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General >> News >> Forum/site HELP !
(Message started by: Snoopy on Aug 16th, 2007, 7:19pm)

Title: Forum/site HELP !
Post by Snoopy on Aug 16th, 2007, 7:19pm
We have ALL in the past benefitted from the information available on this site, and forum which was/is made possible by the knowledge of the members and the foresight of the founders.
I am privileged to be associated with what may well be the " Best single car " internet site and forum.
This site and forum takes a sizeable chunk of money every quarter to keep it running.
We have two dedicated servers for the forum list and internet site and this along with the bandwidth we use costs money .... somewhere in the region of $600 per quarter.
I know a lot of you have in the past given generously and helped keep it running. The problem is the money is now running out fast, and more is needed.
So all I ask is that you give a small donation on a regular basis to HELP keep it running. I would be devastated if it had to close down due to lack of money.
Steve I know has kept the thing together in the past often paying out from his own pocket and is reluctant to keep asking for donations.
Please, please,  can we all give a few £'s , any amount is very welcome no matter howBIG or small  Please USE THE DONATE Button at the top of the page  If you don't have paypal then email me and I will give you my postal address for cheques, loose change etc  etc .....

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Title: Re: Forum/site HELP !
Post by admin on Aug 21st, 2007, 3:19pm
I just want to say another thank you to those (few) that have donated again to the Site. As Dave said, I'm reluctant to keep begging for support and I don't want to create a membership scheme as I know that some people just don't have spare funds so we rely upon donations from members.

We have enough funds now to pay for this months bills but it is an ongoing thing and so please continue to donate IF you get benefit from the site.

Your name will appear on the Hall of Fame and you will get a warm fuzzy feeling knowing that you have helped keep the site going :)

Thanks again


Title: Re: Forum/site HELP !
Post by Snoopy on Jan 29th, 2008, 7:51am
Hi Guys and Gals.. You will now see there is a figure under the paypal logo which signifies how much there is or not as the case may be left in the kitty to keep the site active ...

Thought I would mention it to keep you ALL abreat of things

Title: Re: Forum/site HELP !
Post by Snoopy on Mar 3rd, 2010, 7:59am
he recent jump in funds is very much appreciated, donations of £50 and £10 received by me and paid over to Steve. A big thnaks as usual to those concerned who know who they are..

Cheers people!!!!

Dave ( Snoopy)

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