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  System Mods

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Audble Lock Alert
Auto Wiper Operation
Coinbox Illumination Mod
Headlamp Courtesy Mod
Door Lock on Go (Pt1)
Door Lock on Go (Pt2)
Flash-on-Lock Mod




The Scorpio is a complex beast and direct from the factory was fitted
with almost every conceivable extra. However we are fortunate to
have some very clever electronic and systems engineers amongst
our 'members' and they have been able to develop various
enhancements that can be fitted by the owner.

Note: Ready-made versions are available.

Download the PDF document here and the items can be ordered from James Austin - prices as follows :-

The Lock on Go unit is available as follows:

 Built & Tested £37.50
 Blank pcb (ds, th) £12.50
 Optional PC lead/converter £12.50

The Headlight Extender unit:
 Built & Tested £24.00
 Blank pcb £8.50

P&P is £3 for the UK and £6 for overseas. Email James for ordering info by clicking here

These enhancements are not and will never be approved by Ford
and if you vehicle was still under warranty then fitting them would
violate it's terms. But for those who want to enhance their own
vehicles they can provide a high level of extra comfort and

If you upgrade your Scorpio, why not take a few pictures and write a short article and share it with fellow Scorpio owners by email it to




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