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So, you are the proud new owner of a Ford Scorpio, coming across this website for the first time. What do you need to know?

First of all - the Scorpio is not a Granada, even though many are described and sold as such. Yes, it is a development, but there are many differences: in engines, transmissions, suspension, engine management and electrical systems. Now you have bought the car, you would normally pop down to Halfords and buy a Haynes manual - but you will not find one - only 124,000 Scorpios were ever made, so the production numbers never justified the cost of producing one. Do not despair: Ford gave us permission to place the complete Workshop Manual on this website - these are downloadable in PDF (Acrobat) format, divided into different sections on the Service/Repair pages, so you can print off and use the very instructions that Main Dealers relied on when they worked on the car.

How did this website develop? See the About Us page for the site history and ethos so that you can understand our journey of discovery.

You may not have received the Handbook for your car when you bought it: no problem - go the About the Car section and download a copy, for these are no longer in print.

Hopefully, you would have read the Buyers' Advice before you bought your car? If not, print off a copy and have a run through it with your new car and see how many jobs you have to do ...

If you have discovered a problem with your car - rest assured that it is almost certainly not new to the Scorpio owners here on the site. Have a look at the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) and the Diagnosis pages first to see if it is mentioned there - it almost certainly is - and then you have a choice of two mediums to introduce yourself: the Forum or the Mailing List.

The Forum requires you to join with an established email account - not Hotmail or the like - and your message once posted can be seen by everyone in the world, members and browsers alike, for the Forum is not locked for viewing. You can introduce yourself, search the Forum first in case your problem is already there, see if there are any Scorpio Meetings near you to meet other owners.

The Mailing List is a closed member list working on the Email system. When you send an email to the List, it appears simultaneously on every members' email account, and to no-one else. If you post a reply, your email will be sent to everyone on the List as well as the originator of the first one, so you will be able to follow discussions and read every contribution as the topic develops.

You could join one or the other, or belong to both if you like - both are free. But bear in mind that being a member carries a responsibility to be courteous and considerate at all times. We maintain a high standard of conduct on both: abuse and 'trolling' will not be tolerated for a moment.

In a very short time the knowledge here on this website and the Forum/List will save you a lot of money and stress. It is free because we give our time for nothing and rely on donations to keep the site running and pay for the bandwidth. Please visit SUPPORT US and make a contribution to keep the site available to every owner.

Finally, don't overlook Insurance for your Scorpio - comparison shopping offers some of the best rates so check out Car Insurance at Q4 for some of the best deals.

Thank you, and welcome to the Scorpio community.

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