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  Harewood 04

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  Harewood House Meet 20th June 2004

Not my idea, nor any of my work, but on 20th June 2004 a Meet took place at Harewood House, as part of a motor pageant there. Organised by Anne and Richard Griffin through a lot of work on the Forum and the List, by the beginning of that week we all had our tickets and instructions. We had Plot 30, probably the largest set area of any of the exhibitors. Could we fill this large area just with Scorpios?

Where is everybody? We did say 0800 hours, didn't we?

I'd like to claim that we drove all the way from Kent to arrive at Harewood at 0757 hours to be the first one there - but I cannot. In the interest of truth, I have to admit that we had spent the weekend visiting relatives in Oldham, about 40 minutes away. We did have a long drive home, though.

The day was mild and the sky overcast when we arrived, but the forecast had insisted that it would remain dry for most of the day, with some showers expected later, so we were hopeful. Seasoned veterans by now, we put the kettle on the gas burner for a fresh cup of tea while the Scorpios rolled in.

The first line facing outward into the avenue

An roll in they did, arriving steadily and parking in our display area. One line complete, we started parking them back-to-back to make a second line.


 The second line- as impressive as the first.

           Although clouds gathered and threatened, the sun often came through. I caught the sun on my neck, and so did Bertie.

 The display board and the row of scorpios created some interest - and so did Kevin's Scorpio with some very unusual front lights

Not for the first time, I heard some of the public saying "Cor - I didn't know Scorpios had Cosworths ..."


Anne's gazebo, tucked into one corrner - if one more car had arrived there wouldn't have been room!

An excellent turnout made a full display and an impressive sight, by any standards, and it was really good to meet all those owners I had only ever known by name. I even met the legendary Snoopy - to find out that we had much more in common than I realised. It was a very good day.

Jean and I left at 3.30 because we had a long way to go home and we wanted to miss the snarl-up at the exit - and we drove though torrential rain on the A1 to get home..

Comments from the Forum:

hi all that came to Harewood me and Shelley had a good day and put a few more names to faces and thanks to Richard and Anne for organising it, cheers.


Hear Hear, many thanks for organising a great day out.
Just put the pictures on MSN, check out Harewood June 04
ps I caught the sun!!! on my neck and face.


Great day .... met some good friendly people some good advice .....thanks to you all who turned up


Hi guys, what a great turnout!!! A big thanks to everyone who turned up and again a big thanks to Richard and Anne for organising the meet. Another superb year. Roll on next meet Grin
Kind Regards
Danny R

A lovely day, great meeting again, thanks to Ann and Richard and Danny_R.
Had a good laugh with all my friends again  
Cheers! Kef, Baz, Kev, and thanks Andrew for your help again M8 with the ' CAT' sorry if you got your hands dirty
Kevin_R  Grin Grin Grin


Evening all,
  Thanks to Anne and Richard for organising a very enjoyable day, my first meet but not my last. Thanks to Simon for the photo's  
  cheers to all and we will meet again.


Hey Folks,
A really great day and we had probably the largest single block of any one make/ one model family there and every Scorpio different.
Some great cars to see, a chance to stroll down memory lane ( amazing Mk1 3litre Granada Ghia Coupe and a host of other motors all makes ages and sizes) and great to catch up with folks. Roll on next year.
Thanks for sorting this Anne and Richard.

Thanks Anne & Richard once again, the turnout next year will top 50 at this rate.
As for everyone else, thank you. Even though the weather was pretty awful at times, the day was a good one all round. My wife particularly liked the £13.00 a bottle wine with Kevs wife and Kevins wife as well. (Kevin, does she really have this drink problem all the time??)
Danny, you are one smooth dude and yes I'll give you first refusal on the sat nav system!!
Thanks again everyone.

Just like to add my thanks to Anne and Richard and the rest of you. Really nice to meet so many people again.. What a super day out.... Well worth the horrendous weather to get there....Can't wait for next year....... thanks again......




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