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General >> News >> JUST MY LUCK....
(Message started by: petehull on Jul 14th, 2007, 9:00pm)

Title: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by petehull on Jul 14th, 2007, 9:00pm
From a very disgruntled Scorpio owner.... >:(
   Guess what, if my luck was ever down as this year   My car was quietly parked outside my house today minding it's own business when some crettin of an excuse for a woman, delivering Littlewoods Catalogues in her "People Carrier" smashed into the front o/s wing, took off the corner of the bumper along with my headlight, foglight and indicator, she then cleared off and didn't even stop.    
I have just got this car sorted nicely as well.... Fortunately   a neighbour was looking on and saw her leave the close, SHE HAD JUST DELIVERED HIS CATALOGUE! He didn't manage to get the reg but he said she had 2 children in the back.  A fine example to set for them....  
I rang the police and they are going to have word with Littlewoods to trace her so hopefully she will get a big surprise on Monday (Hopefully).
I have in the meantime photographed the damage and fitted my spare bumper, the headlight is cracked so I have left that on and I have Masticed the indicator and foglight back in for the time being cos I need the car tomorrow for work.

If I can work out how to upload pics from my computer I will soon.  Meanwhile..... GGGGRRRR!!!!

By the way, it's our 34th wedding anniversary today..... :P

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by petehull on Jul 14th, 2007, 10:09pm
This was in the floods the other week. A bucketfull of water inside....

Now this is what I am blessed with this week: Hit and run

Sickasaparrot >:(


Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by Baz on Jul 15th, 2007, 7:01am
That is a real pain Pete she made a right mess of the bumper..good luck with tracing her and maybe you can get the police to charge her with failing to stop after an accident, failure to report an accident and leaving the scene of an accident... all serious offences allegedly although I doubt they will be bothered!

.... I have a couple of lads working for me at the moment on the Doncaster Racecourse Refurb (we are fitting the plasma TV's everywhere!!) they were flooded out when all the rains came and one lad is still not back home yet!

Doncaster is even worse although so far the racecourse bit hasn't been hit that badly

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by Dave on Jul 15th, 2007, 8:56am
Wow what a mess, sorry to see that Pete  :(

Can't believe people can do that and then just drive off  ???

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by Matt on Jul 15th, 2007, 9:55am
i have to say that in a way you've been lucky! the floods and the crash could of rit off the car!

saying that though, the woman who did that ought to be strung up for driving off, its not like you dont notice causing that much damage

ive got a wing if interested, in silver....

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by dan_the_man on Jul 15th, 2007, 5:32pm
sorry to learn of your bad news, your from my experience a fine gentleman who deserves a little lift from the situation ! If you manage to trace the lady in question you should either replace the dammaged bumper, or use your pik's.Then take your Scorp to 3 or 4 expensive garages for repair quotes, use the most expensive two. contact her ins company with the quotes , make a cash settlement with them and sort the repairs with second hand bits. keeping the change ! the best of luck either way my friend.

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by petehull on Jul 15th, 2007, 5:48pm

Thanks for the kind words Dan, I will certainly not be letting her off and I don't think the police will either, the only concern I have at the moment is with my luck she will probbably be one of these with no insurance etc, will have to wait for the police to get back to me.  Meanwhile I have patched it up so I can drive it... will keep you posted....

Thanks again


Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by podge on Jul 15th, 2007, 8:22pm
Hi Pete,
What a mess I hope you soon get it fixed and get that woman driver -
Why is that some woman drivers are in another world,  The same nearly happened to me yesterday coming out of Warrington as I was approaching the lights outside the Cemetary this woman decided to turn right, I had to brake realy hard, even the wife swore, If it had been wet there would have been a collision.
And all she did was wave and cleared off, the cheeky begger.

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by dan_the_man on Jul 15th, 2007, 11:10pm
I always wave and mouth an appology if I drop a bad on the road, even if I make someone cross. I always forgive mistakes and it is a pleasure to do so if they acknowledge  falt. it does seem sometimes that people have a death wish ! as for why women are less confedent and more hesitant . Testerone is responsible for spacial awareness . also women think about many things at once, they multi task while driving. gentlemen have a compartmentalised brain. we concentrate our thoughts on one subject eg driving then allow our brain to wonder later . ever wondered why the telly or radio gets turned down or off when the phone rings for Guy's ? women tend to be more able to talk and listen at the same time. they are also better at communication ! anyway I'm most likely to be critisised for my opinion. and this is only true in most cases. some men have female tendancys and vice versa !

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by mr._floppy on Jul 16th, 2007, 12:26am
What's the chances this  female's car  was uninsured  and  un-MOT'd  ?


Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by jonnycab on Jul 16th, 2007, 12:50am
Flooded out & then had your car bashed  :o.......Pete, I hope your luck improves soon mate  ;)

As the AC/DC song goes.... "Hull....ain't a bad place to be"  ;D

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by petehull on Jul 18th, 2007, 7:50am
Latest on this one....

the police have traced the woman involved, she says she hasn't got a people carrier and she wasn't out delivering on Saturday, we told them she had delivered my neighbours catalogue and He had been talking to her.  Littlewoods now say they will pay for the repairs seeing as it was caused by "Someone" delivering on their behalf..... They will contact me directly.... still waiting.

Whatch this space.... :'(


Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by TiberiuS on Jul 18th, 2007, 12:29pm
What's the point denying it's only a bump after all???

I don't get why she's running so hard, unless she doesn't have insurance or something???

We all make mistakes, just stand up and admit it, or is that too simple for some people?

Good luck with it mate.

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by Spannerdemon on Jul 18th, 2007, 1:16pm
Sounds like this stupid woman is digging a nice big hole for herself!!  :o

I'm sure that the police WILL get to the bottom of it.....And then....... ???

Hope you get it sorted anyway.

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by jonnycab on Jul 18th, 2007, 1:27pm
I'll bet she doesn't have any liability insurance....which is what you should have when delivering goods.

Insurance companies don't like you using your car for anything other than social, domestic or pleasure  :)

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by john.n on Jul 18th, 2007, 3:20pm
I suggest you chase Littlewoods, if she was working for them it is there responsibility to confirm she has the correct insurance. Dont be fobbed off and dont be the nice guy-get angry and get your money. john.n

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by merseyscorp on Jul 18th, 2007, 11:33pm
Yeah, I'll go with that. Chances are she will be self-employed delivering on a commission basis. I'd have the DSS involved the lot. I cannot believe I have to share oxygen with these sorts.

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by jonnycab on Jul 19th, 2007, 3:38am
Agreed  ;).....I'll bet no liabilty/commercial insurance......just doing it on the side & not informing her insurance company that she's using her car for business purposes  ::)

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by TiberiuS on Jul 19th, 2007, 3:51am
I never got this business use thing...

A road is a road, a car is a what difference does it make if you're at work or not?

A mistake is a mistake, no matter whether you're at work or driving to Tesco ::)

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by jonnycab on Jul 19th, 2007, 4:03am
You can't use a privately insured vehicle for business purposes because there is more liability & risk.

The risk being that you're more likely to have an accident doing above average miles & the liability for the goods you are transporting...should they be damaged in any way if you do have an accident  :)

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by Spannerdemon on Jul 19th, 2007, 7:00am

I don't get why she's running so hard, unless she doesn't have insurance or something

THAT'S almost certainly why she's running ........her insurance will be invalid because she's not insured for business use.

GET TOUGH. I know I would. The witch has smashed your car. Get on her case!!  :o

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by petehull on Jul 27th, 2007, 8:45am
Here's the update on this.... >:(

I have finally been told (nearly 2 weeks on) that the case is being dealt with on my behalf by the ULA (Uninsured Loss Adjusters) they told ME to get 2 quotes for the repairs. ???

This was after my haveing to ring the company in Liverpool (about four times) responsible for employing the woman who told the police she didn't have a people carrier and she wasn't delivering on the 14th.  >:(

Apparently they employ these people on a self employed basis and they are responsible for correctly insuring their own vehicles, they gave me the name and address of the woman which I passed to the ULA.  They now admit they have a people carrier and she WAS delivering that day although she denies causing any damage.  >:(
I am now going to continue getting the quotes (in my time and at my inconvenience) and will wait for the outcome of their persute in the matter.  ???
when and if it is all sorted I am then going to aproach the police to enquire if any prosecution will take place, if not there will be a letter of complaint to the Chief Constable in Hull. :-/

The whole situation is making me ill along with the hassle of the floods etc

I am going to get quotes for the work needed to include an upgrade to the facelift bumper etc, and I will get quotes for any extra work to bring the car up to standard ie back bumper paint, dent in rear quarterpanel and n/s rear door (which was done during the engine replacement fiasco last year) and any other little bits and niggles.  

I have instructed the ULA that  @ I don't want it to affect my NCB and I Definately DON'T want the car written off ('cos that would have been their next move)
I will probably pay for the extras myself (if I have to)if it's not too much.

I don't know...  this year has been the worst I've known for yonks... Hope things pick up soon... :-X


Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by Grumpyg1t on Jul 27th, 2007, 8:46pm
That's really bad pete, although i know of someone else who made a claim through ULA and got quite a bit aparently they give you the money in a lump sum and the person who has to pay does so in chunks.

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by bertie on Jul 27th, 2007, 10:08pm

like others have said, you need to be a 'hard guy' about this.

You need to pressure the Police into following up the investigation into her firstly denying having a people carrier and delivering on that day. She has committed several offences which you need to push, namely leaving the scene of an accident, possibly driving with no insurance if indeed she does not have business insurance, she has also lied to the Police (if I have read this right) that she was not in the area or has a people carrier.

If the Police are dragging their feet, write a polite letter to the Chief Constable informing him of the shortcoming of the investigation. Guaranteed action within 48 hrs cos he will kick butt.

Then to be naughty, ring Jobcentreplus, hotline, Call the National Benefit Fraud Hotline on 0800 854 440. Lines are open between 7.00 am and 11.00 pm, 7 days a week. It is free and confidential, and shop her. They will look into her details to see if she is claiming anything and do the necessary if she is, I know cos this is what I do up north, very satisfying job !! ;D ;D

Also, write down everyone's name that you speak to regards this matter, time and date and note any expense incurred. CLAIM THE LOT BACK. and I mean EVERYTHING.

Teach this scumbag a lesson


Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by petehull on Jul 28th, 2007, 10:57pm
Thanks for the advice Simon, I am trying to give her chance to come clean, the chap who witnessed it hasn't even been seen yet, come next week I will start to ask more questions in the police department They were supposed to be giving me an update.

I have been to a couple of top body shops for quotes so as soon as I get those I can start shouting louder.
We'll see what happens then....

Watch this space :-/


Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by jonnycab on Jul 29th, 2007, 12:15am
Pete....I wouldn't rely to heavily on the police doing anything soon, as they are probably treating it as a minor offence & will probably end up telling you that it is a civil matter  ::)

When I was assaulted just before Xmas...the police had all the leads to catch the guy, but it was three months before they arrested him  ???

It may be worth going through the small claims court & getting a county court judgement issued against her if she doesn't pay up ;)..


Hope it gets better for you soon mate  ;)

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by petehull on Jul 30th, 2007, 8:15am
I was waiting for the weekend to pass and then I was going to ask police if they had anything to report after I had tried to talk to them on Friday and  hadn't been successful.
I got a phonecall on Sunday morning, they said that they had thought it was being sorted by the littlewoods people????
They said if I could come into the police station I could make a statement, (2 weeks and 1 day later).
So I did.  They are NOW going to see the culprit and my witness and have promised it will be FULLY investigated.
I am still watching...


Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by jonnycab on Jul 30th, 2007, 9:50am
Wow...the police up in Hull must be better than Essex police  :-/

A friend was recently hit (wing & front bumper). As neither party had their insurance details to hand, they exchanged registration details, phone numbers & addressess.

My friend tried to ring the guy loads of times, but there was never any answer & the address given was not the guys address.

He went to the police & explained the situation & mentioned that the guy may not have been insured. The police told him that they couldn't do anything & that he should contact his insurance company  ???

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by peteHull on Sep 7th, 2007, 3:37pm
Short Update on this....

:D :D ??? :-/

FINALLY, it looks like I may be getting my car repaired.
Yesterday, I was contacted by her freind who informed me that she was very upset about it all and she needs to come clean and get the problem sorted.  It is a long story so as I'm at work at the moment I'll come back to it soon.  She has agreed to go into my auto body shop and pay yhe 8 hundred and odd pounds next Wednesday and then I can have it booked in for repair the following Monday for the week.  Guess what, Her husband doesn't even know about it..... :-/

anyway, whatch this space....


Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by dan_the_man on Sep 7th, 2007, 9:34pm
glad you got somewhere at last . well done  ;D

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by Highlander on Sep 9th, 2007, 9:21am
Whats the news Pete?? good i hope

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by peteHull on Sep 9th, 2007, 10:43am
I have been contacted on Thursday by a woman who was representing the culprit, she told me that the lass had made herself ill over the situation and she said she wanted to square everything up but was very afraid :-/
She told me that it wasn't an issue wether she was insured or not but she hadn't told her husband about her stupidity, her husband has got a lot on his plate???
She then told me that she, (the culprit) wants to settle it with me without anyone else being involved, she asked me if I would be willing to take the car to her cousins garage for him to give an assesment with a view to putting it right.  I told her that I had already submitted the 2 required estimates and was waiting for a response from the Uninsured Recovery people, that caused her to more or less plead with me to allow the cousin to "have a look at it" I finally agreed as all I want is for my car to be put back in order. ???

Part 2 the next day...

I took the car to the garage, the first thing the guy did was went to the back door and pointed out that there was a dent, then he pointed out the different coloured back bumper and the dent on the o/s r quarter panel, ??? I said, that has nothing to do with the damage in question and he came back with a concoction of an idea that the insurance co would write the car off as it is "In such a state"  >:(he was trying to say that if I settled for second hand parts for the front he could do all the rest of the jobs all in, I told him I wasn't interested in any little schemes he may have, all I want is for my car to be repaired to the correct spec, the whole thing got a little heated then  :-/and i basically came away.

Part 3...  another phonecall

Not long after getting home i had another phonecall  ::)from the representative woman (his cousin) he had been on the blower and had implied that I was trying to gain NEW PARTS that were not really neaded, >:( he had said that the dent in the front wing couldn't have been done by her etc etc.  >:( >:( I told the woman that I had had enough and that I would continue with the claim, through a solicitor etc and then I put the phone down. 8)

Part 4 Phew

10 minutes or so later the phone rang again, guess what, it was the culprit ringing me to appologise, she was all in tears  :'(and said she had tried to contact me last week, I was away on holiday....  8)In a very tearfull way she explained that she was fully legal and that her child was feeling sick on the day so she just wanted to get her home,  :-Xshe had heard the noise from the impact but thought it was something else, >:( I said that "when i went out and saw the damage you had done to my car, I was almost phisically sick myself"  ???she apollogised again.
She told me that she has a rare illness and that she doesn't drive anymore, she has handed back the car and doesn't work for Littlewoods anymore.  My, was I surprised?  :o... I should coco.... she must think I'm loco.

Anyway I will finnish this later as I have to go and plaster a wall, yes I'm at work, football lettings... :-/

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by peteHull on Sep 12th, 2007, 7:51am

She told me that the chap from the garage ie her representatives cousin had told here that…. I was just trying to get all brand new parts out of the claim, he was making out that I was not being cooperative (he failed to realize that She was the one in the wrong, she was the one that had commited the CRIMINAL damage and failed to report the accident along with leaving the scene etc etc)
After quite a long conversation, trying to get the point across to her that all I wanted was for my car to be put right, she asked me for details of the quotes.  I told her the prices and explained what it was all for and she then, once again very apologetically said she would ring me back.  I was totally fed up by then but decided to persevere and give her the chance to sort it.

She rang back after a few minutes and started again.  Can I take the car into the repairers and she pay them direct for the repairs?  I said I didn’t see why not but once again I pointed out that I shouldn’t have to do this as the matter was already being dealt with by the Uninsured Recovery Service.  She asked if she paid for the repairs, would I tell them that it was being dealt with satisfactorily, I said to her, “When I receive the call from the repair shop that you have paid the complete amount on the quote  I would, also pointing out that I hadn’t included a courtesy car in the work schedule, she agreed that if there was any further cost involved she would sort it.

I later received a call from the bodyshop saying she had made arrangements to go in and make a full payment on 12th September, once they were paid they will ring me to confirm the booking in of my car which I had already talked to them about, that would be w/c 17th sept for about the week.
Sorted, I thought….

The saga continues….

I had a further call from the culprit on Tuesday night, did I want the cash to do the work myself? …… she had already rung my wife in the afternoon…. I thought. Funny! What’s going on now…. I said “no” the arrangement has already been made, and I didn’t want her to be trying to say there you are, you only wanted the cash or something like that so I said, I will wait for the phonecall to say it is paid for on Wednesday, if I don’t receive the call I will put the matter back in the hands of the URS and the Police.  Bearing in mind that she has already strengthened my case for compensation etc etc by involving the bodyshop as a fourth party in the matter.

I remain patient and wait with bated breath….

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by Alastair on Sep 12th, 2007, 8:44am
So do we all Pete and I admire your patience. fingers crossed for the rest of the day


Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by jonnycab on Sep 12th, 2007, 10:38am
If she reckons she was fully legal then I don't understand why she doesn't just contact her insurance company, because she sounds as though she can't afford to pay for the repairs & is just fobbing you off all the time.

And as for not wanting to tell her husband  ???....she sounds a bit deceitful to me. If my wife had an accident, then I'd expect her to tell me & not try & sort it out behind my back  ???

It's obvious that everything she has told you is a lie & reckon she has no intention whatsoever of paying for the damage  >:(   ....I hope I'm wrong though  :)

Best of luck Pete.....looking forward to the next instalment of this saga  ;)

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by peteHull on Sep 12th, 2007, 1:29pm
Got home from work,  :'(message on answerphone.... :)
Autorefinnishers.... She has been in and paid in full, :D could I ring to confirm booking :D Rang them, Car is booked in for next Tuesday  ;D18th, courtesy car and all..... ;)

Is this success I ask myself?.....  ???Here's hoping, piccys to follow..... 8)


Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by Tompion on Sep 12th, 2007, 1:45pm
Good  to hear Pete

Hope it goes well


Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by jonnycab on Sep 12th, 2007, 4:53pm
:o....I stand corrected  ::)

Good result Pete  ;)

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by Ultima2300 on Sep 12th, 2007, 5:32pm
Nice one - Looking forward to the photo's

Best wishes


Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by peteHull on Sep 18th, 2007, 1:39pm
Took it to the bodyshop, all excited and thinking, it won't be long now....... :( >:( They had the wrong parts

When will it go right for me....? :-[

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by Alastair on Sep 19th, 2007, 8:47am
Really bad luck Pete.

I hope the parts she paid for are not the "wrong parts" and that the correct parts turn out to be  more expensive.

Best Wishes


Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by john.n on Sep 20th, 2007, 11:04am
At least you seem to be getting somewhere now Pete. This story is longer-and more interesting, than lord of the rings! john.n

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by Alastair on Sep 20th, 2007, 11:13am
More like Lord of the Wings - sorry Pete couldn't resist


Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by scruffygyt on Sep 20th, 2007, 8:30pm
any more news pete, ive been following this story and i really hope its going to have an happy ending.

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by peteHull on Sep 20th, 2007, 9:06pm
Parts are re-ordered and I await a phonecall to say they have arrived, I will then go down to inspect them to make sure they are correct before they paint them.
I have decided to spend more money on getting the rest of the paintwork and dents sorted, which I will have to pay for myself.  I was going to do it myself but I just can't be bothered, I need the car sorted to rekindle my enthusiasm, I have lost a lot of interest in things what with the flooding and other problems, anyway I keep telling myself it can only get better..... at least my car should look like a new one, ha ha... we'll see.

It does help being able to share all this with everyone on this forum, the interest shown really does build confidence, without it I would have probably moved away from Scorps a long time ago, just to know there is someone out there to listen is really uplifting, for this I thank you all.....


Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by podge on Sep 21st, 2007, 11:37am
Itching to see the finished result Pete, it should be well worth the wait and frustration.

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by Andy on Sep 23rd, 2007, 12:23pm
8) Just read about you bad luck looking forward to a happy ending
good luck

same sort of thig hapened to me in my Mondeo got written off so got me another scorpio 2,3 not in bad condition

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....Update
Post by peteHull on Sep 28th, 2007, 11:02pm
Police rang me today, he said they were going to see the woman, (wow! I thought) he said that they were going to check her docs and interview her etc.  I told him she had paid for the car to be repaired and he said if it costs anymore than what she had paid to ring him and they will take things further.
I told him I was not at all happy with the way the matter had been (or not been) handled by the police and he apologised.... great, is british justice isn't it? note how I spell british without a capital letter....

Coincidentally half an hour after the cops called I gat a call from her, she was just ringing to ask me if the car had been repaired yet, (coinsidence?) No I said and explained about the parts situation, she said she would ring me again....
Don't know why....
Anyway, a bit later on the bodyshop rang, Your parts are ready now if you'd like to come and check them before we paint the bumper, so I'll go and have a look on Monday..... Are we getting nearer to the conclusion I ask myself?
Here's hoping....


My wife has just had her knee replacement done so I have an invalid to look after for the next few weeks.....
Might get some work done before our hols in October.... :D

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....Getting Nearer....
Post by peteHull on Oct 1st, 2007, 12:54pm
I have been to see the bits this morning for my car, brand new facelift bumper, headlight, foglight and indicator.... At last!

Car is now booked in for 10th October, that give us 9 days to get it back looking like a new car?  Just in time to get the service done before a megga trip to Reading via Plymouth (10 hour trip) for our autumn holiday on a narrow boat....
Boy! are we looking forward to that.... 8)


Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....Finally....
Post by peteHull on Oct 10th, 2007, 3:21pm
I can't believe it but it's true.... I have taken my car to the bodyshop today  ..  ..  ..  }{Yippeee. they said it should be ready by next Tues or Wednesday, will look like a new car with its facelift bumper and headlights etc they have leant me a little 05 Fiesta auto for the time being.

yesterday it had it's 15000 mile gas service done so we are well on the way to being totally sorted.... ;D


Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by Dave on Oct 10th, 2007, 9:38pm
Fingers crossed its all sorted soon  :)

It'll look amazing  8)

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by peteHull on Oct 18th, 2007, 8:29pm
I Got My Car Back Today!
;D ;D ;D                                                               ;D ;D ;D

            Pictures to follow

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by Andy on Oct 18th, 2007, 8:41pm
8)Well pleased for you can't wait to see the pictures all the best

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by peteHull on Oct 19th, 2007, 10:46am
The finnished product of 3 months of misery....Finally sorted ;D

Have a look.... 8)


Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by Simmo on Oct 19th, 2007, 11:05am
Well done Pete. Looks like a nice job  ;).

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by Andy on Oct 19th, 2007, 2:00pm
:excellent result looking good

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by STUTET74 on Oct 19th, 2007, 3:07pm
you must be chuffed!

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by peteHull on Oct 19th, 2007, 5:02pm
I would like to thank everyone on these pages for the encouragement I have had during this marathon, I am dead chuffed with the results.
Tonight, we will be slinking off down to Plymouth to pick up our grandson in the morning, we will then be driving to Reading where we will be joining our family for a weeks holiday cruising the kennet and avon canal on a 10 berth narrowboat, I will no doubt find new skills in painting flowers on buckets and watering cans etc, just as Rosie and Jim do.  ;D
Next Saturday we will be doing the return journeys so if you're anyware near my route, keep your eyes peeled and give us a wave if you see us, meanwhile, look after your Scorpios and I'll catch up next week....

Thanks again everyone

8) 8) 8) 8) 8)


Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by Ultima2300 on Oct 19th, 2007, 6:48pm
A happy and shiney ending!

Have a great break

Best wishes


Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by bizzay1 on Oct 19th, 2007, 7:48pm

on 10/19/07 at 17:02:15, peteHull wrote:
Tonight, we will be slinking off down to Plymouth to pick up our grandson in the morning, Next Saturday we will be doing the return journeys so if you're anyware near my route, keep your eyes peeled and give us a wave if you see us, meanwhile, look after your Scorpios and I'll catch up next week....

8) 8) 8) 8) 8)


I'll keep my eyes peeled for you Pete,

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by merseyscorp on Oct 19th, 2007, 8:51pm
Good as new. As they say..... All comes to he who waits!!! ;D

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by Dave on Oct 24th, 2007, 5:23pm
A belated congratulations! Car looks great  8)

Hope you are having a good break  :)

Title: Re: JUST MY LUCK....
Post by Alastair on Oct 24th, 2007, 6:54pm
Nice one Pete

Have a good holiday


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