save in excess of £5k per year on my fuel costs, dont worry about the price just keep watching the savings.

Title: Re: Comments regarding LPG
Post by petehull on Apr 13th, 2007, 12:19pm
Hi Tib
The difference with diesel is that now with all the slant about "Global Warming" they are likely using as an excuse to up the prices, LPG is supposed to not "Polute the Atmosphere" so they probably havn't found an excuse yet.  It is aparently a waste product that gets burned off.... ??? :-/


Title: Re: Comments regarding LPG
Post by Grumpyg1t on May 9th, 2007, 10:47am
If i wanted to convert my motor, i'm not good enough with spanners to do myself how much would it cost me to get someone to do the convertion for me.


Title: Re: Comments regarding LPG
Post by petehull on May 9th, 2007, 4:12pm
Grumpy, it cost me 2 grand a year ago, but if you do go for it make sure you get the right kit.... it is well worth it if your car's a good un....

Title: Re: Comments regarding LPG
Post by Grumpyg1t on May 9th, 2007, 4:32pm
Thanks pete, i had better start saving then  :)

As i understand it there is two types one is like a carb and one a multipoint injector, (I could be getting confused here) the multipoint being the better as it squirts into each cylinder.

I take it you need to inform the insurance company, would you need some sort of certficate to say its done to a certain standard?

Is it true when the LPG tank is empty and you go to the filling station and fit the pipe onto the filler it takes ages to fill the tank as the pressure in the tank is low, or am i being misled?

Sorry for all the questions  :)



Title: Re: Comments regarding LPG
Post by petehull on May 9th, 2007, 4:57pm
Yes Multipoint is the best, it is designed to run with the petrol system and swiches over automaticaly.  You fill up by connecting the filler which is a bayonet fitting, lock it in and press the button, it takes about the same time as petrol to fill depending on the tank size.

Look on this site for information, I have the Prins system fitted see also

You get a certificate with the emmissions results on which needs to be sent the DVLC, after registering with them the ins co will need a photocopy.  One benifit if you live in congestion charge areas is that the car will be excempt for charging.  But the main benefit along with cleaner running, less muck in the engine etc is the savings on fuel.  I was putting £45 to £50 petrol in every fortnight, I now fill up for about £18 a fortnight.... ahmen.... I'm well pleased... ;D ;D

Hope that helps

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