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Cosworth Cover
Illuminated Switch
Headlamp Wash
Replace LEDs
Adding Kerb Lights
Modded Front
Rear Spoiler
Tinted Windows




Keeping the Scorpio looking smart is simply a matter of taking the opportunity to check for minor damage every time you wash the car and repairing it there and then, before minor damage becomes a major problem.

Stone chips are the easiest damage to pick up and yet is very simple to repair but leave them for a couple of months and you will have much more significant damage to attend to as the water and salt attacks the bare metal. Spend a few pounds and but one of the paint repair tubes from your local Ford dealer (these are a much better match than those from Motor Factors). Although you should in theory follow the instructions I have often just painted in the chip with a dab of base colour and not worried about coating it with top coat - it seems to work just fine and stops further rust etc.

There are many other cosmetic jobs that can be done on the Scorpio and in the menu you will see are a few that have been done by other Scorpio owners..

Also take a look at our rustproofing and undersealing advice and if you want to add your own advice and article then email them to us via the Contact Us page.



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